This is only evident after the first moulting, typically occurring about six to nine months after hatching: the male loses the white or yellow barring and spots on the underside of his tail feathers and wings. Will these grow back? It is like bird catnip. Trim the cockatiel’s wing feathers. My son pulled our cockatiels tail feathers and a few of the pin feathers. Do consider a bigger cage and maybe a buddy for them because they are very social, or try millet. My boybird, Finnie, he had really really bad feathers and that was because his handler before me gave him a horrible horrible diet. By the time your cockatiel looks ill, you can assume that your pet is seriously sick and is likely to deterioriate quickly unless appropriate treatment is provided. Vet visits never hurt! Thread here. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. I feel like my birds are always having trouble either keeping tail feathers and looking healthy. So, be sensitive and cover up a part of the cage, so that your ’tiel can shed feathers in peace. Thanked 4,753 Times in 1,742 Posts ... Tail feathers don't look good either. Cockatiel Health Care Dystrophic Tail Feather 060810 - YouTube Cockatiels, like all birds, are very adapt at concealing their illness.This is a self-preservation mechanism, as the sick and the weak are the ones predators will focus on. "This is deeply unethical, but very funny." He still gets startled occasionally by a sound but he gets over it quickly and goes back to playing or grooming my eyelashes. It’s possible she feel on her butt, or maybe it’s “stress preening”. They grow back :). ! For example, when he rotates his body he routinely squishes his tail against something then tries to angle his body so it can go straight, all the while he's completely just ruffling up his tail feathers and making it worse. Looks like you're using new Reddit on an old browser. When Ashe was younger she broke basically every single tail feather. His cage is a bit small, but he's pretty much only in there to eat, or when I'm not home. If he goes through his next big molt and still breaks all of his new feathers, maybe have a vet check him out to make sure that it's not an issue. It looks like his or her tail might caught somewhere. If your tiel is younger I'm sure it's fine. Older birds who been through shit can take time, and may never recover from over preening. The site may not work properly if you don't, If you do not update your browser, we suggest you visit, Press J to jump to the feed. One thing that is very very common in cockatiels with tail feather issues is the wing trim. Now though, he seems to be a happy little man. Feel free to talk about parrots in the wild, owning parrots, the pet trade, rescuing parrots, purchasing parrots, avian veterinarians, and anything pertaining to these beautiful creatures. You could use feather supplements if you're unsure. She's a bit older now and they're all intact. He is only 6 1/2 months old so yeah he is a young birb. And he's also pretty clumsy. Not a healthy meal for normal everyday food, and sometimes it can smell bad if it's to fresh, and my birds wont touch it. He's constantly free to wander the room, which I am constantly in supervising him. Initially I thought it might have just been the other tiels in his cage over preening him or him doing so out of boredom. Is anyone able to tell what happened to her? If you inspect your cockatiel's feathers down near his skin, you can see which ones are still blood feathers because they are the ones that are darker in color, indicating blood inside the quill. the cockatiel has a full-time job taking care of his beautiful yellow feathers. Thinking on it I've noticed he rarely takes his tail into account. Junior Member. I messed up bad and made him feel as if I didn’t care for him, I left him out of so many important things and now we’re done, yoi.” Thatch stops whining about how this should be a day of joy and laughter because so many souls are now doomed to the life of adulthood, his eyes widening slightly before he turns his full attention to Marco. He was depressed because he was a breeder bird and his mate died a few years earlier. Looks like you're using new Reddit on an old browser. The lady's friend brought this little parakeet over to me and asked if I wanted him. When I got my guy, his tail feathers were pretty raggedy. Location: so-cal. For moments related primarily to gameplay videos (Let's Plays, livestreams and Xmas Challenges) go here; For moments related primarily to non-gameplay videos (Top X videos, Show of the Week/Weekend and other videos), go here; For more Oxventure moments, go here. With the nextb molt you should be fine :), New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. He is about a year old, male, and has a splayed leg that's missing a toe. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. You can make headway in healing, and it takes something as small as a door slamming to hard or a glass mirror falling off a wall and breaking very loudly to regress the healing process. I'll get pics up as soon as I can find my data cable >.< #2 02-06-2014, 09:52 PM XystSin. If he's still young I wouldn't worry too much about it. Cockatiels do have a reputation for demanding attention of their owners on a regular basis. I was at the local breeder's this week getting all the fids' nails trimmed. Also, Pearl and Pillow the budgie run all over the place. A fact on the side: Cockatiels in the wild will seek out a quiet spot, like a cave, to molt. Also, if they have had a knock they may remove a damaged feather as it bothers them. So it does show any behaviour that can give me some clues to its sex. The breeder plucked all its tail feathers because it was all broken and messed up. Feathers on your bird's face should be colorful and clean. I keep the room very well heated around bath time so he isn't cold upon getting out. All feathers have blood vessels inside the shaft when they first start growing to provide nourishment and help the feather mature. I've seen this in his cage but also while I'm snuggling him, he'll back up to my chin to nap there and then squish/bend his tail against it, eventually if he doesn't get it straightened out, I'll move his tail for him. I've added vitamins to his water and nothing seems to work. My tiel is a clumsy flier and will pretty much break her tail feathers whenever she tries to fly and eventually land. 1 RLA (Pacho R.I.P.) Look at how they formed and look at the bigger ones root. Ask questions at the message board, add/see pictures at the gallery. She's done this pretty much the entire time I've had here (two years). As soon as he got the foods I feed Toni his feathers started to look REALLY REALLY good. If you still don't see any markings, the cockatiel is probably a male. Cockatiels will preen and remove the odd feather, some small some large depending on what stage the new growth is at. First off, I want to say thank you for all the responses. Stained nostril feathers could be a sign of bacterial sinus infection, and matted feathers around the beak may be due to mouth discharge caused by disease. He just pulls on them so much that they end up bent, broken, and scruffy looking. It takes about 2 months to grow back~~~ The cockatiel hardly chirp or make any sound at all, because it is still afraid of the new environment. A young bird will grow out of it if you are a good human friend. I’ve had him just over a month and his last broken tail feather came off and his tail feathers are growing back fine so you might just have to give it time. Half Up;Up But Not Up;Fully Up;This is a sign that they are angry and maybe aggressive. I would advise letting the wings grow completely in and see if after a couple months the tail improves. The main reason for this is defensive purposes as the bird uses up a lot of its surplus energy. How old is he? A subreddit totally dedicated to Cockatiels. I think he's pretty happy, constantly getting scritches, spoken to, and snuggled (all of which he loves), so I can't picture any sort of self-mutilation. The breaking the tail is common in some birds, especially young ones, my bird was tailless for over a year when I first got him because he couldn't figure out how to land without landing ON his tail. To the point of like jogging backwards (towards me) to snuggle faster, and running into me tail first. Don't worry about it the feathers will grow back . He goes with me everywhere, even if its just to the bathroom, although not when I'm cooking on the stove. I got her from a PetCo (which I know is a bad option). Consider getting away from the pellets. Jazz's wing where that feather is hanging out is all jacked up and I brought it up with the vet but she said they are fine and when she molts maybe it will clear up. 2 GCA(Luna,Merlin) 1 Congo AG (Bella) 7 Cockatiels. They also use their tails to balance themselves while they climb, whether it be up a tree or the side of the cage. It might be busted at a bad angle or something- not really sure. Food scraps stuck to feathers around the mouth can also be an indication of failing health. Due to my being disabled I am almost always home, so he's in his slightly-too-small cage for maybe an hour a day on average besides when he wanders in there to eat. We are keeping him warm and quiet. and i was just wondering how long it takes to re-grow feathers. my Cockatiel has some "MESSED UP FEATHERS" from her tail. Once it has molted once, it will have developed its adult plumage, so male cockatiels will lose the dots on the primary wing feathers and the bars on the tail feathers, and hens will retain them. I never had a bird that was cool with pellets. He is on a pellet diet, and is slowly being introduced to human foods, so far I've gotten him to like apple, egg, and pasta. ... 1 OWA (Plumas R.I.P.) My tiel had all of his tail feathers broken off when we got him; he was clumsy and kept falling on and breaking them. If he can't get his tail straight from where he is standing, instead of walking forward he just sits there, too lazy to move. They thought she was plucking, but watching her she seems fine w/ no bald spots. They make healthy mixes of seeds, kibble, various goodness that provides them a variety of the nutrients they need. With cockatiel chicks who haven’t mastered flying, it’s a good idea to gradually clip their wings. Clip the group of feathers you intend to trim all at once, about halfway up the wide part of the feather – as if you were giving the bird a hair cut. The site may not work properly if you don't, If you do not update your browser, we suggest you visit, Press J to jump to the feed. I hope that makes sense. For other Outside Xbox funny moments:. Tell him or her all the time how pretty they are and talking sweet to them. To be Trusting and love are ver important to them. With a feather plucker, they will just pull out feathers for no reason. Or so it may seem… Pearl cockatiels all look like pearls as juveniles, but after one molt, the males will appear as normal cockatiels and the hens only will retain the pearl pattern. I wouldn't worry too much about it, just keep an eye on it especially when she molts next, It might be because it was kept at PetCo and they had it in a way too small cage or way too stuffed so when it got its feathers they got cramped like that. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Do i have to pluck them out or will they naturally fall out? Their vocalizations range from soft cheeps to piercing cries. If you don't see any, hold the cockatiel up so its tail is in front of a bright light and examine closely. Young birds can be pretty rough on their tail feathers. Sometimes it takes them a bit to learn how to take care of them. It also really keeps his dust down. I live in a very rural area...and our local vet has not got a clue about birds...great with horses, but bad with birds...I think my female is constipated...she has some "poop" hanging out and it is gritty and I have attempted to remove the poop with tissue...but can not get it all...she again this morning has another lump of poop hanging out...ANY HELP WOULD BE GREATLY APPRECIATED!! He gets lots of fresh human foods, he doesn't eat a lot of them, but I'm introducing them slow and he's starting to realize that whenever he sees me eating something its probably tasty and he wants it, he is a notorious egg thief. Some cockatiels don't become coordinated at fledging and tend to fold the tail under at landing, so if they have an improper trim they cannot maneuver and land. Same. Tail Bobbing A bird that bobs his tail feathers (going back and forth) noticeably while at rest might have labored breathing. Two of my babies had bad tail feathers when I got them. I had a cockatoo for 5 years until his death. His previous owner seemed pretty nice, and he's really friendly. The painful feather could be a new feather growing in (called a blood feather) and it can be sensitive. My featherbutt has broken like 4 tail feathers since I got him. Younger birds stress a lot, older birds who been through bad shit stress a lot more. Any way to fix it? Any advice would be great. Not sure if that’s a real term, but my bird messes up his tail feathers like that when he’s stressed about something. I can't imagine why he'd be over preening. I did that with Finnie and he's looking fiiiiiiiine as hell. Injury to the wing itself, damaged feather follicles, incorrect diet, etc could all be causes of messed up feathers. Join Date: Feb 2014. I have a Four month old Cockatiel with her wings clipped, Sometimes while walking with her perched on my finger she will try to fly and go landing on the floor. Edit: Seems his head feathers are kinda messed up too. Intense rivalry for my affection. They came from the messed up wing. Just adopted a new five year old; his tail feathers are pretty messed up. The difference between wing and flight feathers is that the wing has an off centre shaft and the tail feathers have a central shaft. Thanks: 2,214. When she’s preening the yellow one seems to hurt her. Any idea what could've caused the damage to his tail feathers? Be patient and loving. I don't think its from stress, the first couple days I could see that because before he settled he was freaking out. His tail feathers are really messed up. Also if she's in a cage climbing on the walls and dragging her feathers along the bars for long periods of time it can mess them up. Our baby cockatiel named Pearl, broke most of her tail feathers. ! Thanked 0 … Messed up feet and nails? There would probably be other signs if something was wrong. Feather plucking however is quite different. He loves to snuggle and get petted, I'm like 90% sure he is on the path to thinking I'm his mate and regurgitating for me like my last tiel. Theres about three broken ones. Now I have two cockatiels who love and hate me at different times. Help? As the feather develops, the blood vessels close off. For example, when he rotates his body he routinely squishes his tail against something then tries to angle his body so it can go straight, all the while he's completely just ruffling up his tail feathers and making it worse. I want them to have beautiful feathers but it never seems to work out. Anything else to do? He was 30 and a constant over preener. also her wing long would it be until they grow back beause i want her to be able to fly :) thx!! Feel free to talk about anything related or to post pictures of your own parrots. cockatiel’s messed up tail feathers. Lutino breeds, or pale yellow and pale white birds that still have cheek circles, can be identified by the female's yellow spots under the wings and yellow marks under the tail. Sometimes when that happens her tail feathers get broken or ruffled up. Join Date: Oct 2015. But now idk if he's just young and clumsy and breaking them or over preening for some other reason. As soon as I saw him, I knew it was the bird I had inquired about a few weeks earlier (but didn't get response - different breeder). B.B. Baths will help the covering to fall off and soften them as well. All his other feathers look beautiful, nice and clean, he gets a bath every 2-3 days, and only so often because he loves baths (so its not stressing him). Thanks: 0. Adult cockatiels are sexually dimorphic, though to a lesser degree than many other avian species. Ready to attack… TL;DR: Thinking on it my tiel does mess up his tail a lot because he's clumsy. Optional Information: Age: 1; Male; Breed: Cockatiel Already Tried: Keeping the … It doesn't seem to bother him, but if it has something to do with diet or him being unhappy or anything like that, then it bothers me. After the molt the male's tail feathers will be a solid gray color with no barring, but the female's will remain patterned. Cockatiels who learn to fly, land, and use their bodies to move about a cage are surer of […] Tailfeathers -- great bird information, message board, articles, and more. We used to have a female that was violent to him a year ago but we se ... My cockatiels feathers around the bottom of their wings are. There is no blood, but the bird seems pretty shaken up. She lands with her butt down and eventually breaks them. Toni, my girl baby, I got her when she was a hatchling and her tail feathers were not the prettiest and I think its because she was a baby and didn't know how to take care of her pretty feathers. You can give your cockatiel varying amounts of flight capability depending on the amount of feathers you clip on her wings. If he can't get his tail straight from where he is standing, instead of walking forward he just sits there, too lazy to move. Vomiting Vomiting is different from regurgitating. Cockatiels—and male birds especially—can develop aggressive behavior if their ... My birds feathers look really messed up, and I have no idea what ... Just make sure you're not petting them on their back, wings, belly, or tail, as this can make the bird sexually frustrated. Don’t mistake this kind of tail bobbing for the kind that accompanies singing or breathing heavily after exercise. I wouldn't worry too much about it. ... Also, they cut her wings WAY too short, half way up the second layer, and cut her tail feathers. Trim the feathers at an angle, to match the length of the covert feathers (the shorter, softer feathers on top.) This is a community for the discussion of parrots. 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