Promoted. 1 members online. Delightful ligatures and an italic variant. Watch. Dank Mono. Latest Deviations. Join community. Dank-Monkey. After seeing Night Owl, a color theme for VSCode created by Sarah Drasner leveraging the use of italics and a font supporting this, I was hesitant about either pruchasing Dank Mono (less mature, but already super nice Operator Mono alternative), or start the search for free alternative. Mono. Join community. Fira Code Fira Code is one of the most popular fonts for developers, having been developed with special programming ligatures from Mozilla's Fira Mono typeface. 342 members. Salted Bytes Adding italics support to your favourite VSCode theme # vscode # tools # webdev. 2. share. get it. ;_______; Thank you. Aside from the additional reflex and an extra way to gain spirit ofc, my two reflex stones by themselves have +16% action speed substats, and Calm Icicle helps her boost up at the beginning of matches in speed and firepower admirably (tanks better on a steal when enemy starts with the ball as well). Dank Mono is a coding font designed for aesthetes with Retina displays in mind. Keep up with the nice work fellow Dark user! Go to Preferences->Settings->Font and then change the font to JetBrains Mono. Congratz on not using standard meta, balth, pretsy! Subreddit for the Soccer-based Tactical Card Game, Soccer Spirits! Channels # All channels # General # Announcements. It is your own responsibility to adhere to these terms. biasedmaniac liked this . The italic crossed with script (cursive) is a nice visual change. He is also a core contributor to Styled Components, a component-based CSS Library. This is Dmt Harmless (Collibrie in-game), your friendly neighborhood Damien user with a mono-dark team and some mono-dank dreams posting. She's honestly a bit bland for me to use these days, and I booted her off for a spot to add a true darkball woman, Lilith ;-). None of the files shown on are hosted or transmitted by this server. Dank Mono Regular Font download for free. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! About Dank Mono: You might’ve seen “Dank Mono” recently. There were a couple of motivations behind some of the design decisions that I’ve made along the way, and how better to explain them than in a concise post? Dank Mono Regular FontDownload Page Dank Mono Regular Fri, 12 Feb 2021 04:19:57 GMT Author: Unknown Views 1313 Download 833 save hide report. Dank will add panache to any code editor (Image credit: Phil Plückthun) Dank Mono by Phil Plückthun, bills itself as being "designed for aesthetes with code and Retina displays in mind". It just helps me balance out in fighting high DR gk's better than just crit and atk pwr. You may not use this site to distribute or download any material when you do not have the legal rights to do so. 21. share . Hotjar. Posts. Absurd memes about politicians are cool, but we are not interested in your activism, or any agenda you’re bandwagoning for a country or cause, on Reddit or any other platform. 12 Comments. 1 members online. Shop for Vinyl, CDs and more from Mono Inc. at the Discogs Marketplace. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, More posts from the soccerspirits community. PragmataPro — available for purchase here. This is a place to provide feedback and track its progress! Members. Nice team you have there! Typography. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. 3 Comments. So cool! 1 members online. Close. Others have tried TB but might have realized that the additional attack power didn't mean for much if they lack any real pen in their line and enough crit damage. Posted by 2 hours ago. Here are the links to the videos: As you can see, I'm still in training to become a true master mono-dank user so you'll have to forgive me for having a few units not fully hypermaxed (my Jheet is literally there to amplify my Lilith and Serestia's perfomance, and he's carrying EoTS XD. Log in sign up. And glad you like my Lilith. DB has a decent compromise in atk pwr by giving crit chance and some penetration, but that alone is not enough if you don't have a solid backing of crit dmg & additional penetration buffs. r/dankmemes is for dank memes, and is not a political campaign ground. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. A couple of months ago I started to work on creating an entirely new coding font from scratch. Credit: PragmataPro. Mononoki. There are two types of developers. Developer Tools. It works for me in general, that is for sure. Like Fira Code, it has the programming ligatures, and there’s also a cursive italic variant that’s useful for distinguishing different types of text within your code. We have yet to reach the stage where all high up opponents bandwagon on just crit res specialization fortunately. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. 19. share. mono. share. Initially, you might compare Dank Mono to other coding fonts you know, Fira Code, Monoid, Operator Mono, or countless others, but the goals of each of these fonts are quite different. level 1. 0 comments. Press J to jump to the feed. If you are anything like me you spend time getting your development environment just right. We use cookies to ensure you get the best experience. Froggie Sketch. Update for the super fast, beautiful and free font manager. Watch Queue Queue. All fonts are posted on for personal use and preview purposes only. Open in app; Facebook; Tweet; Reddit; Mail; Embed; Permalink ; tiantongshaonv liked this . Share to Twitter Share to LinkedIn Share to Reddit Share to Hacker News Share to Facebook Share Post Report Abuse. 67% Upvoted. 4 years ago. level 1. After a couple of days, I have to say I am enjoying it. The Fonts Master strongly suggests buying every and each font you like, to support the designers and foundries who have put time, effort and creativity into designing them!
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