To complement this grantmaking, the Foundation in 2011 made a $1.5 million PRI investment in the EKO Green Carbon Fund (now part of Encourage Capital) to support the development of carbon offset markets as a tool to fight climate change, especially in the agricultural arena. Eko Carbon Exchange is a Nigerian carbon registry that provides professional, voluntary and local carbon reduction solution for every client, anywhere in the world. He is a member of the Investment Committee of the EKO Green Carbon Fund. It’s the first-ever US carbon fund to focus exclusively on projects that reduce greenhouse gas emissions by improving land use – for example, by saving endangered forests that sequester carbon. Jason Scott is a Co-Managing Partner and on the Board of Directors of Encourage Capital. In that capacity he co-authored a number of publications on voluntary carbon markets, mitigation banking, and … Community See All. Wanderlost & Found. DCB is a modern, emerging new generation private sector bank in India. The GCF had a “Parallel Fund” which invested alongside the GCF. Encourage Capital is a new kind of investment firm that seeks to change the way investment capital is used to solve critical environmental and social problems. The PPMS is a centralised portfolio management system, … Such forest-carbon funds typically finance the upfront costs of offset project development, act as the agent to sell the credits and receive a small percentage of the revenue … Some of these projects involve changing forest management practices to preserve more trees over time, and to reduce deforestation and forest degradation. He was a co-founder of EKO. EKO Green Carbon Fund; Contact Us; Wolfensohn Capital Partners A $250 million private equity fund focused on emerging markets. Who We Are. Pages Liked by This Page. EKO continues to manage the EKO Green Carbon and EKO Green Carbon Parallel Funds, which invest in the development of carbon offsets, primarily from land-based carbon sequestration projects in the U.S. DCB Bank Limited. Encourage Capital’s EKO Green Carbon Fund developed a similar project with the White Mountain Apache tribe, covering 89,000 acres on the Fort Apache Indian Reservation in Arizona. Carbon offsets have the potential to change the planet, and this bright future is portrayed in the logo. Prior to EKO, Jason was a founding Director and investment analyst at Generation Investment Management, co-founded by David Blood and former Vice President Al Gore, Jr. As its first employee, Jason helped build the firm and its first and second products, investing in global listed equities and climate change solutions respectively. List your green projects here and receive carbon credits. Specifically, the Foundation’s investment in the Green Carbon Fund will be used to develop land-based carbon reduction projects. EKO Green Carbon Fund; Contact Us; Investing In Solutions. 20 Jan 2021 / The Green Climate Fund's (GCF) Office of Portfolio Management launched the User Acceptance Test for its Portfolio Performance Management System (PPMS). EKO Green Carbon Fund; Contact Us; Who We Are We believe we can generate both compelling investment returns and social and environmental impacts for our investors. Prior to EKO, Jason was a founding Director and investment analyst at Generation Investment Management, co-founded by David Blood and former Vice President Al Gore, Jr. As its first employee, Jason helped build the firm and its first and second products, investing in global listed equities and climate change solutions respectively. © 2021 The David and Lucile Packard Foundation • Privacy • Creative Commons, Agriculture, Livelihoods, and Conservation. Prior to EKO, Jason was a founding Director and investment analyst at Generation Investment Management, co-founded by David Blood and former Vice President Al Gore, Jr. As its first employee, Jason helped … Prior to EKO, Jason was a founding Director and investment analyst at Generation Investment Management, co-founded by David Blood and former Vice President Al Gore, Jr. As its first employee, Jason helped build the firm and its first and second products, investing in global listed equities and climate change solutions respectively. The EKO Green Carbon Fund was a demonstration fund. For each MWh of EKOenergy-labelled energy sold, the seller pays at least 0.10 € (ten cents) to the Climate Fund. EKOenergy and carbon accounting; User stories; How to buy EKOenergy Menu Toggle. 500 Women Scientists. © Copyright 2017 Encourage Capital. EKO Green Carbon Fund - forest, agriculture and grasslands carbon projects Firm is headed by thought-leaders in ecosystem services and carbon markets “Proof of concept” for ag carbon projects while helping develop emerging methodologies and protocols Our EKO Green Carbon Fund invests in projects that rely on changes in forest management practices that are designed to preserve more carbon. Eko Carbon; Get Involved; Take Action; resources; In The News; Contact; Menu. The firm's EKO Green Carbon Fund invests in projects that rely on improvements in forest management sequester more carbon. Daulo Commodities Cooperative Society Limited. The Green Business Alliance is a company dedicated to helping businesses become ever greener. Jason is a member of the Investment Committee of the EKO Green Carbon Fund. However, this is the only place is which the company logo design is predictable. In addition to the direct environmental impacts of the projects themselves, these projects will provide models and credibility to pave the way for future forestry and agricultural carbon projects, and can help further refine carbon project methodologies for use by the emerging carbon offset markets. Present-day farming practices contribute to 15% of all greenhouse gases (GHGs) released into the atmosphere. 8,025 people like this. The bulk of the investments in the portfolio were Improved Forest Management projects that generated carbon offset credits for the California Air Resource Board cap-and-trade program. Jason is a member of the Investment Committee of the EKO Green Carbon Fund. To complement this grantmaking, the Foundation in 2011 made a $1.5 million PRI investment in the EKO Green Carbon Fund (now part of Encourage Capital) to support the development of carbon offset markets as a tool to fight climate change, especially in the agricultural arena. Prior to co-founding EKO in 2007, Ricardo helped found and served as the Managing Director of the Ecosystem Marketplace, a web site and information/analysis service covering the emerging environmental markets. SERIOUS BUSINESS. Inclusion of a REDD+ Sectoral Offset Mechanism is Critically Important and California's Actions Have Worldwide Relevance Emissions associated with forest loss, agricultural expansion, and other land-use change We don’t set up our … Moreover, through its investments EKO sends a market signal to landowners, project developers, regulators and other investors that land-based carbon offset projects are economically viable and can attract investment capital, thereby helping to combat skepticism of climate change and carbon markets. … Three years ago, Packard invested $1.5 million in the EKO Green Carbon Fund to accelerate the development of carbon credit markets, especially for agricultural projects. About half of the Foundation’s investment in the EKO Green Carbon Fund is earmarked for agricultural carbon projects. Global Greengrants Fund believes solutions to environmental harm and social injustice come from peop... See More. Encourage's EKO Green Carbon Fund has successfully invested in forest management projects in the US that generate carbon offsets, and is in the process of returning capital to investors. FUND A PROJECT. Lake Albert Social Network. We are also developing investment strategies to support REDD+. ... FUND A . Acción Ecológica. Our investments finance innovative businesses that deploy proven technologies, products and services that incrementally make the world economy … We are also developing investment strategies to support “REDD” projects, which are aimed at reducing tropical deforestation and forest degradation. Prior to EKO, Jason was a founding Director and investment analyst at Generation Investment Management, co-founded by David Blood and former Vice President Al Gore, Jr. Encourage Capital is a new kind of investment firm that seeks to change the way investment capital is used to solve critical environmental and social problems. Carbon Fund is a nonprofit company offering carbon offsets. Global Greengrants Fund believes solutions to environmental harm and social injustice come from peop... See More. List your green projects here … Moringa backs agroecology projects in Africa and Latin … ... Post Carbon Institute. The EKO Green Carbon Fund (GCF) was officially launched last week by EKO Asset Management Partners after wrapping up its first round of funding in January. Eko Carbon; Get Involved; Take Action; resources; In The News; Contact; ACT now! Founder of Climate and Forest Capital LLC, Former Partner at Encourage Capital and Portfolio Manager of the EKO Green Carbon Fund, President of Environmental Markets at Equator LLC, and U.S. Country Director at EcoSecurities. Ruben Lubowski, Ph.D. | Senior Operating Advisor, Emergent Eko-svest. We are building a community of investors, foundations, market-leading companies and non-profits to deploy private capital into systemic solutions to the world's most pressing … These involve reducing fertilizer usage, implementing better soil nutrient management, and improving rice cultivation and other cropland methodologies. Nonprofit Organization. As such, their logo is, predictably, green. Sustainable Investments are typically equity investments into companies or funds that focus on environmental, social and financial sustainability.
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