The changes in American agriculture was molded by three key factors, economic change, government policy and technology, in the period of 1865-1900.Technology helped facilitated production of good as well as their transportation. The farmers were now being abused by the railroad companies and banks. Analyze the ways in which technology, government policy, and economic conditions changed American agriculture in the period 1865–1900. From 1600 -1763, several European nations vied for control of the North American continent. From the era of Reconstruction to the end of the 19th century, the United States underwent an economic transformation marked by the maturing of the industrial economy, the rapid expansion of big business, the development of large-scale agriculture, and the rise of national labor unions and industrial conflict. Second, unrest was highest in states with high rates of farm foreclosures (Stock, 1986). How the Industrial Revolution Affects Today In your answer be sure to address two of the following: Economic Development, Politics, Race Relations. In Kansas, Nebraska, and the Dakotas, farmers encountered unfamiliar and adverse growing conditions. 2. These interests had undue influence over policy making in the state legislatures and U.S. Congress. In your answer be sure to evaluate farmers’ responses to these changes. Following the Civil War, Americans tried to reconstruct their government and society. Rising farm productivity could have offset the negative effects of falling real prices on incomes. Some of theses changes helped American farmers. “An Economic Analysis of Midwestern Farm Values and Farm Land Income, 1860-1900.” Yale Economic Essays 5 (1965): 317-52. McGuire, Robert A. I have identified one of each of these types of problems that I believe were among the most important during the period of 1865-1900. “Free-riding, Collective Action, and Farm Interest Group Membership.” Reed College Working Paper, 2006. This laws were later found unconstitutional by Supreme Court, and were replaced by the commerce act of 1887.This was not the, Essay on American Education in the 1800's, Discrimination and Civil Rights in America Essay, The Symbolism of Water in A Farewell to Arms by Ernest Hemingway, Nickel and Dimed: On (Not) Getting By In America, by Barbara Ehrenreich. Anonymous. Some regions experienced periods of distress—Iowa and Illinois in the 1870s and Kansas and Nebraska in the 1890s, for instance—but there was no general agricultural depression. The agrarian-dominated Greenback Party followed in the 1870s. New technology allowed farmers to … The farmers of this time responded to these changes. Farmers were able to produce more goods, yet they overproduced and it resulted in economic hardship for them. Some of theses changes helped American farmers. Why did they feel so threatened? In fact, it is possible to see much institutional change in the U.S. over the last century as the logical consequence of political and legal developments initiated by farmers during the late 1800s (Hughes, 1991). To extend on this idea, changes included the increase on exported goods, do the availability of products as well as the improved traveling system of rail roads. What had been an almost purely agricultural economy in 1800 was in the first stages of an industrial revolution which would result in the United States becoming one of the world's leading industrial powers by 1900. 2. Drought-stricken farmers with diminished harvests could no longer count on higher domestic prices for their crops. The Industrial Revolution created better agricultural techniques, Why did farmers express discontent during 1870-1900 and what impact did their attitudes and actions have on national politics. Government regulation was the farmers’ solution to the problem of monopoly. New York: Oxford University Press, 1978. Moreover, even if real farm prices had been falling, farmers were not necessarily worse off (Fogel and Rutner, 1972). Specifically, Dickens had referred this quote to a French revolution, but the statement can pertain to many other historical events and continues through, Americans suffered many economic, social, and political problems in the post-Civil War era. Discuss. “A Reappraisal of the Causes of the Farm Protest Movement in the United States, 1870-1900.” Journal of Economic History 32 (1972): 464-75. Many were also detrimental to their livelihoods. Farmers believed that interest rates were too high because of monopolistic lenders, and the money supply was inadequate, producing deflation. For a long time, a debate raged about the causes of farm unrest. Technology became more advance with the railroad and heavy farming machinery. For instance, borrowers often defaulted, leaving land worth only a fraction of the loan as security. Princeton, N.: Princeton University Press, 1972. American agriculture underwent many changes through out the late 1800 s to the early 1900 s. As Robert Higgs (1970) shows, however, gains in productivity in rail shipping did not necessarily translate into lower rates for farmers and thus higher farm gate prices. Teacher McGuire, Robert A. In the post-civil war era, 1865-1876, the, Danielle Velazquez (25 pts) Although farmers in every region of the country had cause for agitation, unrest was probably greatest in the northern prairie and Plains states. 2006. Favorite Answer. Part 1: Colonial Period to Civil War The change of the American agriculture mainly took a toll on farmers during 1865-1900. For a long time, a debate raged about the causes of farm unrest. The railroads had an enormous influence on agriculture. As a response to this, government passed the granger laws in Illinois, which protected farmers from being abused or discriminated through the high tariffs on exporting their goods. These relationships created opportunities for economic gain but also obligations, hardships, and risks that many farmers did not welcome. During the latter part of the 18th century, farmers relied on oxen and horses to power … Farmers were able to produce more goods, yet they overproduced and it resulted in economic hardship for them. Olson, Mancur. The most significant change for the North was the increased presence of the federal government in the economy. Government policy changed American agriculture during the time that you mention by helping it to expand dramatically. Third, there was a perceived shortage of credit and money. This does not imply, however, that farm incomes were also falling. Analyze the ways in which technology, government policy, and economic conditions changed American agriculture in the period 1865-1900. Finally, regarding the burden on borrowers of a falling price level, deflation may have been not as onerous as farmers alleged. Typing Pool at NCR Corporation, ca. Though the war was over, there were still many problems that needed to be resolved in order to reunite the states as a nation. The period of 1865-1900 was one of the most crucial times in American history. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 1955. Naturally, frontier farmers complained bitterly about paying so much for credit. Bogue, Allan G. Money at Interest: The Farm Mortgage on the Middle Border. In your answer be sure to evaluate farmers’ responses to these changes. First, agriculture had become more commercial after the Civil War (Mayhew, 1972). 2. c. economic conditions: A, E, H, sharecropping crippled farmers in south, Panic of 1893 Analyze the ways in which technology, government policy, and economic conditions changed American agriculture in the period 1865-1900. evaluate farmers' responses to these changes. Formerly self-sufficient farmers were now dependent on creditors, merchants, and railroads for their livelihoods. Second, farmers alleged that monopolistic railroads and grain elevators charged unfair prices for their services. Wealth exploded. The Industrial Revolution marked a turning point in American history. The changes in American agriculture was molded by three key factors, economic change, government policy and technology, in the period of 1865-1900.Technology helped facilitated production of good as well as their transportation. A rational and self-interested farmer would not join a lobbying group because he could enjoy the benefits of its work without incurring any of the costs. The time period in which steps were taken to rebuild the nation is known as reconstruction. They concerned farmers’ declining incomes and fractious business relationships primarily. In the primate stages of these developing changes, farmers were able to benefit from the product, yet as time passed by, dissatisfaction grew within them. Analyze the ways in which technology, government policy, and economic conditions changed American agriculture in the period 1865-1900. Its main goal was to increase the amount of money in circulation and thus to lower the costs of credit to farmers. Throughout this stage of American history, factors such as new technologies, government policies, and economic conditions began to take shape within American agriculture, all of which changing common cultivation towards a substantially sharp decline in prosperity. New farming machinery had a large role in the late 19th century, giving farmers the opportunity to produce many more crops than they had ever been able to … Recurring but unpredictable droughts caused economic hardship for many Plains farmers. Technology did a great deal to change American agriculture during this time. Although the most convenient way to transport goods was using the railroad, it also worsened the economic hardship that farmers had, for the prices that they had to pay to export their goods, were quite elevated. Within townships, Alliance members were able to pressure others to join the group. Third, agriculture was now occurring in the semi-arid region of the United States. The “Grange” laws were a turning point because they reversed a longstanding trend of decreasing government regulation of the private sector. Nevertheless, one aspect of farm unrest that has largely been neglected by scholars is the sources of cooperation in promoting agrarian interests. They generally blamed low prices on over-production. The social issue that I feel greatly affected America after the Civil War is Chinese immigration. Fogel, Robert W. and Jack L. Rutner. First, real prices (farm prices relative to the general price level) are a better measure of the value that farmers were receiving for their output. Technology, government policy and economic conditions changed American agriculture in the period 1865 -1900 in many ways. illustrate that the English living in the plantation colonies tried to apply these experience? Finally, as mentioned already, high interest rates were not a sign of monopoly but rather compensation to creditors for the greater risks of frontier lending (Eichengreen, 1984). Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1965. Four years after the first shots were fired at Fort Sumter the Civil War ended with the Union’s Victory over the Confederacy. The rates as well as the lack of support from the government angered the farmers, and lead them to form farmer alliances and the Grange, led by Oliver Hudson Kelly. “For the first time in history, the living standards of the, Changes in America's Agriculture From 1865-1900 Essay, Through the period of 1865-1900, America’s agriculture underwent a series of changes .Changes that were a product of influential role that technology, government policy and economic conditions played. Why did England win the struggle? In 1887, Congress passed the Interstate Commerce Act, which gave the Interstate Commerce Commission regulatory oversight over long distance rail shipping. A falling price level increased the real burden of debt, as farmers repaid loans with dollars worth significantly more than those they had borrowed. Almost every aspect of daily life was influenced in some way. Hughes, Jonathan T. The Government Habit Redux: Economic Controls from Colonial Times to the Present. What were the sources of risk? First, consider farmers’ complaints about prices. The standard of living of the modern age was born during this time of phenomenal transition. For more land became accessible for sale, which was an advantage to those whom jobs (like those building railroads or working in companies near them) called for them to live near. (73) First, the Dakota Farmers’ Alliance provided valuable goods and services to its members that were not available to outsiders, creating economic incentives for membership. 1890 : 1870-1900. New farming equipment gave … Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1991. Impediments such as industrial issues, poor representation in government, and waning agricultural prices that the farmers were forced to face, made agriculture suffer greatly during the late 19th century. Colonial Times 1607 -1775 The Populist Moment: A Short History of the Agrarian Revolt in America. Agriculture 1865- 1900 Free Essay, Term Paper and Book Report Analyze the ways in which technology, government policy, and economic conditions changed American agriculture in the period 1865-1900. 1776–1800. Analyze the ways in which technology, government policy, and economic conditions changed American agriculture in the period 1865 – 1900. The 1900s Business and the Economy: OverviewAmerica's business and economic sectors changed dramatically during the first decade of the twentieth century.
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