This guide explains the strengths, weaknesses and classes available to the race that was added with the Ruins of Kunark expansion pack. If you are not, reapply Fear between the 3rd and 4th tick since fear to reapply it before it drops off for consistent damage. Twitch him! 3.0813 DPM. They are rare, but they can catch you by surprise because they are so rare. In interest of letting the game still have some fun in exploration, I have not included every possible camp and location for decent experience: only the ones I personally enjoy. Additionally, you are not allowed to generate XP while you are AFK in any way. If you want more detail, talk to your fellow necromancers! Fear kiting is more efficient, as your pet is dealing just under 50% of the damage when done well, and Charm killing is more efficient as you get a pet to do 95% of the damage needed, but it is limited to undead. 2) A camp is held when someone is clearing (killing) the mob which is claimed as camped. Maybe you'd like to have the reputation to do some important quest-lines. The execution is the same as Oasis spectres, although these are not on the same long respawn timer, and should come back faster. If you have excess mana, by all means use a higher one. You can single pull them without social aggro, they drop bronze weaponry, you are near a zone line, and you can go over to Steamfont Mountains to vendor at the druid rings (note that this is also true of the WC druid rings, but NOT of the North Karana ones). The basic idea is that it zones you to a different part of the zone. AC: 6 A handy chart that gives you an idea of the ideal duoing classes can be found here. WT: 0.1 Size: TINY Welcome to our Necromancer Leveling Guide ! You could instead use Screaming Terror or Root to keep one target in one place, aggroing the others. This is not a guide of every possible camp. There's no cooldown. Effect: See Invisible (Worn) If you were to do this the opposite, 25 stamina would be 50 hp, and 5 int is 30 mana. SV POISON: +10 But it still is not a divine magic, and as such, it does not create life. Class: ALL When grouping, if the Necromancer knows how to do it, the Necromancer will be nothing short of an invaluable asset to his or her group. The necromancer is, therefore, a very scary thing to many. Once all 4 items are turned in, the reward is given to the person who turned in the last item. WT: 0.1 Size: TINY Now, there are a few ways you can do this. SV FIRE: +10 SV COLD: -10 You'll see it has a spire. It's like super regen, though it requires constant attention. Root the mob and use cos to break charm. WIS: +10 INT: +10 HP: +100 Coming here at 24, you'll run into greens, light blues, blues, whites, yellows, and reds, all from the same camp. WT: 0.1 Size: TINY Leveling to 70 in a new season can seem like quite a slow process to some, but there are a number of tips and tricks you can use to speed the process up by a huge amount. Duoing with a Monk helps, as they can peel these guys a lot smoother than you ever could as a necromancer. So I think it is important that you have a good grasp on it. The other goes all the way down the bottom stairs, and a bit up the top. Doing this spreads out their respawn timers. The Iksar were once slaves to the extinct (at least they are believed to be on Kunark) Shissar, until a plague of unknown origin defeated their Shissar masters. This camp is a lot more forgiving than Charasis, as you wont have to deal with harm touches. Race: ALL, MAGIC ITEM WT: 1.0 Size: MEDIUM So instead of redo an entire video, just accept I have shitty memory and read this: If you Darkness an enemy, and you feel your Fear is too inconsistent on them (such as with a Yellow) to rely upon, you can Feign Death right after the Darkness. Levels 1 to 70. INT: +5 AGI: +2 MANA: +20 This means that you lose a potential of 36 health. Only do these if WC is taken. WIS: +5 INT: +5 MANA: +50 This saves mana, time, and a gem slot. I think that's about it for basement. Just do it. Splurt and Pyrocruor may not be the best options for getting to it fast enough, but you can also counteract that by handling your pet well. In the words of Han Solo, don't get cocky, kid. Generally aim for items with raw +HP or +Mana early on, if they are cheap enough. In Qeynos, go to the docks on the southern side. In the early lore of EverQuest, it was the gods themselves that created life in the forms of the races of Norrath. As a Necromancer, by and large your job in a group is as a Mana Generator. Screaming Terror one, pull the other, Feign Death, and then fear kite. Lets say you don't have access to a long term root, and you don't want to use Darkness to split from a pack. Before you buy anything in EC, you will want to have an idea what the item is worth, right? Race: ALL, Slot: NECK If you wish to learn to play a necromancer all on your own, I do not recommend reading this guide. You will provide for your team's clerics and enchanters a good amount of mana. So, you will have to give up one of your camps and stick to the other. Click it off and apply Roots as needed. When you see the blue lights fall from their hands, cast Screaming Terror fast. Race: ALL, MAGIC ITEM LORE ITEM Looking at a guard, you did not think "Wow, look at that badass guard that just saved me from this griffin! So for example, the damage per mana of the highest level spell isn't what you'll have with lower level spells, but the idea that the heat blood line is more efficient than the lifetap DoT line remains true throughout. If you have to train to zone to survive, you have surrendered the camp. This seems reasonable given that Oasis Spectres are on a 16 minute respawn timer. But of course, that's not really the best answer. 11. Truly, this is one of the best parts about being a Necromancer. How long do you want to wait for the mob to die? That's 4.5 minutes on a single enemy... That's slow. Throughout this cavern system are big savage beast looking dudes. Mage, necro and (possibly, cant be sure) the SK shield. While root rotting, be certain you keep a close watch on DoT ticks so that roots don't break. Inside the gates are two guard houses on the left and the right. WT: 0.4 Size: TINY Your reaction will be to Feign Death, of course, but then what... You sit there... And you wait. By. So you will always have something to pull, something to kill. SV FIRE: +10 The faster you clear the wing, the sooner you can engage the wing on a respawn without getting only a half-popped wing. SV DISEASE: +10 Do not let this guard see you, as he is a red con to you at 24. If you are hit with a spell while you are FD, it will break your flop immediately. Inside the western most hut you'll find Ulan. Watch the timers from the center so the two patrolling enemies don't pop on you. The Iksar are a reptilian race who call the continent of Kunark home. Among the most unique things a Human Necromancer can bring is worshiping Bertoxxulous (if you're into lore), and having an awesome guildhall in Qeynos. DEX: +5 INT: +6 HP: +20 3) Understand your CC. 7) You are a patch-healer. Really not that great. If you're impatient, you can use something like a Cessation of Cor to do 1.1k damage, and then add on a Direct Damage spell such as Ignite Bones to do 500 damage for 210 damage (2.38 DPM). WT: 2.5 Size: MEDIUM Clearly, Pyrocruor is not the way to go. First, I recommend you read the Project 1999 Play Nice Policy. In Velious, Holgresh Elder Beads will provide the same ability, without being expended. However, they will help each other out in combat if they see you killing them. HP: +10 MANA: +10 It is my goal to offer some thoughts and a general strategy while playing a Necromancer in a group that can help make you stand out, and show people just how good Necromancers can be when played right. Even when over 200, Intelligence provides 3:1 relative to HP. For this reason, when charming, be certain to set your pet to guard further away from you. Most low level players are not attached to their Moonstones, and for good reason: The experience is crap, and the pay out is crap. Instead, you could use Deflux or Chill Bones for example, as the direct damage's inefficiency isn't as much a hindrance due to the low ceiling of HP you're trying to overcome. It's a give and take. This means that the adds in the room are going for you first, and their HTs are aimed at you. Note: This isn't one big turn in. If we assume all 16 ticks go off, that means it was 6.733 DPM. WT: 3.0 Size: SMALL AC: 10 HP: +35 MANA: +50 It begins with Heart Flutter, then Asystole, and finally Cessation of Cor. If you are not a gnome, you can still purchase these. By and large, I prefer leveling in Antonica, and later levels Kunark. For undead enemies, you need to use an instant clickie Invis vs Undead (Cloak of the Undead Eye). Class: ALL except DRU MNK BRD These spells will do a good amount of damage for a relatively high DPM, but they take a long time to tick to fruition. You see the door below you, that goes into the building you're standing on? The Moonstone turns in to McNeal Jocub for negligible experience, and more importantly, reputation. That means the 3 strongest ticks of Splurt will be when the mob has no CC. My goal in this guide is not to show you what is necessarily the fastest way to get around, nor is it to tell you every place you can go. Use this time to root up everything you have engaged, and apply DoTs to the main target. However, so long as your Intelligence never caps at 255, you will always do better by selecting 25 Int/5 Stamina. But then there's another dimension: Your CC! Tons! On top, you'll see a guard. AC: 9 Unless specifically asked, do not Fear. The best thing to do here is to initiate with a Fear, and then grab him with a Darkness spell to snare his movement. Higher level guard patrols here. With the onset of Velious, a lot of new patches have come out that have changed things for necromancer. Journeyman's Boots are an excellent item to keep a hold of while you play on Project 1999. This section is here to give you an overview of your main way of dealing damage: the DoT. Race: HUM ERU DEF GNM IKS, MAGIC ITEM LORE ITEM Human is a standard race for a game like EverQuest. AC: 4 Cessation will never break roots, as it doesn't have a DD component. Race: ALL, MAGIC ITEM LORE ITEM As a necromancer, you are an incredibly strong solo class. WT: 0.2 Size: TINY It will save your life and help you get off the spells you need at times. They come in a wide variety of styles, they each behave and serve different purposes. These levels are slow and grueling, and there is really no perfect spot. This section is here because I have found from my personal experience that other evac guides tend to point to different locations as being the destination of the evac spell. AC: 2 This is the longest section in this necromancer guide. The only time when you would want to have Stamina as a starting stat (25 Stam/5 Int) is if you expect that by gear alone, you can cap to 255 Int, and so the 20 lost int would be useless on you anyway. Buying a gold pendant for 15p from the vendor will eat up your excess gold and can be sold back for about 14p." Class: ALL You can only do it one at a time. They treat this severely. 3) If a target is Feared, Rule 2 does not apply. If you are not, you can be slower and more efficient. 2) You are not a DPS, you are a Support. If you pull them into the zone line cave to The Arena, you're pretty safe. Just don't buy them all, leave at least one on the vendor, or they'll drop off the list." Skill progression from Necro 0-70! These two mobs stand near each other, but are not within social aggro of one another. AC: 5 Class: ALL Magical DPS - There is only one spell in this line on Project 1999, and that is Splurt. Find a druid, and become his or her best friend. Class: ALL CHA: -2 INT: +4 HP: +10 I did not want to lose Bloodsabers, because I believe they have the coolest evil lair in all of Norrath. Necromancers though, we have some other options. 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