Surrounding every evil is the garb of falsehood. I pray that husbands and wives would feel convicted in their hearts about lying, that they would repent and not lie anymore. Pray For The American President, Donald J. Trump. This is not a 501c3 ministry. I declare to the spirit of python that your cords are cut and you loose God’s people now, in the mighty name of Jesus, and go into the wilderness! They have taught their tongues to lie; they weary themselves with sinning. I pray Lord, that the art of lying and manipulation would not trickle down as an example to children. We seem to love the dramatic when dealing with a lying cheating husband even if we hurt in the process. Guideline #3: Understand that honesty should not be an option but a constant decision. A stand-up comic told his audience, "I wanted to go into politics, but I had this bad habit of telling the truth. I ask that every marriage would be strengthened. Stop Lying- 18th Sunday of Ordinary Time. I pray for husbands and wives who are tempted with lying. Welcome to the prayer to stop lying and get divine help to be more truthful. Robin Kirby-Gatto operates in the prophetic, bringing the testimony of Jesus into the earth through the scripture Revelation 19:10 “For the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.” Robin walks in God’s Wisdom, Knowledge and Understanding and is brought into areas to bring a revelation of God’s Truth, The Word as the Holy Spirit brings forth God’s anointing into her ministry. I pray Lord, that the art of lying and manipulation would not trickle down as an example to children. The prayer goes : “Lord, save my soul from lying lips, from the tongue of the deceitful” (Ps. I claim this promise from Jesus, “I am the way, the truth and the life.” (John 14:2 NIV.) My prayer is that my husband would stop backsliding and truly seek the wlll of God first in his life, and that the lies and adultery would cease and his eyes be opened to the truth of the people he is calling friends. Lying creates problems in the lives, whereas telling the truth resolves everything. Scripture Reading: Psalm 111:1-4, Ephesians 4:31-32 Scriptural Prayer: Father, You are our Rock, Fortress and Savior. Prayer #2: “God, show me where You are working and use me in Your story.” God is telling a story - one of rescue, redemption, and restoration for His creation. You cannot afford to miss Heaven! Sign Up To Receive These Daily Prayers Via Email, Reviews of Christian Marriage Books & Movies, Get The Unveiled Wife Audio Book For Free. Sign correct time of arrival. Prayer For Alcohol Sufferers . If we encounter God in prayer with a cheerful heart, praising him for his numerous blessings, we are more apt to hear what he wants us to do. Is that okay to lie to people or even our Lord? Declarations & Decrees: God Almighty is Shaking All Nations. We can say what we wish; no one is our master. As I worship and praise Your mighty and powerful name, help me to overcome the lies of the enemy and to seek truth. Pray this prayer of protection. {share.} Your email address will not be published. And soon, in a few weeks, you will see the power of prayers in making your cheating husband stop. We must thoroughly renounce and reject a lying spirit. A psalm of David. After living with her for 14 years, I sometimes find myself exaggerating, and making up stories to seem cool. I pray to you as the ultimate truth of the universe. I highly suggest getting yourself a prayer journal and start writing everything down. I pray that lying would be eradicated from marriages. One of the most important and often over-looked prayers available to the Christian is a Prayer for Protection. That has to be history. Lying is a serious obstacle for many people, including Christians. Ever since the day that God revealed his truth to you,immediately arose an abusive satanic army to speak every imaginable twisted, dark, hateful, distortion to rob that Word from God from within your heart and mind. All I ask you to do, is to agree with me as I pray, and. God. Declarations & Decrees: LORD, in You Alone Will I Trust! Lord, I pray for husbands who struggle with lying. Welcome to the prayer to stop lying and get divine help to be more truthful. *read. I pray God’s love and grace be made known to God’s people in a greater measure as lightning and thunder from his throne, with the many voices of his power, is released for a greater worship unto the living God, to see the victory of the cross in this hour, as the gates of hell are defeated and will not prevail against the church! Christian Prayer Poem For The Destruction Of The Enemy. All ‘official’ lies must stop. How to Write a Prayer Letter to God. that provides you one more reason to be able to created an exquisite report, right? I pray that they would respect each other by not lying. For that prayer point, this prayer is enough. JAVASCRIPT IS DISABLED. That God truly restores him to the spiritual leader and husband he is called to be. Go and apologize to those you have lied to or against. All I ask you to do, is to agree with me as I pray, and together we will seek our Heavenly Father. Lord, I pray for husbands who struggle with lying. This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Lying: You are initially trying to deceive someone. But if you want to be free in this place, it must come under the … and cut off those bragging tongues. I command that lying spirit to be lifted up off of your neck, in Jesus’ name! Save me from self-destructive patterns. I pray that You cleanse those who struggle with lying, releasing them of this stronghold. Jeremiah 9:5. I ask you to commission your angelic hosts as Jehu commissioned the eunuchs to cast down that spirit of Jezebel for your people to walk in freedom and liberty! Think how much better off we’d be if we would stop lying and live in the truth. This is a prayer I’ve put together where I would like to pray for anyone within the sound of my voice. … A lying tongue hates those it hurts, and a flattering mouth works ruin. Stop Malicious Gossip and Deceitful Tongues Anyone desiring to stop the malicious gossip can use the power of God's word with Psalms 120, 12, and 31. In Jesus’ name! I get it just by stepping outside and wild monsters begin to defecate wherever i go like some wild horror show. I command you to come out of God’s church, to come out of God’s people, as the LORD God Almighty unsheathes the Sword of the LORD, slaying you in the mighty name of Jesus Christ! If you struggle with lying and are unsure how to stop, you can talk to a counselor or mentor about breaking the cycle. You love evil rather than good, falsehood rather … I bind you witchcraft and divination pulling on God’s people, and I declare you are exposed for who and what you are as the power of the living God, casts you out of his church! Please enable JavaScript on your browser to best view this site. We must handle the things of God in an open and honourable manner (2 CORINTHIANS 4:2). I take authority over you leviathan, whispering to God’s people, counterfeiting Holy Spirit and I declare you are exposed by the living God for what and who you are, in Jesus’ name! In the Bible, “Thou shall not lie” is one of the ten commandments, yet Christians have the same problem with this commandment. Any enduring blessing must be shielded from falsehood. Thanks for this wonderful came at the right time…..I’m so sad about my marriage I have faith that God will change things for me.ours is a long distance marriage with 3 kids but I’m getting to a point were I will soon give up if my husband doesn’t change his lying and adulterous ways. Let your Yes be Yes and No be No. Stop lying about number of children just to reduce tax deductions. I speak to the root system of fear and rejection and command it to be uprooted out of your soul, as the power of the sword of the spirit cuts the cords of Sheol that have weighed you down with the opinion of hell, and I command that assignment of Satan to loose you and go into the wilderness in Jesus’ name! I pray that they would recognize lies when they come, even thoughts that are lies. Anything beyond this is evil (lie). In Jesus’ name! I pray that they would recognize lies when they come, even thoughts that are lies. You help those who have fallen and You lift those who have too much to carry. I pray against lying in Jesus’ Name Amen! Friend deceives friend, and no one speaks the truth. A saint crying out to God for fullness of deliverance and the manifestation of salvation. Different situations happen in our lives, so you can say a short prayer for protection against evil, harm, or prayer for protection from enemies you face in your life. The prayer should be spilling from your spirit even in your dreams. 12 Save me, Lord, because the good people are all gone; no true believers are left on earth. © 2020 All rights Reserved. Let us pray… Stop it in its tracks! This is a call for all followers of Christ, especially His leaders, to abandon deception and lying in all forms. Believe me, when I tell you, I’ve been through this myself and when God helps you through it, it’s the most wonderful feeling in the world. I pray that they would respect each other by not lying. Never stop praying. Smith Family Resources, Inc. That’s why I am sharing here about 7 Bible Verses to stop lying. Please kindly pray for my family.thanks alot Prayer as Act of Resistance “What good can a prayer do?” one might reasonably ask. Prayer When Someone is Lying About You Dear God of all truth, I come to you today suffering because of a person who is lying about me. Understanding God’s Hope and Help for Lying. I pray that when a temptation comes to lie that You would bring a verse, encouragement, a way out. Aug 7, 2018 - Dear Lord, thank you for another day to worship you and to follow you. I speak to the root system of fear and rejection and command it to be uprooted out of your soul, as the power of the sword of the spirit cuts the cords of Sheol that have weighed you down with the opinion of hell, and I command that assignment of Satan to loose you and go into the wilderness in Jesus’ name! Prayer Against Lying Tongue All of my life I have grown up believing that. © His Kingdom Prophecy, The Academy of Light – Prophetic Magazine, What The LORD is Saying Today — February 2021, What The LORD is Saying Today — January 2021, What The LORD is Saying Today — December 2020, What The LORD is Saying Today — November 2020, Declarations & Decrees: Give the LORD your All, Take the Steps The LORD Has Ordered for You, God Works in Our Hearts, Beginning His Work, Prayer Councils, Heavenly Court Representation and The Ministry of the Censers. If you feel an instinct or small voice inside telling you to pray… then stop what you are … Lying is … 7 Bible Verses To Stop Lying. I pray that You cleanse those who struggle with lying, releasing them of this stronghold. You make the conscious decision: “With God’s help, I’m going to tell the truth!” You’ve made the decision, but it has to be reaffirmed constantly. This is a prayer I’ve put together where I would like to pray for anyone within the sound of my voice. Stop Lying on or to the Holy Spirit! You are our Rock in whom we find protection. Listen to the words of Jennifer: “I was lied to my whole life by my mother…every day it was something new. Please bind their lying tongues and destroy their evil plots against me and my loved ones! I pray that righteousness would abound in the character of husbands and wives. Prayer to overcome the lies of the enemy Almighty God, thank You for the many blessings You continue to pour out upon my family members and myself. I pray for reconciliation and restoration. S/he should light a red seven day Tapa Boca candle also known as a "Shut-Up" candle or "Shut-Mouth" candle. I command that lying spirit to be lifted up off of your neck, in Jesus’ name! I call forth the anointing of the spirit of Elijah to be on God’s people, lifting them up in mighty power and strength, as the power of the living God makes his people violent to seize the kingdom of heaven by force! Our best efforts are deployed to catch the cheater or get him to … Lord, You always keep Your promises; You are gracious in all that You do. Posted on July 30, 2017 Posted By: AH_admin Categories: bible We love you and must tell you the truth, the days of calling EVIL GOOD and … Jan 23, 2019 - Dear Lord, thank you for another day to worship you and to follow you. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. If lying has hurt you, a mentor can help you find ways to rebuild trust in your relationships. 3 The Lord will stop those flattering lips. Removing a lying lifestyle involves prayer, discipline, and accountability. They compassed me about also with words of hatred; and fought against me without a cause. It takes the focus off of just us and places it on others, giving us more freedom to exhibit God’s love for others and, yep, to honestly spend time in prayer for them. Okay! 1 over against, before the face of, before the presence of, in … Required fields are marked *. I pray for marriages today. At the retreats we do, we walk through this process in prayer, and many people are shocked to realize that they have never taken the first, simple step of sanctifying their sexuality (or emotions, or appetites) to Jesus Christ. I pray that they would feel the 120: 2). Posted by Patrick Clark | Jul 26, 2016 ... And in the end, that is what we need most: Christ’s own prayer on our behalf and also as a corrective to the ways we usually posture and attempt to deceive God. Your email address will not be published. ~ Robin Kirby Gatto. In Jesus’ name! I pray that they would feel the Once your heart begins to break for the same things that break God’s heart, you will want to ask to be a part of this story. learn. HTML tags allowed in your comment:
, Christian Prophecy, Prayers & Bible Sharing — Updated Daily. I speak to you Jezebel spirit operating in God’s house and I declare you are cast down by the living God, as the horses and hooves of heaven by the chariots of God trample over you in this hour! Proverbs 26:28. The devil continues with his conniving tactics, to try to make me believe his lies. But it has to be prayed on and on until you don’t have to read it (Galatians 6:9). 2 Everyone lies to his neighbors; they say one thing and mean another. For you, lying has been like breathing. "Dishonesty has become so commonplace in politics, in business, and in the world in gen 4 They say, “Our tongues will help us win. Go to God and ask Him for help, to release the chains of hurt, anger, and bitterness. By Prayer.
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