It cures chest colds, soothe muscles and pains, and it also possesses analgesic properties, which is an added plus. The combination of the two components binds and removes bile salts from the body–salts that have a damaging effect on the colon. Traditional Uses of Cinnamon. Add cinnamon to warm drinks to reduce cold and flu effects. Scientists concluded that the rice pudding lowered the gastric emptying rate from 37% to 34.5% and reduced blood sugar levels after eating. We use cookies to personalise content and ads, to provide social media features and to analyse our traffic. Avoid eating cinnamon before surgery and tell your physician about any cinnamon consumption. This applies to Escherichia coli bacteria and Candida albicans fungus. Additionally, the smell of cinnamon alone has the potential to increase alertness. Manganese is found in relatively good amounts in cinnamon. Cinnamon is actually made from a type of tree, and the unique smell, color and flavor of cinnamon is a result of the oily part of the tree that it grows from. Cinnamon’s oils and nutrient composition can reduce the symptoms of the virus. What Is the Difference Between a D.O. Cinnamon is one of the most delicious spices and it has been prized for the medical properties and benefits for thousands of years. 7 This mineral plays a number of roles in the body, some of which include supporting bone health and thyroid function. August 19, 2018. For topical applications (except genital areas and mucous membranes) 1% Ceylon cinnamon leaf oil mixed with a carrier oil could be an extremely effective treatment option. Next » By Jami Cooley, RN, CNWC • April 14, 2020. Similar results for. Health Benefits. Here, we will be talking how to use cinnamon in order to cure diseases. If you have diabetes, consult with your physician about the impact of cinnamon on your levels. Allergies Preventing heart disease is one of the best health benefits of cinnamon. Depending on the reason for taking cinnamon therapeutically, some researchers believe that as little as ½ teaspoon to 1 teaspoon (2 to 4 grams) of ground cinnamon (either pre-ground or hand ground from a stick) provides enough of a benefit. Manage type 2 diabetes Perhaps the most astounding and exciting benefit of a daily dose of cinnamon is its impact on type 2 diabetes. Cinnamon has shown an amazing ability to stop medication-resistant yeast infections. We also share information about your use of our site with our social media, advertising and analytics partners who may combine it with other information that you’ve provided to them or that they’ve collected from your use of their services. While you may think of it as just a tasty addition to French toast or rice pudding, the health benefits of cinnamon are numerous. 4. Ground cinnamon can be kept fresh for up to six months. Here in America, roses and cinnamon mean certain kinds of people are nearby. Increase Brain Functions – Eating and even just smelling cinnamon can boost the performance of the bran. There’s nothing like the smell of cinnamon when a batch of hot, fresh cinnamon rolls are pulled from an oven. Cinnamon Oil health benefits include managing diabetes, alleviating menstrual pain, acting as perfume, fighting inflammation, fighting bacterias, supporting oral and dental health, preventing cancer, supporting respiratory health, managing pain, and repelling mosquito. Cinnamon oil has a variety of health and beauty benefits. The benefits of Cassia essential oil are so numerous, it’s no wonder this oil has been used throughout history by ancient civilizations from Egypt to China. Chewing a few sticks of cinnamon or gargling hot water with cinnamon effectively removes bad breath. Smell the cinnamon to check for freshness. Therapeutic properties of cinnamon: Antiseptic, digestive, antiviral; relieves muscle spasms and rheumatic pain when used topically. and an M.D.? What does Cassia essential oil smell like? Smell cinnamon for boosted brain function. Cut Down Risk Of Heart Disease Dreamstime. At the first sign (within 5-10 minutes) of sniffles or an itch in your throat take some cinnamon tea. 6. Cinnamon oil also comes with a lot of different benefits. Although cinnamon tastes delightful when mixed with baked goods, skip the cookies and cakes in order to obtain the true health benefits and not counteract the impact of cinnamon on heart disease. Make sure it has a sweet smell — a true indicator that it is fresh. Add one to two teaspoons of ground cinnamon to your coffee before brewing. Chewing cinnamon flavored gum or smelling fresh cinnamon has an impact on stimulating brain function. Using cinnamon while preparing our tea or coffee enables us to get the most out of its benefits. Cinnamon has been utilized for many centuries for aromatic purposes. Rose oil is based on a chemical called Gerinol. Cinnamaic aldehyde is used in cheap laundry detergent. Cinnamon can be baked into a dish or sprinkled on top of food. Research shows that cinnamon slows the rate at which the stomach empties after meals, lowering blood sugar after eating. Usually good results in three days with the oil. Research on the health benefits of cinnamon has shown potential for treating diabetes, heart disease, high cholesterol and even HIV. This article will focus on some helpful household uses for cinnamon. Contains Manganese. Weird & Wacky, Copyright © 2021 HowStuffWorks, a division of InfoSpace Holdings, LLC, a System1 Company. Use a jelly jar or canning materials for best results. Cinnamon has long been considered a “wonder food” in various cultures and science has shown that its active oil components such as cinnamaldehyde, cinnamyl acetate, and cinnamyl alcohol do convey certain health benefits. 2. Apart from the pleasant and comforting smell of cinnamon, this powerful spice boasts many scientifically-proven health benefits. Select and store cinnamon for the freshness. A study conducted at Malmo University Hospital examined how 14 subject’s stomachs emptied after eating rice pudding laced with cinnamon. Get to know these health benefits now. Even though cinnamon has all these benefits and more, if it is not consumed properly it could have a lot of side effects. 12 Incredible Health Benefits of Cinnamon. The results reveal that those in the group that received lavender aromatherapy have significantly reduced symptoms of pain. Researchers from Wheeling Jesuit University studied participants and found that those who took a whiff of cinnamon improved in cognitive functions like visual-motor response, working memory and attention span. But this tasty little spice does much more than evoke sweet aromas and tempt your taste buds. There are many types of cinnamon, but the health studies conducted typically use Cassia, the type normally found in grocery stores. Researchers believe it is the source of many of cinnamon’s health benefits. Use cinnamon as a post-meal digestive aid. 13 Major Health Benefits of Cinnamon: today’s video, I want to talk about the incredible health benefits of cinnamon. Cinnamon is a good source of the powerful antioxidant manganese. Regular smelling of cinnamon enhances cognitive abilities and memory. In one laboratory study, cinnamon and cloves turned out to be the nicest spices for preventing fatty acid oxidation. Both, when inhaled, relieve headaches and reduce drowsiness, irritability and migraines. Furthermore, it also has antiseptic properties and can be used as a natural preservative too. There is even mention of cinnamon in the Old Testament. Chinese traditional medicine commonly recommends cinnamon for phlegm coughs. Uses for cinnamon: In general, cinnamon is used as a physical and emotional stimulant. If you experience heartburn or indigestion following a meal, cinnamon might help you as it can stimulate a weak digestive system. It’s high in cinnamaldehyde, which is thought to be responsible for most of cinnamon’s health benefits. Eating raw cinnamon may have a harsh taste and may be more palatable when mixed with food or drinks. Here are some ways to consume cinnamon: 10 Symptoms of Lactose Intolerance You Should Know About, 14 Things Your Nails Say About Your Health, 8 Physical Signs of High Cholesterol You Should Know About, 12 Amazing Health Benefits of Alkaline Water, 15 Brain Boosting Foods You Should Be Eating, The 7 Best Oils for Moisturizing Acne Prone Skin, PCOS Diet: Foods to Eat and Foods to Avoid, 15 Signs You’re Not Drinking Enough Water. « Previous . Oil Diffusers Make Your House Smell Great, But Are They Safe? It can become a part of your all-natural approach to feeling your best throughout the day. The cinnamon factor: The mood altering potential of cinnamon makes it a great part of your daily routine. Chewing cinnamon flavored gum or smelling fresh cinnamon has an impact on stimulating brain function. Don’t consume more than the recommended amount of cinnamon a day, especially if you have a blood disorder. Cinnamon has also been recognized for its amazing healing benefits for numerous ailments, partially due to its antifungal and antimicrobial properties. Meanwhile, the health benefits of cinnamon come from the bark of the Cinnamomum verum (or Cinnamomum zeylanicum) tree. All you need is 2-5 drops of cinnamon leaf oil mixed with water on a diffuser and within minutes all odors are neutralized. You can take advantage of all those benefits today! Add lemon juice to help combat a respiratory infection. Cinnamon works impressively as an organic medicine for digestive illnesses, menstrual discomfort and joint aches because of its elevated level of cinnamaldehyde (the anti-inflammatory substance that gives cinnamon its delightful taste and smell). The intake of cinnamon with honey and water; is the best combo to loose weight and to curb many disorders. Choose organically grown cinnamon to ensure that it has not been irradiated. Yet another one of the remedies to restore loss of taste and smell that works wonders is cinnamon. In one recent study, cinnamon was shown to reduce the oxidative stress and impaired fasting glucose (two risk factors associated with cardiovascular disease and diabetes) in overweight and obese adults [3]. Available in both stick and powder form, cinnamon should be handled with care to obtain the highest amount of potency. Although the quality of clinical studies varied considerably, all … Cinnamon also prevents leukemia and blood clotting. While there are some gender-specific benefits of this spice, cinnamon can do even more good things for both men and women. Tap into cinnamon benefits to act as an anticoagulant. A search of the PubMed database was conducted using the search terms cinnamon, Cinnamomum, C verum, C zeylanicum, C cassia, C aromaticum, C burmannii, and C loureiroito identify human studies evaluating health or medical benefits of cinnamon administration. ), and yeast species (Candida lipolytica, membranaefaciens Pichia, Debaryomyces hansenii and rouxii Zygosaccharomyces). Add one to two teaspoons of ground cinnamon to a steaming hot cup of green tea or cider. A study proved that … It can be used as an antibacterial and antifungal agent. Seal cinnamon in a tightly sealed glass container and store in a cool, dark, dry place. But if you'd rather get a more natural cinnamon scent for the home, you can create a natural fragrance using cinnamon powder. Medical studies have been conducted on the effect of lavender aromatherapy on patients undergoing and recovering from surgery. It may be effective in lowering blood pressure, controlling blood sugar and insulin activity, promoting wound healing, fighting bacteria and warding off those common winter colds. You can use Cinnamon sticks or even better a few drops of powerful Ceylon Cinnamon Leaf Oil (not to exceed 1% cinnamon oil to water) and soak your feet. By just smelling cinnamon, we could improve our memory and enhance the performance of our brains. Studies show that cinnamon can help to suppress the expression of inflammatory compounds, which may reduce inflammation in the body. Information about the device's operating system, Information about other identifiers assigned to the device, The IP address from which the device accesses a client's website or mobile application, Information about the user's activity on that device, including web pages and mobile apps visited or used, Information about the geographic location of the device when it accesses a website or mobile application. Full reports of English-language publications and English-language abstracts of foreign-language articles from peer-reviewed journals were the primary sources of information. Season a high carb food with cinnamon to lower the impact it will have on blood sugar levels. Cinnamon can lower the release of arachidonic acid from cell membranes, which acts as an anti-inflammatory. 6. If you’re ever feeling stressed or overwhelmed you can use the smell of cinnamon to help break up those feelings and introduce a better thought process. Cinnamon’s powerful anti fungal properties are the perfect natural alternative to killing the athletes foot fungus. High levels can lower your platelet levels, which can create uncontrollable bleeding. Alternatively spray diluted cinnamon leaf oil and wipe down toilets, floors and kitchen counter tops, garbage cans and the interior of vehicles to rapidly remove foul odors. Two teaspoons of cinnamon provides about half the RDA of manganese, a powerful antioxidant that … A study published in 2009 suggests that taking/eating cinnamon twice a day for 90 consecutive days can improve blood sugar levels. Cinnamon can sharpen your mind. 1. One teaspoon of cinnamon contains 22% of the daily recommended value of manganese. A small human study suggests that merely smelling cinnamon can improve performance several types of memory tasks. When the bile is removed the body, it has to break down cholesterol to generate new bile, having a positive impact on atherosclerosis and heart disease prevention. Did all of this convince you to use cinnamon in your regular care and nutrition? Because of this effect, researchers have been studying the possible benefit of cinnamon for Alzheimer’s disease and other degenerative neurological diseases. Consume between 1 to 6 grams of cinnamon a day to experience the health benefits of cinnamon. Cinnamon contains a compound called cinnamaldehyde, which gives it its smell and flavor. It's one of the coziest scents out there -- but this sweet-smelling spice can also boost your brain power. In one study, researchers observed cinnamon’s scent boosting participants’ memory function. Also. This study discovered that cinnamon oil was one of three leading essential oils effective against Candida. It gives the coffee a nice cinnamon flavor and is an easy way to incorporate cinnamon into your diet. It can also be used in aromatherapy as a relaxant. It is commonly used as a feminine deodorant. Breath Refresher. Health Benefits From Eating Cinnamon Modern researchers are looking into its effects on neurodegenerative diseases. The scent of cinnamon reminds people of fall, one of the most beautiful times of the year, one when leaves fall and we get cozy and comfortable in the warmth of our home. According to a study authored by Dr. P. Zoladz, simply smelling cinnamon can boost cognitive processing. Cinnamon is an excellent source of calcium and fiber. It is said to stop an impending illness in its tracks. Cinnamon eliminates bad breath. Far better than any chemical sprays. Cinnamon is already a popular scent for store-bought air fresheners. Cinnamaldehyde, one of cinnamon’s active oils, has been researched for its effects on blood platelets and it’s anti-clumping impact. How to Treat Common Conditions With Aromatherapy, A Former Naturopath Blows the Whistle on the Industry. Another benefit of lavender is its ability to alleviate pain, in some cases, pain as a result of surgery. Fortunately, you don’t have to travel back in time to harness the power of this pure essential oil. Scientific research reports that cinnamon oil has beneficial effects against various bacterial strains (Pediococcus halophilus and Staphylococcus aureus), fungi (Aspergillus flavus, Mucor plumbeus, Penicillium roqueforti, and Eurotium sp. Extend cinnamon’s shelf life by storing the spice in the refrigerator in a well-sealed container. Research shows that just smelling cinnamon enhances cognitive processing, but consuming it significantly ups brain function. 7 Health Benefits of Cinnamon. Bustle recommends creating a cinnamon smell by boiling a few tablespoons of the powder with some orange slices and allowing the fragrance to fill the home. It can also be used as an effective (and pleasantly smelling) remedy for bad breath. You consent to our cookies if you continue to use our website. Cinnamon. Scent of cinnamon: It has a sweet, spicy-hot fragrance. If I smell roses, it usually means someone has started her menstrual cycle. In China, cinnamon has been used for hundreds of years. A second study found that cinnamon oil was effective against three strains of Candida, Candida albicans, Candida tropicalis, and Candida krusei. Cinnamon sticks may stay fresh for up to one year. Cinnamon Benefits for Men and Women. While medical research is varied as to the extent of cinnamon’s health benefits and the jury’s still out as to whether cinnamon can truly combat disease, cinnamon does have a therapeutic role in certain ailments such as digestive troubles and minor bacterial infections or colds. 23. Above listed were uses and health benefit of cinnamon; Now, we will be moving to our most concerned point which is “Health benefits of cinnamon”. Cinnamon oil … Apart from the fact that it helps boost the immunity from within, the pungent taste and smell of this spice has been found to be quite beneficial in helping improve the condition. While mixing cinnamon in cold drinks or food provides the same health benefits as mixing it with hot dishes, cold food does not absorb the spice and may be more difficult to consume. A dash or two of cinnamon added to soups such as lentil or black bean may add an exotic flavor, plus provide the warming goodness may bring relief to those feeling under the weather. Especially great as a cure for the winter blues. It also has the effect of improving your mood. Boiling Cinnamon: A Truly All-Natural Odor Solution. Decrease inflammation with cinnamon. It’s an all-natural way to feel better without … When you boil cinnamon, you release a number of beneficial compounds, including cinnamaldehyde and eugenol. Pure cinnamon leaf oil not only smells great but is an effective odor neutralizer as it kills bacteria that creates bad odors and not just mask odors. Add Comment . Consider these extraordinary health benefits of cinnamon. Again this is related to the anti bacterial properties and warming properties of cinnamon and its propensity to increase blood flow and thereby improve blood oxygen levels to fight illness. Real Ceylon cinnamon tea infused with cinnamon bark oil could be an excellent way to fight internal Candida infections and. Irradiating cinnamon may lead to a decrease in its vitamin C and carotenoid content. 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