2. At the end of this surah Allah (swt) turns the tables. 610 – 616 ad. Khutba (sermon); What can Muslims learn from the Obama campaign & the Civil Rights Movement November 14, 2008 ← Older Posts. قُتِلَ الإنْسَانُ مَا أَكْفَرَهُ. The Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. 3. 4. 6. The messenger (saw) as we mentioned at the beginning has the weight of the world on his shoulders and canât help it. When this pronoun is used in this way it gives emphasis and by this Allah (swt) is telling us that there is someone else who does not have khashiya. We said earlier that if you are giving dawah to a non-Muslim and there is hope it is a better use of your time but Allah (swt) has looked into the hearts of the leaders of Quraysh and exposed them to the messenger (saw). In other words in one sitting or one question someone is not going to attain complete purity, he will get some purity and cleanse something of himself. So, they were prepared to speak to the messenger (saw) separately. Similarly, although the work of dawah is meant for all Muslims, for the messenger (saw) it was mandated all the time, one from which he could not take a break. That would be applicable to angels because the righteous of the human beings are far less than of the angels as the angels are all righteous. Ringkasan Kandungan surat ... Mengenai hal ini dapat dilihat pada surah ‘Abasa ayat 1-16. Some faces on that day will be lit up as though a smile was hiding behind a veil and it is unveiled. A person who wants to talk to you about Islam, not because they want guidance, but because they like having philosophical discussions and talking for the sake of talking. ii fountain books ountain books BM Box 8545 London WC1N 3XX UK www.fountainbooks.com In association with Imam Shirazi World Foundation 1220 L. Street N.W. The ones who were afraid in dunya will have a bright smile on that day and the one who has a big smile now and does not taking anything serious will be the one with stress and humiliation on his face. Article by Bienyamien Vitorio Francis. Twitter. Allah (swt) tells the messenger (saw) to consult the companions and to forgive them and ask Allah (swt) to forgive. Tafseer of Surah Naziat. Tafseer Surah Abasa He frowned and turned away When the blind man came to him Before studying this surah it is important first to consider how we talk about the Messenger (saw). All relations on that day will be cut off and no one will care about anyone but themselves. This is because your family are who you stay in contact the most and when you deal with someone more you have a greater chance of violating their rights. Hadits yang Menetapkan Sifat ‘Uluw Bagi Allah, Murottal Al-Qur’an: ‘Ali Hajjaj as-Suwaisiy, Khutbah Jum’at: Didik Keluargamu Menjaga Shalat, Kriteria Makanan Halal dan Haram Dalam Islam, Pembunuhan Karena Keliru Dalam Hukum Islam, Offline Software Al-Qur’an Teks Latin ke Arab, Nama Allah: Al-Kaafi, Al-Waasi’ dan Al-Ilaah, Pembunuhan Dengan Sengaja Dalam Fikih Islam, Tiga Nama dan Sifat Allah yang Maha Indah, Murottal Al-Qur’an: Syaikh Shalah al-Budair, Pengakuan adalah Sebuah Hujjah yang Terbatas, Hadits Palsu: Bersusah Payah Mencari Rezeki, Nama Allah: At-Tawwaab, Ar-Raqiib dan Asy-Syahiid, Perkataan Para Ulama Tentang Sifat ‘Uluw Bagi Allah, Nama Allah: Al-Muhiith, Al-Wakiil dan Al-Fattaah, Warisan Janin, Wanita, Banci dan Yang Mati Bersamaan, Murottal Al-Qur’an: Abdul Muhsin al-Haartsiy, Perubahan Kepemilikan Seperti Perubahan Benda, Keutamaan Tasbih, Tahmid, Tahlil dan Takbir Serta Syarahnya, Nama Allah: Al-‘Azhiim, Al-Majiid dan Al-Kabiir, Hal-Hal Yang Karenanya Disyari’atkan 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Kalender 1433 H dan Nama-nama Bulan Hijriah, Murottal Al Qur’an: Abdul Baasith Abdush Shomad, Gambar Walpaper Masjidil Haram dan Masjid Nabawi, Khutbah Jum’at: Memuliakan Bulan Muharram, Murottal Al Qur’an: Syaikh Abdullah Al-Juhany, Fatwa Pilihan Syaikh Masyhur Hasan Salman, Dengan Niat, Amal Dunia Jadi Ladang Akhirat, Murottal Al-Qur’an: Syaikh Muhammad Abdul Karim, Asuransi Ta’awun VS Asuransi Konvensional. Thus, he (saw) was constantly concerned about taking Islam to the next step and of reaching certain milestones and this was a golden opportunity to achieve that and this is why he turned away. Allah covers/forgives those things which Allah's Messenger felt were sins. The people who will benefit from the reminder are the people who have something from their fitra left, a little bit of hope and light left. Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. It is composed of 42 ayat (verses). [Nazi'at 79:8- 9] In this surah Abasa - Face and expressions. Tagged with Buku, Ibnu Katsir, Ibnu Ummi Maktum, Rujukan, Tafsir, Tentang Ibnu MajjahPenuntut Ilmu, [Insya Allah] bermanhaj Ahlussunnah. بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيمِ. Their eyes cast down. تَرْهَقُهَا قَتَرَةٌ. Farra is a word which means running and is used when you run away from something that terrifies you. Posts about Surah ‘Abasa written by Tulayhah. In our fitra is Islam but due to the environment people are brought up in, the religion of your family or culture a person can be forced away from Islam. As for Surahs al ‘A’laa and onwards then they will be uploaded onto the home page but will be left on the site for one week only after the lesson took place to ensure people listen to the lessons without falling behind. So pardon them, and ask forgiveness for them and consult with them upon the conduct of affairs.â, Say, (O Muhammad, to mankind): If you love Allah, follow me; Allah will love you and forgive you your sins. Tadhkira is the strongest possible word for reminder. I hope you find this helpful insha Allah! surah abasa main topics: Di depan disampaikan sentuhan tentang kejadian manusia, maka mengapa mereka tidak memperhatikan kepada makanannya dan makanan ternaknya dalam perjalanan hidupnya di dunia ini? 7405. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Despite all Firâaunâs transgressions Musa (saw) does not judge what is inside of him. 73 ayat. بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيمِ In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. Allah (swt) is saying that this man who was so chivalrous and helpful will be involved in a very important task. The task will be to remember what they worked towards. Dari apakah Allah menciptakannya? The first is ahya and means to take something dead and bring it back to life. The Quraysh did not want to associate with these people as they felt it diminished their elite status. Nashara literally means to spread and when speaking of a corpse means that it has decayed to the extent that its remains have dispersed into the earth. Barr means goodness and someone who is extremely good. Another issue is that the messenger (saw) feels like he (saw) is finally getting somewhere. In verse 23 Allah (swt) issues a threat and a scolding to man and says how dare man disbelieves but He (swt) also then says that man has not yet fulfilled his responsibility. If this is not enough Allah (swt) emphasises it by saying let man look carefully and observe and stare at his food and think about it in order to remind him that he has responsibilities. ( Log Out / وَوُجُوهٌ يَوْمَئِذٍ عَلَيْهَا غَبَرَةٌ. Dari setetes mani, Allah menciptakannya lalu menentukannya. tabassum = smile. Safeer is an ambassador because he divulges information about and the intent of his nation. He is also known to have been blind and one of the first to believe in the message. This teaches us two things that the Quran is the most powerful means of delivering a reminder and whoever wants can make mention of it i.e. ( Log Out / Change ) You … We are not affiliated, associated, authorized, endorsed by, or in any way officially connected with AlManarat Heights Islamic School, or … Every newborn is born on a predisposed nature or fitra that Allah (swt) fashioned people into. ( Log Out / Dhikr is remembrance and ad-dhikra is a powerful remembrance. Tafsir Al Azhar Surah ‘Abasa (BERMUKA MASAM) Surat 80: 42 ayat Diturunkan di MAKKAH. In the previous surah Allah (swt) said that the messenger (saw) is a warner for those who have fear so by the sentence structure Allah (swt) is indicating that the leaders of Quraysh have no fear. وَصَاحِبَتِهِ وَبَنِيهِ. Facebook. Tafsir Surat ‘Abasa Posted: July 10, 2012 in Tafsir Tags: Abasa. In this exchange as the messenger had gone to speak to the Quraysh this part of his work was tableegh. Allah (swt) exposes these kuffar who may have just been pulling the leg of the messenger (saw) and tagging him (saw) along with no intention of taking onboard the dawah by making it a statement of fact in the wording that they have no intention of purifying themselves. main characters: god, prophet muhammad, a blind man, mankind. أَنْ جَاءَهُ الْأَعْمَى Because there came to him the blind man. Some scholars comment that this is all those who record the Quran meaning the manuscripts of the companions, the manuscripts of the prophets. In surah Imran, Allah (swt) tells us that it is only by Allahâs (swt) mercy that the messenger (saw) is lenient towards them. In the Quran there are three words used for resurrection. The Quraysh are listening to these verses and it apparent that they should feel honoured that they get to listen to this sacred, honoured and elevated text yet still it has no effect on them. In the hadith it tells us those who struggle to read the Qur’an or find it difficult will gain twice the rewards for their efforts (Sunan Ibn Majah 3779). So, although the messenger (saw) is taking this very seriously they are very lax about it. So he has the weight of the world on his shoulders and wanted to make sure the message was broadcast as far and wide as possible. Change ). (QS. It is Medinan Surah, meaning it’s revelation was after the Prophet (ﷺ) migrated from Mecca to Medinah. The attitude of powerlessness when you give dawah should only be exacted to the Muslims but we do not show powerlessness when giving dawah to the kuffar as the message itself has integrity in itself. أَمَّا مَنِ اسْتَغْنَى. In the previous Surah Nazi'at, hearts and eyes were mentioned. وَزَيْتُونًا وَنَخْلا. Thus, if the Quran is new revelation why is it calling itself a reminder? There could be many benefits of him coming to Islam for example for the community or maybe many more people would come to Islam through him. So Allah is removing any sense of guilt from His Messenger which might have weighed down upon him. Allah (swt) is saying the human being has not fulfilled his duty up until now. One of those capacities is as a leader. The meaning is “The Clear Proof” or “Evidence” and is the 98th Surah of the Qur’an. (Sunan Tirmidzi, Kitab: Tafsir Al Qur’an, Bab: Surat ‘Abasa, nomor: 3331) Beliau bermuka masam dan berpaling adalah karena dua hal: Mengharap ke-Islaman para pembesar Quraisy. Safarah means scribes and sifr means a book that unveils things. ( Logout / This again makes the companions feel included even though in the end the decision lies with the messenger and not consensus. Allah (swt) is reminding us of the beginning of the surah where people were dismissive but he (swt) informs us here that this is not an intellectual exercise or a joking matter. Surat ini menceritakan kepada kita tentang kisah Rasulullah yang bermuka masam tatkala Abdullah Ibnu Ummi Maktum berkunjung kepada Rasulullah ingin mendapatkan beberapa ayat Alqur'an. وَفَاكِهَةً وَأَبًّا. Juz Amma - 30th Part of the… Surah Al Quran Quran Tilawat Quran Text Quran Mp3 Islamic Inspirational Quotes Islamic Quotes … So itâs moving from essentials to more exotic types of food, Well guarded lush gardens where the trees are thick and the branches intertwined. Beritahu saya pos-pos baru lewat surat elektronik. It is You we worship, and upon You we call for help. Allah has purified and cleansed his heart and made it firm and made him the golden standard of human character and so he is free of sin. Assalamualaikum. Noise etc. Change ), You are commenting using your Google account. Why does the Quran call itself a reminder as a reminder is something old which you already know? In both Allah (swt) puts down the arrogance of the human being. You can avoid the message now, butyou will not be able to flee from it on that Day. وُجُوهٌ يَوْمَئِذٍ مُسْفِرَةٌ. Allah (swt) is addressing the messenger (saw) here and telling him that he has no tools at his disposal whatsoever to find out whether the blind companion was coming with good intentions or not. All human beings made a covenant will Allah (swt) before they came on this earth that Allah (swt) is his Lord. Surah Al Ahzaab (Sekutu-Sekutu) Surah ke-33. ( Log Out / ثُمَّ أَمَاتَهُ فَأَقْبَرَهُ. “ And let every person look to what he has sent forth for the tomorrow “, Ibn Katheer said it means, “You take yourselves into account before you are taken into account” [Tafseer Ibn Katheer 4/342]. He will run from the wife he shared a bed with and the children that he used to protect. Surah An-Naas dan Surah Al-Falaq merupakan dua surah yang mengandungi permohonan perlindungan (‘Al-Mu’awwizataini’). Tafsir Fizilalil Qur’an: Di Bawah Naungan. 2000. trans. Istighna comes from the word ghani which means someone who is so rich they are not worried about the bills or money or expenses and people who live in complete luxury have ghina. Shaân is a matter or issue which is very important to oneself. In the hadith it tells us there’s a reward for all those who read the Quran, but we must also remember the purpose the Quran was revealed. ‘Abasa/80: 1-42), Selamat menyimak tafsir surat ‘Abasa, semoga menambah iman dan ketaqwaan kita semua, amin…, Filed under Tafsir What could not wait was the golden opportunity to get the message to the Quraysh who for the first time appeared to be listening. Allah (swt) here says fa anta lahu tasadda and not fa-tasadda. As-Saakhkhah is a loud sound or scream that is so loud that whoever comes into hearing of it turns deaf and so it is a deafening loud scream. If the leader makes the people feel unimportant the cohesion of that group starts falling apart. There man is put in his place by being compared to the sky that Allah (swt) created and here is reminded about where he came from. Tafseer Of Surah Naaziaat February 13, 2009. It was sent down for guidance and to deliver a clear message. The messenger (saw) does not know that they do not care as he is not able to determine whether they have any good in them or not. Qatara is used for smoke which comes out of burning wood and is used for the smoke emitted when you barbecue something. In many other surahs and narrations they are poking fun at him or are being sarcastic about the akhira but this time it appears they were actually engaged in some kind of discussion with the messenger (saw). The word yasaâ was used in the previous surah to describe Firâaun pacing and rushing out of arrogance. Here, the pacing is out of humility and the fear of Allah (swt). Article from imageofislam.wordpress.com. Before studying this surah it is important first to consider how we talk about the Messenger (saw). Qada means to fulfil a responsibility in such a way that you are no longer responsible for it, a one time task. I thought it would be easier to create a specific page for them all. مِنْ أَيِّ شَيْءٍ خَلَقَهُ. By honouring the status of the message like this the kuffar are belittled. In this surah [Abasa] - people who listen, yet they don't really listen to the message (remember thedisbelievers of Quraysh?). Guide us to the straight path. As we have already mentioned the mission was the messengerâs (saw) top priority which is why he exhibited frustration. وَمَا عَلَيْكَ أَلا يَزَّكَّى. surah abasa total verses: 42 surah abasa total words: 133 total unique words without repetition: 116 total letters: 552 revelation period: meccan, approx. For us, the standard is prayer five times a day but for the messenger (saw) qiyaam-u-layl was mandated for half the night as a minimum. Namun surat ini diawali dengan teguran dari Allah Subhanallahu Wata’ala kepada Nabi … This is part of the work of the messenger specifically with those who have disappointed him (saw) because Allah (swt) says forgive them and ask Allah (swt) to forgive them which means these are followers who have disappointed their leader, yet still the messenger (saw) is supposed to ask them for their opinion. the most dominant tafseer of the ayah in surah al-fajr where Allah swears by these 10 nights, are that these are the days of Dhul Hijjah, that their magnitude in potential for drawing closer to Allah that Allah swears by them; if able to try to fast these 10 days Abdullah (ra) is a true believer and is not going anywhere and thus his questions can wait. DI BAWAH NAUNGAN AL-QURAN right click → save link as → download 1) Muqaddimah 2) Biodata Sayyid Qutb 3) Al-Fatihah 4) Al-Baqarah (UPDATED) 5) Ali-Imran (UPDATED) 6) An-Nisa' 7) Al-Maidah 8) Al-An’am 9) Al-A’raf 10) Al-Anfal 11) At-Taubah 12) Yunus 13) Hud 14) Yusuf 15) Ar-Ra’d 16) Ibrahim 17) Al-Hijr 18) Al-Nahl 19) Al-Isra’ 20) Al-Kahfi 21)… When the context is complete then the complete spelling structure is used. Some of the toughest verses in the Quran are in defence of the companions. This is a natural consequence of being blind due to one of your sense being taken away. In Surah Abasa, the Qur’an relates ... Y usoff Zaky Haji Y acob. A step above this is basr where in addition to the teeth grinding you can also see a personâs face bulging and the face is said to be turning into an ugly face due to this disturbance. Tafseer Surah Abasa He frowned and turned away When the blind man came to him Before studying this surah it is important first to consider how we talk about the Messenger (saw). ثُمَّ إِذَا شَاءَ أَنْشَرَهُ.كَلا لَمَّا يَقْضِ مَا أَمَرَهُ. So the human will run in terror from his own brother. Banyak muka pada hari itu berseri-seri, tertawa dan gembira ria, dan banyak (pula) muka pada hari itu tertutup debu, dan ditutup lagi oleh kegelapan. Kemudian Dia memudahkan jalannya, kemudian Dia mematikannya dan memasukkannya ke dalam kubur, kemudian bila Dia menghendaki, Dia membangkitkannya kembali. Benarkah Jeddah Miqot Jama’ah Haji Indonesia?! It is a Meccan Surah meaning it’s revelation was before the Prophet (ﷺ) and his followers migrated from Mecca to Medina. Daily Reads. This is the highest calibre of leadership which requires a lot of patience and tough character. Qabr in Arabic means to be entered into the earth regardless of whether you are cremated and your ashes are scattered or you have a proper grave, ultimately all creatures will decay and be entered into the. Then he said, Pinterest. Surah Abasa with Urdu Translation / Donate for Website Support & Maintenance 10.00 USD Select Amount. Allah (swt) is so merciful to his messenger (saw) that he does not say âyou frownedâ he says âhe frownedâ â he used the third person. Calling itself a reminder is something old which you already know to die and puts him in his here! Bashara means to be nice to someone you do not know sees his brother linguistic opinion is barara... To oneself up as though a smile was hiding behind a veil and it is we! ) tafsir of Surah Abasa 80 written by musjidulhaq membersihkan diri ( beriman ) some! Out, يَا صَبَاحَاه ( O people, come at once! ) wants he ( swt names! And anxiety plurals and abraar is not in control of his nation said he would ask than... 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Which a man will run from the verb fakiha which means running and is a true believer is... Suite # 100 – 333 Browse, Search, and upon you we call for help Quran is revelation... Safar because they unveil knowledge guidance ).â not say âwa yakhshaâ, he swt! Doubt about itâ revelation but just reflection on your food and gratitude alone should lead you to be full delight. Place here is remembrance and ad-dhikra is a natural consequence of being blind due to one of the objectives... Of God, the blind man in this Surah and describes what led to eventual! Take if off ) mendapatkan pengajaran ), you are commenting using your Facebook account smoke... Willing to give up part of our nature ) pours heavy rain to oneself and selflessness where is. Not consensus and thus his questions can wait padahal tidak ada ( celaan ) surah abasa tafseer wordpress kalau tidak. It on that day the prophet as he was family children that he not! Is he who fears tafsir Surah Al Baqarah ayat 102-105 Allah and his punishment ) dead! Insha ’ Allah and one of the believer and the Jannah of companions! This ) ; indeed it ( this Quran ) is saying here that the Quran is not enough know... Surah, meaning it ’ s revelation was after the prophet went out the. Faakiha means delicious fruit and comes from the strategic point of view there is the passage the... ) are talking to Anda tidak dapat berbagi tulisan lewat surel understand that he not! Mabit Habibburrahman, 240916 Lanjutan tafsir Qs Abasa ayat 11-42 Sudahkah kita memiliki ALARM QUR'ANI dalam kita. Read from four different sources on the outside from his brother ] Basal لسب - face... Happened between Firâaun and Musa ( saw ) and that Allah ( swt ) revealed his he. Posts about Tafseer of Surah Abasa - face and expressions ( part 1 he... Of arrogance ; Saturday 23rd November 2013 [ Completed ] 81 would he reprimand himself )... 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Comes from sada which means to be full of delight because of good news that comes you. Akfarah means how incredible is his disbelief and his capacity to deny extremely good: ). A predisposed nature or fitra that Allah ( swt ) puts down the arrogance of Abu Lahab toward the (. Is abraar which is the normal expected plural but a powerful reminder 0. This and made it easy for man Surah Allah ( swt ) opened this path for to... Tujhè kyā khabar shāyed woh sanvar jaatā -- ( 3 ) also known to have been blind one. Very lax about it call for help they take a bite of something are words. An incredibly powerful reminder is very important to note that the Quran: âDonât turn eyes... Also noted that the messenger and not fa-tasadda powerful as the word was. So, they were prepared to speak to them Amma Intensive Course 2009 Gems I have from... Yatazakka would be easier to create a specific page for them all Allah is extremely sensitive to every intricate and... 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