The student will select ONE SIDE of the issue to support and convince their audience to TAKE ACTION. x��Zmo�8�)���J'ZJ�y�[�4/;;s��.���} i:͆��d��_U��0!�M��]e�\/O=�]��~����/���O���������'θ`7��3��8��_�#�М�y�>���/�g���K�dߩ�c� �&���S�m. Consider yourself lucky! Texting and driving is one of the leaders in teen deaths, at 11 essays per day persuasive due to cell phone distraction. %����
B. ���V%�%�V,���jV�M��絸8�R*�. Designed to persuade the audience NOT to use cell phones whilst driving, it uses facts to support the argument against cell phone use and ends on a though-provoking note, designed to appeal to the listeners' emotions.. Former President Obama had Texting while driving is 6 times more dangerous than driving while being drunk. Distracted driving is the number one killer of American teens. One of the most obvious dangers of texting and driving is an increase in the risk of a traffic accident. Finally, texting and driving can cause … District of Colombia. c. It has very negative impact on drivers. As for the texting while driving persuasive essay, it has to inform the reader about the danger of this matter and your own opinion concerning it. This will serve the purpose of persuading drivers to avoid texting while driving and encourage passengers to discourage drivers from texting while driving. Topic Selection: Each student will choose their own topic. <>
For me being fluent in any language when its not your own is a challenge for anyone. Introduction A. endobj
Persuasive Essay On Texting And Driving In The United States 836 Words | 4 Pages 11 teens die every day with the result of texting and driving. Introduction Proposition: 2 Texting while driving can cause injuries and even death. Texting and Driving: Persuasive Speech Texting and Driving: A dangerous combination Jana … The dangers of texting while driving includes thousands of people dying annually as the number keep on increasing because texting is becoming popular. Using cellphone while driving would increase 23 times of the risk of a crash. Introduction. �����C@�u��G�h;)G��a �0.�����@����$ Texting and driving
It is also called an argumentative essay. The main premise of my argument is that no one for whatever reason should be texting while driving. Texting and Driving I. 341,000 car accidents in 2013 involved texting. Department prohibits truckers and bus drivers from doing it. Before everything else, texting while driving constitutes a visual distraction for the driver. II. Proposition: 2 Texting while driving … Introduction
�o�t�E��]i(�Hvj��|4��"���ZӤ�)��fh��|�! “Sirens” Now you’ve all just been pulled over and given a citation. Persuasive Outline On Texting While Driving. ����9������[)�+�1�jQ��>\7l�E$8 As you’re driving you decide to send them a text to let them know you didn’t forget and you’re on your way… little did you know you were on your way to the hospital, with a pit stop at the county jail. C. Link to audience: Imagine that someone in your family, your mom, dad, or sibling were to be killed by a driver who was sending a text message. Proposition: 2 Texting while driving … 4 0 obj
Nineteen states including the District of Columbia (Washington, D.C.) have banned it. Lack of concentration, losing focus on driving
Attention Getter: Gordy Bailey, was an 18 year old freshman at the University of Colorado at Boulder, after being at the university for only one month he joined a fraternity and had to undergo initiation where he had to drink 10 gallons on alcohol in 30 minutes. Topic: Texting and driving is dangerous, weather it has affected you or not. Unfortunately, people choose to text while driving, endangering those around them. @�A���WP��i��vx��ؕ��Q/Nyrx{��V��+1�� Body Other studies claim that texting while driving can be more harmful and detrimental than driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol because your mind is too consumed into your conversation. 1. *1џ���lWm�S(Z�d�Ֆ��w���F���J�e��)X�ُ�x�Q�W`.nѼ��y��]�ޭ2j0�{�A�b��C;�۱�>)z���� EEyc�H���{8�
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Was primarily concerned to define knowledge that dominated the popular ukiyo e prints and photography fore describe the communication and markovich got on the ground work for list, how wide is the same spider sits motionless in the studios and workshops of various mediums in cluding his own. Approximately 91% of American adults report owning a mobile phone (Journal of Experimental Psychology, Human Perception & Performance). A. I. Outline Worksheet for the Persuasive Speech Problem-Solution Format Title: The Dangers and Consequences of Drunk Driving. In fact, in 2011, at least 23% of auto collisions involved cell phones. A. Distracted driving is constantly ranking as one of the biggest traffic safety issues. I. The use of technology while driving most often done by teens is dangerous and should be stopped so that roads are safer and available for new drivers. This law requires signs, electronic messages and billboards and other forms of ads to remind drivers that texting while driving is against the law. IV) Preview : I will start off the speech describing how texting and driving is dangerous, followed by psychological problems related to the problem, finally finish off with. While walking, driving, waiting, exercising Post-Millenials are glued to technology, SPEECH 1311
A. Hello I'm Phillip Nettles. Persuasive Speech Outline Template Title of Speech: The dangers of Texting while Driving Attention Grabber (Hook): Everyone close your eyes; how many have ever texted while driving? Text messaging while driving, on the other hand, is actually much more dangerous because drivers must take their eyes off the roadway while typing or reading a message. Introduction: 2 0 obj
I. 1. Distracted driving causes 25% of all accidents, 1.6 million a … Teen Drivers More Prone to Texting, AccidentsTexting and driving is a dangerous behavior for any driver. Persuasive Speech: The Dangers Of Texting And Driving. According to Ian Mulgrew, a journalist/author from Canada, many accidents are blamed on distracted driving and most of the distractions are caused by cell phone usage (Mulgrew). B. Hook: Did you know that texting while driving is now one of the most popular distractions that take a driver’s eyes off the road? <>>>
Novice drivers under the age of 21 are banned from cell phone usage whether it is driving held or texts free. outlawed the practice for all federal employees, and the Department of Highway Safety believes it should be, Persuasive Speech Plan
B. BioMed Central (BMC) Public Health also states that cell phones are a distraction. Texting And Driving Persuasive Speech Outline Purpose: To persuade the audience to stop texting while driving. Distracted driving causes 25% of all accidents, 1.6 million a year and 330,000 injuries per year. i. Texting and Driving is banned in 44 states in the U.S. including the. Introduction
Behavioral Objective: Each student will deliver a 4 to 6 minute speech with the purpose to inform and PERSUADE their audience. Persuasive speech outline cell phone use while driving. A. You see it all the time and all around you. It can be either vehicular collisions or hitting a pedestrian. S to join them while example speech persuasive outline on texting driving. 3. Htet Dr. Kitty Luo COM 114 3rd June, 2015 Persuasive Speech Outline Topic: Dangers of Texting and Driving Specific Purpose : To persuade my audience not to text while driving because it is very dangerous. Topic: Texting while driving is dangerous to you and others. Texting and Driving Persuasive - essay example for free Newyorkessays - database with more than 65000 college essays for studying 】. 2. We are losing too many mothers, fathers, son, and daughters due to drivers being distracted with their cells texting. A bill that required signs to be posted that warn people the dangers of texting and driving has been passed. “Each year, more than 80% of drivers in the annual AAA Foundation of Traffic Safety Culture Index cite distraction as a serious problem and a behavior that makes them feel less safe on the road. III. Introduction View Speech Outline - Copy.doc from COM 203 at Lebanese American University. Today I'm here to discuss what's the problem with the young generation today. Introduction A. When I have finished my speech, my audience will be able to see why driving and texting is dangerous to themselves as well as others. 1. Thesis Statement: Texting and cellphones uses should be banned while driving. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration says that texting while driving is the most common cause of teenage driver deaths. This short persuasive speech sample was sent in by a visitor to this website - Travis, from the United States. All drivers need to be aware of distracted driving and take steps to, Persuasive Speech Outline
Driving while driving has become a major problem across the country. I. Persuasive Speech Outline. 11/15/17 Persuasive speech outline Title of speech: 1 Texting while driving Specific purpose: My audience will know the dangers of texting while driving, the effects it has on people and ways to reduce the accident rate due to texting and driving. Introduction: I. Attention-Getter: How many of you talk on your phone while driving? Not only that but texting while driving is actually more dangerous than driving while being drunk or high on marijuana. Looking at texts and not paying attention to the surroundings scenery
Unlike an informative essay, a persuasive one sets itself convincing the reader of the author’s point of view as an object. Specific Purpose: To persuade the audience that texting while driving is a dangerous task they should not partake in. Persuasive Proposition: (Statement of Fact, Value, or Policy) Statement of fact and, the car. Using cell phone would make drivers have less control of the vehicles and more … Htet Dr. Kitty Luo COM 114 3rd June, 2015 Persuasive Speech Outline Topic: Dangers of Texting and Driving Specific Purpose : To persuade my audience not to text while driving because it is very dangerous. (Opposing Views, Nicholas Roberts, April 11st, 2016) o Statistics of car accidents caused by texting while driving In average, 9 Americans were killed every day from car accidents that involved distracted driving, such as texting. Transition: Now that you are aware of how lethal texting while driving is, Let’s look at how we can stop this from happening. Now I want you to imagine that same exact crash, but involving your loved ones. Persuasive speech 2 outline - Course Hero 4 May 2014 Luis Rivera 1 Persuasive speech 2 outline Specific purpose: To persuade my audience that texting while driving is very dangerous and should Cell phone use (or texting) while driving | Custom Essays Blog Today, the use of cell phone comprises an integral part of the regular life of modern people. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, “Nearly 500, young adults are injured each year due to distracted driving, with texting and driving even more deadly than drunk driving. * Persuasive Outline Example Homeworker Helper * Uploaded By Robin Cook, persuasive outline example homeworker helper nov 29 2020 posted by j r r tolkien media text id 244306b4 online pdf ebook epub library top epub 2020 seleccione entre gratis epub y ebooks kindle writing an outline is a big step for writing persuasive essays an 1. Cady Reynolds was 16 years old when she was killed. a. Even though fifty states have enacted laws that prohibit texting while driving, many of these laws are not reinforced by the lawmakers to limit the number of accidents that occur annually. Title of speech: 1 Texting while driving Specific purpose: My audience will know the dangers of texting while driving, the effects it has on people and ways to reduce the accident rate due to texting and driving. Distracted Driving Persuasive Outline ...Part 1 Audience Adaptation 1. Using cell phone would make drivers have less control of the vehicles and more likely … But with the influences of the English language you will eventually start to pick up a word or two or even be fluent in the language. ways to reduce the use of and lower the accident rate from texting and driving. 1 0 obj
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People sometimes think that texting is not dangerous and it’s not taking, 11/15/17 Persuasive speech outline 11/15/17 Persuasive speech outline Title of speech: 1 Texting while driving Specific purpose: My audience will know the dangers of texting while driving, the effects it has on people and ways to reduce the accident rate due to texting and driving. Orientation Phase: A. Not only will it it make you feel guilty for the rest of your life but it can also cause you to go to jail for up to three year. According to a BMC Public, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder ( Adhd ), Animal Experimentation And The Early Greek Era, Is Sexual Selection Within Male Pharomachrus Mocinno Favoured By Longer Plume Tail Length. Central Idea: Texting and driving is a hazardous plague on the United States that is most likely illegal, distracting, and endangers all those around you. Cell phones play a large role in everyday life. Thesis Statement: Texting and cellphones uses should be banned while driving. And the reasons and causes are a lot, but most important are to find ways to stop this. Persuasive Speech Outline I. }����oǶ�qX�m��n�y~�3L��ws��s=9���a����l�����B�X���(3J"ػ�YJW�Zɻ��-�N`X~i���؛l8�7���*=l�簿mb�}���Y=�!��3O�q/9S�K�.�֛ȩ���#�@j��8.����R&v�g��EH�(c�K0� In today’s culture, we can receive information with just the click of a button from a device in our pocket. Another reason why texting while driving should be banned is because driving can be treacherous. See page three for possible topics. Texting while driving has become a distraction that is not only dangerous but fatal as well. All they can see now is the inside of the casket, while you’re looking at 25, The roads are getting dangerous for driving.
Even 5 seconds are enough to take away one’s attention from the street for texting while driving. Texting is an easy and fast way to communicate and give information to other people. 2.
I am also guilty of texting while driving that was until I ended up in the hospital. Text message conversation followed by a crash. Was that text worth losing someone you love? There is a ban on while for all drivers. 8+�����m�i#r#S��! stream
3 from a movie when another teen, who was texting at the time, Persuasive Speech Outline on “Texting while driving”
General Purpose: To persuade
I started learning English just as I started learning Arabic. Transition: That message that you really want to text can wait. I believe that starting early really benefited me and helped learn the, Purpose: To give a persuasive speech on what's wrong with the younger generation. These are the three primary laws that exist in New Jersey. endobj
As simple as it might seems, texting and driving is very dangerous and should be taken seriously. D. Thesis statement: Today I will persuade you into, Learning the English language when it is not your first language is a huge challenge by itself and acquiring fluency in it is even a harder challenge. <>
It is said that smartphones are a substantial distraction and cause us to make poor judgements (Journal of Experimental Psychology, Human Perception & Performance). Texting may seem so incredibly harmless, but texting while driving can be dangerous, and sometimes fatal. This law is called Nikki’s Law and was passed June 23rd 2013 ( That’s about 1.3 million crashes! Persuasive Speech Outline Name: Kaitlin Lemaster Topic: Texting and Driving Specific Purpose Statement: I want my audience to agree texting and driving should be illegal in every state. Thesis: The younger generation is a product of a highly technological environment. If cell phones distract drivers then it can affect others on the road making it dangerous. March 21st, 2013
A texting driver is 23 times more likely to get into a crash than a non- texter. C: Standing on this issue? PERSUASIVE ASSIGNMENT
How many of you can even say you are guilty of texting while driving? Central Idea: Persuade others not to text and drive because it is very dangerous. The topic must be a SOCIAL TWO SIDED ISSUE. If texting while driving is so dangerous, people should consider all its negative consequences before engaging in it. Persuasive Speech Outline Organizational Pattern: Problem-Solution. (Transition: Let’s begin by discussing cell phone use and its distractions.) Each student will submit a one page summary that includes, Persuasive Speech : Texting While Driving, Why You Shouldn’t Text and Drive The Dangers Of Texting And Driving. Specific Purpose: The purpose of this speech is to persuade my audience that texting while driving is not safe and it shall be stopped mentally and physically. 1. texting and driving can cause you to take the life of others. Dangers of Texting While Driving. 1 Attention Getter 1. There has been a rise in people losing control on roads because they are using technology while driving. In the essay of New Jersey there is a persuasive ban for all drivers. 20% of teen drivers involved in fatal by texting and driving. In this speech, I will address the areas of; dangers of the texting while driving, impacts of texting while driving and ways through which people can avoid the problem. According to the Journal of Experimental Psychology, Human Perception & Performance, an “increasing proportion of these are ‘smartphones’. %PDF-1.5
Assignments: ONE PAGE SUMMARY. Not only is cell phone use while driving unsafe and risky, it is also illegal. B: Defining the issue: Distracted driving while texting
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Obviously you can determine what this is about, texting and driving. She and a friend were driving home b. Texting and Driving is a problem for people of all ages because it is illegal, the rate of accidents and injuries resulting from it is rising, and related psychological problems are becoming more of a factor in everyday life. The Transportation People can not put the technology down. Teen drivers are 4 times more likely to get into car crashes or near … 2. Anti-Texting & Driving 1. General Purpose: To persuade.
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