First of all call 911 or the Alaska State Troopers non-emergency line whether the moose was barely hit or dead. That’s worse than hitting the animal. Individual sealed pouches and oxygen absorbers ensure up to 25-year shelf life you can depend on. For Sales or Customer Service Questions: 1-888-579-6849. Angela. In Alaska, if you hit a moose, you must pay a fine, which is the same price as a moose hunting tag. How Dangerous is a Moose? What to Do When You Encounter a Moose While Hiking. Anyway, I made it home, got my teeth more or less back the way they were before (on the advice of a doctor I called), and next day my husband and I backtracked the moose, and found that there was a bit of blood in her tracks and that she had had a calf with her. Moose may be found throughout most of Alaska except on the Aleutian Islands, but they are most commonly found in Southcentral and Interior Alaska. Obviously one of the last things you want to confront on a roadway is a moose. Obviously, this is … For that other 1%, I have a katana. You'd die. If you swerve, you could hit a tree or an oncoming vehicle . Be the first to hear about deals, new products, emergency prep tips, and more. Don’t walk between a cow moose (mother) and her calf. First of all, if you’ve spotted the moose from a distance, keep it that way. I was driving up a canyon in winter and a moose appeared right in from of me. See our full privacy policy here. When killed, the Moose/Goose will drop 6 Meat, 2 Drumsticks, and 3 to 5 Down Feathers. She came out of the woods from a small island about 100 feet away at a fast trot, and headed straight at me. Hitting them they usually end up coming at you through the windshield. As you can see in the pictures, the car hit a big animal on its feet so that the animal dropped all its weight on the A-pillars. If you’re not too shaken, give the Alaska Moose Federation a call at (907) 336-6673. Do you get the impression that this type of accident is happening more frequently? What’s most hazardous about a collision with a moose is what happens after the animal is initially struck. So, having gone through an actual moose attack, what other advice would you give to people about surviving an attack? Your article taught many moose hunters about moose behavior. Thanks for the a2a. Moose often confuse dogs for wolves, a natural predator. If you come across a moose, show respect. If you try to get up while it’s close, it could attack again. If a moose steps in your path, you might want to swerve. Don’t get up until the moose moves a good distance away. Make sure you get behind the nearest tree, fence, or building that acts as a strong barrier between you and the moose. I was hiking on Isle Royale when a moose charged me from out of the woods. Moose are absolutely massive. Angela. It’s best to share the area on their terms – the last thing you want to do is disturb them. Do not approach the animal. Drive slower at night in moose inhabited areas so you don’t hit one (a crash could be fatal to you both). That’s worse than hitting the animal. To get away from the moose, I stepped on the accelerator fast speed ahead. For that other 1%, I have a katana. If it charges you, get behind something large, such as a tree or boulder. I should mention that my little dog, who usually followed me closely, was at the time quite a distance away as I headed home, probably because she knew the moose was there and wanted to avoid it. Back off and run. Stay safe everyone. A collision with a moose, which can weigh up to 500 kgs (1200 lbs), carries a significant risk of injury or death to motorists and passengers. Great tip to always be ready with your method of defense at the ready when out in the wild. It may give you a few “bluff” charges as a warning, but you should take them all seriously. Right beside me and keeping pace with my car was a moose. Moose can stand about 6 foot tall in the shoulder and are all legs. If within 30 days any product in your purchase from us fails to meet your expectation; We will make it right! If all else fails–RUN. I talked to her to identify myself as human while I hiked at a brisk pace – not a panicked run – away from them … with my Taurus .40 in my right hand (and bear spray in my left). “Moose and cars are not a good mix. Whenever you see moose near a building, along the driveway (more common in Alaska or areas of Colorado), on a trail, along the road in parks, lying against a building, house, or under a deck, chances are they’re taking a rest. If you are still not sure after the shot where you hit him, the arrow should be able to tell you the story. If you hit the moose with your car, you take the legs out from under it and it's going through your windshield," Young said. Very fortunate, and very surprising, though perhaps it shouldn’t have been, wild animals are unpredictable. The arrow will also have a rather foul odor. It helps biologists and road planners learn what factors increase the likelihood of a moose-vehicle collision. Moose are absolutely massive. Keep your dog close or on a leash. Angela. What makes hitting a moose particularly lethal is what happens on impact: When a car hits a moose, it usually strikes the moose’s legs, sending that whole 1000 pound weight (about half the weight of an average-sized car) onto the windshield of a car. Luckily, I wasn’t driving very fast, just about 40 mph. Watch moose from a safe distance—give them their space. Moose are somewhat nervous creatures. I looked up and she rammed right into me, and knocked me down. Reporting a collision, even if it seems minor, is important. I wish I had video of the terrified driver running back to his truck! The Moose/Goose takes 4 blasts from the Ice Staff to be frozen and takes 1 Sleep Dart to be put to sleep. What’s most hazardous about a collision with a moose is what happens after the animal is initially struck. Great taste and quality shouldn't be sacrificed in your emergency food storage. Condition in the car interior area after a collision with a moose Thanks to the reinforcements, the A-pillars withstood the impact and saved the occupants of the vehicle from injury or … I stopped, waiting for it to move out of the way, when a delivery truck driver came down the canyon, stopped, got out of his truck, and tried to "shoo" the moose off the road. “When a vehicle hits a moose, the bumper, engine, and built-in crumple zones of the car that are intended to absorb the majority of an impact only hit the thin legs,” explains the Wildlife Roadsharing Resource Centre (WRRC) a project of the Traffic Injury Research Foundation. Unfortunately, the now-agitated moose ran toward my vehicle, then attacked the brand new red Volkswagon Jetta, severely denting it and terrifying the two women inside! In some cases, the fate of a moose in unknown because it disappears soon after the accident. Curl up in a ball. I still marvel at how that moose came out of nowhere. So, I concluded that she had been previously attacked and bitten by wolves while defending her calf, and the fact that I and my dog had apparently spooked her even more while wandering around in the woods near where they had been, was the cause of her going after me – she was stressed and was defending her calf against what she perceived as another menace – namely, me. Don’t make loud noises, chase, or harass the moose. Don’t make loud noises, chase, or harass the moose. Office Address1175 South Meridian Park RD STE ASalt Lake City, UT 84104Note: This is not a retail store. The right number of calories, from real protein sources, are crucial in any emergency situation. Curling up will protect your head and vital organs. Rod Davis emailed this series of photographs that GRAPHICALLY depict the results of what happens when an SUV, traveling at 70 mph, strikes a deer in the road. Keep your dog close or on a leash. But there's one exception to this general rule: Moose. Also, notice that her (or his) story didn’t include fumbling for the Ruger at the last second; it was in hand and ready. It may continue running, start stomping, or kicking you. If you swerve, you could hit a tree or an oncoming vehicle . I'm serious. Whenever you see moose near a building, along the driveway (more common in Alaska or areas of Colorado), on a trail, along the road in parks, lying against a building, house, or under a deck, chances are they’re taking a rest. hopefully to fire a shot near her to cause her to veer away, because I didn’t want to have to kill her), it jammed. If left alone for roughly 1 day after it arrives, a Moose/Goose Egg will spawn, which will hatch into 5 Moslings if hit with a hammer 4 Your only hope is basically bear spray, which works 99% of the time. So, after seeing this incident, what other moose safety tips would you give to those who encounter a moose? Moose abundance, or density, can range from as low as one moose per 30 square miles to as high as 5 or more moose per one square mile. When she got even with me, down the hill on the trail, she wheeled around and charged straight up the hill at me. All comments are moderated before being published. John, In national parks, it’s the law to stay at least 25 yards (or meters) from a wild moose anyway. "Moose and cars are not a good mix. When fed, moose can get aggressive if they don’t get as much food as they expect. She followed me behind a screen of bushes (never saw her) until the trail took me straight away from the young ones, but never charged. These are life-saving tips for hunters.Very useful and good tips! Don’t make loud noises, chase, or harass the moose. Once you recover your arrow, check it for blood. There are approximately 40,000 moose living in Maine, New Hampshire and Vermont. Do not approach the animal. I am always armed, I had a short bbled (Ruger SP101) .357 mag, when she was about 10 yds away, I fired into the ground between us (the ground reflects the sound) she stopped and shook her head, you could tell the noise hurt her ears. Often moose don't survive a collision, and people can be killed or severely injured. Except in the fall for bulls (rut, or mating season) the cow moose tend to be the more dangerous, in the sense that they will often attack for no reason! All Emergency Essentials products are available online. And lastly, following a harrowing moose encounter, change your underwear. She still wouldn’t leave! I spotted her on the trail 60-70 yds away, I backed up a hill 30-40 yds to get well away from the trail she was using and stood quietly by a small group of trees (none with branches low enough to climb unfortunately). If a moose steps in your path, you might want to swerve. It appeared that they reunited sometime after the attack on me. She took a step towards me, and I fired again, she stopped, shook her head and it took one more shot (I was saving the last rounds for ‘the real deal’ if needed) before she finally took off. The moose backed off. Then, if you have the ability to clean it on the … If you try to move the moose, it may attack your car. Hitting a moose or a deer on the road is a fear shared by many motorists. I turned around & ran as fast as I could. Take photos of any damage to your vehicle and the surrounding area. If Your Car Hits a Moose in Maine, You Get First Dibs on the Carcass A bull moose crossed a logging road near Kokajo, Maine. He looked confused. How Dangerous is a Moose? I’m glad you made it through to tell us. Moose are most commonly found in forested or shrub habitats and generally avoid areas of open tundra. They are often very large and when hit by cars create extensive damage to the car, and often devastating injuries and fatalities. "Moose and cars are not a good mix. Straight up. If a moose knocks you to the ground, curl up into a ball. According to Kristine Rines, wildlife biologist with New Hampshire Fish and Game and New Hampshire’s state Moose Program Director, warns that if you’re causing the moose to change its behavior, you’re too close. Sign up for exclusive coupons, private sales and exclusive preparedness guides.We will not share your information with outside individuals or organizations except when required by law. If a crash with a moose is inevitable, crouch as low as possible in your seat, or under the dash, as a moose's body usually … What to Do When You Encounter a Moose While Hiking. Straight up. Breeding, For more information about moose (and to hear what a moose sounds like – hint: it’s not musical or, Marcia Regina Passos is the publisher and editor of, ©The Heart of New England online magazine. Some people say you should speed up instead of braking if you can’t avoid hitting a deer, but a Mythbusters investigation involving a rubber moose found that to be a myth. A 800 pound or more animal coming at you through the windshield will kill you.
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