Dataset and API with a list of the Zip Codes / Postal Codes of Aland Islands. A zip code serves the same purpose as a postal code and is used by countries like the United States and the Philippines.. Dataset and API with a list of the Zip Codes / Postal Codes of Liechtenstein. Yugoslavia, Dataset and API with a list of the Zip Codes / Postal Codes of Greenland. Burkina Faso A postal code (also known as postcode, post code, PIN, or ZIP Code) is a series of letters or digits or both, sometimes including spaces or punctuation, included in a postal address for the purpose of sorting mail . Clone Database. Viewed 22 times 0. Mauritius Nauru Howland Island Dominica Afghanistan UK Testimonial View our clients From a Product Manager point of view working with Toby is always a great experience. St kitts and Nevis Greece Netherlands Name: Addison Post Office Address: 30696 Highway 278 City & Zip Code: Addison, AL 35540 Phone: 256-747-6915 Costa Rica Finland Bulgaria If you clone the database, itâs possible to work with REST or GraphQL APIs. Every moment you execute a call to the database in the name of an application using a SDKs or an API, it counts as an API request. Dataset and API with a list of the Zip Codes / Postal Codes of Bermuda. Dataset and API with a list of the Zip Codes / Postal Codes of Portugal. There may be additional instructions for obtaining civil documents or additional documents you need to submit. there are some countries which use Zip code instead. West Indies Dataset and API with a list of the Zip Codes / Postal Codes of Croatia. Dataset and API with a list of the Zip Codes / Postal Codes of Virgin Islands. Dataset and API with a list of the Zip Codes / Postal Codes of Argentina. Lesotho Indonesia Philippines France This is a comprehensive database with the Zip Codes of the countries of the world. Originally, larger countries such as Spain, the United Kingdom and France, were assigned two-digit codes to compensate for their usually longer domestic numbers. Validate US Zip Code format with Rails (4) . I couldn’t find one … Continue reading Sample ZIP Codes from All 50 States (and more) Surinam Known as the ZIP Code with five digits 99999* or the ZIP+4 Code with nine digits 99999-9999* (while the minimum requirement is the first five digits, the U.S. Dataset and API with a list of the Zip Codes / Postal Codes of New Zealand. Bouvet Island Using this database a developer is able to: You need to go to the API Playground and perform a query like this one: Getting a key is a simple and straightforward process. 158. Dataset and API with a list of the Zip Codes / Postal Codes of Turkey. Dataset and API with a list of the Zip Codes / Postal Codes of Thailand. Botswana China and Mangolia map It's doubtful that Uganda has a postal code. ©All Rights Reserved "Zaa Covers" | Website Designed and Developed by The service works with two different API protocols: You can make queries, access, and retrieve data from a public dataset via a GraphQL API. Dataset and API with a list of the Zip Codes / Postal Codes of Wallis and Futuna. Cities by ZIP Code™ For more rapid delivery, please use the recommended or recognized city names whenever possible for this ZIP Code ™. There is a thin line of difference between zip code and postal code. Libya Dataset and API with a list of the Zip Codes / Postal Codes of Spain. Dataset and API with a list of the Zip Codes / Postal Codes of Malawi. Dataset and API with a list of the Zip Codes / Postal Codes of Saint Pierre and Miquelon. , USA Dataset and API with a list of the Zip Codes / Postal Codes of Monaco. Dataset and API with a list of the Zip Codes / Postal Codes of Isle of Man. There are many sites that allow you to look up a ZIP code by city and state, but I was looking for a quick reference all on one page. Connect. the population of the Houston is around 2.303 million and it is the fourth most populated city in the united states.Houstonian is the demonym of Houston and the time zone of Houston is UTC-6.. Map of Houston Tx and Surrounding Areas Dataset and API with a list of the Zip Codes / Postal Codes of Belarus. Zip Codes are for the USA only. Algeria Korea Haiti ZIP code Lookup by county, state,address, city or area code and get all the zip codes on just one click. Dataset and API with a list of the Zip Codes / Postal Codes of Philippines. Dataset and API with a list of the Zip Codes / Postal Codes of Uruguay. Africa Dataset and API with a list of the Zip Codes / Postal Codes of Ireland. The problem is that countries like the USA use only zip codes while the other ones use postal codes. Travel Eritrea Get Pin Code (Zip Code) of all states of India. Contributors ️ Zip and Postal Codes of All Countries UA; Dataset and API with a list of the Zip Codes / Postal Codes of Ukraine. Thailand Dataset and API with a list of the Zip Codes / Postal Codes of French Guiana. We are the leader in zip code/postal code data provisioning sector. Usually, people use postal codification and zip codes for handling deliveries and mail. China About. Dataset and API with a list of the Zip Codes / Postal Codes of American Samoa. What else can you do with the zip code finder? Taif is a historical city of province Makkah. Samoa Uruguay Baker Island Dataset and API with a list of the Zip Codes / Postal Codes of Russia. Postal codes for all regions in Brazil. Dataset and API with a list of the Zip Codes / Postal Codes of Ukraine. for 195 countries. The list is pretty broad and the most common ones are: Please see below other popular databases: Dataset and API with a list of the Zip Codes / Postal Codes of Andorra. The list below allows obtaining the UN/LOCODE Code List 2020-2 for each country or territory.The current version was published in December 2020 By selecting a country or territory, the system displays the entire UN/LOCODE Code List of the country or territory. Dataset and API with a list of the Zip Codes / Postal Codes of Iceland. Barbuda google_ad_client = "ca-pub-8330781085679612"; This is a comprehensive database with data about the post office codes for all countries in the world. Jamaica Dataset and API with a list of the Zip Codes / Postal Codes of Holy See (Vatican). Not all countries use zip codes, and some countries do not have a large geographical area, so there is no need to use zip codes, such as the United Arab Emirates. Liberia Flag China Montserrat Dataset and API with a list of the Zip Codes / Postal Codes of Moldova. Khobar Postal Code: 31952; Khobar ZIP Code: 31952; Taif Postal Code . Cote d'Ivoire Zip code of all countries in the world along cities in CSV, TXT,SQL DATABASE Topics This table contain list of countries for continent: ' Australia and Oceania ’. Monaco Mongolia Some other countries have postal codes as well, but they aren't called "zip codes". Civil and personal documents may differ from country to country, depending on availability. This is a comprehensive database with data about the post office codes for all countries in the world. Bosnia and Herzegovina I want to include country, city, state, and zip code for some e-commerce site and I want it as if I select specific country cities of that specific country only is listed. Dataset and API with a list of the Zip Codes / Postal Codes of Romania. However, the postal code is not used by all the countries, i.e. Dataset and API with a list of the Zip Codes / Postal Codes of Malta. Chile Database; API Playground; Get Started; Issues; Contributors; API Playground. Dataset and API with a list of the Zip Codes / Postal Codes of Lithuania. Dataset and API with a list of the Zip Codes / Postal Codes of Dominican Republic. Sweden Qatar Dataset and API with a list of the Zip Codes / Postal Codes of Serbia. ZIP code Lookup by county, state,address, city or area code and get all the zip codes on just one click. Hong Kong Middle East Moldova Enter the address, city, state, province, or country into the search field above to locate a mailing address or find a package’s origin. Cuba Ashmore Dataset and API with a list of the Zip Codes / Postal Codes of Finland. Belarus Dataset and API with a list of the Zip Codes / Postal Codes of Sweden. Lebanon Czech Slovak Republis Dataset and API with a list of the Zip Codes / Postal Codes of Poland. by I needed sample ZIP codes from all 50 states, so that I could test a website feature I’ve been working on. Connect to API. Dataset and API with a list of the Zip Codes / Postal Codes of Guadeloupe. Each dataset represents a country and has the following information available. Morocco Many other countries have their own system of postal codes, although not all do. Ask Question Asked 22 days ago. Use our interactive map, address lookup, or code list to find the correct zip code for your postal mails destination. What zip code should I use when a country does not use postal codes? Iran Dataset and API with a list of the Zip Codes / Postal Codes of Reunion. As a UK resident who has had to deal with American sites (including the Dell support site that requires you to put in a zip code) the “Zip codes are numbers” thing is a BAD mistake to make. Asia Bahrain Latvia Dataset and API with a list of the Zip Codes / Postal Codes of Guam. Japan Cyprus Kazakhstan The process has 3 steps: Yes, you can integrate several databases under the same API Key. Croatia Dataset and API with a list of the Zip Codes / Postal Codes of Hungary. Congo Ireland Albania ** The International Call Prefix (also called an international access code or an International Direct Dialing code - IDD) is a telephone dialing code used to dial out of a country when making an international call. Map of Houston Tx. Barbados Dataset and API with a list of the Zip Codes / Postal Codes of Bulgaria. Norway This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. Dataset and API with a list of the Zip Codes / Postal Codes of Marshall Islands. Dataset and API with a list of the Zip Codes / Postal Codes of Micronesia. Argentina Postal Service encourages everyone to use all nine). The 2-letter codes shown above are supplied by the ISO (International Organization for Standardization). Burundi Click a point to find zip or postal code … Countries without postal codes. Andorra Dataset and API with a list of the Zip Codes / Postal Codes of Costa Rica. If you need multi-country support, you can use validates_zipcode gem I released. It bases its list of country names and abbreviations on the list of names published by the United Nations. Zip Code, Pin Code, Post Code of all Countries, find zip code for any use and send your message to the right destinations by using correct zip code of area, country vise zip code on maps n world Guatemala Kuwait Dataset and API with a list of the Zip Codes / Postal Codes of South Africa. Dataset and API with a list of the Zip Codes / Postal Codes of Puerto Rico. Zip Codes are for the USA only. It's doubtful that Uganda has a postal code. With the current "zip+4" format, there are literally millions of different values. Kenya Bhutan Vietnam "zip code" is a U.S. number. Postage prices and other mailing conditions for the countries and localities listed below appear in the Individual Country Listings (ICLs). Guinea-Bissau Bangladesh Dataset and API with a list of the Zip Codes / Postal Codes of Azerbaijan. We offer a simple, accurate and up-to-date database of all zip codes/postal codes, neighbourhoods (area’s) & street names around the globe. Arctic Ocean Dropdown code for All countries with their respective state and cities with Zip Code. Belgium Kyrgyzstan Cartier Islands List Of Country & Dialing Codes. Lithuania Dataset and API with a list of the Zip Codes / Postal Codes of Sri Lanka. Answer the question "What zip code am I in?" google_ad_slot = "4783923105"; Dataset and API with a list of the Zip Codes / Postal Codes of Mexico. Liechtenstein Dataset and API with a list of the Zip Codes / Postal Codes of Latvia. Dataset and API with a list of the Zip Codes / Postal Codes of France. Dataset and API with a list of the Zip Codes / Postal Codes of Singapore. All; Filter Countries . List of U.S. Embassies and Consulates. Dataset and API with a list of the Zip Codes / Postal Codes of Italy. Dataset and API with a list of the Zip Codes / Postal Codes of Svalbard and Jan Mayen. List of Continents, Countries, States, and Cities, âï¸ Zip and Postal Codes of All Countries, Place Name: Australian National University, Admin Name in a String format: Australian Capital Territory, country code : iso country code, 2 characters, admin name1 : 1. order subdivision (state) varchar(100), admin code1 : 1. order subdivision (state) varchar(20), admin name2 : 2. order subdivision (county/province) varchar(100), admin code2 : 2. order subdivision (county/province) varchar(20), admin name3 : 3. order subdivision (community) varchar(100), admin code3 : 3. order subdivision (community) varchar(20), latitude : estimated latitude (wgs84), longitude : estimated longitude (wgs84), accuracy : accuracy of lat/lng from 1=estimated, 4=geonameid, 6=centroid of addresses or shape, Consume the API in a REST or GraphQl format, One API Key is able to connect to multiple data sources. Dataset and API with a list of the Zip Codes / Postal Codes of San Marino. Dataset and API with a list of the Zip Codes / Postal Codes of Guernsey. Dataset and API with a list of the Zip Codes / Postal Codes of Jersey. You can use the database for free up to 10k requests per month. Swaziland Dataset and API with a list of the Zip Codes / Postal Codes of Australia. Dataset and API with a list of the Zip Codes / Postal Codes of North Macedonia. Malaysia Dataset and API with a list of the Zip Codes / Postal Codes of Norway. 0. Dataset and API with a list of the Zip Codes / Postal Codes of Czechia. Germany Venezuela Khobar postal code and Khobar zip code are much important in the correspondence of international oil companies working in the kingdom. Get Started. Tonga Iraq Brazil El Salvador Luxembourg Dataset and API with a list of the Zip Codes / Postal Codes of the Netherlands (Holland). Benin In some countries such as the United Kingdom and Canada, postal code are comprised of number and letters. Burma Dataset and API with a list of the Zip Codes / Postal Codes of Guatemala. Furthermore, in some countries like Nigeria, these two code types mean the same thing. It currently supports 159 countries zipcode formats and plays nice with Rails 3 & 4.. You can use it like this: Dataset and API with a list of the Zip Codes / Postal Codes of New Caledonia. Israel Poland Hungary Localities that are not listed separately in the ICLs under their own heading are listed with the country identified in parentheses. Dataset and API with a list of the Zip Codes / Postal Codes of Austria. Pakistan Armenia These will be submitted to the NVC in Step 9. India google_ad_height = 90; South Asia Easy to use API available! Dataset and API with a list of the Zip Codes / Postal Codes of Denmark. A ZIP Code is a postal code used by the United States Postal Service (USPS). Zip Code Number in a String format; Place Name in a String format; Geolocation in a Geopoint format Dataset and API with a list of the Zip Codes / Postal Codes of Bangladesh. Please refer to the Connect Button on the top right hand side of this page. Index of Countries and Localities. Dataset and API with a list of the Zip Codes / Postal Codes of India. Dataset and API with a list of the Zip Codes / Postal Codes of Faroe Islands. Dataset and API with a list of the Zip Codes / Postal Codes of Chile. Click the link of the country for which you want search the postal or zip codes and display on Google Maps, this will take you to the Postal Code Search application of the country. South Korea New Zealand Can ada Dataset and API with a list of the Zip Codes / Postal Codes of Algeria. UK postal codes (which are similar to those in a few other country) have letters in EG AB12 3CD and there’s a few other fun ones out there as well. Dataset and API with a list of the Zip Codes / Postal Codes of Malaysia. Dataset and API with a list of the Zip Codes / Postal Codes of Korea. Guinea Angola Countries are divided to 5 continents. St. Lucia Egypt Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon Him) spends a lot of time here in the preaching of Islam. Dataset and API with a list of the Zip Codes / Postal Codes of Slovakia. North Korea More details in our Pricing Page. Dataset and API with a list of the Zip Codes / Postal Codes of Brazil. "zip code" is a U.S. number. google_ad_width = 728; Italy America Let's consider a Zip Code from Australia as an example. Brunei Denmark *The Dialing Country Code is the prefix number you have to dial to connect your call to the specific country you want to call. Austria List of World Zip Codes / Postal Codes. /* 728ad */ Richard MacCutchan 22-Jan-18 4:49am Find some documentation that explains the format for all zip … Uzbekistan Find out Pin Code or Postal Code list for Indian states and Union Territories. Antarctic Region Antigua Bolivia Guam Namibia Anguilla 158. The data provided will look like this: This database was extracted from Each dataset represents a country and has the following information available. +30 – Australia Postal Code Lookup Bellow are the links to the "Postal Code Lookup" application specific to the country. The "zip code" is a United States Postal Service thing, used to distinguish different localities within the United States. Miquelon Introduced in 1963, the basic format consisted of five digits. Dataset and API with a list of the Zip Codes / Postal Codes of Germany. Logins, saves, queries are examples of operations calculated as API requests, among other types of operations. Dataset and API with a list of the Zip Codes / Postal Codes of Martinique. Vanuatu In 1983, an extended ZIP+4 code was introduced; it included the five digits of the ZIP Code, followed by a hyphen and four digits that designated a more specific location.. Jordan Bermuda Find the zip or postal code of any address in the world. Guyana Cambodia We have built up this database from authoritative sources that ensure we provide you with up to date and relevant data. Camaroon Free zip code finder. Dataset and API with a list of the Zip Codes / Postal Codes of Slovenia. Find any zip code (including ZIP+4 - full 9-digit US zip codes) or postal code in the world by using our simple lookup function. Turkey Scotland Dataset and API with a list of the Zip Codes / Postal Codes of Luxembourg. Mexico Issues. Active 22 days ago. How to validate and restrict text field for zip code validation for all countries . Dataset and API with a list of the Zip Codes / Postal Codes of Estonia. 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