Use 30 Volume Developer. Typically, a quality hair dye includes a minimal 2 to 20- volume developer. GUILT-FREE GLAMOUR!® Before using any Manic Panic® Semi-Permanent Hair Color, pre-lighten your hair with Flash Lightning® Bleach to get the most intense color. ⢠30 Volume Developer (30V / 9% peroxide) will lift the hair up to 3 levels higher and is commonly used with lightener. Most haircolor formulas today work with a 10, 20, or 30 volume developer. 20 volume is the most common strength and 30 vol would be stronger, but will be more damaging. The effects of these developer strengths are as follows: In this case, youâll need to use a 30-volume developer. If you decide to use this volume of developer, be mindful of how long you're leaving it in. One Bleaching Kit is enough product for short hair of average thickness up to 4 inches in length. 30 volume developer allows you to lighten the hair while coloring by two or three levels, and allows more pigment to embed into the hair shaft. If you are going from dark hair and looking to lift several levels of color away, 30 may be the right developer strength for you. The 20-volume developer provides permanent pigmentation and enhances the strength of the hair cuticle. The above indications apply to Ugly Duckling bleaches only. The peroxide developer's oxidizing potential is denoted as its 'volume'. If your client's hair is brown/dark brown (level 4-5), aim at around around 30-40 minutes using 30 Vol developer with fresh mix added in during processing time. 30 Volume Developer. If your client's hair is dark blonde/light brown (level 5-6), aim at around 30 minutes using 30 Vol developer. It just makes your hair a little lighter than your natural color hair. It has a significantly stronger lightening power than a 20-volume developer does. . However, at 9% hydrogen peroxide, it's still pretty strong. Hence, in order to get the full effect, 30 volume developer should be combined with bleach powder or dye powder to lighten your hair fastest. Allow us to help you understand the basics of applying a developer and the answers to common questions asked by most users. However, for a moderate range of hair lightening, I prefer a 10-volume developer. It also disperses the existing color and can lighten the hair's color level depending on the strength of the peroxide formulation. The simplest answer is yes, you can. Also, the 30-volume developer will not only remove traces of your permanent hair dye but itâll also lighten some shades of your base color. It takes developer (peroxide) mixed with an ammonia type lightener to create the chemical reaction that is needed to lighten hair. Manic Panic Lightning Hair Bleach Kit with 30 Volume Cream Developer lifts hair up to 5 levels and helps prepare your hair for the most intense Manic Panic colors. Because 30 volume developer cannot bring effectively to lighten your hair by only itself. Do you intend to try a volume developer to lighten your hair? Developer is made of varying strengths of Hydrogen Peroxide, so much like the use of Sun-In or similar products, it can be used to lighten your hair. If your hair is not very damaged and you want a lighter and more long-lasting color, 30 volume developer can be a great option. It won't lighten and will dry your hair. Therefore, it can be more damaging to the hair. ⢠40 Volume Developer (40V / 12% peroxide) will lift the hair ⦠Being lost or confused is accepted with so many developer options available online and at the stores.