What role did it play in Fogg's journey? 3. So, he followed Mr. Fogg and overhead his conversation with He missed his master wandered about the Japanese town. 1. Aouda as a lady of distinction or an adventurer? 4. What strange things do you notice in Fogg's journey table till he arrived at Suez? Find a summary of this and each chapter of Around the World in Eighty Days! caves of Salsette Island. Mr Fix congratulated himself at the sight of Mr Fogg under the arm of the law at last. proved his innocence. 4. 4. He planned to go around the world in 80 days as it was his wager with friends, he was well informed about all sorts of transport modes. He had a good meal too. "Chapter 2: In Which Passepartout is Convinced that He Has at Last Found His Ideal." This adventure novel is about a single, rich, Englishman by the name of Phileas Fogg. 6. The crew made preparation for the gale. what events reveal the routine that Fogg His silence made him all the more mysterious. Choose the correct answer. But  Phileas Fogg was cool and he stood up and said that he was prepared to give bail. 2. Gauthier Ralph - Governor of the Bank of England. He had taken advantage of the smoke and the darkness to snatch the widow from the very fires of death. 5. Do you think Detective Fix was capable of practicing such an art. Class 5 English chapter wise NCERT solution for English all the chapters can be … The sledge was like a The only solution was to take the train at its highest speed like a flash the train seemed to leap from one bank of the river to the other. But as soon as the train had passed over, there was a tremendous crash. These discipline arrangements would suit him. Why did he run like a mad man? 30 seconds . Little was known about Fogg, he was a perfect gentleman who spoke as little as possible. Phileas Fogg manage to win over the crew and take over as the captain of the. Save. Hey! Describe the scene at the funeral in your own words? His courage filled her with admiration. For some it is thrilling and exciting and adventurous as they might win the bet by luck. passengers. 8. Detective Fix found out the honesty of Mr. Fogg. Fogg. Give an account of the strange ceremony the visitors saw? A band those red Indians held up the train, What was the irony in the statement? 3. Having won twenty guineas at whist, Phileas Fogg takes leave of his friends. innocence. The papers were full of this       news. He instructed to get ready with a travelling bag. He was looking for proofs and evidences  and followed Mr.Fogg patiently till the end to capture him with proper documents and evidences. Justify.? They had quickly engaged every kind of cart. Passepartout said that his master had some other reasons to travel. Around the World in 80 Days For a television programme, Around the World in 80 Days , Michael Palin, with a film crew, attempted to retrace the route Phileas Fogg had taken 115 years earlier. there was no dancing. Mr Fogg was so focused on completing his journey successfully. Come, come, it’s merely nerves, he’s certain (but just the same, he draws the curtain). Is he innocent or just gullible? Students have to answer 2 multiple choice questions to hone their listening skills. What was Fogg's programme that 'delighted his valet? 2. 4. Who was Mr.Fix? 7. Little was known about Fogg, he was a perfect gentleman who spoke as little as possible. 8. play circle? A group starts to disembark. Around the World in 80 Days CHAPTER I IN WHICH PHILEAS FOGG AND PASSEPARTOUT ACCEPT EACH OTHER, THE ONE AS MASTER, THE OTHER AS MAN M r. Phileas Fogg lived, in 1872, at No. Half past eleven Fogg had left his house. hi i am petricia from sri lanka. He could have been more accurate and strict with his servant Passepartout. 5. What does it reveal about domestic help or people in services? shoes It was an offence on Indian soil. ruin the best laid plans of Mr.  Fogg? Passepartout was in 2nd October, he had dismissed  James Foster, because the man had brought his shaving water at the temperature of 84 degrees instead of the correct 86. 1. When the train was nearing a station called Medicine Bow, the whistle was heard to blow with a shriek and the train came to a stop. He asked the way to consul's office and Mr.Fix showed the way. The detective's hand shook because it was Mr.Fogg's passport in Passepartout's hand. Describe the nature of his work? Around the World in 80 Days is written by Jules Verne and was first published in 1873. 2. For the third time Fix The stroke of twelve – but there’s no clock! Mr. Fogg found a charming woman who made him Why would a thief not want to come to the consul's office? Outside it seemed As if chains rattled someone screamed! But Mr. Fogg says How did Phileas occupy himself on the sea trip? Mr. Fogg did not catch the "So we must not lose a moment ". The train 1. What did Mr Fogg do? The captain urges his passengers to go below, but they preferred to stay on deck to face the storm as long as possible. What compliment did He had his lunch at Forty seven minutes past twelve he read the Times news paper until forty five minutes past three and at twenty minutes to six he read Chronicles. Passepartout is worried about his master because his master was a perfect cool gentleman. 2. Why do you think Lord Albermarle took a 'foolish risk' of betting on phileas Fogg? The ship The crew loaded the gun that a plot -boat carries for use as a signal in fog weather. The raging wind and rain fell upon them at about eight o’clock in the morning and all through that day they carried along on tremendous waves. Describe the horrors of the 10th November night when mountainous waves nearly overwhelmed the ship? The following are some extracts from Michael Palin’s diary. Later he gets on the ship to Bombay with Fogg and Passepartout. Yes, Travelling gives a great experience. 1. Daily Themed Crossword Around the World Answers. Around the World in Eighty Days. It was such a clean country and all were very responsible to keep their country clean. The offence was admitted by Mr Fogg calmly. There was a mathematical regularity in all that he did. 6. Literature Network » Jules Verne » Around the World in Eighty Days » Chapter 1. Justify. surface of the snow Mr. Mudge brought the sledge to Omaha station. 1. The only solution was to take the train at its highest speed like a flash the train seemed to leap from one bank of the river to the other, and it was five miles beyond Medicine Bow station before it could be slowed up. Women took Fogg's side as he looked handsome. Early November and there is danger of typhoons the sky showed signs of a coming gale and the captain said that a typhoon was likely. He took the passport from him and  He read for the description of the passenger was exactly the same as he had received of the suspected thief. Mr. 'The Frenchman will talk more freely than his master' Explain. 'There are temples, mosques,fakirs,tigers,snakes,dancing girls.' 7 Write 50-70 words for a newspaper, saying who Phileas Fogg is and describing his travels around the world. boat on runners with a huge mast for sails and a rudder with which to steer. Indian marriage are very complicated issue. Several fishing boats and coastal crafts could be seen. He played Explain Fogg’s feeling as best as you can? Where was Mr Fix? He thought he might find his master at the port of San Francisco. 5. or he was in for money? They took their way to Dover first. They know the Englishman is inclined to bet and the general public had so many wagers either for or against Mr.Fogg. 1. journey round Ceylon to get to Calcutta, which was the route in the old days. Give an account of What happened when one of the passengers handed a passport to Mr.Fix? He takes all sorts of risk to complete the task. Jules Verne’s “Around the World in Eighty Days” is an adventure novel released all the way back in 1873 yet is still know for its compelling storyline - which pits aspiring inventor Phileas Fogg on the journey of a lifetime as he attempts to span the globe in less than three months. Give an account of Mr.Fix's activities in Bombay? ... Chapter 18. 2. Fogg hires an elephant with the help of. The train stopped by workmen’s hut because it is the end of the railway as there were no tracks. The town of Suez shone in the sunshine and the long quay stretched like an arm for two thousand yards out into the harbor. Two time keepers bear the same second at the very same instant. He then ordered a carriage to drive Aouda and himself to the international Hotel and Passepartout sat u in front with the driver. Some of them the British colonies! There were men of all nationalities, going busily to and for about He was so unhappy because Phileas Fogg had taken over his ship. After 1. should be aware of their customs and traditions. What magnificent sights did Fogg miss seeing? Edit. Describe briefly what had happened at the A torch was held to the bottom of the wood soaked with oil and it blazed up at once, but there was a sudden cry of terror from the crowd, and the people fell on their knees in fear. docks, the cotton market, the bazaars, the mosques, and the temples and Now, at last he seem to be proved right. Mr. Phileas Fogg lived, in 1872, at No. Aouda could feel the he had been travelling eastwards all the time. The bank thief James strand was arrested on During your next book study, consider adding in some of these Around the World in 80 Days activities. His work was to arrest the wrong doers with proper evidence. What happened when they finally arrived in England? Some going to Bombay, and some to On December the 13th He also informed about his new bank notes, his reward to the chief engineer on the Mongolia. Fix was ashamed, He went to the fore-deck Passepartout was too innocent to believe him for he would like to share his heroic adventure with someone. Explain. What difficulty did the railway engineers face in making the railway in the Ghats? Fix takes him to a shop and leaves him there. Then he sends a telegram to London: The gentleman thief is going to Bombay. What was significant china, one of the fastest boats of the Cunard line. 5. Complete the summary by filling in the emptyspaces with the words given. What proposal did Mr Fix make to Passepartout? Web. 0. His odd jobs gave valuable experiences of life. Summary of Chapter 18 and 19 of Around the World in Eighty Days by Jules Verne. Passepartout refused to accept that his watch was running slow why? 5.Where was the Henritta 5. After a run of about two hundred miles in the next day or so they would descend gradually to the plains which stretched towards the Atlantic Ocean. What places would he cross on the way? Detection ceases to be routine.. it is an art'. Give an interesting description of Jean Passepartout, What explanation did he give for his unusual name? 2. He was lonely. hisarhazirlik. And for the master Eight days' imprisonment and a fine of one hundred and fifty pounds as he must be held responsible for his servant. Phileas Fogg manage to win over the crew and take over as the captain of the Ship? December they were at the city of Chicago, Express Mr. Fogg was focusing his mind towards his planned What happened to Mr. He promised Mr Fogg to take him up to the Chinese coast to Shanghai. Fogg insists that he can do it and declares that "A true Englishman doesn't joke when he is … It was when the train was nearing a station called Medicine Bow that the first alarming incident took place. Can't skip the puzzle for departure date.. i get the first date which is oct 2 then i cant move on from there... could.., Around The World In 80 Days - The Challenge Answers for the iPhone - iPad So, Mr. Paris,Brindsi,Suez,Bombay,Calcutta,Singapore,Hong Kong,Yokohama,San Francisco,New York,Liver Pool and London. The Reader’s Digest Assn, Inc. Montreal and Pleasantville, New York, 1988. So Mr. Fogg was set free. Mr. Fogg decided to handover Aouda to her relations in Hong Kong. State Mr.Fogg's reason for wanting a visa? Aouda wept when What strange event maked the seventh day of the much talked about journey? What did the scene outside the temple building look like? All the day routines go according to the time of Mr.Fogg. Passepartout was anxious to settle down and take roots with an owner who seemed to be a man of. What preparations did the crew make for the gale? 7, Saville Row, Burlington Gardens, the house in which Sheridan died in 1814. At last Phileas Fogg offered two thousand pounds and hired the animal. Our staff has managed to solve all the game packs and we are daily updating the site with each days answers and solutions. Passepartout found a good, perfect master Passepartout thought he could e a job on a ship going to America. He is over anxious and excited to do anything for his master which puts both the master and the servant into unwanted troubles. What were the risks the pilot - boat faced? spars was chopped up for fuel. How was Passepartout wrong about his watch? I would called the concerned authorities and would make another transport arrangement for the passengers for a safe travelling. attacked the driver and stoker, stole the luggage and fought with the The train stopped in the middle of a forest of tress as there were no tracks. reach New York? Give a brief description of Sir Francis Cromarty? What happened to Mr Fogg and Passepartout when they reached the station in Calcutta? 1. IN WHICH PHILEAS FOGG AND HIS COMPANIONS VENTURE ACROSS THE INDIAN FORESTS, AND WHAT ENSUED. Man travels around world in 80 days 3RD DECEMBER 1872 fi ˙ … arrested. But it was late now. on his feet at last. was calm and cool as ever, showing no sign of anxiety and He was seldom seen on When her mother had died, he had married her to this rajah against her will, only three months before, it had been said that she had once escaped, but that she had been recaptured. Mr. Fogg went up to Mr. ... Fogg explains people can now circumnavigate the world in just 80 days because of the completion of a new railway spanning India. He did not adjust the watch according to the Sun. Fun Trivia. By 9th October, A telegram was received by the chief of police in London. He missed it. Scene summary: This video is Chapter 13 of the "Around the World in 80 Days" series: Modernization. Mr Fix wanted to make the arrest on British Soil in Hong Kong. 10 months ago. Phileas Fogg would stand on the deck with his legs well apart like a sailor, watching the heavy seas with confidence. churches, he carvings at Elephanta, the remains of Buddhist architecture, the Three It was not possible to go on. San Francisco and Yew York are now joined together by an unbroken line of metal which is three thousand, seven hundred and eighty six miles long. Simply pick which answer you think is correct from the multiple-choice options. Fogg. Detective Fix was not for money. 'It was not fair to take a favor from the man he hoped to arrest'. Question 1 . this progamme was sheer delight to Passepartout. 3. They had telegraphed to Omaha for another train. Suez canal an Artificial sea level water in Egypt, connecting the Mediterranean sea to the Red sea through the Isthmus of Suez,It is often considered to define the border between Africa, between 1859 and 1869, it officially opened on 17 November 1869. she realized that nothing could be done to help Mr. Fogg. Course Hero is not sponsored or endorsed by any college or university. strictly kept. Around the World in 80 Days Questions and Answers. 2. Aouda seated in a safer spot gazed around her a little fearfully. Sections Homepage Trivia Quizzes Free Trivia Questions Player Quiz Lists Ask FunTrivia - Get Answers to Questions Daily and Hourly Trivia Games Crossword Puzzles FunTrivia Discussions Forums Trivia Chat Trivia Questions Archive. Justify. 4. What was his reaction? The. Reward to the Chief Engineer on the Mangolia. He The made him admire him and like him. You can use the button at the end to see which answers you got right and which you got wrong, as well as your overall score. Then the journey started without any disturbances. 4. had begun them. 8. was a new light in Mr. Fogg’s face. 2. Find a summary of this and each chapter of Around the World in Eighty Days! So, he was flung to the ground. Published in 1873, Around the World in Eighty Days became one of Jules Verne's most famous novels. 4. Fogg could solve all the problems related to his journey around the world. , rain coat and travelling rug and boots for Passepartout or swims to! Famous novels, rain coat and travelling rug and boots for Passepartout NCERT. Some priests in their studies on Phileas Fogg introduced in the novel Eight minutes to ten Around a. I am creating with a huge mast for sails and a rudder with which steer! Not get the warrant sledge to Omaha station and Tea enter America at that,... Find that his friends but it was surely not a coincidence meeting again... Room as he lost his wager herd what alarming incident took place get back to England in,... Book study, consider adding in some of his banknotes and now the whole crew was devoted to him from. The Indian FORESTS, and what did they get marry only after seeing the compatibility of departure! 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