Keep in mind these are just general recommendations, you will need to alter your rune and stat builds based on what content you want to use this monster for and what team you are using him with. - Kritischer Schaden Die Priorität nimmt von links nach rechts ab. - Early Game: Energy / Focus - Spd/ Hp% / Acc% with speed HP defense and accuracy substats- Mid/Late game: Violent / Focus with Spd/Hp%/Hp% or Violent / Revenge full HP for necro. This unit is MVP RAID support cause every skill is usefull versus the Hidra. You may wanna run Colleen on Violent and Revenge runes to maximize the possibility to get a great amount of number of hits on the Boss (you have to do a certain number of attack against the bos in order to deplete its shield each turn). Throws sharp feathers to attack the enemy and prevents them from recovering their HP for 2 turns. It really doesnt matter as long as you can get decent speed, good HP, 70% resistance and some accuracy to apply the debuffs. Stay updated on services, features, and monster releases! Light Elven Ranger Lucienis a Summoners War Sky Arena Monster. Raid Build: Full Revenge - %HP / %DEF / %HP with defense hp resistance and accuracy substats. Colleen/Fran: 190-191, with no will runes Loren/Shaina: 159-Colleen, Loren/Shaina will go before slowed Colleen, you must have a 33.5k+ Bale for this to be safe Bale: 145-148, Lower the boss will cut you, higher thereâs - Kritischer Schaden Die Priorität nimmt von links nach rechts ab. Her first skill, having her runed on Revenge build, is often required in at least one of the teams, if not actually in all three of them. Colleen Blackout Kick 190% x2 Deadly Dart 190% x3 Fiery Dance No Skill 4 Light Death Knight Conrad Deadly Blow 400% Deadly Wave 20% Trade 820% (120x Lv) No Skill 3 Wind Living Armor Copper Pulverize 200%+240% Colleen (Fire Harpu) is one of the best natural 2 stars Fire monster in Summoners War, she is the most used monster in Necropolis B10, in Rift of Worlds and even in early game as a healer and attack buffer. If you have runed Colleen on speedy build, you can think of her as an attack buffer that can easily go before your AoE nuker, like Lushen. Labyrinth (7/10): Colleen is great in a few of the Labyrinth stages. â¢She is useful in ToA as a healer and attack buffer while also having two debuffs. THIS SITE AND THE PRODUCTS AND SERVICES OFFERED ARE NOT ASSOCIATED, AFFILIATED, ENDORSED, OR SPONSORED BY COM2US. try to get at least 40% resistance. Letâs take a look at the Wind Beastâs skill. We use cookies to personalize content and ads, to provide social media features and to analize our traffic, those informations are also shared with our advertising partners who may combine them with other information you've provided them or they've collected from your use of their services. Colleen est très intéressante comme monstre puisquâelle peut se jouer du début à la fin dans la quasi-totalité des scénarios disponibles dans Summoners War. Understanding the Light Beastâs mechanics will give us an idea to create an effective team. Performs a ruthless combo, kicking the enemy 2 times. She works good with Shihwa based fire team (leaderskill that buffs fire monsters attack) or with some AoE nuker like Lushen if you're in later game and you're running a speeder team. (Reusable in 5 turns), You can obtain Harpu from Dimensional Hole (9/10): She is great in the Inugami Awakening dungeon and the Karzhan Rune Dungeon. If you’re looking for detailed rune and stat builds you should take a look at. View guides, stats and rune recommendations for Fire Harpu Colleen. We use cookies to personalize content and ads, to provide social media features and to analize our traffic, those informations are also shared with our advertising partners who may combine them with other information you've provided them or they've collected from your use of their services. © 2016 Summoners War Monsters is a fan site not affiliated with Com2Us. TOU LINK SRLS Capitale 2000 euro, CF 02484300997, P.IVA 02484300997, REA GE - 489695, PEC. Registration complete! Each attack has a 50% chance of decreasing the enemy's Attack Power for 2 turn. You can either use Revenge, Guard, Endure or go Violent. ToA (5/10): She can be used in ToA as your first healer before you get a better one like Chasun or until you can go with a full CC comp that doesn't need a healer. *If you want to learn what monsters to use with Colleen in Summoners War, here is the. All Water Summoners War monsters in details: , , , , , , , ... We use cookies to personalize content and ads, to provide social media features and to analize our traffic, those informations are also shared with our advertising partners who may combine them with other information you've provided them or they've collected from your use of their services. Light Distortion: Attacks all enemies 3 times with ⦠Tier list der besten 4-Sterne-PvP-Monster aus Summoners War 4-Sterne-Monster sind schwieriger zu bekommen, aber im Allgemeinen sehr interessant. 30 Min Lv. Meanwhile, both her attacks lands useful debuffs on the boss. Are you looking for a Summoners War Tier list? Saben que pueden seguirme en: •She's good as a shield breaker against the bosses in NB10. In some rare cases this may Check out our Summoners War tier list for the PvE meta in 2021. Greatly increases the damage proportionate to the number of times the Beast becomes enraged and the rage effect will reset after the attack. (Reusable in 4 turns), Recovers the HP of all allies by 25% and increases their Attack Power for 3 turns. 35 Min Lv. Blackout Kick: Performs a ruthless combo, kicking the enemy 2 times. We could say she's a helpful monster that helps you through the first part of the game and remains useful even at level 40, definitely a must-have and a six-starrable monster even if you already have Chasun. Fire Harpu is considered a mile stone in Necropolis Dungeon, having two multi hit skill, attack break, heal block, and heal on all allies plus attack buff. 1) Substat upgrades on +3, +6, +9 and +12. Bitte beachtet, dass die Vorschläge durch den Autor ohne Gewähr sind! Learn About Runes, Drop Locations, and More! Colleen can be used in some particular context in pvp, especially on attack teams. â¢Colleen is one of the most useful monsters throughout the game. Uh! Each attack has a 50% chance of decreasing the enemy's Attack Power for 2 turn. Unknown Scroll , Social Summon , Magic Shop , Secret Dungeon, awesome in TOA (even in 100 normal), necropolis and RAID! Each attack has a 50% chance of Colleen is the best nat2 of the game in my oppinion, she can be used in late game with a good performance level. ==Attribute== Die Angaben beziehen sich auf das Monster ohne Buffs und Runen. - Kritische Rate, C.D. Dungeons: Colleen is an amazing monster for NB10. View guides, stats and rune recommendations for Water Pirate Captain Galleon. Leader Skill: Increases the Attack Power of ally monsters in the Arena by 21%. Legende: HP - Lebenspunkte, Atk - Attacke, DEF - Verteidigung, SPD - Geschwindigkeit, Acc - Genauigkeit, C.R. With the skill, âMobilize,â Belladeon fills up the Attack Bar by 30% of all allies, and recovers their HP by 30%. Overall the most usefull nat2 in late game by far. Then Colleen takes the first turn of the team but sometimes it won't heal. Summoners War Monsters is dedicated to be one of the best resource for this game. Another viable runage for Colleen in Necropolis Dungeon is full Revenge, again for the same reason as before. On later game and on higher ranks is very difficult to encounter some of them. Stats Grade â
Level Min Lv. 105k members in the summonerswar community. She also has to be tanky, because her base defense is very low, hence the runage can be done in two different ways: on Violent Revenge build she has to focus on speed on rune 2 to maximize the chance to gain turns and heal again more often. Sadly she is a little bit squishy but worth all the farming time! If you want to learn more, see the cookie policy. Look for a confirmation email. Rift of Worlds (10/10): She is a top tear monster used in R5. Fire Harpu Colleenis a Summoners War Sky Arena Monster. This tier list of Summoners War will aim to present the best SW PvP monsters with the most potential and according to their native star count. Legende: HP - Lebenspunkte, Atk - Attacke, DEF - Verteidigung, SPD - Geschwindigkeit, Acc - Genauigkeit, C.R. Bitte beachtet, dass die Vorschläge durch den Autor ohne Gewähr sind! Guild Wars (3/10): She can be use for early game Arena offense but not defense. Unknown Scroll, Social Summon, Magic Shop, Secret Dungeon (Tues), Temple of Wishes, Reward from Challenge Quest System (Mission IV), Skillups Needed: 15 (Use Family Skillups), 2 - Sets | Energy, Guard, Fight, Determination, Enhance, Accuracy, Tolerance. Multiplier - 190% x2 of ATK stat before reduction, Deadly Dart: Throws sharp feathers to attack the enemy and prevents them from recovering their HP for 2 turns. 25 Min Lv. SW-DATABASE IS AN ONLINE MONSTER DATABASE FOR SUMMONERS WAR MOBILE GAME. •She is replaceable as you discover stronger and better monsters to use in PvP. •She'll hold her own as a beginner PvP monster. Water Pirate Captain Galleonis a Summoners War Sky Arena Monster. by allowing it to survive at bosses even in floor 100. DB10 (8/10): She has a similar role in Dragon's B10 as in GB10. 40 Normal HP 1035 1950 1560 2820 2250 3825 3060 5205 4170 7080 ATK 81 155 124 223 178 303 242 412 329 560 DEF 65 124 99 179 143 244 195 [â¦] ... Vio/revenge she is my fav :) so tiny but so powerful. On Full revenge runes, her main purpose is to put attack break on the boss, so she has to get as much accuracy as possible from substats and you should use %HP or %DEF on rune 2. She can apply attack debuffs, blocks healing and heals/atk buff all the team, thus making her a unique unit in the game. User Comments, Rating by users: 4.01 / 5 based on 160 reviews. Monsters: Fire Harpu Colleen, Water Harpu Sisroo, Wind Harpu Seal, Light Harpu Sia, Dark Harpu Seren Hier ist die Liste der besten 4 nat-Monste Summoners War r von . Performs a ruthless combo, kicking the enemy 2 times. 2) Gemming runes that have not be gemmed She is good to use in some teams in Siege Battle. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features In this Summoners War Guide for Harpu you will find: Where to obtain Harpu and the awakened versions for Fire, Water, Wind, Light and Dark Harpu. Colleen and Fran are free healers that are much better in NB10. Colleen (Fire Harpu) is one of the best natural 2 stars Fire monster in Summoners War, she is the most used monster in Necropolis B10, in Rift of Worlds and even in early game as a healer and attack buffer.She can apply attack debuffs, blocks healing and heals/atk buff all the team, thus making her a unique unit in the game.As said above the main use of colleen is in Necropolis B10 auto teams and with a closer look at her stats and maxed skills at 6 stars you can convince yourself of this statement1st skill: double hit with a good chance to attack break the target for 2 turns2nd skill: triple hit equipped with a recovery block for 2 turns on the target 3rd skill: heals and attack buff for 3 turns on a 3 turn cooldown (= permanent buff)And come equipped with a base speed of 106 and more than 10k hp The fire harpu is also very popular in Rift of Worlds from R1 to endgame R5 because of her Deadly Dart that prevents boss from recovering, her constant attack break and as a secondary healer.Additionally in TOA she works as Chasun alternative that can be a great support for your ToA team. If she is second awakened, she recovers 35% of HP. •Her skills are great for R5 for buffs and debuffs. Attack break and Attack buff (for allies) are useful against all bosses, but the Recovery break is a must if you´re fighting with GUILLES, as the wind boss has a self "Vampire" effect on his attacks.So, this unit is great in PVE and also helpful in some PVP scenarios. Attacks all enemies 2 times. Monster stats and monster ranking compared with other 2 stars monsters. GB10 (7/10): Colleen is good for her heal, ATK buff, and ATK debuff. ToA (9/10): She is excellent against the bosses due to her heal block, heal, ATK buff, and ATK debuff. Subreddit for mobile game Summoners War: Sky Arena. 2 - Sets | Energy, Guard, Fight, Determination, Enhance, Accuracy, Tolerance. A solid unit that works in almost every type of content in Summoners War (Wiki). (Reusable in 4 turns), Multiplier - 190% x3 of ATK stat before reduction, Fiery Dance (Awakened): Recovers the HP of all allies by 25% and increases their Attack Power for 3 turns. â¢She'll hold her own as a beginner PvP monster. Harpu (x2) - Colleen (x3) Navigateur : Type : Support Obtenu à partir de : Vélin Inconnu, Invocation Sociale, Donjons Secrets, Échoppe de Magie. See what are Summoners War Best Monsters, and create a winning team. 1. â¢She's good as a shield breaker against the bosses in NB10. 25 votes, 80 comments. The ⦠Colleen is A MUST in any Raid team, his unique skill set is designed to make the raid stable and easy, so you just cant miss her in your roster. Her multi-skills makes her a useful shield breaker against the boss, while her attack buffing heal helps her serve as your primary healer while speeding up your runs. UPDATE: Collen works great versus GUILLES and can also be used against Kotos and Tartarus in Labyrinth. Light Sweep: Becomes enraged whenever an enemy gains a turn. View guides, stats and rune recommendations for Light Elven Ranger Lucien. •Colleen is one of the most useful monsters throughout the game. I'm pretty sure all the speed NB10 (10/10): All of her skills are useful here. Colleen Skills and Multipliers Do you guys have the same issue? It's important to always check the usefulness of each monster obtained so don't forget she is skillable really easy :). This includes the following options: It does not include: 1) Upgrade all runes to +15. •Her skills are great for R5 for buffs and debuffs.. Concerning runes, I only use Colleen for Raids, so I use a 2xRevenge+Endure set, SPD/HP/HP. By closing this alert, scrolling this page, clicking on a link or continuing navigation in any other way, you consent to the use of cookies. By doing so and having a lot of defense and HP (at least 1500 total defense and 25000 total HP) you can run Colleen as a frontliner, without focusing on speed. 2) Fully grind all runes with max roll legendary grindstones. Youtube Videos Skills Power Ups Buffs and Debuffs Evolution Stats PVP/PVE Ratings Make sure to have 5 monsters with decent damage and bring a maximum of 2 supports. All Fire Summoners War monsters in details: Baretta, Fria, Akia, Jojo, Garo, Clara, Jean, Verdehile ... We use cookies to personalize content and ads, to provide social media features and to analize our traffic, those informations are also shared with our advertising partners who may combine them with other information you've provided them or they've collected from your use of their services. Progress Through Summoners War 10x Faster! (Reusable in 5 turns). Utilisation Obtention Discuss the latest gameplay ⦠My best time with Colleen on triple revenge is I think 44 Dont worry to 6* a nat2 monster, shes definitely worth it. 20 Min Lv. •She is useful in ToA as a healer and attack buffer while also having two debuffs. Colleen is one of the few non four and non five star natural monster that can be used effectively in R5. The guide said Colleen's AI is perfect meaning it will always heal after the bear self-revive. Vorschläge bitte unten auf der Monsterseite in die Kommentare. On this page, you will find Arena (3/10): She can be use for early game Arena offense but not defense. - Kritische Rate, C.D. Je vous présente une analyse sur le monstre Colleen dans Summoners War. All of her skills are excellent here. Harpu is a group of monsters in Summoners War that consists of 3 natural 2 star monsters and 2 natural 3 star monsters. She works fine also in the early stages of the game, as a mass healer and attack buffer, and also in the Special League, with non nat five monsters.