The airplane’s designer provided a written statement to the Safety Board in response to an inquiry regarding the compatibility of the airframe with the Lycoming O-320 engine. The technician said that he went into the hangar to put away his tools, and he heard the engine start; however, it soon quit. The fuel quantity is determined by viewing non-linear sight leave gauges located in the rear cockpit at the wing roots. John Denver Crash Site (Google Maps). A review of the Monterey Peninsula Airport Air Traffic Control Tower (ATCT) tapes revealed that the pilot contacted ground control at 1702 and obtained a taxi-for-takeoff clearance from the hangar. [16][19] There was no snow or ice on the runway, however there were 31-knot (36 mph; 57 km/h) crosswinds at the time. During the investigation, the pilot’s FAA airman and medical records were obtained from the Airman and Medical Records Certification Branch, FAA, in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. Subsequent layout disclosed that the fragments comprised the leading edges of both blades. The maintenance technician who helped the pilot move the airplane out of the hangar before the accident flight mentioned that the fuel sight gauges were only visible to the rear cockpit occupant. 2. John Denver’s Flying License Had Been Suspended at Time of Fatal Plane Crash Because of Earlier Drunk Driving ChargesBy DAVID KLIGMAN PEBBLE BEACH, Calif. (AP) _ John Denver’s flying license was suspended at the time of his death in a plane crash because he had twice been arrested on drunken driving charges, federal investigators said today. FAA records indicate that the seller who sold the airplane to the accident pilot purchased the airplane from the builder on March 5, 1994. On October 12, 1997, John Denver was test flying an experimental plane he had recently purchased. The National Transportation Safety Board determines the probable cause of this accident was the pilot’s diversion of attention from the operation of the airplane and his inadvertent application of right rudder that resulted in the loss of airplane control while attempting to manipulate the fuel selector handle. The return receipt for the certified letter was examined by Safety Board investigators; however, the signature of the person who had signed for the mail was illegible. Fragmented composite propeller blade coverings and blade wood were recovered near the engine. Two sumps, each having about a quart capacity, are located in the tanks. For the last three weeks, he has been on a fast and has had absolutely no alcohol, but in general averages two to four drinks of either wine or beer/week when he’s traveling. The seller said that when he changed tanks inflight he would engage the autopilot, allowing his right hand to reach behind his left shoulder to the selector handle. Air traffic control communications indicated that the airplane had departed from the Monterey Peninsula Airport’s runway 28L about 1712, and the pilot performed three touch-and-go landings and departed to the west moments before the accident. The landing gear assembly was separated from the fuselage, and the right wheel and brake were separated from the gear leg. The wreckage was released to the insurance adjuster representing the pilot on June 10, 1998. [14] He was hospitalized with serious back injuries and bone fractures. All 110 passengers and five crew members survived. He also said that a pillow was placed on the back of the pilot’s seat to assist him in reaching the rudder pedals. After making a series of touch-and-go landings, he flew over the ocean when the plane banked right and plunged into the water of Monterey Bay, California. Witnesses estimated the airplane at 350 to 500 feet over the residential area while heading toward the shoreline. SILT, Colo. — A plane with three people inside crashed south of Silt on Sunday, the Garfield County Sheriff's Office (GCSO) said in a news release. He reported that the last FAA-required, 12-month condition inspection had taken place on September 20, 1997. WORLD'S PREMIER INDEPENDENT AVIATION NEWS RESOURCE. Fuel and water were found in the carburetor bowl. United, Archer Partner On Short-Haul Electric Aircraft, Re.Invent Air Mobility Initiative Participants Selected, Kobe Bryant Crash: Absolutely Nothing New To Learn, How A Split Second Wrong Decision Caused the Kobe Bryant Fatal…, Top Letters And Comments, February 12, 2020, EAA Posts Initial AirVenture 2021 Health And Safety Measures, Early Piper Spar Inspections Need AMOC Approval, Sriwijaya Air Prelim Highlights Thrust Imbalance, Rolls-Royce Conducts Unblended SAF Tests On BizJet Engine, Report Calls For Multi-Pathway Approach To Mitigating Aviation Lead, Avionics: Down For 2020 But Showing Signs of Recovery, Wireless Utility Controls Jammed GPS Near Airport, uAvionix Launches pingStation 2 ADS-B Receiver. There were no discrepancies found during these examinations. It listed an airplane empty weight of 1,061 pounds and center of gravity (CG) at 110.0 inches. On October 12, 1997, the Experimental Long-EZ piloted by singer-songwriter John Denver crashed into the Pacific Ocean off the California coast. [18] He indicated that Captain Butler, who was too badly injured to interview with officials when the investigation began, was flying at the time. Amend FAA Order 8130.2C to specify that, before the issuance of special airworthiness certificates, experimental, amateur-built airplanes should be inspected for needed placards and markings on cockpit instruments and for the appropriate placement and operation of essential system controls to ensure that they provide clear marking, easy access, and ease of operation. [4][5], Despite early confusion as to the whereabouts of Flight 1404, firefighters were on scene relatively quickly, as the aircraft came to rest near one of the airport's four fire houses. The airplane also has a very strong spiral mode. Crews were attempting to recover two bodies from the scene of a private plane crash near Telluride Monday. Cylinder compression was established. Witness reported that they heard engine popping and a reduction in engine noise before the accident. Postaccident wreckage examination by Safety Board investigators revealed that the selector handle was not placarded or marked for any operating position. An investigation is underway after a small plane crashed northeast of Denver, killing the pilot. The wreckage was located the Pacific Ocean in 30-foot water within about 150 yards of the rocky shoreline near Pacific Grove, California. In the interim, the plane was taken on a test flight, flown to Monterey and then flown on the day of the crash. Singer John Denver died twenty years ago in a tragic Plane crash on October 12, 1997 in Monterey Bay, California at the age of 53 (at least that is what … The airplane was then (by the checkout pilot) flown from Santa Ynez to Santa Maria, California, to be repainted in connection with the sale to the pilot. [13] By the following morning, fewer than seven people remained hospitalized.[13]. When investigators attempted to switch fuel tanks in a similar Long EZ, each time while an investigator turned his body the 90 degrees required to reach the valve, his natural tendency was to extend his right foot against the right rudder pedal to support his body as he turned in the seat. The selector valve was installed inside the engine firewall 45 inches aft of the selector handle. Durango, CO Commuter Plane Crashes, Jan 1988. The pilot then got in the airplane and proceeded with his preflight duties, including checking the operation of the control surfaces According to the technician, he observed the fuel selector handle in a vertical position. The airplane was equipped with an electric force bias trim system for both the pitch and roll axis, and an electrically actuated speed brake that deploys from the fuselage belly. An exemplar Lycoming O-320 engine was installed in the test cell, started and run to maximum power. At Santa Maria, the airplane was sanded, primed, and painted. MEDICAL AND PATHOLOGICAL INFORMATION. The canopy was destroyed, and only fragments of the Plexiglas were recovered. The accident airplane’s fuel selector handle was positioned by the builder on the bulkhead behind the pilot’s left shoulder. Eureka, CO Plane Crash while Diving to Restore Man's Hearing, Apr 1928. [17][18] At one point during the sequence, the plane's speed reached 119 knots (137 mph; 220 km/h). 1 The letter from Dr. Whitcomn dated March 22, 1996, was also in the pilot’s medical file it stated: “In general, he has done remarkably well. An aircraft maintenance technician who assisted the pilot in removing the airplane from a hangar before the accident flight stated that he observed the pilot perform a preflight check that took about 20 minutes. According to the checkout pilot, and confirmed by the seller, the canard had the Ronz No. 4. The switches for the electric trim and the speed brake were located on the side stick controller. John Denver's fatal plane crash apparently resulted from faulty ergonomics. to the Experimental Aircraft Association: 5. Earlier, the Board published its factual report. He said that he had made arrangements with the pilot to relocate the fuel selector handle while the pilot, a musical performer, was away on tour. There has been no abuse. However, two batteries, totaling 40.8 pounds, were relocated in the nose section, one directly in front of the foremost bulkhead and the other just behind it. They attempted to extend the reach of the handle, using a pair of vice grip pliers. The cushion feathers matched the ones found commingled with the wreckage. The wooden composite-covered propeller hub was still attached to the engine crankshaft flange. On October 12, 1997, the Experimental Long-EZ piloted by singer-songwriter John Denver crashed into the Pacific Ocean off the California coast. [5], Initial speculation suggested that the plane could have suffered a landing gear malfunction that might have resulted in a wheel lockup during the takeoff roll, leading to the runway excursion. [15] The first officer, 34-year-old Chad Levang, received minor injuries. He said that he had simulated changing tanks using the selector on one occasion on the ground and that he was not pleased with the location. The popular singer died on Oct. 12, 1997, when his small experimental plane plunged into the Pacific Ocean just off Pacific Grove, Calif. The flight to Santa Maria lasted 20 minutes it is estimated to have consumed 4 gallons of fuel. The accident flight was estimated to have consumed 3.0 to 4.3 gallons, for a combined total consumption of 11.9 to 17.0 gallons of fuel. The broken sections of rock were free of normal underwater growth. Telephone interviews with personnel at the paint shop revealed that the old paint was not stripped off. As a result of its investigation of this accident, the National Transportation Safety Board makes safety recommendations as follows: 1. Denver bought the plane only two weeks earlier from another pilot. Since Denver was a pilot, a plane crash seemed the logical end. The fuselage was cracked just behind the wings, the number 1 engine and main landing gear were sheared off, and the nose gear collapsed. A copy of the laboratory report is attached. He noted that the selector was located on the right tank before to the pilot’s departure from Santa Maria. At that point, the left tank port was open to the atmosphere and was subsequently capped. On the application, the inspector checked the box stating “I have found the aircraft described meets the requirements for the certificate requested.” A letter of operating limitations was also issued on that date and included the statement: “This aircraft shall contain the placards, listings and instrument markings required by FAR 91.3 (Subsequently redesignated 14 CFR 91.9). A small yellow two-person plane crash-landed on a field near Airport road shortly after take-off about 11:15 a.m. Saturday, coming to rest partially in … Twelve witnesses saw the airplane in a steep nose-down descent, and 6 of them saw the airplane hit the water. [3] In response to the NTSB report, the Federal Aviation Administration required the airline industry to adjust the crosswind training protocols for pilots, and required ATC to provide multiple sources of wind information, rather than averages, to pilots. Continental Airlines Flight 1404 was a Continental Airlines flight from Denver International Airport in Denver, Colorado, United States to George Bush Intercontinental Airport in Houston, Texas. Examination of the FAA medical file disclosed that following the return of the unclaimed November 6, 1996, letter there was no followup action by the FAA until March 25, 1997, when the agency sent the pilot a second letter by certified mail, return request requested, again notifying him that he was medically disqualified. According to the cushion material tag, it was filled with goose feathers; however, the curator also found duck feathers in the cushion. Based the weight and balance document and estimates of the airplane’s probable fuel load at the accident flight’s departure from Monterey, gross weight and CG conditions were calculated and are appended to this report. Most of the control system rods and rod ends were recovered. On October 12, 1997 singer, songwriter, and actor John Denver was killed when he crashed the Long-EZ aircraft he was piloting after it ran out of fuel just off the coast at Pacific Grove, CA. The mirror was recovered in the wreckage. The airplane was equipped with a single axis roll autopilot, but the autopilot was not recovered. John Denver is also remembered for leaving this world when his Long-EZ kit plane crashed into Monterey Bay, near Pacific Grove, California, on October 12, 1997 at 5:28 pm local time. At the last radio transmission attributed by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) to the accident aircraft (at 1728:06), the measured frequency was to 2,200 rpm. The checkout pilot stated that the pilot flew the airplane from Santa Maria to Monterey, and that he had departed with about 15 gallons of fuel onboard. At 1709, the pilot contacted the local controller, reported ready for takeoff on runway 28, and requested to stay in the traffic pattern for some touch-and-go landings. 1 A type of airplane in which the pitch controls that are normally mounted on the empennage of the airplane are mounted ahead of the main lifting plane. According to the report, the cause of death was multiple blunt force trauma. He stated that the pilot borrowed a fuel sump cup and drained a fuel sample to check for contaminants. 3. The 737 has a crosswind limitation for takeoff of 33 knots (38 mph; 61 km/h) on a dry runway. According to Scaled Composites Inc., the design gross weight limit is 1,425 pounds and the CG range is from the forward limit of 98 inches to the rear limit of 103 inches. Estimates for fuel used during the checkout flight at Santa Maria ranged from 2.5 to 3.6 gallons. By Associated Press , Wire Service Content Sept. 2, 2020 By Associated Press , … All three people aboard survived a plane crash in rugged terrain in Garfield County Sunday, according to the sheriff’s office. Both propeller blades were severed about 18 inches outboard of the hub center. [22], On July 13, 2010 the NTSB published that the probable cause of this accident was the captain's cessation of right rudder input, which was needed to maintain directional control of the airplane, about four seconds before the excursion, when the airplane encountered a strong and gusty crosswind – with a contributing factor of inadequate crosswind training for extreme wind gusts in the airline industry. During the pilot’s 30-minute checkout at Santa Maria, the checkout pilot estimated that 5 gallons of fuel were consumed. How did John Denver die? The representative from Scaled Composites, Inc., also reported that the company flew the same profile as that believed to have been flown during the accident flight (start, taxi, run-up, takeoff, three touch-and-goes, and a pattern departure) in a Lycoming O-320-equipped Long-EZ and measured the fuel consumed at 3.6 gallons. The ATC tapes revealed no recorded distress calls from the pilot, and the pilot did not indicate any aircraft or engine malfunctions. The technician said he believes that the pilot changed the fuel selector and restarted the engine. No battering or over-travel signatures were observed to any control limit stop. Establish, in conjunction with the Federal Aviation Administration and the Aviation Insurance Association, a cooperative program that strongly encourage pilots transitioning to unusual or unfamiliar experimental amateur-built category airplanes to undergo formalized, type-specific transition training similar to that provided to pilots of some advanced, experimental, amateur-built airplanes. Subsequently, in the interests of conservative margins, the designer changed the published limit to 103 inches. He also reported that the lateral roll control with the side stick controller is very sensitive and that a 1/8 inch movement will cause a roll initiation. Witnesses said Denver's plane was flying about 500 feet over the water when it suddenly plummeted to the sea. [16] The cockpit voice recorder did not reveal any apparent problem until 41 seconds after the aircraft's brakes were released, just before takeoff. The steel and aluminum rods connecting the handle to the fuel selector valve were found bent. The engine installed on the accident airplane was a Lycoming O-320-E3D, producing 150 hp and consumes 8.5 to 10 gallons of fuel per hour depending on the power setting. During the repainting of the aircraft, the registration number of was changed by the pilot to N555JD. The Telluride Regional Airport lost contact with the single-engine plane at about 1:30 p.m. and several witnesses reported seeing it go down, the San Miguel County Sheriff’s Office […] He stated that the rudders are very effective because of the long moment arm. The checkout pilot said that the seller attempted to work on the valve in early 1996, but that he (the checkout pilot) ended up finishing the repair in April 1996. As winter enters its last chilly month, winter sports are in full flight, especially the one featured in this thoughtfully shot video... © 2020 Aviation Publishing Group. The brass 3-port Imperial fuel selector valve assembly was examined and found in an intermediate position, which was one-half open between the engine feed line and the right tank fuel supply line. The Board determines that the builder’s decision to locate the unmarked fuel selector handle in a hard-to-access position, unmarked fuel quantity sight gauges, inadequate transition training by the pilot, and his lack of total experience in this type of airplane were factors in this accident. Captain David Butler stated that: "My speculation is that we either got a big, nasty gust of wind or that, with the controls we had in, we hit some ice." [17][18], On July 17, 2009, it was announced that focus had shifted to a possible large gust of wind or a patch of ice. The checkout pilot who flew the airplane from Santa Ynez to Santa Maria for repainting estimated that before his departure 4 to 5 gallons of fuel were in each of the two tanks, and he stated that he added 10 gallons of fuel to each tank. In a telephone interview on June 15, 1998, an engineering representative from Scaled Composites, Inc., reported that the airplane was designed with a published aft limit of 104 inches, and the prototype was extensively tested and flown at this limit. On October 12, 1997, shortly after 1728 Pacific daylight time, an experimental Adrian Davis Long EZ, N555JD, crashed into the Pacific Ocean near Pacific Grove, California. Derby, CO Training Plane Crash, Dec 1951. [4][19] It is unclear at which point during the sequence the fire started. Also, the Board determines that the pilot’s inadequate preflight planning and preparations, specifically his failure to refuel the airplane, was causal. On his most recent medical application of record, dated June 13, 1996, he reported a total flight time of 2,750 hours. The tank is designed so that the fuel will feed into the sumps in all flight attitudes. On April 13, 1996, the seller changed the registration number from N5LE to N228VS. The representative said the only known condition that would tend to favor an unporting is in a prolonged descent with just a few gallons of fuel in the tank. Tests were negative for all screened drugs and Ethanol. He was subsequently cleared for takeoff at 1712, and performed three touch-and-go landings before departing the traffic pattern about 1727. He did not see the pilot check the engine oil level. BYERS, Colo. (CBS4) – Wednesday marks 20 years since a devastating charter plane crash on Colorado’s Eastern Plains. The pilot made no distress calls. The accident airplane was an experimental amateur built canard (1) type aircraft. The handle was located behind the pilot’s left shoulder. [3] The NTSB also received a report analyzing 250,327 departures involving 737-500s, and found that only four of those departures (less than 0.002%) had experienced a crosswind above 30 knots (35 mph; 56 km/h),[3] meaning that it was just short of impossible for a commercial pilot to have real-life experience with crosswinds anywhere near the velocity that hit Continental Airlines Flight 1404 that day. [10] The aircraft was subsequently written off. As applied, the paint weighed about 4 pounds per 100 square foot, according to paint shop personnel. The airplane operated on a flight from Denver International Airport, CO (DEN) to Houston-George Bush Intercontinental Airport, TX (IAH). [9], The crash is noted as the most serious incident in Denver International Airport's history. The patient seems very happy and balanced at this stage of his life.”. [2][4] The right engine caught fire and the fire spread to the fuselage. The following is a combination of the two documents: the NTSB's executive summary and its factual report. After running one tank dry, a time interval of 6 to 8 seconds was measured between changing the fuel selector and the resuming of engine power. The builder responded that he did not want fuel in the cockpit area. All major structural components of the airframe were found in a fragmented state on the ocean floor near the engine. According to the seller, the airplane was sold to the accident pilot on September 27, 1997. The carburetor was removed and opened for a visual examination. The fuel selector handle location was discussed with the seller and other pilots who had flown the accident airplane. It disintegrated on impact about 200 yards off Point Pinos. Two pilots shared their experiences of having inadvertently run a fuel tank dry with nearly catastrophic consequences because of the selector and sight gauge locations. [2], Of the 110 passengers and five crew on board,[1] 38 sustained injuries including broken bones, though everyone on board survived. [7] The off duty pilot, Richard Lowe, was part of the crew which had flown the incident aircraft into Denver; an Air Force reservist, Lowe was awarded the Airman's Medal for his actions. The curator of the local Museum of Natural History was asked to view the feathers during the wreckage examination. The fuel valve was plumbed into an engine test cell, with the fuel supply connected to the valve’s right tank fuel port. When it was last viewed by investigators the wreckage was located at Monterey, California. [22] The winds were reported at about 24 and 27 knots (28 and 31 mph; 44 and 50 km/h) from the northwest with gusts up to nearly 32 knots (37 mph; 59 km/h) just before the airliner began its takeoff roll northward down a north-south runway. A certified true copy of the pilot’s FAA medical record files were obtained and reviewed by Safety Board investigators. The pilot was killed, and the airplane was destroyed. Twenty witnesses to the accident were interviewed. Denver, the plane's only occupant, was killed. Fuel records disclosed that the airplane was not refueled at Monterey Airport. The San Miguel County Sheriff’s Office … A version of this article appeared in the November 25, 1987 edition of Education Week as Students and Adult Adviser Killed in Denver Plane Crash The right engine caught fire and the fire spread to the fuselage. The representative of Scaled Composites, Inc. said the system does not appear to have an unusable quantity. The airplane’s logbooks were not recovered. At the time of the accident, the airplane would have had a gross weight of approximately 1,280 pounds, with a CG at 103.63 inches. The airplane was designed by Rutan Aircraft Factory and was built from the Rutan plans by Adrian D. Davis, Jr. Review of FAA Aircraft Registry records for the airplane revealed that the original builder applied for an airworthiness certificate in the amateur-built, experimental category on May 5, 1987. [17][18] At that point a bumping or rattling sound can be heard, and the crew aborted the takeoff four seconds later. There were 10 gallons of fuel in the right tank and 5 gallons in the left tank. Because of the difficulties of using the selector, he said that he had never used the selector in flight. An airplane on which the pitch controls are mounted forward of the wing rather than behind the wing. An electrical starter was also installed on the engine. Both recorders stopped working six seconds after that (before the plane came to a stop). [5][18], Wheel marks left on the ground as well as initial reports from passengers and firefighters indicate that the plane was airborne, briefly. The radio transmissions were examined on an audio spectrum analyzer in an attempt to identify any background sound signatures that could be associated with either the engine or the propeller. The valve was found frozen in place and could not be moved. The rods were straightened to determine the handle position relative to the valve position. Although the stem/shaft was severely weakened by the rivet addition, there was no evidence of pre-impact failure on the stem. He also said that he had removed the two rivets that were drilled through the brass valve shaft and the he had replaced one of the two torque tubes. He held a private pilot certificate, with airplane ratings for single and multiengine land, single-engine sea and gliders. The designer reported that he is aware that some Long EZ’s have been modified with engines of up to 200 horsepower and operate at weights 50 percent above the prototype limit, and that “this level of experience with growth versions does indicate that there are substantial margins in the design. Copies of the laboratory reports are attached. The pilot told him that he would only be flying for about 1 hour. The technician stated that he and the pilot talked about the inaccessibility of the cockpit fuel selector valve handle and its resistance to being turned. [4] The fire caused overhead luggage compartments to melt onto seats. The pilot said he would use the autopilot inflight, if necessary, to hold the airplane level while he turned the fuel selector valve. In an interview, the manager of Scaled Composites, Inc., (Rutan Aircraft) estimated that, based on the total wetted area of the airplane, the paint applied at Santa Maria would have added 30 pounds to the empty weight for a total of 1,091 pounds with a CG at 110.0 inches. Interests of conservative margins, the registration number from N5LE to N228VS determined to be done in a plane,. Bulkhead behind the pilot had also flown in the right engine caught fire the! Fuel burn rate and fuel remaining would have to be from the engine flight originated... Was discussed with the seller and other pilots who had flown the accident ’... And could not reach the handle was positioned by the FAA ’ Materials. Or calibrated for quantity 's black boxes were recovered the cause of death was multiple blunt trauma! Handle and valve were found broken from the National Transportation Safety Board Materials and! Attempted to extend the reach of the Plexiglas were recovered connected by universal! 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