[1a], In the 260th year of the reign of the current Phoenix King, Finubar the Seafarer, Eltharion became the first High Elf ever to lead a successful raid against Naggarond and return alive. Eltharion is a High Elves Legendary Lord introduced in Total War: Warhammer II with The Warden and the Paunch DLC. Helm of Yvresse- The Helm of Yveresse is the ceremonial crown of the Wardne of that proud city. Through the questioning, vanquishing and indoctrination of captives, Eltharion can gain useful information and other benefits. He took many Dark Elf garrisons by surprise and razed them to the ground. With all the speed they could muster they sailed for Yvresse. With his realm thus secured, Eltharion took his blade overseas; not to the chill shores of Naggaroth in the west, but east to the lands of the Old World and beyond. Opening his eyes dreamily he saw a pale apparition, and with horror realised that the ghostly form was none other than his father Moranion. Many times has he achieved what would have been thought impossible. [1a], In the first task, Eltharion was aided by the nobles of his realm, who rallied to his banner with an enthusiasm not seen for many long generations. In the campaign, he leads the Yvresse faction. The Watchers of Yvresse chain enable the interrogation of captured Heroes and Lords, improvements to the Mist of Yvresse, and bonuses to Eltharion’s Influence. Thousands of Dark Elf warriors were cut down by the disciplined High Elf Spear regiments who advanced across the landscape. His misty, forested, coastal kingdom is sparsely inhabited (even by Elven standards) and is protected by magical mists that confuse and waylay trespassers and invaders, leading them into ambushes or rough terrain. The following morning not even the sunrise nor the cheering crowds of the victorious High Elves could force a smile from him. So your Mistwalkers can get a Waaagh ability in combat(increasing damage output), or get physical resistance or Murderous Mastery etc.. Sisters of Avelorn is a tier 4 unit that is somewhat expensive and have it's pros and cons(like, enemies with fire or magic resistance). Far above, Eltharion charged directly at the Shaman, who saw him almost too late. The shadowy figure was bloodied and mangled by blade-marks and arrows, and Eltharion knew his father was dead. About This Content The Warden & the Paunch is the latest Lords Pack for Total War: WARHAMMER II. Sadly, given that Ulthuan is mostly safe, the mechanic isn’t very useful for Eltharion the Grim outside of reducing recruitment times for high-end units. Now, Eltharion must focus on restoring the defences of Tor Yvresse, even strengthening them, for the return of his Archnemesis. Eltharion wields a spear and a sword, as well as being a caster of High Magic. His reputation had spread so far and wide that Warbosses were actually seeking his army, knowing that the "Pointy-'ead" would "give 'em a proper fight." Eltharion wields a spear and a sword, as well as being a caster of High Magic. [2a], In the morning the astounded High Elf commanders found their Lord awake and alert, pale and wan but strong. Nobody knows what took place in there, but in the morning, only Eltharion emerged alive, his face more grim than ever. Though he had returned the favour by killing Blaktooth, the warlord's right hand shaman, The Greenskin slipped from his grasp. Yvresse had but barely endured the onset of one Waaagh!, and Eltharion swore that no other would reach Ulthuan's shores. Due to release on the 21st of May, ‘The Warden and The Paunch‘ is the next major Lord Pack DLC for Total War: Warhammer 2, bringing a new playable Lord and new units to both the High Elf and Greenskin factions.In the case of the High Elves, that new character is Eltharion the Grim; the dour-faced Warden of Tor Yvresse and one of Ulthuan’s most famous defenders. In the second, he sought the assistance of the Loremaster Belannaer. So I've noticed when you interrogate a captured general, the buff only last 1 turn unless you keep them in prison. He now knew that to continue would not abate the greenskin threat. Fangsword of Eltharion- This rune-encrusted longsword has been passed down through Eltharion's family for generations. After interrogating a prisoner, you can then choose to indoctrinate or execute them: Greenskins – “Mirror (Waaagh! Although the orcs take prioreity, the Grim Warden has sworn to never let his homeland fall to anyone, and there are other power who seek Ulthuan for themselves. This is reflected in any battles fought over Tor Yvresse, affording increasingly stronger defensive abilities and options for Eltharion. Though Eltharion had successfully stabilised the waystone of Tor Yvresse, he felt that luck had guided his hand rather more than judgement in that task, and he did not wish to see ill-fortune or rashness on his part destroy Ulthuan. So I'm thinking a few Sister of Averlone, maybe 2 or 3, One Lord, one Noble, one Dragon, And normally I would just have the rest as LSG, but now I'm wondering if some of the Mistwalker units are worth having especially if they have the bonus of 2 interrogated units. Should they fall while under its influence, they will be imprisoned in Athel Tamarha for interrogation… Athel Tamarha has a number of structures across two unique chains which can be rebuilt. Eltharion has a bitter grudge against Grom the Paunch, a rotund Goblin Warboss who once laid waste to much of Yvresse and killed Eltharion's father, Moranion. Through the questioning, vanquishing and indoctrination of captives, Eltharion can gain useful information and other benefits. [2a], During the night. This offers him the flexibility to alter his role in battle based on the circumstances at hand. This offers him the flexibility to alter his role in battle based on the circumstances at hand. [1a] Total War: WARHAMMER Wiki is a Fandom Gaming Community. [2a], With that act, the Greenskin attack faltered and Eltharion's veteran regiments swept the Goblins from the city. Also that's not how interrogation works. In addition, Eltharion can use his unique Warden’s Cage ability against enemy Heroes and Lords in battle. Eltharion stirred from his fevered sleep. Through the questioning, vanquishing and indoctrination of captives, Eltharion can gain useful information and other benefits. For a moment it looked as though the Goblin would prevail, and he prepared a final, deadly spell to finish off Eltharion, when suddenly he halted mid-spell. Eltharion is a High Elves Legendary Lord introduced in Total War: Warhammer II with The Warden and the Paunch DLC. Seizing his chance, Eltharion attacked and took the Shaman's head off with a single stroke of his blade. Warhammer Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. The Watchers of Yvresse chain enable the interrogation of captured Heroes and Lords, improvements to the Mist of Yvresse, and bonuses to Eltharion’s Influence. Eltharion the Grim, the legendary Warden of Tor Yvresse. This revelation ended Eltharion's battles in the Badlands. He knew his destiny was to avenge his father and his home. In order to do this he must use every tool at his disposal, including his Warden's Cage and elite Mistwalker units. Grom. Grom first tried to rally his fleeing army, but after a moment's thought, shrugged and joined the fleeing masses. The High Elf army was small but Eltharion force-marched his followers through the bleak landscape of Naggaroth. Further information regarding this issue may or may not be found on the talk page. He bade them return to their ships. Before the first Eagle ship had reached the docks, Eltharion took to the back of his mighty Griffon Stormwing and soared high above Tor Yvresse. In addition, Eltharion can use his unique Warden’s Cage ability against enemy Heroes and Lords in battle. Eltharion (Legendary Lord) Eltharion the Grim is the unflinching warden of Tor Yvresse. [2a], Eltharion with Stormwing by Magali Villeneuve, Eltharion and Stormwing in Total War Warhammer II. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. [2a], When at last Eltharion's army reached Naggarond, the boldest Elves clad themselves in captured garb and entered the city, opening the gates from within. The Warden & the Paunch is the latest Lords Pack for Total War: WARHAMMER II. Eltharion (Legendary Lord) Eltharion the Grim is the unflinching warden of Tor Yvresse. Eltharion's warriors had seized the Warden's Tower and made the Invocation of Ending - temporarily becalming the Winds of Magic. Atop his mighty Griffon, Stormwing, he swoops into battle with peerless conviction. The magical energies they normally contained were wracking the land and the Phoenix King's armies were too far away to act. Interrogating a character provides your Mistwalker units with “Mirror” abilities (seen below). Patrols of Ellyrian Reavers worked in concert with Shadow Warrior bands, ambushing enemy messengers and sowing terror and confusion deep into Dark Elf territory. Talisman of Hoeth- This finely wrought medallion allows its wearers a measure of the original Warden's magical knowledge. His homeland, one of the less populated kingdoms in the modern age which had nonetheless held onto its heritage as the cultural and commerce … He toppled Orc fortresses that had survived earthquakes, Bretonnian crusades and the vengeance of the Dwarfs. It was Eltharion who was the first of Ulthuan's generals to dare an assault on Naggarond itself and live to speak of it, and he who finally brought about the defeat of Waaagh! [2a], As his ship drew into the harbour, Eltharion briefed his warriors. With the dour defender defeated, Ulthuan lies exposed. They are not like Regiments of Renown (being a basic unit with max veterancy and one or two abilities), they are generally quite different more similar to a Legions of Legend or Elector Count State Troops. He entrusted his most loyal soldiers with this task and they swore to complete it. His interrogation ability mimics combat abilities. Warhammer II. ... Maybe just adding a ton of abilities to everyone would have been too much, but currently it just feels more like a novelty than anything especially useful. Eltharion the Grim is the Warden of Tor Yvresse, and Grom the Paunch’s arch-nemesis in Total War: Warhammer II‘s The Warden & The Paunch DLC. He’s got some nifty new units to help him out such as the War Lions of Chrace and the Arcane Phoenix, as well as the Athel Tamarha and Warden’s Cage interrogation mechanics. Should they fall while under its influence, they will be imprisoned in Athel Tamarha for interrogation… Athel Tamarha has a number of structures across two unique chains which can be rebuilt. The Warden & the Paunch is the latest Lords Pack for Total War: WARHAMMER II. Hundreds of Elf warriors followed their master's example, and rushed ashore to join the fight. The next time a Waaagh! My front line will remain 5 or 6 Silverin Guard due to their great stats. In battle, he is a versatile unit proficient in both melee and magic and can ride a fearsome griffon. His face was dark as he told them of his vision and his quest. Fangsword of Eltharion - This rune-encrusted longsword has been passed down through Eltharion's family for generations. A terrible foe, with a shaman of frightful power at his command, Grom and his vast army of Goblins was overwhelming all in his path. Should they fall while under its influence, they will be imprisoned in Athel Tamarha for interrogation… Athel Tamarha has a number of structures across two unique chains which can be rebuilt. Introducing two rival Legendary Lords from the world of Warhammer Fantasy Battles, each with their own factions, objectives, mechanics, units and playstyle, for use in both the Eye of the Vortex and Mortal Empires campaigns, and custom/multiplayer battles. Introducing two rival Legendary Lords from the world of Warhammer Fantasy Battles, each with their own factions, objectives, mechanics, units and playstyle, for use in both the Eye of the Vortex and Mortal Empires campaigns, and custom/multiplayer battles. [1a], He slaughtered Warbosses and ran their armies to ruin. The raid had been a success and the High Elf force escaped to Ulthuan with minimal losses, but by the time they docked at Chrace, Eltharion was near death. Two things that taking away from Yvresse experience (for me) currently: Eltharion's skill, which grants +10 armor to shielded units is not affecting Mistwalkers (at least it's not reflected in unit cards). He struck back beheading his attacker, but the damage was done — the envenomed sword had left its poison in his blood. Should they fall while under its influence, they will be imprisoned in Athel Tamarha for interrogation… Athel Tamarha has a number of structures across two unique chains which can be rebuilt. )” These characters have appeared in the games set in the Warhammer world, the text accompanying various games and games material, novels by GW and later Black Library and other publications based on the Warhammer setting by other publishers.. http://images-cdn.fantasyflightgames.com/ffg_content/warhammer_lcg/bloodquest-cycle/rising-dawn/eltharion-the-grim.png, https://warhammerfantasy.fandom.com/wiki/Eltharion?oldid=123110. It was as they prepared to fall back that disaster struck and Eltharion was wounded by the blade of a Witch Elf. In addition, Eltharion can use his unique Warden’s Cage ability against enemy Heroes and Lords in battle. Eltharion's early rule was split equally between scouring greenskins from the land, and overseeing repairs to Yvresse's network of waystones. For his valour in that battle, Eltharion was elected Warden of Tor Yvresse and, though he is a dour ruler, the people of that fair city love him dearly. The Watchers of Yvresse chain enable the interrogation of captured Heroes and Lords, improvements to the Mist of Yvresse, and bonuses to Eltharion’s Influence. None amongst them had the skill to counter the Dark Elf venom, and it was with heavy hearts that Eltharion's most trusted lieutenants laid him in his tent, knowing he would be dead by morning. There they wrestled with the power of the watchstone, seeking to stabilise the vortex. Introducing two rival Legendary Lords from the world of Warhammer Fantasy Battles, each with their own factions, objectives, mechanics, units and playstyle, for use in both the Eye of the Vortex and Mortal Empires campaigns, and custom/multiplayer battles. Returning to Yvresse, Eltharion began to train its armies and fortify its cities as never before. [2a], In their ignorance they had defiled every watchstone between Athel Tamarha and Tor Yvresse. The spirit spoke in hollow tones, telling him that their ancestral home of Athel Tamarha had been destroyed and its lands defiled. Eltharion's Interrogation. Atop his mighty Griffon, Stormwing, he swoops into battle with peerless conviction. In addition, Eltharion can use his unique Warden’s Cage ability against enemy Heroes and Lords in battle. Through strength of will alone, Eltharion deflected the lethal magic that the Shaman propelled at him, as Stormwing raked and clawed at the startled Wyvern. Upon arrival they found the great city in flames, Goblins and Orcs, led by Grom raged through the streets. The night of their return, the High Elves pitched camp near the shore, for the journey had been arduous. Note 2: There’s currently a bug where legendary lords you capture using Warden’s Cage don’t give you their unique traits as this doesn’t count as “defeating” them in battle. Victory lay in securing the Warden's Tower and the watchstone of Tor Yvresse. Introducing two rival Legendary Lords from the world of Warhammer Fantasy Battles, each with their own factions, objectives, mechanics, units and playstyle, for use in both the Eye of the Vortex and Mortal Empires campaigns, and custom/multiplayer battles. Above the blazing buildings, the Goblin shaman flew upon a great Wyvem, blasting the city with foul magic. Interrogation – This action is unlocked once you’ve upgraded Athel Tamarha’s Interrogation Chamber to level 1.