It is also available online here. Fungal infections can happen anywhere. I have checked for mites and lice — all negative. He said he thought it was an external infection and suggested we get some live probiotic powder for her. I had 2 seramas with vent gleet one died last night and I read all of the comments. She has not stood for a week. From your description that is very much what it sounds like. Thank you again. Her abdomen got swalloed and from yesterday her one leg and half of abdomen turns white and spongy. Chilling them can cause stress and death. thank you for your help! Some breeds are sleek, and some, like my cochin, Pearl, look like fussy Victorian ladies. Sometimes a slight trimming of the feathers helps. With chicken keeping comes involvement in managing unsavory sickness and malady, and vent gleet is no special case. I have one hen who is losing feathers like crazy. I had never had one aged only babies to have pasty butt. Lots more to share than in just this comment. Im going to bath and blow dry, massage and use lube to try and get egg out. Both ferments and brewer’s yeast (while an excellent source of B vitamins) definitely tilt the body towards the ‘yeasty side’, animals or humans. I have been raising chickens for a while now and none of my original birds have ever had this. Then her abdomen became very swollen and I figured she would die but she actually came out of it. It might be time to take her to a vet. I would give her a temporary source of extra protein like dried meal worms and sunflower seeds (unsalted) to help supplement her diet. I have wormed them all last week incase that is why she has poo on her feathers. ☺. I’m not sure what the yeast’s role would be in chickens. Remember that your chickens should be getting 90% of their nutrition from their organic layer pellets. I have searched all over for help, taken them to a vet, have been pulling my hair out as I have felt sooooo bad for the girls as their bums get so red and sore looking and they just drip from their back ends and boy does it ever smell.I love my girls and didn't want anyone thinking I was not taking proper care of them. Is tea tree oil beneficial? No worries. Poor girl . my blog features stories about the farm and growing up in small fishing village in nova scotia. You can get it at Jeffers but if you google it, it is available other places as well. We’ve got a great community over there and I am sure we can all share our advice and opinions. Leaving it there can attract flies and you definitely don't want to have a case of flystrike on your hands! Sounds like they are spoiled ladies. If your hen has vent gleet or sour crop, removing these products from their diet would be a priority. hi I had a chicken that is 1 and half year old. It also works great in the winter to prevent frostbite when rubbed on the wattles and combs. Their diet can affect their poops. She is still laying eggs. She has not laid one egg since. Glad that you brought her to the vet. I just wonder how long we should wait to expect an improvement or when to see a vet? Less common reasons for bathing a chicken include: injury: in order to assess a bird’s condition and clean its wounds Clean her up and see if it returns. It could be frightening if you don't recognize it or are unaware of what the foul droppings are caused by. You might consider consulting with a veterinarian that can help you take care of this issue you are having using safe and sound techniques and treatment all based upon science. Sometimes, this is the only way to successfully get rid of this infection. Here is a post that might be helpful for you:, Thank you so much for all your help. However, this bald spot is large and very red – I am sure she is not comfortable. The other chicken Patti is fine, and still laying, although she started laying a couple of months after this one and has had 3 breaks due to broodiness. Yes, coconut oil is safe to use on chickens. Her abdomen is still swollen however and I'm not sure what to do about it. Therefore, the infection can be anywhere in the tract higher up from the crop all the way through to the cloaca (vent). I am so happy to help! Could too much of that supplement cause this issue? Hoping for a speedy cure! Thank you for any help. I just dusted her backside with 2% miconazole powder for athlete's foot after cleaning her up with some baby wipes. Hi Karen, it could be mites or lice too. This is so helpful. I gave her two capsules opened on a scrambled egg as a loading dose and one capsule today, again opened on a scrambled egg. -unsanitary conditions I check her vent several times a day but I’m just not sure if it’s Vent Gleet because it’s different to the first hen ! I was told these baby chicks were vaccinated for mereks, and to keep them on non-medicated feed. Any help is very much appreciated. Any thoughts?Thanks. We thought a local vet would treat chickens but found out they only do structural things like resetting broken wings. Unfortunately, giving her Baytril will only cause the vent gleet to flourish. I then noticed she expelled a clear, slime-like discharge from her vent. I’d love to be able to help it cause honestly he/she looks healthy minus the butt thing though he/she is getting weaker. Im treating her now with the anti fungal med creams twice a day for 14 days. It was strange, she was back to normal for awhile, then she started acting funny again and died the next day . Kind Regards out of Belgium and please forgive any spelling / grammar p.s. The skin around her vent is red and a bit swollen. Thank you! At last I know what is wrong with my hen! All other hens have completed their molt and have their beautiful new “winter” feathers. Feel free to share pics on my Facebook page and we can all try to help you out. She seems pretty much the same this morning, but last night I made her some porridge with a little yoghurt on top and she scoffed that, she has had a little to eat this morning. A full-grown bird may suffer from vent gleet due to the consumption of moldy food, stress, or other illness. I was diagnosed with candida by several doctors. She's a 3 year old Black Rock. She’s on layer pellets and scratch as it is cold here in New England. My human doc said unsteadyness can happen…The hen in question has a mild case of bumblefoot (I think) but she goes backward and appears to be shaky??? I couldnt figure out why she all of a sudden stopped laying, eating, and just stood off in a corner by herself. Moreover it can affect chicken of all ages and genders. Seeing that it’s Friday, I don’t think I will have an opportunity to have a fecal test done until Monday, and of course the possibility of waiting a few more days for the results. Are they getting just layer feed or are you giving them anything else additional? I am seperating her and treating her again, if it happens to come back I plan on adding ACV in the whole flocks water and treating with yogurt a couple times a week and if necessary bathing her when needed. how long should i wait before repeating treatment? She has lost feathers and was quite sore and I have separated heras she was getting picked on. One is that she is most definitely lonely. I would give her a bath. * One of the main reasons you would bathe a chicken is if they have a case of vent gleet or an extreme poopy bum. Sometimes it is just easier to pull off any dried poop and trim excess feathers rather than to bathe in winter. She passed a soft egg that next morning. Her bottom is red all the up her chest bone. (surprised to learn he had it too! The cream looks lile it has helped so Im going to keep it up another week. Hi there! What you read is a dangerous recommendation! I treated 6 hens only but this is in my experience a very effective ‘ home method of curing a broken leg ( if the ellbow isn’t broken only ofcourse , last case will need or more care or best indeed a veterinarian ). That is a huge amount. -missing or soiled feathers around the vent Too cold to bathe, but can I trim the questionable area! No vets in my area. I try to avoid extra supplements. your post was excellent!!! I’ll use plain Greek yogurt on the feed once a week. In some cases, it may take up to a week or more. When I got this little duck she had had it for a while and the smell was stomach turning. The essential avoidance of vent gleet is just keeping things clean, for example, the coop, sustenance, and water. the shop like my blog is call Black Ink Paperie. Sharing an inspired life from the New England seaside. This is really helpful, i had two cases of vent gleet, unfortunately i lost one of the chicken before i could discover the problem. -decrease or cessation of egg laying Good luck. One to keep in the chicken file for sure! I’d hate to assume coccidiosis and put them all on treatment. Any other suggestions? Shes getting greek plain yogurt on lettuce daily with my other birds and probiotics in the water changed fresh daily. Although I feed a high-quality organic lay pellet and organic scratch, I had what I feel is a higher mortality rate than normal and a low egg count until I started supplementing with vitamins. She doesn't appear to have sour crop either. It should only be used topically. I have 2 yr old hens, and 1 hen has vent gleet.