Please?" We built a ramp at the back of the house to make it easy for the goats to climb up on the roof, and this has become one of their favorite resting spots. You should never keep a single goat, because they are social animals who will suffer if they are lonely; plan to have two or three. So now, we have two baby pygmy goats. If one of the kids wanders out of sight while browsing on bushes in the yard, the other calls out and looks around nervously until it spots the other, then trots over to its companion. There are over 200 different breeds of goats. Pygmy goats have small body size. With a registered animal, you’re sure to get the smaller breed. Oliver and Delilah stay together constantly and are seldom more than just a few feet away from each other. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to The U.S. Department of Agriculture has also approved the Nigerian Dwarf goat as a livestock dairy goat, which makes them eligible for youth 4H and FFA projects. Because goats will chew or rub on a fence, it needs to be made of woven wire, and never welded wire. Plan a gate wide enough to make it easy to get equipment in and out of the pen. Of course, we had to build a goat pen. It is not meant to substitute for diagnosis, prognosis, treatment, prescription, or formal and individualized advice from a veterinary medical professional. The electrified fence sends a shocking pulse along the wire. Ages: 3 years and up. Goat Associations: National Pygmy Goat Association: Goat Clubs: NC Pygmy Goat club they may also be able to help with breeder and or clubs in your areas. The fencing on the goat pen must be durable enough to withstand frequent to constant pushing on it by the goats as they scratch their backs, and in-between their horns on the barrier. Your goat feeder or feed station needs to be large enough for all your goats to eat at once, if they choose. The gate latch in the upper right-hand corner also closes automatically, helping to keep Oliver and Delilah inside when entering the goat pen with food or water. Answer: Our goats are neutered, so we don't have to worry about Delilah coming into heat or Oliver getting extra rambunctious. That’s just one way of trying to weight things. Breed Associations. My biggest goat right now is a Nubian, and I think she could still fit in it judging by the picture. Due to their size, friendly, docile, playful, and intelligent nature. Most goat litters produce two kids, though litters of one kid or three kids are also common. A kidding doe needs a separate kidding pen, about 4 x 5 feet square, and you will need a kidding pen for every doe who might be kidding at the same time. To a newbie, Nigerian Dwarfs and Pygmy goats can look very similar. But a cougar ate 'em. If you live on a farm with a barn and goat fencing, these things may be easy. $16.99 $ 16. Compared to pygmy goat’s bulkiness, Nigerian dwarf goat has a more refined physical structure. Question: Have your goats ever escaped their enclosure? A male goat is called a Buck, and a female goat is called a Doe. While there is plenty of room for the goats and they are let out of the pen almost every day to exercise and graze, bigger is better. Ive tried 4 different types recommended by our vet. This is the strongest wormer on the market . Fence posts for goats need to be closer together and deeper than for many other herd animals. Like all goats, these mammals have hooves on their ends of their feet with two primary “toes” rather than a single hoof like a horse.Most individuals also have a pair of horns. The voltage is low and only acts as a deterrent against any predator that tries to get into the pen. You should also expect that your herd will grow over time, due to kidding or simply because goats are so fun and easy to care for that once you start, you may want more. And if they see tasty plants outside of their pen, they are more likely to try to find ways to escape. The instructions for building a goat pen should be very useful for people who are going to get goats. Our goat house was built from exterior grade T-11 siding (available at most home centers) and we used simple 2x3 construction for the framework. During the summer months, we use our goats for brush clean up. If you are looking for an unconventional pet, then pygmy goats should be one of your choices. When Oliver decides it's time to visit the hay bin, Delilah trots along after him. Plan for your own access, equipment, lighting, and maneuverability inside the shelter. Her research led her to decide on pygmy goats, a small breed that is raised primarily for meat. The goat pen is constructed from 8' cedar poles, spaced between 5 to 6 feet apart (depending on the terrain) and planted two to three feet deep into the ground. Child grooms Pygmy goat by Ralph Dally/Flickr CC BY 2.0 Pygmy Goats Are Not Just A Pretty Face. The biggest considerations are: Goats do not like to eat off the ground, so feeders are necessary, whether you build them or buy them. Goats are agile and intelligent, and are able to open a wide range of latches when sufficiently motivated. We cleared an area towards the back of our property, behind the garden shed and alongside the chicken coops. What Is A Pygmy Goats Full Grown Size? Goats do not eat tin cans, but will strip off the paper wrapping to get to the tasty glue. The roof is sloped towards the back to allow the rain to drain away from the doorway. I love them!!! Natural features like tree stumps and large rocks are also fun for goats. Although the milk comprises of 4.5% to 11% of butterfat, the milking period is relatively short. It doesn't hurt the goats, but they definitely don't enjoy the process. Pygmy goat’s lifespan is about 10 to 12 years which is far less compared to the average lifespan of a goat. I was in a pet store once and there was a pygmy goat in there that was 4 weeks old. They are all adults. See more ideas about goat pen, goat barn, goat house. Oliver and Delilah are purebred Pygmy goats. Question: How often do you trim a pygmy goat's hooves and how do you do it? My menagerie won't be complete without them. Pygmy goats can get on well in a mixed farmyard environment but as always its best to introduce carefully (perhaps pen them near the other animals initially) to see if there are any disagreements first. Consequently, it is a terrible idea to attempt to raise a pygmy goat alone in its pen. The cedar posts must be sturdy enough to the support the heavy fencing that is pulled tight then nailed to the poles with fencing staples. Make sure the pygmy goat is healthy. A few large oak trees offer shade from the sun and protection from the rain. The goat pen opening is wide enough for a wheelbarrow to pass through (an important consideration when it comes to cleaning the pen). The floor surface should always be dry and comfortable, and will need to be cleaned frequently. Good Starter Goat? I'd love to be one of these people some day! The price varies depending on the size, whether you have the gate put in, etc. Living in a rural area allows us to keep a small flock of backyard chickens for collecting fresh eggs and raising baby chicks. Patrick The Pygmy Goat - 18 Inch Large Stuffed Animal Plush - by Tiger Tale Toys. There are a wide range of latch designs for this very reason. Unlike many other breeds of goats, the pygmy goats are oftentimes not bred as pets. It was the most adorable thing I had ever seen in my life! Allowing them to forage lets them have a more balanced, healthy diet, and reduces your feed and supplement cost. The woven wire fence and sturdy cedar poles provide a secure structure. 99 $29.99 $29.99. Bucks was also a splendid friend to my dog Tidbit. Your goals will determine the kind of space, storage and supplies, and breed of goat you end up choosing, and therefore makes all the difference in your goat pen. A layer of rocks and fieldstones around the base of the goat pen prevents dogs and coyotes from digging under the fence. Many of his projects are featured in his yard. Dairy goats need to kid regularly, so you will need to anticipate space for milking, smaller pens for kidding, and determine whether you will keep a buck on your property or simply rent one in season. Miniature breeds can do with a little less space, and large breeds need a little more. A wire run as tightly as possible on the top of the fence between the posts at eye level can prevent jumping and climbing. This livestock shelter would work well for most any size goat. I used to have to take one in the trailer when I would race my horse. You also may need to tend to sick or kidding goats inside the shelter. I have 2 pygmy goats...brothers, who are 3 years old. A castrated male goat is called a wether. Male bucks need to not only be contained with an extremely rugged fence, but, believe it or not, goats have been known to breed through a fence. To most people, goat milk tastes the same as cow milk. A goat pen is an enclosure with fencing sturdy enough to contain goats and protect them from predators, that also contains their food, shelter, and provides a healthy environment where goats can thrive. If Delilah climbs to the top of the goat house, Oliver follows. If your goats will be sheltering indoors for longer periods, it should also contain a feeding station. Goats need protection from wind, but good indoor ventilation is extremely important to keep the air healthy. The Mama and her 2 daughters. If they have babies, the kids will be very small and it will be easy for them to slip through this material. Question: How do you deworm 1-year-old pygmy goats and how often should it be done? Each adult goat needs at least a four-foot by five-foot kidding pen, so consider this space in your goat shelter depending on how many does you will breed at one time. Goats have soft muzzles, gently taking the crackers from our fingers or eating grain from the palms of our hands. I do not have a lot of land, actually, I have a backyard, so we have been discusing pen size. The goats like to spar, lowering their heads in mock combat with each other. A registered pygmy goat is a real one. Though it may look small, the goats are very comfortable in their little goat house. Pygmy Goat Price. An inward-swinging gate allows you to nudge goats out of the way when you enter, reducing the chance of escape. Average weight is 75lbs and height of pygmy goats is 16 – 23 inches Disclaimer: In accordance with FDA guidelines, the information and products offered on this website are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. tall at the shoulder and weigh no more than 80 lbs. Some prefer to have it barbed or electrified but ordinary wire also works well. While wood may be the most attractive option for your pygmy goat fence, wire is the ideal material to use. You wouldn’t like it if your pet turns out to be a 200-pound dairy goat in the future. Goats are active, curious, playful animals. The fence should be higher for bigger goats, or higher still if it is near objects goats may use to jump over the fence. FREE Shipping on orders over $25 shipped by Amazon. These mechanisms may not be fast enough to deter a determined goat, but it may save you time and effort. These can be given freely, as they will usually not over-consume supplements. To ensure that there are no accidents, it's important to contain bucks and does separated with a wide area of at least 2-3 feet between both enclosures. Answer: We trim the goats hooves several times a year. If kept in a pen and not allowed to free range, make sure to add natural or man-made climbing features to the Pygmy goat to “play on.” That's Delilah on the left, posing on a rock in their goat pen with her half-brother. Description of the Pygmy Goat. Although a common question about pygmy goats is how long do they live, which is a maximum of 18 years, the most common question is how tall do they grow. They continue to produce milk for almost 4 to 6 months after giving birth to a baby. Jun 26, 2018 - Explore BarnyardPassion's board "Goat Pen", followed by 1128 people on Pinterest. But I think they were running between $100 and $200 at the time we had them built. Graham crackers are another favorite, and we use the crackers to lure the goats away from eating garden plants or to lead them back into pen. While they are less than a year old, a young male is buckling and a young female is called a doeling. Our timing was good, as her backyard herd had just given birth to about 20 little baby goats. Their pen needs to be large enough for them to get good exercise, but also should be a rich environment that keeps them active and engaged. Even if you have small goats that can be happy in a small shelter, you will still need space for your own access to the shelter. Their distinguishing characteristic is their small size. Straw, hay, or wood shavings make good bedding for goats. Get it as soon as Tue, Nov 17. It is crucial to breed your pygmy goat with other grazing animals to satiate its acute social appetite. Thanks, Linda. They sound like wonderful pets. Pygmy goats were brought to the United States from European zoos in the 1950s, and were subsequently used in zoos and for animal research. We used a heavy gauge, woven no-climb fencing that is four feet high. The only product that seems to get rid of their worms is prohibit dretch. We encourage our kids to spend a lot of time outdoors to connect with the surrounding woodlands and the local wildlife. Size and Color. Most grow to a maximum of 20 in. As fate would have it, a friend happened to know someone who breeds pygmy goats. By knowing how long a Pygmy Goat can live, you can determine how much it will grow. A healthy Nigerian Dwarf doe can produce a surprising amount of sweet milk for her small size – up to two quarts per day. They come in a variety of colors and are known for producing large quantities of milk. He refused to get into the trailer unless his little buddy was in there first ! Cement secures the posts in place for added strength and stability. Another row of electrified wire runs along the bottom of pen, along with a layer of field stone all of the way around the fence, preventing dogs and coyotes from digging under the fence line. If you’re looking for a great milking goat that is smaller in size but is great for production, go with a Nigerian Dwarf goat! If you won't be storing goat supplies in the pen itself, consider where your storage will be located and how you will access it. I love goats ! Goats are browsers, not grazers. A 100-foot roll of woven fencing was just enough to enclose the pen, with a little extra for making the gate. If you’re looking for a pet, you can choose either a Pygmy or a Nigerian, because they both have great (albeit naughty) behaviors. Meat goats usually are larger, stronger, and less docile than other goats, so your pen will need to be proportionally bigger and more sturdy to contain and protect them. "Can I have a goat? On average, a pygmy goat tends to produce one to two liters of milk depending on the age of the female breed. You may also want to store goat food, bedding, medical supplies, etc., inside the shelter, or nearby. While cement flooring is easy to clean, it is also cold and hard, and you will need to provide a lot of additional bedding to compensate. If you will be taking the goats in and out of the pen often, you should consider adding a second gate that is only for the goats. Enough height, also, for the goat keeper to work standing upright. 19. They make an exceptionally good starter goat. Most people prefer wood floors for a goat pen. There are over 250 million goats worldwide. Aug 18, 2016 - Explore mary hoskins's board "goat pens", followed by 134 people on Pinterest. Ventilation allows the dissipation of humidity and removes unpleasant smells from a goat pen, and reduces the amount of microbes that may grow in soiled bedding. Check out this goat shelter. If penned separately each goat should have about 4 sq. The electrified steel wire runs around the perimeter of the pen, and is secured to the cedar posts with yellow plastic insulators. m. of floor space. Goats need protection from the cold and rain, with wind blocks to escape from chilling drafts. They have a delicate body than the pygmy goat but it’s naturally pleasing than the bodily structure of the pygmy. Goats are prey animals, and will attract the attention of wolves, coyotes, bobcats, foxes, and other predators. So cute! Otherwise, it can’t be acknowledged by registries such as the American Goat Society. We raked the area level, covering the dirt floor of the goat house with a thick blanket of hay. I've actually wanted Pygmy goats for a while, but I've never had the space. You may also need to reinforce the bottom of the fence if your area has predators that may attempt to dig under a fence, like foxes or dogs. Here are the primary things you need to consider when planning your goat pen: If you are keeping a couple pygmy goats as pets, your goat pen will be configured differently than if you are keeping a few dairy goats, or are starting a meat goat business. Under Loft Goat Pens In Progress. If possible, situate your goat pen in a way that supports this foraging habit, or consider mobile pens that can be rotated through areas of weeds and undergrowth. To help protect against predators such as coyotes, we added two rows of electrical wire above the woven fence, effectively increasing the height of the fence to nearly six feet high. Opt for a registered pygmy goat. Please log in again. Posts should be 8-12 feet apart, and wooden posts should be sunk at least 2 feet deep, or set with concrete footing. Their names are Tater and Tot. Stephanie Tietjen from Albuquerque, New Mexico on August 15, 2012: My brother had two pygmy goats to control the vegetation on his Oregon property; they were great pets too. She researched endlessly, peppering us continually with facts about goat care and the different types of goats along with their traits and their behaviors. It does not have large and thick muscles and the bones are slim and flat. If you choose to keep a buck, you may also need separate pens and more sturdy fencing for a buck during breeding season. Baby goats are called kids. The size of the Pygmy Goat is related with its lifespan. A female adult Pygmy will weigh about 55-75 pounds on average and males could go up to about 85 pounds. This particular goat breed is popular in some countries primarily because of their small size and friendliness. They are very, very cute. Female goats can begin to breed when they are about 8 months old. I once had a pet pygmy goat and he was a wonderful pet. They will typically not eat grass, but will happily much on leaves, weeds, and shrubs. Chances are good that you'll be bringing wheelbarrows, yard tools, bales of hay, etc., into the goat pen. For chubby little animals, they can really run and show a lot of agility as they romp in the yard with our dog, Macy. With some attention and planning, you can have a goat pen that works as well for you as it does for your goats, and keeps them safe, healthy, and happy. If you will be breeding your goats, allow sufficient space for kidding pens and new babies. If you are going to own goats, providing for their safety and shelter is your first concern. We plant a vegetable garden every spring, and we grow a variety of fruits including strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, and figs. Nigerian are calm, pleasant creatures, and like the Pygmy goat, they hail from West Africa. The kids are around four months old at this point, about 14 inches tall at the shoulder and weigh almost 20 pounds. A heavy latch secures the gate in the closed position. Goats typically require mineral supplements. Goats are hardy creatures who are extremely adaptable to different climates and environments. This is a great lens with great info; I like your goat house. After logging in you can close it and return to this page. However you latch the gate, keep the latch on the outside, and high on the gate. They are smart, social, loving and fun to watch while they play. Their unique stocky look with compact, muscular and small size makes them different from the other goat breeds. As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases. Oliver and Delilah do not like the rain and as soon as it starts to drizzle (or snow), the kids head for the shelter of the goat house. Goats are difficult animals to fence, because they are intelligent, persistent, and agile. If they become amuse to this one I fear nothing else will work Do you have any advice from ? Oliver and Delilah are friendly, healthy and happy. However, they will need protection from hot sun and protection from cold winds. Because your hands may be full or you may be in a hurry, consider making the gate self-closing. After all, you need access to the space as well. The behavior of the goat breed is receptive and adorable. The shock will not harm an animal, but it has gotten Macy's attention a couple of times! I call them the "dogs" of the barn yard. Pygmy Goat Care Information: Pygmy Goat Care: 9 Things To Remember When Caring For Pygmy Goats As Pets. If you're going to keep goats, you're going to need a goat pen. As a rule of thumb, every goat needs about 250 square feet of living space. However, a well-bred,registered and well-taken-care-of pygmy goat can cost as much as $500. Question: What's the price for pygmy goats? Perhaps more importantly, the pen has protected the little goats from the local coyotes and neighborhood dogs. It has its own registration and pedigree system aimed at improvement by selective breeding. Size of Pygmy Goats. They curl up together for companionship and warmth. Holy smokes! Every pen needs a gate and since the gate faces into our backyard, we took a couple of extra steps to create an attractive entrance way. 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