Stamina Nightblade is one of the most popular classes to play in ESO, but it’s also one of the most challenging to play well, and especially to play solo. Nightblade Class. This segment shows the optimal CP setup for a player who is well knowledged in animation canceling and their rotation. Elusive Warrior can hold its ground if necessary but is not a brawler. If you’re in a group or you’re confident in your abilities, War Machine (Halls of Fabrication drop) is phenomenal in terms self AND group DPS. It will even heal allies up to 10 meters away, meaning you can help keep your group alive through moderate punishment. PvP builds can and should be highly customized to fit your needs and your play style. On top of this it grants us free Health for slotting, and gives us Major Ward AND Resolve for 6-15 seconds, based on how many pieces of heavy armor you’re wearing. Dual Wield blends high damage, with plenty of survivability. Stamina Nightblade is an interesting class providing good burst damage as well as a strong execute phase thanks to Killer's Blade. If we decide to make the bow our primary bar, this will be our spammable ability, so start learning how to weave with it as soon as possible. Sharpened weapons will always be a pain to find, so if you can’t nab them go for the Shoulder and Helmet paired with jewelry instead. On this page you will find an updated guide on the class, gear, champion points and everything you need to know for Stamina Nightblade DPS. Put anything you’d like here, such as Blur (Assassination skill like) or Vigor (Alliance War Assault skill line). • Food: Lava Foot Soup-And-Saltrice for dummy and Artaeum Takeaway Broth for trials (Dubious Camoran Throne if you can't afford it). In this section you will find a multitude of options, trying to give every player an idea of what gear to go after. Extrawelt #1 November 2020. You’ll still want to grab this at level 1 to help speed up leveling your Two Handed skill line. Stamina Nightblade Solo PVE ONE BAR Build. Alcast is the owner of the website and creates Builds & Guides for everything related to The Elder Scrolls Online. As soon as you hit CP 160 it would be good if you get a Monster Set, the headpiece is a guaranteed drop when you finish a veteran dungeon, in our case Selene’s Web. If you can manage to get over it though, once we start getting later in levels the skill line will explode in power. This build can be run as a simple One-Bar build, or you can use the two full skill bars for greater damage. 1; Always be watching Off Balance (via addons or in game buff tracking). Passives are important in ESO. If you don’t mind grinding dungeons, Leviathan (Crypt of Hearts I & II) offers an insane amount of Weapon Critical. After that they take Physical damage as a Bleed for 9 seconds (ignores Physical Resistances). With this build we’ll be helping out all those players interested in making a Stamina Nightblade from scratch. Shacklebreaker (Crafted Set, Morrowind) – This set revitalized many play styles from a PvP aspect, helping everyone get a bunch of Stamina and Magicka. After casting we’ll gain Empower, causing us to deal 20% bonus damage on the next direct damage attack. It can also root minor enemies in place for a bit, and will deal massive bonus damage to Undead, Deadra, and Werewolves. Always try to Heavy Attack first to activate the Follow Up passive, granting 10% bonus damage to the first target you hit with your next skill. Poison Injection (morph of Poison Arrow | Bow skill line) – A truly superb DoT ability that also acts as an execute on targets at or below 50% Health. We take this morph for the guaranteed crit, as leading in from cloak with a Heavy Attack into a Dawnbreaker can nuke the majority of players that aren’t tanks. It is not the best class to parse with but still performs well in a raid in the execute phase and also with a support that wears Morag Tong which buffs your spells. Make sure to bookmark the link as I will keep updating the build for each new Update of ESO. Based on the secondary Armor Set you are using you can offer to your group different kind of support. These can be considered extra steps until you are comfortable with the “base” rotation. Engage with Endless Hail and Barbed Trap. Plus it’s fun! The healing potential this skill enables is massive, as well as giving some added group utility. The key with this set is that you must be taking damage for it to proc, but it also has no cooldown, meaning it works best when out numbered. Mundus: The Warrior Stone offers us an immense amount of damage AND healing potential with flat Weapon damage. Ultimate Option 1 (Classic) Ballista (morph of Rapid Fire | Bow skill line) – One of the best single target ultimates in the game, this skill has a lot of potential. The base skill is pretty lack luster at the start but quickly ramps up into a powerhouse. Surprise Attack (morph of Veiled Strike | Shadow skill line) – The Stamina Nightblade’s spammable which packs a punch. 2.Ambush and Flying Blade follow next. If you are new to the game I can also highly recommend checking out the Stamina Nightblade Beginner Guidealong with a lot of other beginner guides. Leeching Strikes (morph of Siphoning Strikes | Siphoning skill line) – While this skill is no where near as great as it used to be pre Morrowind, this skill will help our healing AND stamina management quite a bit. Magicka Sorcerer PvP Build; Stamina Sorcerer Build; Templar. Ambush (morph of Teleport Strike | Assassination skill line) – No real Nightblade would find themselves caught with the infamous “Spambush” on their bars. Build Overview . Steel Tornado (morph of Whirlwind | Dual Wield skill line) – For those fights where you need to kill multiple players at once, Steel Tornado fits the slot. Paired with Soul Harvest on your main bar and the ultimate return for hitting targets, you can toss out Shooting Stars like candy. Khajiit remains a solid raw damage producing race, but only if you can sustain your Stamina bar enough to cast skills. You can completely ignore this interaction if you don’t need resources though! Reducing AoE damage by a whopping 25%, many dungeons and trials are also tailored to work with this skill, giving Stamina DPS a way to stay alive. Take this off as soon as you get a more beneficial skill. Ultimate (Ultimate Generator) Soul Harvest (morph of Death Stroke | Assassination skill line) – Used primary as a passive slot for 2% Critical Strike Chance and 10 Ultimate whenever we get a killing blow. Flawless offers more passive damage, while Smiting offers more Ultimate damage and a stun to targets hit. The duration allows it to line up perfectly with our other back barred DoTs. Simply cast once and swap to a different weapon, and it will continue to deal high damage. Nightblades is the Stealthy class of the Elder Scrolls Online. It will deal AoE damage (meaning it cannot be dodged), and will place a hefty DoT effect on any target you land this upon. Most ultimates in the game are considered AoE (Leap, Dawnbreaker, Destro Ulti, etc) so this will do a lot of work for us. Blade Cloak (AoE DoT and Damage mitigation | morph to preference) – A newfound skill for Stamina builds that helps us stay alive through the harshest of content. Operating as a “slam dunk” conal cast, it deals massive burst upon any poor soul who finds them self at the mercy of your wrath. This greatly helps the Stamina Nightblade’s performance, as this was extremely difficult to micromanage for us due to our robust rotation. Whirlwind (Direct Damage AoE | morph to Steel Tornado) – By far the strongest spammable AoE in the game, with the biggest radius at that once we can morph it. Elusive Warrior is a Stamina Nightblade PVP Build that is focusing on survivability and burst damage. This is a very aggressive and in your face build, and plays more like a bruiser than an assassin. The major flaw of Bows remain to be their lack of defensive power, having the user instead rely on kiting and out ranging their opponents. Dual Wield boasts the most end game damage, but at the expense of being exposed to a lot of damage due to being melee range. Last Build Update: Markarth. Here you will find three basic Stamina Nightblade Beginner Build Guide Setups. After 5 Light or Heavy attacks it can be reactivated for a high damaging shot, as many times as you can get 5 LA/HA’s off in the 20 seconds. A lot of values change based on group composition, buffs, debuffs, and what kind of player you are. Endless Hail (morph of Volley | Bow skill line) – Another classic DoT ability, but this one functions as an AoE as well. You will be able to put less points in Piercing. If you do not have a Monster Set yet, just use some random gear pieces there. Potions:  Weapon Power potions (Blessed Thistle + Dragonthorn + Wormwood) to ensure your Savagery and Brutality are up indefinitely. If you are looking for a more all around PVE Build you can take a look at … Razor Caltrops (morph of Caltrops | Alliance War Assault skill line) – Updated in Morrowind to be a universally accessible skill (there is no cap on how many players can use this), Razor Caltrops adds immense AoE damage potential to every Stamina build around. The Two Hander lacks a strong spammable ability, but as a Nightblade we fix that quite easily. Successfully landing Light or Heavy attacks will restore a small bit of Stamina (if morphed to Leeching), and after the 20 second duration or if recasted, it will restore a burst of Stamina back. Truth (Darkshade I & II) – One of the strongest offensive Heavy armor sets in the game, this grants us a massive 450 Weapon Damage whenever we set an enemy Off Balance. Mundus: The best Mundus for PvE damage is by far the Warrior Stone for most Stamina builds. Assassin’s Blade (Execute | morph to Killer’s Blade) – An easy to use and relatively inexpensive ability, this skill should never be used on a target until they’re at or below 25% Health. Use your bow proc when it is available. This means in AoE or Cleave fights, the more targets you hit; the harder it will be for you to die. Volley (AoE DoT | morph to Endless Hail) – One of the best forms of damage in the game, helping kill both singular enemies and large groups. The build is balanced around Battlegrounds and the no-CP Cyrodiil Campaign. Build Overview. [Updated for Clockwork City by Gilliamtherogue]. Try pairing with a hard CC like fear to ensure you land this baby. Shadow Barrier – Anytime we cast a Shadow ability we’ll gain Major Ward and Resolve for a short bit, decreasing all damage we take by 8%. (10s cooldown)”  The 4.5s and 6.4s will only be that high if you have Rank III Medicinal Use passive. Sprigg… These include; Relentless Focus (20s duration), Leeching Strikes (20s duration), Deadly Cloak* (15s duration). This build can be played in both CP and no-CP pvp. They tend to avoid open combat, and … Rending Slashes (morph of Twin Slashes | Dual Wield skill line) – One of the best tools in the game for single target pressure, this does so many things with one press. Remember that if you add up all sources of Pen+Reduction and it’s over 18200, you’re not gaining any benefit. I highly suggest getting some Health bonuses from either Monster sets or a crafted set like Ashen Grip (2 trait craftable) to help survive. Bows are truly versatile tools in Elder Scrolls Online, giving players ranged damage options, as well as support damage for melee builds. We’ll be offering mainly PvE build suggestions, but a few abilities will be vital to PvP as well with. Impenetrable helps load off damage, Infused (only use on big pieces like Chest, Helm, and Legs) helps our Tri Stat glyphs get more efficiency, and Well Fitted helps us dodge and sprint more. Stamina Nightblade is an interesting class providing good burst damage as well as a strong execute phase thanks to Killer's Blade. Getting Started – Beginner Gear NOTE:Do not mistake ‘beginner’ as such however. It doesn’t boast immense sustained damage, but offers great burst from a range or in stealth in PvE. Siphoning Strikes (Self buff | morph to Leeching Strikes) – Reworked in Morrowind, this skill has two components. The Mages Guild can be ignored if you wish. Deadly Cloak (morph of Blade Cloak | Dual Wield skill line) – Now boasting a staggering 25% AoE damage reduction, this skill helps Stamina builds stay in the fight in harsh combat. Selene’s (Selene’s Web) – A powerhouse of a proc set, summon the might of the Ursine to crush any opponent who isn’t quick enough to dodge or block. Plus it helps counter some classes like the Sorcerer or Templar since a lot of their damage can be AoE. Keep in mind that most DPS builds will run very similar gear sets, but there are always deviations depending on the class and play style. Gear Set Explanation Selene: This monster set is an amazing choice for any stamina build in PvE. Any race can be done with this build, but if you’re looking to maximize your effectiveness then you’ll want to pick out of the listed races. Operating as a gap closer, this helps us reach mobile targets that might out run or maneuver our sluggish heavy armor. Upon activation you deal a x2 hit (which can proc weapon enchants) and apply a massive 50% Snare to your opponent. It also applies Minor Maim to the targets and snares after the CC ends, helping load off pressure they may attempt to apply. Resolving Vigor (morph of Vigor | Alliance War Assault skill line) – Our main form of healing in PvP, and boy does it help! Below you will find things like Sets, Skills, Champion Points, Buff-food, Mundus Stone, Potions, Passives and Attributes. This is meant to be the initial/easiest to acquire setup that any stamina user can get in order to farm their end game setup. This damage will apply Minor Maim (15% less damage dealt) to the target however. If the odds are against you, disengage and wait for the right moment to strike back. However if you find yourself solo a lot or not with top notch groups, the Lover is a great option as well. Uppercut (Channeled spammable | morph to preference) – Unfortunately Two Hander’s spammable is a bit clunky, and gives the weapon skill line a bad vibe at level one. Below is a breakdown of what traits I suggest depending on some of these variables; Enchants/Poisons on your Weapons: Enchants again are contextual. It grants Minor Ward and Resolve (2% damage mitigation) for ~25 seconds, on top of a 15% chance to dodge any dodgeable skill thrown at you, with no cool down. While it’s not a true burst heal, it gives us a medium size heal over time effect that goes off every second for 5 seconds. These are all great, and allow us to retain 5 heavy armor when running Bone Pirate. Always start by placing Endless Hail (10s duration) on your enemy, as it has a 2s wait time before dealing damage. It can be done as many times you get 5 Light or Heavy Attacks off in the 20 second duration (usually 2-3 shots of the bow per cast of Relentless). Experiment and find what skills you like the most. This build is a medium armor stamina nightblade build that packs a major punch. Liko with the help of Rosskag goes over Stamina Nightblade PvE DPS'ing in the video below. Veiled Strike (Spammable | morph to Surprise Attack) – Once this ability can be morphed it will become a great spammable for us. Magicka Necromancer Build; Nightblade. The grind is long, but it’s totally worth it. Flurry (DoT spammable | morph to preference) – While the Nightblade comes with its own spammable, we’ll still want to nab this skill early on to help progress the skill line. If Stamina is running low look for a healer throwing Orbs or Shards, drink a potion, and/or begin Heavy Attack weaving instead of Light Attack weaving. Vampire’s Kiss (craftable) heals over time each time you get a kill, which helps with staying power in grinding. Cast Incapaciting Strike before Rapid Strikes/Bow proc/Killer's Blade (in execute) to maximize your damage. If you need Health, try mixing two 1 pieces such as Valkyn Skoria and Mephala’s, or if you want more damage go for Kra’gh’s, Velidreth, or Selene’s. Low Health targets can also synergize it to temporarily gain invisibility and heal over a 4 second duration. Always try to experiment and find what works best for you, as there is no real universal “best”. Relentless Focus (morph of Grim Focus | Assassination skill line) – A potent tool to help Stamina Nightblades gain Minor Berserk and Endurance for 20 seconds, granting them 8% damage boost and 10% Stamina Regeneration. Do the same for Barbed Trap (18 seconds) and Dark Shade (20 seconds). by Hack The Minotaur. Dealing damage with Light and Heavy attacks will also heal us, helping the Stamina Nightblade gain some much needed healing. Make sure to nab the named rings from the first boss in Darkshade II for the Robust trait! Check the End Game’s tab to see the final version. Best Nightblade Builds (For Stamina & Magicka) Here’s the brutal truth about finding or creating a high-performing Nightblade character build: There are WAY too many ESO players posting suboptimal builds on forums that they haven’t extensively tested and optimized. Wonderful for keeping up with Streak spammers or perma dodge rollers, this skill does more than just damage and take us to our opponent. On this page you will find an updated guide on the class, gear, champion points and everything you need to know for Stamina Nightblade DPS. [Updated for Clockwork City by Gilliamtherogue]. [Updated for Clockwork City by Gilliamtherogue]. For example, if you had 4 out of 5 stacks of Relentless, and the buff fades (or is recasted early), simply activating the skill again and doing 1 more Light or Heavy Attack will allow you to shoot the Spectral Bow. This Nightblade Healer or Healblade PVE DPS Build for Elder Scrolls Online ESO will provide to you a build capable of all content in the game. While other sets like Nightmother’s and Spriggan’s might boast more raw damage to some players, Hunding’s flat amps helps the newer player who isn’t pushing out insane base DPS. Agility (Imperial City or LFG rewards) – A powerful 3 piece set that has a 50% bonus to all of the set bonuses, helping it give a massive boost to Stamina and Weapon Damage. Killer’s Blade (morph of Assassin’s Blade | Assassination skill line) – Once a target hits 25% Health, this will replace our spammable. Keep in mind that this 5 piece is only active on our Dual Wield bar, so that’s why our damage is all on our front bar. ZeniMax, The Elder Scrolls, ESO, Bethesda, Bethesda Softworks and related logos are registered trademarks or trademarks of ZeniMax Media Inc. in the US and other countries. In a group with a lot of Stamina DPS though, try using sets like Nightmother’s or Sunderflame to help everyone instead of just yourself. They scale best in group settings, but falter in solo scenarios. You can try out other foods/drinks however, since you’ll have plenty of stats, especially if you Tri Glyph all of your armor! This is because the base damage is lower than any spammable, but has an execute built in its place. It has a very high cost though, so don’t go too crazy. If you use a class line, weapon type, or armor weight; always get ALL the passives when you have extra skill points. Refreshing Shadows – Resource management is extremely important in Morrowind, and this skill helps both our Magicka and Stamina recovery, making it very helpful. Many skills will have morph options that either diverge into straight up damage, or offer the player some utility in form of healing or amplifications. Khajiit remains a solid raw damage producing race, but only if you can sustain your Stamina bar enough to cast skills. Ultimate (Aggressive Burst) Dawnbreaker of Smiting (morph of Dawnbreaker | Fighter’s Guild skill line) – Love it or hate it, Dawnbreaker of Smiting is a powerhouse of death and destruction in the proper hands. Let’s get to it! Feel free to experiment and augment some of the more PvE abilities into other ones if you’re planning on being a PvP main instead. These are all great, and allow us to retain 2 Medium armor when running two Heavy armor sets. Traits on your Weapons: Traits are highly contextual in terms of what is best. This means try and pair it with snares or CC to prevent them from getting out! If you aren’t keen on constantly spending money to get these poisons you are free to use an. This is going to force us to run 120 points in the Atronach CP tree to unlock Tactician, but is definitely worth it. Killer’s Blade (morph of Assassin’s Blade | Assassination skill line) – Once a target hits 25% Health, this will replace our spammable. After that begin pumping up Iron Clad and Thick Skinned with a 3:1 ratio (3 Iron Clad, 1 Thick Skinned). Ultimate Option 3 (Surviability) Veil of Blades (morph of Consuming Darkness) – While this skill won’t scale well with us in the Champion Point system (it deals Magic damage), it will help our group stay alive through harsh punishment. The icon is a small bluish-purple icon with the silhouette of face with “dizzy swirlies”. Most importantly you should have fun on whatever build you’re playing! Begin “ spam ” mode ; repeatedly Light Attack on this bar the. And bow combo build is a outline of the tankier approach, the. Rejoice in your face build, Magicka is essential to this build is primarily built for Non-Champion encounters! 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Nightblade for PvP of all kinds: battlegrounds, Cyrodiil, dueling, and you ’ re Surprise! Like fear to ensure you land this baby Minor Maim ( 15 % less damage dealt ) ensure.