The Virgo woman will try her best to make the Cancer man happy, and she will hold fondly and accommodate him when he gets stuck in any case. Understanding and compensating for this is required from his Capricorn partner. No zodiac sign has a soulmate. For a Virgo woman, it is very easy to get lost analyzing their seemingly stark differences and promptly blaming them for any upset. Sagittarius soulmate: an open-minded, free-spirited soul who doesn’t insist on trying to “change” … Aries woman have a lot of interesting qualities... bold, independent but impatient and easily … Virgo man and the Scorpio woman are highly connected on the intellectual level. Virgo tend to jump from one thing to another, as they please. According to an astrologer, there are three zodiac signs most likely to be Virgo's soulmates, and while being picky can make finding a relationship … Virgo man Capricorn woman in bed is a very compatible match, as well as in other aspects of their life. Cancer man and Virgo woman. This is a water earth partnership, which can result in the best of both worlds, or it can result in mud. The Virgo man Taurus woman compatibility gets a FIVE Hearts love rating. Relevance. These two can live a comfortable life together, because they both like to plan and to have security. She, in turn, understands him and cares for him. Taurus is fantastic in taking care of his Cancer woman. Our dynamic was great sometimes, but completely mismatched other times. He can release the tension within the Scorpio woman, but it will be a tough task. Not Just a Hookup. From the Cancer viewpoint. Anonymous. I was truer to my sign than she in terms of sexuality, as she had zero sex drive most of the time. Cancer man Virgo woman compatibility is mutually constructive, but is that enough for a lifetime of love? The Virgo man and the Cancer woman complement each other very well. September 15, 2017. But you CAN tell if a relationship between a Virgo woman and a Cancer man will turn out to be a significant lasting relationship that leads to marriage. Answer Save. You fit perfectly as Pisces are very imaginative and your practical, making opposites attract. Taurus woman wants to give her Virgo man the best sexual experience that she can. A Cancer woman and a Virgo man are naturally compatible. She will appear a bit cold for people who don’t know her well and he will seem distant. Cancers of any gender frequently assume the practical and logical signs are dead inside and devoid of feelings … He enjoys empathy and closeness given by her for a long time. Cancer and Virgo have the same likes and dislikes. "Just like Cancer, Scorpio needs a deep, emotional, and magnetic connection for it to go to that soulmate-level," she says. In this love relationship, the couple shares a deep understanding about each other. The nature of bonding between the Cancer male and the Virgo female is quite strong as both are a 'made for each other' couple and thus the Cancer man and Virgo woman love compatibility is sure to reach great heights. Virgo guy and Cancer girl are both usually a little shy and hard to access in the beginning. And they are both practical minded; so they seldom let things go out of control. Sexual compatibility of a Cancer female and Virgo male is a perfect combination of physical intimacy and emotional stability which helps them achieve unison. The Virgo man Cancer woman compatibility gets a FOUR Hearts love rating. Cancer woman and Capricorn man compatibility love attraction for match, romance, relationship, friendship, marriage, soulmates, dating and breakup. But compatibility comes with knowledge. Known as perfectionists, they can’t stand incompetence and stupidity. The elements to which these signs belong are Earth and Water. He said yes shyly to. Cancer Man and Virgo Woman: Nature of Bonding. Sexual Compatibility Between Virgo Man and Cancer Woman. The Cancer woman is feminine, gentle, and intelligent. Both homebodies, this water-earth element combination has solid potential to succeed in the long term once they make the initial adjustments required by any relationship. 1. I am a Cancer man and was engaged to a Virgo woman after dating almost 9 years. This is especially when they have taken the time to get to know each other before progressing their … Cancer and Virgo compatibility. Compatibility of Cancer Man and Virgo Woman. Friendship-wise, a cancer man/virgo woman pairing is a good match but trying to progress this into a relationship is like playing a game of russian roulette, and often times it’ll end up in the cancer man being hurt from the virgo quirks. He will be able to give her that security and soul mate match she’s always wanted. In many cases, a Virgo man and Cancer woman can be a match made in heaven. In m… Cancer often come up with new ideas and schemes. Virgo is an earth sign that is mutable and Taurus is an earth sign that is fixed by nature. Cancer is a cardinal sign, and Virgo is a mutable sign. She understands him well and respects his dreams. The Cancer Man gives all the attention a Virgo Woman yearns for. Virgo man Taurus woman in bed tend to have a strong and instant connection because of their sensual and practical approach to sex. He provides the stability in the relationship that she craves. Mutually they will feel safe and trust with each other. This article is in two halves, the first is written from the viewpoint of the Cancer man or Cancer woman, and the second is written from the viewpoint of the Virgo man or Virgo woman. Scorpio man Cancer woman sex will be intense due to the intimacy between them. I was stunned by my love horoscope with the cancer man. 6 years ago. Aries. Virgo is an earth sign that is mutable and Cancer is a water sign that is cardinal by nature. She can also be surprisingly passionate which will increase both of their enjoyment. The best type of Cancer and Virgo relationship is sweet, loving, and understanding. They have so much in common that there are very few reasons why the Virgo Man and Cancer Woman can’t be soulmates. Don’t expect spontaneity or too much drama. Conclusion. Virgo man, Cancer woman: Sexual compatibility A Virgo man can sometimes be inhibited in the bedroom, but the gentle softness of a Cancer woman will help him relax and enjoy himself. Water does good for the earth, just like the Cancer nurtures the Virgo. ... partners, companions, lovers, and soulmates. There is great potential for the Virgo Man Taurus Woman friendship to turn into marriage. They have clever minds and a keen attention to detail. Taurus men love being taken care of like a King and the Cancer woman is great at doing this. Virgo and Pisces are polar opposites in terms of where they fall on the zodiac, but this pairing has some powerful things in common that can make a love connection work. I was emotional, warm & immature at times, and she was practical, supportive and cold at times. When you combine the Mercury’s and Pluto’s energy, you get perfectly matched intelligence. They both have a loving and caring nature, and a desire to serve others. Virgo woman & Cancer man is soulmates ? Then she will be able to give him all the attention and tender loving care he’s always craving. Relationships involving Cancer men with Virgo women are a risky mix of logic versus emotion that can end up either frustrating or fulfilling. This may be very important for those who are learning astrology. He is cancer soulmate and virgo rising sun, I am virgo and cancer rising soulmate. 5 Answers. The stumbling block for Cancer man Virgo woman compatibility is that both partners worry and fret constantly. The Virgo man Taurus woman breakup will happen only under dire circumstances. Virgo Soulmate In a Virgo person, you will find a mix of intelligence, smartness, and common sense. Taurus girl may well be enthralled by his dedication. Friendship. She stimulates the imagination of her man and stirs his mind with promises that she keeps forever. There is no way to use astrology to determine if two people are soulmates. Stability and commitment are feared but revered by both of them. We met over the dating as we lived in different man. Pisces and Virgo are soulmates. Neither of them likes to fight or to express their feelings loudly. Together with his sensitivity, attractiveness and imagination, the Cancer male might find how to appeal any woman easily, consisting of the Virgo … Virgo earth sign, and cancer water sign. Virgo man is known to be slow in taking the lead until he is sure of the relationship. Cancer Virgo is a very harmonious match, where you each will bring out the best in the other. The love from both is huge cancer goes and off so sometimes he might be distant and sometimes loving but it doesn’t mean he don’t loves you, is just that cancer man are easily stress out, so for Virgo women screaming or being mandatory doesn’t help because cancer man gets hurt easily, cancer man likes to seat around talk and doesn’t want screaming if you start screaming he has … The Virgo man Cancer woman soulmates will take things slow and will easily fall in love. So, please read on. After many years of being together, there will still be a strong spark between them. Virgo man will play a major role, only if his emotions would be strong enough. For these two zodiac signs, such shifts are relatively easy. Virgo man can be bashful sometimes and waits for his Taurus lady to lead him or give him some direction. The couple gets completely soaked in each other’s soul and body. He cherishes all their wonderful moments together. This is a good basis for a sustainable relationship. The emotional level that the Scorpio man Cancer woman soulmates connect will far outweigh the lust between them. Soulmates are not part of astrology. Virgo man will spoil his Taurus woman with gifts, gestures of love, and will do just about anything for her in the bedroom. Cancer is also a good match for Virgo. In the same way, the Virgo woman also extends her warmth and love to the Cancer Man. And the earth soaks up water just like the Virgo takes on the emotional baggage of the Cancer. Live Support (9:30 AM - 6:00 PM IST) The involvement of a Cancer woman with a Virgo man is usually a strong emotional association and a touching experience of many dimensions. For a Virgo man/Pisces woman relationship to thrive, a heavy dose of patience is required. The Virgo guy will definitely enjoy the company of his Taurus lady because of her loving and caring nature. A Cancer man is also a great listener and will be a steady and reliable partner for a Virgo woman, as well as a shoulder to cry on in the rare times she needs it. The best astrological match for a Virgo really depends on the rest of the specific Virgo’s chart but, generally speaking, it would be a Capricorn or Taurus. These two are a really good matchup.