When you are cleaning the squirrel it is imperative that you don’t cut the bile sack down by the pelvis area. Try not to hit the bladder or intestines either, but waste will wash out when you rinse if you accidentally do. Hey guys and we got our first uh squirrel in an engine call today and we thought this would be a good chance to educate everyone on what to do when you have a squirrel in your engine or it's a vehicle. It's a big squirrel!! I'm sorry about you hitting a squirrel. Possibly you have a heart? It shows you have a kind heart. If more than 3 Squirrels (or Monkeys) of the same color are touched one after another, you will earn extra points (combo points). You should only do this if you are confident that you can kill it quickly, otherwise it is far from humane. But the second you were faced with a tough choice, You let a baby squirrel suffer so you could eat diner in piece. Never hit an animal but have come close to hitting cats several times. She probably has internal injuries. If you miss the head, quickly reload and shoot the rodent in the head to end its suffering. A little feel bad seems like a perfectly healthy reaction. A shot to the head should kill the rodent instantly. As of now she can't eat. Funny and addictive killtime for everyone. I have never hit a squirrel--but one time a deer crossed right out in the road in front of me & I anticipated seeing a 2nd deer--but even knowing there would be a 2nd one there--he was just too quick. Do you remember Whack-a-mole? She is still alive but we don't think she's going to make it. They will appear randomly on the screen and you have to hit them before they are gone, but avoid the Owl: you will loose a life! He hit the side of my car & did some pretty good damage. This may help make your car a less attractive nesting space and the squirrel may vacate on its own. She is a beautiful Fox Squirrel with a black head and a white nose and a very long beautiful tail. The one thing that will definitely affect the taste of the meat though is the bile sack. Hitting the innocent squirrel just out doing what squirrels do makes you feel bad. Even a clean shot will be bloody and distressing. If you suspect a squirrel is already nesting under the hood of your car, the Toronto Wildlife Centre suggests leaving the hood of your car open for a day or two (if it's safe to do so). Now it's time to hit Squirrels and Monkeys. Wildlife and Liz is here as well. The animal flattens himself out against a tree branch to avoid being seen by the hunter, who having already spotted the squirrel, places a large caliber rifle ball against the branch taking the animal by concussion. If the squirrel you found is in need of medical care your may have to … behind "barking", for all of you old squirrel hunters goes like this. you've not used very often and you go in to open the hood and it comes flying out at you. There is a local place we can take her to but all they can do is feed her. Instead you couldn’t do a thing and ran away like a sissy bitch. What to do if the squirrel you found checks off all the boxes above: In my experience, government animal control agencies are pretty reluctant to come out to pick up an injured squirrel. Most of the time, squirrels are completely benign, but in some situations, they can cause considerable damage. Bloody critters dart out of nowhere like they were launched out of a rocket launcher; tremendously startling when it's dark and you're riding a motorcycle. Is there anything you think we cn do to help her. If you weren’t such a little bitch and had a gun you could have taken care of it from a distance like little pussies do.