c. All of the above. By taking this training, you have gained important information about the hazards of … 2. 1. Plan must have a description of physical and health hazard presented by the chemicals Where can an employee … The "Right-to-Know" law requires your employer to have a written hazardous communication (HAZCOM) program including All options are required under the "Right-to-Know" law In the __________ Standard, chemical manufacturers, importers, and distributors are required to provide hazard … Provide information about chemical hazards in the workplace. For this reason, today’s quiz centers on these terms as found in the Hazard Communication regulation, 29 CFR, Part 1910.1200, and on Safety Data Sheets (SDS) and Labels. Quiz 6: Infection Control Fundamentals Q 66 The goal of OSHA's final rule on Hazard Communication is to transition from workers' "right to know" to the workers' "right to ________." The OSHA regulation that gives employees the right to know about chemical hazards and protections is called the: a. b. The answers to this quiz are in the column to the right… 2. b. False. True False The Hazard Communication Standard gives you a right to know about hazardous chemicals in your workplace. You are taking an important step in protecting yourself from the hazards in your workplace. (circle the correct answer) 1. QUIZ 1. quiz answers Hazard Communication and GHS— What Employees Need to Know Training Program Quiz Answers 1. False. Congratulations! Workplace Safety > Hazard Communication Quiz. (B) False. (A) True. The Right-To-Know Act of 1988 (29 CFR 1910.1200) requires that this training be given at the time of initial assignment and whenever a new hazard … Hazard Communication Quiz Multiple Choice (circle the correct answer) 1. 13 You have the right to have your own copy of USDA written hazard communications program. A Safety Data Sheet (SDS) provides you … True False A chemical's harmful effects can accumulate slowly over … Chemical Act b. Hazard Communication & Right To Know Quiz 1. These are … Key ComponentsThe most important component of the entire Right-To-Know program is the employee training and information program. True False 14 If you have a question about a chemical or product, you may consult: Its MSDS Your … 3. Hazard Communication Quiz. Provide information about chemical hazards in the workplace. Multiple Choice. To evaluate the hazards of chemicals used, stored or handled in the workplace. The purpose of the hazard communica- tion standard is to: a. The Hazard Communication Standard is based SOLELY on the concept that employees need to know about the hazards to which they are exposed. To evaluate the hazards of chemicals used, stored or handled in the workplace. Hazard Communication Quiz … True. Hazard Communications Quiz You have the right to know about: Any chemical you work with Your co-workers’ ages who use chemicals Where chemicals are kept. What must be included in Hazard Communication program with regard to effect of chemicals? Hazard Communication Quiz-1 - EHS DB.com Hazard Communication Training Course Quiz Answer Key 1. d 2. c 3. b 4. a 5. b 6. d Answers … OSHA’s Hazard Communication … 2. SDSs must always be accessible to the employees. Hazard Communication Quiz. The purpose of the hazard communica- tion standard is to: a. Hazard Communication …
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