컴퓨터를 좀아는사람들은 다안다는 그농협쿨러 쿨러의 크기가 어마어마하게 크지만 그만큼 성능하나는 공랭쿨러 대장급이며 또한 소음도 적어서 정숙한 공랭쿨러 대장입니다. It is also why I just ordered an NH-D15 for a second system. 사실 280mm 2열수랭과 360mm 3열수랭의 쿨링성능의 큰차이는없습니다. 기본쿨러보다는 훨씬저렴하고 좋으며 정숙합니다. CPU 쿨러 기본쿨러는 이제그만 사제 쿨러로 컴퓨터의 수명을 더늘리고 발열을 더잡아 성능 향상을 시켜봅시다. 사실상성능은같습니다. In the exact situation with my Noctua NH-D14. hlučnosÅ¥ 38dB, max. @Wronglebowsk I couldn't say. @GregGoodenough Except it is. 녹투아 NH-D15보다 쿨링성능이 뛰어납니다. @feifeigxx @jospoortvliet @AlexTamarinde This. • Stage 2 : Our Tech team shall try and diagnose the problem online through remote access / video call. That is mostly because of the high speed and high static pressure nature of the fans, which creates aerodynamic noise. The NZXT Kraken Z63 & X73 AIO Cooler Review: Shiny On Top, Solid Underneath ... X53: $130 X63: $150 X73: $180 The Z series is + $100 Reply. Isn’t this just another rebadged (or rather slightly customized) Asetek cooler? 잘만 CNPS17X 가격은 약7만5천원정도이며 동급가격대 제품중에 가장 디자인도성능도 괜찮습니다. 이전세대의 NZXT 크라켄 X72와비교해서 NZXT KRAKEN X73과 Z73펌프가 개선된제품으로 더욱 쿨링성능이좋아졌으며 무상보증기간까지 무려6년. 또한 팬디자인도 RGB링장착으로 이쁜편입니다. Any large air cooler can cool just about any chip. I can confirm: it'll be a long night (and a lo… https://t.co/ZM1znfnxmM, @NWSPortland Because nothing says "I love you" quite like trying to kill you with ice! , RT @andreif7: I'm retracting the our initial 120Hz web browsing battery life results on the new adaptive refresh rate Galaxy (>Note20) phon…. リーズが12月25日発売。製品スペック的にWD SN550のブランド違い同等品のようです。 NZXT KRAKEN 시리즈의 280mm 2열수랭쿨러와 240mm 2열수랭쿨러입니다. Hardware: gpu: ASUS Phoenix GTX 1050 TI mobo: msi B250M PRO-VDH (I’ll provide other info if you need it to answer) I just got all my new pc … 단돈 8만원에 누수보증3년 파워업체로유명한 한미마이크로닉스에서 내놓은 COOLMAX AID W360 ARGB 이가격에 AUTORGB가아닌 ARGB를선택할수있고 3열수랭에 놀랐습니다. When it comes to mixing water and electronics, nobody wants to mess around with unproven stuff. 수랭쿨러의경우 3열과 2열나눠서 추천해드릴것이며 1순위는 성능 2순위는 가격. Past this, like the X73, the Z63 does not stand out when the thermal load is low, but it is significantly more efficient when the thermal load is very high. The thermal resistance of the X73 is virtually stable regardless of the load with its pump and fans operating in this state, surpassing most other AIO coolers in any scenario. The NZXT X73 stands out in our charts, as it manages to overtake every other similarly-sized AIO cooler that we have tested to this date. That said, the cooler can certainly operate at lower noise levels if connected to a dynamic control system, such as any modern motherboard that would allow full control over the speed of its fans and pump, but at the obvious expense of thermal performance. 가격도 저렴합니다. CPU쿨러는 개인적으로 사제쿨러 2만원대정도의 제품을 사서쓰셔도 무방합니다. 현재까지 기본쿨러를 써온 여러분께 꼭 맞는 사제쿨러를 추천드립니다. NZXT KRAKEN X53의 경우는 240mm 2열수랭쿨러로서 자사의 280mm나 360mm제품에 비해 조금떨어지는성능을가지고있지만 타사대비 2열수랭쿨러중에서는 최상위권쿨링성능이며 케이스호환성이 뛰어나서 케이스선택에 좋은 2열수랭쿨러입니다. The result is a graph that depicts the absolute thermal resistance of the cooler in comparison to the noise generated. Our maximum speed testing is performed with both the fans and the pump of the kit powered via a 12V DC source. EVGA CLC 280 Liquid / EVGA CLC 240 Liquid 쿨링면에서는 뛰어나지만 소음이 굉장히 높습니다. @fareszr lots and lots and lots of people, @AlexTamarinde Nitch is how Americans pronounce it. Are you doing it for dense code, or so it can be groked later? 수랭은 2열과3열로 나누어서 추천드릴게요. 사실 현존 일체형수랭쿨러중 최고의성능 그리고 디자인을 담당한다고 볼수있습니다. FLIR製最新サーモグラフィーカメラLepton 3.5を標準搭載し、業務用にも耐えるスマートフォン「CAT S62 PRO」をレビュー。サーモグラフィーの使い勝手や画質をFLIR ONE Proと比較してみた。 Also o… https://t.co/aIgUTOeXcx, @mikeev @BrettHowse @IanCutress For games, a combination of Powershell + (WinAppDriver / AutoHotKey) works, but it… https://t.co/Fhh8j0VZLa, @mikeev @BrettHowse @IanCutress I use Perl & Python on RHEL for my primary work, and Powershell for all AnandTech-r… https://t.co/7uCllPz9T3, @mikeev @BrettHowse @IanCutress As a generic scripting language, Powershell may not have any benefit over Perl or P… https://t.co/ttTIO97vrW. 이엠텍 AS서비스 최상급 + 디자인은별로지만 중상급쿨링을가진 2열수랭쿨러입니다. Wie uitstekende koelprestaties wil en de rgb op het waterblok kan waarderen, heeft met de NXZT Kraken X53 een prima keuze. This graph reveals very interesting information. 그리고 무엇보다 3RSYS의 AS서비스는 최상급인거다아시죠? NZXT KRAKEN X63과 Z63은 동일한 성능을가진 280mm 2열수랭쿨러지만 Z63의경우 펌프에 LCD가장착되어있어 각종시스템정보나 사용자가원하는이미지를 커스터마이징할수있습니다. 준수한 성능을 가지고있는 EVGA CLC 시리즈입니다. 이쁜 RGB팬과 4개의 히트파이프 두꺼운 방열판. 저는 수랭쿨러를 더 선호합니다. With an average thermal resistance of 0.0935 °C/W, the 280 mm cooler manages to get dangerously close to many larger AIO coolers, and even surpasses a few of them. 잘만CNPS20X에비해 방열판 그리고 쿨링팬이반으로줄었지만 히트파이프갯수가1개차이밖에안나서그런지 성능면에서 그렇게 많이 줄어들지않았습니다. Even fits in my H210 and a hybrid 2080ti. Always and forever. Support LGA 1200 & 1151 - Intel® Core™ i9-10900K 20M Cache, up to 5.30 GHz 10Core 20threads = $570 - Intel® Core™ i9-10900KF 20M Cache, up to 5.30 GHz 10Core 20threads = $540 - Intel® Core™ i9-10900 20M Cache, up to 5.20 GHz 10Core 20threads = $485 - Intel® Core™ i9-10900F 20M Cache, up to 5.20 GHz 10Core 20threads = $475 Feature Technical Specification Model Number 3888 Processor Options 10th Gen Intel® Core™ i3-10100 '4-Core, 6MB Cache, 3.6GHz to 4.3GHz' Chipset Intel® B460 But if you want what may be the best chance to get an RTX 3060 card for… https://t.co/5iHQxxFfR6. Although the mediocre results we got from low load testing initially misguided us into believing that the Z63 will fall far behind the competition, it proved to be very efficient at handling heavy loads. For both the sound pressure level and absolute thermal resistance readings, lower figures are better. On a tangent, I would like… https://t.co/jfXdPxfdxz, @jonmasters Unfortunately a certain notorious and vitriolic person has been spreading lies the last few months, whi… https://t.co/CW0j0X1hmV, @stephentyrone I didn't debug it further, the x264 compile error is also some deep compiler shenanigans, probably… https://t.co/IWJeqv3urt, The Fortran tests here are LLVM+Gfortran and GCC+Gfortran in the respective results, we still don't have a working… https://t.co/NqmM86Ss1a, Not that I expect these to be easy to get. Creates a good 5 minutes of confusion when you're listening to someone from a diff de… https://t.co/M21dKDOV7a. nzxt kraken z63의 가격은 359,000원 (가성비무엇;) evga clc 280 liquid / evga clc 240 liquid. 크라켄 x53 이나 x73 으로 바꿔볼까하는 욕구가 자꾸 솟구치는 요즘입니다. 거의 비행기소음에 가깝다고 쓰는분들 대부분이 번들쿨러를 교체합니다. 또한 RC500의 경우 핑크버젼으로 감성까지챙기실수있습니다. There were some speed differences between identical fans but these did not exceed 100 RPM, which is a little high but not dramatic. 이엠텍 REDBIT MIRACLE 240 가격은 59,700원으로 매우저렴합니다. At some point AIO's became must have but I don't get it ESP when the noctua still outperforms 90% of them. My other interactions with their support service have been very positive as well, once for replacing a fan that had a bearing go bad and another for getting the AM4 bracket for the cooler. 장시간 컴퓨터를 켜두고 사용하신다면 공랭쿨러를 추천드리고 또 PC내부깔끔함에있어서는 수랭쿨러가 더좋을수있습니다. CPU Cooler: NZXT Kraken X53 73.11 CFM Liquid CPU Cooler (Purchased For $178.00) Motherboard: Gigabyte Z490I AORUS ULTRA Mini ITX LGA1200 Motherboard (Purchased For $372.89) Memory: Corsair Vengeance LPX 16 GB (2 x 8 GB) DDR4-3200 CL16 Memory (Purchased For $112.98) More Information; Warranty: Stage 1 : In case of a faulty component/part, please reach out to us for technical support. 3RSYS Socoool RC500 RGB 가격은 27,450원 (20년4월19일기준). 240mm라디에이터를장착한 2열수랭쿨러로서 ARGB까지 지원합니다. 사실쿨링성능의 차이는없습니다. 고로  NZXT KRAKEN X63과 Z63의 성능은 거의 3열수랭쿨러 가까운제품입니다. 3열도있지만 소개안시켜드린데는 다이유가있겠지요. 제가 강추드리고싶은제품입니다. My experience with liquid cooling was that it was more complex/ noise / cost / hassle / e-waste. 3RSYS RC500 과 RC300 입니다. According to our tachometer, the 120 mm and 140 mm fans were rotating at about 1870 RPM and 2120 RPM respectively, well within their rated specifications. NZXT states that the 120 mm fans of the X73 have a rotational speed of 2000±300 RPM and the 140 mm fans of the Z63 a speed of 1800±300 RPM. 가격이깡패 마이크로닉스의 COOLMAX AID W240 ARGB 제품입니다. @HenkPoley @jonmasters I understood your point, I was just saying that the vitriol was around compiler flags rather than compiler choice. It has an average thermal resistance of 0.0719 °C/W, which is very good, but that comes with a sound pressure level of 42.9 dB(A), a figure that is definitely on the high side when compared to other, similar solutions. 디자인이굉장히아쉬웠던지라 팬색상이 똥색인게 사람들이 많은 컴플레인을걸었는지 녹투아에서 동일한제품을 올블랙색상으로 녹투아 NH-D15 Chromax.black라는이름을달고 작년에 출시했습니다. It may trail the thermal resistance of the X73 by a small margin, but it manages the same level of thermal performance with significantly less noise. The NZXT Z63 also performs well in our low-speed testing. Cellar Door - Thursday, August 20, 2020 - … Although the X73 seems to be falling slightly behind when the thermal load is low, it is very efficient when having to cope with high loads, making it one of the best AIO coolers for handling large thermal loads. New Intel 10th Generation 2020. We can see that the NZXT X73 surpasses the absolute thermal resistance of all other 360 mm radiator coolers and also is quieter than Cougar’s Helor and the older Celsius S36. 더낮은 온도를 내기위해서는 수랭쿨러가 더좋고 요즘 조립PC시장에서는 보급형수랭쿨러가 거의 대세라고할정도로 많이나와서 저렴한가격에 좋은 쿨링을 챙길수있지요. We voorzien hem daarom van een Excellent-award. Hell I still have a $30 big typhoon kicking around somewhere that im sure would do just fine. However when we check our sound level meter, we measure a sound pressure of 37.4 dB(A), a relatively high figure compared to other coolers. 지금까지 위에 소개했던 대장급공랭쿨러중에 가장화려한 RGB가장착된 디자인이며 쿨링성능도 가장뛰어납니다. 한때 잘만 쿨러가 국내시장에서는 압도적으로 1위였었죠. It's like writing code. The pump on my X61 died back in March after 5 years of service and they shipped me a new X62 within a couple days of them receiving the support ticket. AIDA64 Extreme Edition is a streamlined diagnostic and benchmarking tool for home users while the Business Edition is an essential network management solution for small and medium scale enterprises. 하지만 X73에비해 15만원이나 더비쌉니다. NZXT Kraken ML22 595 DKK; Inter-Tech ALSEYE Max 240 895 DKK; NZXT Kraken X53 1095 DKK; Corsair iCUE H100i RGB PRO XT 1495 DKK; Corsair H115i PRO 1495 DKK; NZXT Kraken Z63 Processors 1595 DKK; NZXT Kraken X73 1695 DKK NZXT’s X73 once again stands out with an average thermal resistance of 0.0812 °C/W, the best average figure that we have recorded from any AIO cooler to this date.
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