It’s an all-around great shrub. ... Tillery Street Plant Company Plant List. Austin Asphalt is an industry leader in asphalt production for the state of Texas. Moon Valley Nurseries is excited to officially be a part of the Austin community! View our Online Collection of Locally Grown and Handpicked Plants. The “annual” system is the system of choice for warmer areas of the south if you are growing strawberries in Austin and central Texas. Choose plants that are native and well-adapted. 84 Power Plant jobs available in Austin, TX on Crop Based on Frost Dates Based on Moon Dates; Start Seeds Indoors Plant Seedlings or Transplants Start Seeds Outdoors; Air Plants: N/A: N/A: Basil: Jan 4-18 Jan 13-18: Mar 1-22 Mar 13-22: N/A: Beets: N/A: N/A: Feb 15-Mar 8 Feb 28-Mar 8: Bell Peppers: Dec 21-Jan 4 Dec 21-29 Summertime Flowers and Herbs. Huey', Plectranthus, Spur Flower 'Mona Lavender', Muhlenbergia Species, Big Muhly, Blue Muhly Grass, Lindheimer's Muhly, Muehlenbeckia, Creeping Wire Vine, Maidenhair Vine, Mattress Vine 'Nana', Oenothera Species, Bigfruit Evening Primrose, Evening Primrose, Missouri Primrose, Ozark Sundrops, Pavonia Species, Rock Rosemallow, Texas Swampmallow, Malpighia Species, Acerola, Barbados Cherry, Manzanita, Wild Crapemyrtle, Tulbaghia, Variegated Society Garlic 'Silver Lace', Sabal Species, Blue Palm, Bluestem Palmetto, Dwarf Palmetto, Louisiana Palmetto, Caladium, Angel Wings, Fancy-Leafed Caladium, Heart of Jesus 'Candidum', Symphoricarpos Species, Bird's Eye Bush, Coralberry, Indian Currant, Malvaviscus Species, Ladies Teardrop, Turkcap, Turk's Turban, Scotchman's Purse, Wax Mallow, Bignonia, Cross Vine, Crossvine, Trumpet Flower 'Tangerine Beauty', Pentas, Egyptian Star Cluster, Star Flower 'Butterfly Red', Equisetum Species, Canuela, Dutch Rush, Horsetail, Rough Horsetail, Scouring Rush, Snake Grass, Engelmannia Species, Engelmann's Daisy, Cut-leaf Daisy, Penstemon Species, Brazos, Gulf Coast Penstemon, Pride of the Mountain, Sharpsepal Beardtongue, Lysimachia, Golden Creeping Jenny, Gold Moneywort 'Aurea', Agave Species, Cabbage Head Agave, Century Plant, Maguey, Ilex Species, Possum Haw, Deciduous Holly, Winterberry, Meadow Holly, Swamp Holly, Cleistocactus Species, Silver Torch, Snow Pole, Wooly Torch, Phyla Species, Frog Fruit, Sawtooth Fogfruit, Turkey Tangle, Glandularia Species, Dakota Mock Vervain, Great Plains Verbena, Prairie Verbena, Ipomopsis Species, Red Texas Star, Scarlet Gilia, Standing Cypress, Texas Plume, Beaucarnea Species, Mexican Boulder, Sacamecate, Fraxinus Species, Arizona Ash, Leatherleaf Ash, Modesto Ash, Velvet Ash, Verbena Species, Rough Verbena, Upright Verbena, Tuberous Vervain, Desmanthus Species, Illinois Bundleflower, Prairie Bundle Flower, Prairie Mimosa, Spider Bean, Anisacanthus Species, Flame Acanthus, Hummingbird Bush, Wright Anisacanth, Wright's Desert Honeysuck, Senna Species, Argentina Senna, Buttercup Bush, Flowering Senna, Tree Senna, Agave Species, Candelabrum Agave, Squid Agave, Century Plant, Alpinia, Shell Ginger, Variegated Shell Ginger 'Variegata', Pavonia Species, Spearleaf Swampmallow, Pale Texas Rosemallow, Pale Rock Rose, Fairy Hibiscus, Rivina Species, Baby Pepper, Bloodberry, Coral Berry, Pigeon Berry, Rouge Plant, Juncus, Corkscrew Rush, Twisted Arrows 'Spiralis', Pennisetum, Black Leaf Millet, Ornamental Millet, Pearl Millet 'Purple Majesty', Sophora Species, Texas Mountain Laurel, Mescal Bean, Ruellia Species, Metz's Wild Petunia, Wild White Petunia, Cestrum Species, Orange Cestrum, Yellow Shrub Jessamine, Hypericum, St. John's Wort, St. Johnswort 'Hidcote', Achillea, Yarrow, Milfoil, Soldier's Woundwort, Staunchweed 'Paprika', Achillea, Yarrow, Milfoil, Soldier's Woundwort, Staunchweed 'Cerise Queen', Hardy Hibiscus, Rose Mallow, Swamp Mallow 'Kopper King', Ruellia Species, Firecracker Flower, Violet Ruellia, Western Ruellia, Western Wild Petunia, Ruellia Species, Brazilian Rose, Christmas Pride, Hylotelephium, Sedum, Showy Stonecrop 'Autumn Joy', Ruellia, Desert Petunia, Florida Bluebells, Mexican Petunia, Mexican Blue Bells 'Katie', Ruellia, Desert Petunia, Florida Bluebells, Mexican Petunia, Mexican Blue Bells 'Chi Chi', Ruellia, Desert Petunia, Florida Bluebells, Mexican Petunia, Mexican Blue Bells 'Blue Shade', Polygonatum, Variegated Solomon's Seal, Fragrant Solomon's Seal, Striped Solomon's Seal 'Variegatum', Mirabilis Species, Heartleaf Four o'Clock, Nightblooming Four o'Clock, Wild Umbrellawort, Tradescantia Species, Cobweb Spiderwort, Hairy Wandering Jew, White Gossamer Plant, White Velvet, Salvia, Hummingbird Sage, Scarlet Sage, Texas Sage 'Coral Nymph', Gaillardia, Blanket Flower, Indian Blanket 'Monarch Strain', Berberis Species, Currant-of-Texas, Wild Currant, Chaparral Berry, Christella Species, Southern Wood Fern, Southern Maiden Fern, Widespread Maiden Fern, Verbena Species, Common Vervain, Herb of the Cross, Prostrate Verbena, Rhus Species, Evergreen Sumac, Lentisco, Tobacco Sumac, Sedum, Stonecrop, Japanese Sedum, Woodland Stonecrop 'Ogon', Lavandula, Hedge Lavender, Lavandin, Lavender 'Provence', Aristolochia Species, White Veined Hardy Dutchman's Pipe, Lavandula, English Lavender 'Vicenza Blue', Helichrysum Species, Curry Plant, Immortelle, Italian Strawflower, Trachelium Species, Blue Lace Flower, Blue Throatwort, Tagetes Species, Copper Canyon Daisy, Mexican Bush Marigold, Mount Lemmon Marigold, Shrub Marigold, Rudbeckia, Black-Eyed Susan, Gloriosa Daisy 'Indian Summer', Eucalyptus Species, Argyle Apple, Mealy Stringbark, Silver Dollar Gum Tree, Passiflora, Passion Flower, Passion Vine 'Incense', Tetraneuris Species, Four-Nerve Daisy, Slender-Stem Bitterweed, Ardisia Species, Hens Eyes, Hilo Holly, Coralberry, Coral Ardisia, Spiceberry, Christmas Berry, Cycas Species, Cycad, Japanese Sago Palm, King Sago Palm, Sago Cycas, Sago Palm, Thymus, Creeping Thyme, Elfin Thyme 'Elfin', Hylotelephium, Sedum, Showy Stonecrop 'Brilliant', Ipomoea Species, Bush Morning Glory, Morning Glory Tree, Badoh Negro, Borrachero, Matacabra, Scutellaria Species, Pink Texas Skullcap, Cherry Skullcap, Packera Species, Golden Groundsel, Roundleaf Ragwort, Squawweed, Sisyrinchium Species, California Blue-Eyed Grass, Viola Species, Missouri Violet, Native Wood Violet, Peruvian Daffodil, Spider Flower 'Exotica', Chlorophytum Species, Lily Grass, Weeping Anthericum, Glandularia, Garden Verbena, Trailing Verbena 'Tapien Blue Violet', Malvastrum Species, Wright's False Mallow, Dwarf Horsetail, Dwarf Scouring Rush, Sedge Horsetail, Purple Threeawn, Red Threeawn, Wiregrass, Democrat Grass, Agave, Queen Victoria Agave, Century Plant, Maguey 'Compacta', Cordyline, Purple Cabbage Tree, Cabbage Palm, Cabbage Tree, Ti Kouka, Torbay Palm, Dracaena Spike 'Purpurea', Salvia, Cancer Weed, Lyreleaf Sage 'Purple Volcano', Agapanthus, Lily of the Nile, African Lily 'Donau', Species Iris, Cemetery Iris, White Cemetery Iris, White Flag, Stemodia Species, Creeping Silver Cenizo, Gray Woolly Twintip, Silverleaf Stemodia, Woolly Stemodia, Oenothera Species, Berlandier's Sundrops, Squarebud Primrose, Sundrops, Texas Primrose, Agapanthus, Dwarf Lily of the Nile, African Lily 'Streamline Dwarf', Russelia Species, Coralblow, Coral Plant, Firecracker Plant, Fountainbush, Madeira Plant, Lavandula Species, Butterfly Lavender, French Lavender, Spanish Lavender, Salvia, Elegant Sage, Golden Leaf Pineapple Sage 'Golden Delicious', Juncus, Carman's Sacred Japanese Rush, Carmen's Japanese Rush 'Carman's Japan', Viola, Horned Violet, Tufted Pansy 'Sorbet Black Delight', Scutellaria Species, Heartleaf Skullcap, Heart-leaf Skullcap, Teucrium Species, Small Coastal Germander, Cottage Pink, Feathered Pink, Garden Pink, Grass Pink 'Melody White', Drosanthemum Species, Hairy Dewflower, Purple Ice Plant, Astrolepis Species, Wavy Scaly Cloakfern, Star-scaled Fern, Wavy Cloak Fern, Agave, Century Plant, Mangave, Maguey 'Macho Mocha', Crinum Species, Crinum Lily, Giant Crinum Lily, Spider Lily, Thymus, Creeping Thyme, Wild Thyme 'Doone Valley', Salvia Species, Darcy's Sage, Fiery Sage, Galeana Red Sage, Red Mountain Sage, Zephyranthes Species, Fairy Lily, Giant Rain Lily, Hill Country Rain Lily, Prairie Lily, Rainlily, Curve Leaf Yucca, Pendulous Yucca, Weeping Yucca, Spanish Dagger, Moundlily Yucca, Soft Tipped Yucca, Selaginella, Club Moss, Krauss' Spikemoss, Trailing Spike Moss 'Gold Tips', Salvia, Balkan Clary, Meadow Sage, Violet Sage, Woodland Sage 'Marcus', Agave Species, Thorncrest Century Plant, Maguey Mezortillo, Yucca Species, Rock Yucca, Spanish-Dagger, Texas Yucca, Twisted-Leaf Yucca, Dalea Species, Trailing Indigo Bush, Trailing Smoke Bush, Ageratina Species, Havana Snakeroot, Shrubby Boneset, Thoroughwort, White Mistflower, Cuphea Species, Candy Corn Plant, Mexican Giant Cigar Plant, Tall Cigar Plant, Scutellaria Species, Bushy Skullcap, Shrubby Skullcap, Wright's Skullcap, Rubus Species, European Raspberry, Raspberry, Red Raspberry, Agave Species, Rattlesnake Agave, False Aloe, Spice Lily, Manfreda, Climbing Polyantha Rose, Old Garden Rose 'Pinkie, Cl. 1) Flowering Dogwoods. Austin Asphalt is a proud member of both the Texas Asphalt Pavement Association (TXAPA) and Association of General Contractors (AGC). The temperature fluctuations, hot summers, and freezes can make gardening a challenge. Plants Florists. Many Austin homeowners use this plant along borders or to help create privacy. Master gardener Sue Nazar gave viewers several plant lists when she presented her garden on CTG on February 17, 2007. ... read more, Great comment by Magpye! We are conveniently located in North Austin, right off the US Highway 183 on Pond Springs Road. Plants for a Backyard Garden . 'Henry Duelberg' Salvia. Texas Blooms & Gifts. We have been providing the Austin, TX area with Indoor Plants since 1978. Austin, Texas Hardiness Zone Map. Let us show you how interior tropical plants and designer plant containers can make the difference in a work place, residence or a special event. Tomatoes. 4616 … On average, your last spring frost occurs on March 1 (at AUSTIN-CAMP MABRY, TX climate station). They should be planted in early spring or early fall in full sun, and they have a 4 to 5 foot height with a 4 to 5 foot spread. Austin is located in the hill country of central Texas, where the city enjoys surrounding lakes and many wildflowers. Tropical Plants and Interior Plant Services are our specialty! Summer Bulbs. Now, for all the summer vegetables like beans, cowpeas, corn, squashes, pumpkins, cucumbers, watermelons, gourds and sunflowers, you should plant those seeds directly into the ground around February 17, or if your soil is still very cold, once the soil is near 60° F in temperature. Aspidistra Species, Cast Iron Plant Aspidistra elatior: Austin, tx 1 miles: Sphaeralcea … This lovely place is a 2-for-1 plant stop (Tillery Street Plant Co. & East Austin Succulents). Choose plants that are native and well-adapted. Top 10 Remarkable Plants for CTG. Summer plants for sun. Most Central Texas native plants are naturally drought-tolerant, resistant to pests and diseases, require less fertilizing and pesticides, and are important sources of food for wildlife. A place for lovers of plants and design. Texas sage offers gorgeous pink, purple, or lavender flowers that bloom all summer. Most Central Texas native plants are naturally drought-tolerant, resistant to pests and diseases, require less fertilizing and pesticides, and are important sources of food for wildlife. Plants hand-picked by your local florist including flowering plants, house plants, and more. Same-day plant delivery available to Austin and across the country. This native plant has silver-grey leaves can that grow up to 6 feet tall and wide at maturity. 1200 E 11th St. Austin, TX 78702. Small Shrubs – Agarito, Desert Spoon, Apache Plume, Creosote Bush, Violet Silverleaf and more. Plant Party also offers local plant delivery in the greater + metro Austin area. Many plants thrive under these conditions, so let’s take a look at eight of the best plants and bushes to plant around your Austin, TX pool! What Vegetables Grow in Austin? (10) 35 YEARS. Plant this native beauty in a sunny spot where it can establish itself in the soil. We Offer Flower Delivery to Austin, TX and Surrounding Cities, Towns, and Neighborhoods. Flowering and green plants make the perfect gift for any occasion and are an amazing decoration in any home or office. Plant Party. Visit Website. Summer Annuals for Shade. “Now is the perfect time to be planting seed for spring-blooming wildflowers,” says Andrea DeLong-Amaya, director of horticulture at the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center in Austin. Summer color plants. Vegetable Gardening in Austin, Texas Successful vegetable growing in Austin depends on adapting to the soil and the weather environments of the area. Here is our first stop in our most recent trip to Austin, TX! Top Ten Austin Grown Herbs. Plants and Succulents are an Incredible Way to Bring Fresh Air Directly to your Home or Office. March in Central Texas means wildflowers, South by Southwest, spring break and tomatoes. ', Opuntia Species, Black-Spine Prickly Pear, Purple Prickly Pear, Red-joint Prickly Pear, Texas Santa, Dwarf Zebra Grass, Eulalia, Maiden Grass, Zebra Grass, Chinese Silvergrass 'Little Zebra', Echinocereus Species, Arizona Ruby Rainbow Hedgehog, Pink Comb Cactus, Sonoran Rainbow Cactus, Bambusa, Chinese Bamboo, Hedge Bamboo 'Riviereorum', Nandina, Dwarf Nandina, Heavenly Bamboo 'Filamentosa', Sempervivum, Hen-and-Chickens, Houseleek, Old Man & Woman, Roof House Leek 'Silverine', Houseleek, Hen-and-Chickens, Old Man and Woman, Roof House Leek 'Braunii', Phedimus, Creeping Sedum, Two-Row Stonecrop 'Voodoo', Beefsteak Plant, Shiso, Red Perilla 'Akashiso', Brachyscome, Swan River Daisy 'Toucan Tango', Agave Hybrid, Scabra Queen, Century Plant, Maguey, Muhlenbergia Species, Bamboo Muhly, Faury Bamboo, Persicaria, Fleece Flower, Knotweed 'Silver Dragon', Lavandula, Hybrid Lavender 'Goodwin Creek Grey', Monarda, Bee Balm, Beebalm, Bergamot, Firecracker Plant, Horsemint, Mountain Mint, Oswego Tea 'Panorama Mix', Leymus Species, Blue Lyme Grass, Sand Rye Grass, Sea Lyme Grass, Lavandula, English Lavender 'Silver Frost', Echinacea, Orange Coneflower, Meadowbrite Coneflower 'Orange Meadowbrite', Dichondra Species, Kidneyweed, Silver Pony's Foot, Carex Species, Blue Sedge, Carnation-Grass, Gray Carex, Glaucous Sedge, Heath Sedge, Symphyotrichum Species, Aromatic Aster, Fall Aster, Oblong-Leaved Aster, Wild Aster, Hesperaloe Species, Redflower False Yucca, Red Yucca, Ajuga, Bugle, Bugleweed, Carpet Bugle 'Valfredda', Phedimus, Creeping Sedum, Two-Row Stonecrop, Variegated Sedum 'Tricolor', Allowissadula Species, Chisos Mountain False Indian Mallow, Velvet Leaf Mallow, Pittosporum, Variegated Japanese Mock Orange 'Variegata', Berberis Species, Leatherleaf Mahonia, Beale's Barberry, Lotus Species, Coral Gem, Lotus Vine Flower, Parrot's Beak, Pelican's Beak, Winged Pea, Oxalis, Purple Shamrock, Wood Sorrel 'Mijke', Oenothera, Showy Evening Primrose, White Evening Primrose 'Alba', Scutellaria Species, Common Large Skullcap, Helmet Flower, Rough Skullcap, Tall Skullcap, Buddleja, Butterfly Bush, Orange-eye Butterfly Bush, Summer Lilac 'Dartmoor', Angel Trumpet, Angel's Trumpet 'Yellow Tail', Berberis Species, Desert Barberry, Red Barberry, Red Mahonia, Red Oregon-Grape, Neptunia Species, Yellow Puff, Yellow Sensitive Briar, Sabatia Species, Meadow Pink, Prairie Rose Gentian, Prairie Sabatia, Texas Star, Cycas, Cycad, Japanese Sago Palm, King Sago Palm, Sago Cycas, Sago Palm 'Variegata', Passiflora, Blue Passion Flower, Hardy Passion Flower, Passion Vine 'Clear Sky', Nuttallanthus Species, Blue Toadflax, Texas Toadflax, Crassula, Dollar Plant, Jade Plant, Jade Tree, Money Tree 'Obliqua', Kalanchoe Species, Kalanchoe Stonecrop, Lavender Scallops, Saxifraga Species, Creeping Saxifrage, Strawberry Begonia, Strawberry Geranium, Gerbera, African Daisy, Barberton Daisy, Gerber Daisy, Transvaal Daisy 'Mixed Hybrids', Zinnia, Creeping Zinnia, Narrow-Leaf Zinnia 'Mixed Hybrids, Noids', Lobelia Species, Blue Cardinal Flower, Great Blue Lobelia, Chrysojasminum Species, Italian Jasmine, Yellow Jasmine, Allium, Garlic Chives, Chinese Chives, Chinese Leek 'Hiro Haba', Agave, Smooth Agave, Dwarf Century Plant, Variegated Smooth Century Plant 'Variegata', Cupressus Species, Italian Cypress, Mediterranean Cypress, Tuscan Cypress, Pencil Pine, Agave Species, Blue Wave Agave, Gypsiferous, Gypsum Century Plant, Plumbago Species, Blister Leaf, Blue Plumbago, Cape Leadwort, Salvia Species, Silver Clary, Silver Sage, Gardenia, Cape Jasmine, Gandharaj 'Aimee', Campsis, Trumpet Vine, Trumpet Creeper 'Madame Galen', Lomandra, Dwarf Mat Rush, Longleaf Matrush, Spiny Headed Matrush 'Breeze', Cupressus, Arizona Cypress, Smooth Cypress 'Blue Ice', Tradescantia Species, White-Flowered Wandering Jew, Inch Plant, River Spiderwort, Species Iris, Blackberry Lily, Leopard Lily, Hylotelephium, Garden Stonecrop, Showy Stonecrop, Variegated Stonecrop 'Mediovariegatum', Orange Zexmenia, Rough Zexmenia, Devil's River, Orange Daisy, Hairy Wedelia, Agave Species, Ferocious Pulque Agave, Century Plant, Maguey, Sedum Species, Donkey's Tail, Giant Burro's Tail, Antigonon Species, Coral Vine, Coralita, Bee Bush, Queen’s Wreath Vine, San Miguelito Vine, Euphorbia Species, Silver Spurge, Gopher Plant, Coral Bells, Alumroot, Coralbells, Alum Root 'Cappuccino', Curio Species, Banana Vine, Necklace Plant, String of Bananas, String of Pearls, Sphaeralcea Species, Copper Globemallow, Narrowleaf Desertmallow, Narrow-Leaved Globemallow, Cuphea Species, Candy Corn Plant, Cigar Plant, Gomphocarpus Species, Balloonplant, Cotton-Bush, Hairy Balls, Giant Swan Milkweed, Hibiscus Species, Heartleaf Hibiscus, Heartleaf Rose Mallow, Tulipan del Monte, Ipomoea Species, Morning Glory, Cypress Vine, Hummingbird Vine, Lamium Species, Deadnettle, Giraffe Head, Greater Henbit, Silene Species, Bloody Mary, Bloody William, Lampflower, Mullein Pinks, Rose Campion, Citrus, Meyer Lemon, Valley Lemon 'Meyer', Oxalis Species, Upright Yellow Woodsorrel, Yellow Wood Sorrel, Glycyrrhiza Species, American Licorice, Nuttall's Licorice, Wild Licorice, Lycoris Species, Hurricane Lily, Red Spider Lily, Surprise Lily, Musa Species, Hairy Banana, Pink Fruiting Banana, Strelitzia Species, Bird of Paradise, Crane Flower, Monterey Oak, Monterrey Oak, Mexican White Oak, Netleaf White Oak, Juniperus Species, Ashe Juniper, Blueberry Juniper, Mountain Cedar, Post Cedar, Combretum Species, Burma Creeper, Chinese Honeysuckle, Drunken Sailor, Rangoon Creeper, Gardenia, Cape Jasmine, Gandharaj 'August Beauty', Phormium, New Zealand Flax 'Platt's Black', Phormium, New Zealand Flax 'Atropurpureum', Colocasia, Elephant Ear, Taro 'Black Magic', Aralia Species, Angelica Tree, Devil's Walking Stick, Hercules' Club, Pentas, Egyptian Star Cluster, Star Flower 'Graffiti', Galium Species, Sweet Woodruff, Our Lady's Lace, Sweetscented Bedstraw, Petrosedum, Crooked Yellow Sedum, Jenny's Stonecrop, Spruce-Leaved Stonecrop, Stone Orpine 'Blue Spruce', Cenchrus, Purple Fountain Grass, Rose Fountain Grass 'Rubrum', Hibiscus Species, Neches River Rose Mallow, Dryopteris Species, Autumn Fern, Japanese Shield Fern, Phyllostachys Species, Black Bamboo, Slender Bamboo, Wanghee Cane, Japanese Holly Fern, Japanese Netvein Holly Fern, Berlandiera Species, Chocolate Daisy, Chocolate Flower, Eulalia, Maiden Grass, Zebra Grass, Chinese Silvergrass 'Strictus', Nassella Species, Silky Thread Grass, Mexican Feather Grass, Mexican Needle Grass, Pony Tails, Osmanthus Species, Fragrant Tea Olive, Fragrant Olive, Sweet Olive, Hamelia Species, Firecracker Shrub, Hummingbird Bush, Mexican Firebush, Scarlet Bush, Viola Species, Alpine Violet, American Dog Violet, Labrador Violet, Wisteria Species, American Wisteria, Texas Wisteria, Kentucky Wisteria, Justicia Species, Firecracker Plant, Mexican Honeysuckle, Orange Plume Flower, Hedychium Species, Butterfly Ginger, Butterfly Lily, Garland Lily, White Ginger, Stachys Species, Texas, Scarlet Betony, Scarlet Hedge Nettle, Texas Woundwort, Lamb's Ear, Dicliptera Species, Hummingbird Plant, Uruguayan Firecracker Plant, Star Grass, Star Rush, White Topped Sedge, Oxalis, Good Luck Plant, Wood Sorrel 'Iron Cross', Callicarpa Species, Beauty Berry, Purple Beautyberry, Asparagus, Asparagus Fern, Sprenger Asparagus 'Sprengeri', Lamium Species, Artillary Plant, Golden Dead Nettle, Yellow Archangel, Cuphea Species, Bat-Face Cuphea, Bunny Ears, St. Peter's Plant, Tiny Mice, Phlox Species, Downy Phlox, Prairie Phlox, Erythrina Species, Cardinal Spear, Cherokee Bean, Coral Bean, Salvia Species, Sapphire Salvia, Sinaloan Blue Sage, Poliomintha Species, Mexican Oregano, Rosemary Mint, Zephyranthes Species, Fairy Lily, Rain Lily, Rainlily, Zephyr Lily, Cyperus Species, Umbrella Papyrus, Umbrella Palm, Umbrella Sedge, Barleria Species, Bluebell Barleria, Crested Philippine Violet, Enana, Philippine Violet, Caesalpinia Species, Desert Bird of Paradise, Yellow Bird of Paradise, Lonicera Species, Coral Honeysuckle, Trumpet Honeysuckle, Thyrsacanthus Species, Cardinal Guard, Firespike, Scarlet Flame, Rumex Species, Bloodwort, Bloody Dock, Red-Veined Dock, Red-Veined Sorrel, Salvia Species, Balm-Scented Sage, Grape-Scented Sage, Salvia Species, Cedar Sage, Dwarf Crimson Sage, Roemer's Sage, Salvia Species, Anise-Scented Sage, Blue Anise Sage, Brazilian Sage, Salvia Species, Elegant Sage, Pineapple Sage, Allium Species, Ornamental Onion, Round Headed Leek, Dietes Species, African Iris, Butterfly Flag, Fortnight Lily, Peacock Flower, Hibiscus Species, Swamp Hibiscus, Scarlet Rose Mallow, Texas Star, Scarlet Hibiscus, Persicaria, Fleece Flower, Knotweed 'Red Dragon', Salvia Species, Autumn Sage, Cherry Sage, Gregg Salvia, Achillea Species, Yarrow, Milfoil, Soldier's Woundwort, Staunchweed, Lobularia Species, Seaside Lobularia, Sweet Alison, Sweet Alyssum, Tagetes Species, Mexican Mint Marigold, Mexican Tarragon, Sweet Mace, Sweetscented Marigold, Ruta Species, Common Rue, Garden Rue, Herb of Grace, Herbygrass, Mentha Species, Common Spearmint, Garden Mint, Lamb Mint, Mackerel Mint, Allium Species, Asian Chives, Chinese Chives, Garlic Chives, Melampodium Species, Arnica, Blackfoot Daisy, Plains Blackfoot, Rock Daisy, Jacobaea Species, Dusty Miller, Silver Ragwort, Cosmos Species, Klondike Cosmos, Orange Cosmos, Sulphur Cosmos, Galphimia Species, Gold Shower, Golden Thryallis, Rain of Gold, Shower of Gold, Evolvulus, Blue Daze, Hawaiian Blue Eyes 'Blue Daze', Acanthus Species, Bear's Breeches, Oyster Plant, Buddleja Species, Hybrids, Butterfly Bush, Orange Eye, Summer Lilac, Salvia Species, Mealycup Sage, Mealy Sage, Tithonia Species, Mexican Sunflower, Goldflower of the Incas, Mexican Marigold, Liatris Species, Blazing Star, Button Snakeroot, Marsh Gayfeather, Asclepias Species, Butterfly Milkweed, Butterfly Weed, Pleurisy Root, Armeria Species, Common Thrift, Sea Pink, Sea Thrift, Persicaria Species, Japanese Knotweed, Pink Bubble Persicaria, Pink Knotweed, Pinkhead Smartweed, Salvia Species, Cancer Weed, Lyreleaf Sage, Wild Sage, Callirhoe Species, Buffalo Rose, Purple Poppy Mallow, Wine Cups, Acmella Species, Buzz Buttons, Electric Daisy, Tingflowers, Toothache Plant, Ipomoea Species, Moonflower, Moon Vine, Giant White Moonflower, Evening Glory, Ceratostigma Species, Blue Leadwood, Hardy Blue Plumbago, Leadwort, Phedimus Species, Kamschatca Stonecrop, Russian Stonecrop, Phoenix Species, Pygmy Date Palm, Robellini Palm, Eruca Species, Arugula, Garden Rocket, Rocket Salad, Roquette, Chasmanthium Species, Indian Woodoats, Inland Sea Oats, Northern Sea Oats, River Oats, Species Orchid, Hardy Ground Orchid, Striped Bletilla, Urn Orchid, Bletilla, Anisocampium Species, Ghost Fern, Japanese Painted Fern, Painted Lady Fern, Justicia Species, Brazilian Plume, Flamingo Flower, Jacobinia, Pine-Bur Begonia, Sempervivum Species, Hens and Chicks, House Leek, Live-Forever, Asclepias Species, Tropical Milkweed, Mexican Butterfly Weed, Scarlet Milkweed, Oenothera Species, Appleblossom Grass, Lindheimer's Beeblossom, Wandflower, White Gaura, Piper Species, Hoja Santa, Mexican Pepperleaf, Root Beer Plant, Tulbaghia Species, Pink Agapanthus, Society Garlic, Wild Garlic, Aquilegia Species, Canadian Columbine, Wild Columbine, Bulbine Species, Onion-Leaved Anthericum, Stalked Bulbine, Snake Flower, Alstroemeria Species, Golden Lily-of-the-Incas, Peruvian Lily. Texas Sage is best for Central Texas to the Valley. Texas Superstar Plants. Plant Party offers onsite + offsite plant parties from solo-couple-group builds that you can schedule right online. These aphids have decimated ... read more, Have seen this bird in various nature preserves and ... read more, Use of this Web site constitutes acceptance of the, Drimiopsis Species, Little White Soldiers, Euphorbia Species, Martin's Spurge, Wood Spurge, Salvia Species, Blood Sage, Hummingbird Sage, Scarlet Sage, Texas Sage, Portulacaria Species, Elephant Bush, Elephant Food, Purslane Tree, Spekboom, Pride of Barbados, Red Bird of Paradise, Dwarf Poinciana, Peacock Flower 'Compton', Cabomba Species, Carolina Watershield, Fanwort, Fish Grass, Washington Grass, Pilea Species, Chinese Money Plant, Missionary Plant, Pancake Plant, UFO Plant, Hybrid Wichurana, Large-flowered Climbing Rose 'Dr. Samsung is considering spending over $10 billion to build an advanced new logic chipmaking plant in Austin, Texas, Bloomberg is reporting. IN BUSINESS. You’ll find plenty of … We provide a quality product, as well as unparalleled customer service at a competitive price. Click here for frequently asked questions, Share ideas online about improving Austin, Downloadable Native and Adapted Plant Guide, Searchable Native and Adapted Plant Guide, Deer Resistant Species (Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center), Protecting Your Landscape: A Handy List of Deer Resistant Plants-Ponds, Water Gardening in Texas (Texas AgriLIFE Extension Service), The Dangers of Invasive Species (Texas Parks & Wildlife), Characteristics of Crape Myrtle Varieties (Texas A&M University), Image Archive of Central Texas Native Plants (University of Texas), Native Trees of Texas (Texas A&M University), Native Plant Information Network (Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center), Trees Are Good (International Society of Arboriculture), 66 Tree Questions & Answers (Texas A&M University), East Austin Environmental Initiative (Spring/Summer 2020), Bull Creek District Park - Environmental Features Hike, East Austin Environmental Initiative (Fall/Winter 2019), East Austin Environmental News (Fall/Winter 2018). Austin, Texas is in USDA Hardiness Zones 8b and 9a. The flowering dogwood is a beautiful tree, known best for its spring bloom of pink and white blossoms.
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