What can we help you with? Where is your Spawn tshirts ??? The few successes that were mentioned here, pertains to the Ottoman Empire and the Mongols. Furthermore, the Greek city-states were in a constant state of war with each other which instilled a very deep warrior culture within them. A team of Japanese scientists creates glass as strong as steel and iron! Or not the African Nubian Empire Warrior-Archers who defeated the Assyrians to save Israel, that battle is recorded in the bible!!! I SEEM TO BE HAVING A SLIGHT PROBLEM LOGGING IN TO MY ACCOUNT, Note, just trying to get an approx date that may receive my order I placed it on 09/07/2020 order #121397. “I think he means to describe war cultures with deep social warrior behaviour. Most of these lists are made by “fanboys” for lack of any other term. Ordered a pre production shirt for xmas. As a result, the Hunnic people adopted many of the foreign customs, including even that of a Roman bathhouse, which was supposedly used inside Attila’s large village-camp. And if you are still a bit ‘miffed’, do check out this entire list dedicated to the grand armies of Alexander the Great – http://www.hexapolis.com/2015/06/30/10-fascinating-facts-you-probably-didnt-know-about-alexander-the-great-and-his-army/. The Punisher skull is not merely a profitable merchandising industry, but an ideological icon verging on religious significance. Also if it’s not about successes Dattatreya was more than happy to point to war successes in his list. After exacting tributes from the Pharaoh, they returned to plunder Assyrian and might have even toppled the Median (upper Iran) aristocracy. Samurai, member of the Japanese warrior caste. Sideshow and Pop Culture … ITS JUST THEFT", "I have never got my order and would not recommend". I get around four emails a day letting me know about all the new designs. I have already countered your argument for including the Hellenistic Greeks starting from Alexander the Great to his Diadochi. Thought to be a Gallic tribe from the later Iron Age, the Boii were mainly centered around Bohemia (present-day Czech Republic), Pannonia (present-day Hungary) and Cisalpine Gaul (present-day Northern Italy). To address your argument about Rome, everything you described about them could just as easily apply to the Hellenes of Alexander. Just trying to straighten out and make sure my last two orders are shipped to me at 1475 Max Ave Chula Vista , California 91911 . It’s nice to see someone has done their homework. Some people bebrudge of Turks. These lists are utter rubbish. Okay, it seems you are oblivious to the point I am trying to make, but I will try once more. Paperback $14.99 $ 14. Contact Warriors of Culture Customer Service. Review #2261145 is a subjective opinion of poster. Roughly occupying most of modern Portugal (south of Douro river) along with the central provinces of Spain, the Lusitani were a part of the Celt-Iberian group. 1776 United is a patriotic apparel company, creating the best patriotic shirts, American history apparel, patriotic hats, patriotic hoodies, and accessories. This is crazy I honestly expected more from a Veteran owned business. If you want to explain send me an email or not. 106025. You had a presale and took money but have not received tshirt, I have not received my three shirts which are the venom carnage and anti-venom shirts, Ordered $167 worth in Jan. 2020, they gladly took my money and never sent my order. Review #1730397 is a subjective opinion of poster. Almost like the Romans, most of their engineering projects and roads were geared towards total warfare and conquests (that ultimately resulted in successes). However, they did show their military acumen and even might, when provoked – as was the case during the Hispanic Wars and the campaigns of Lusitanian hero Viriatus against Rome. Beg to differ..Scythians were most likely of Indo-European Iranian branch peoples…just like Hittites…. Warriors of Culture was first mentioned on PissedConsumer on Mar 15, 2013 and since then this brand received 30 reviews.. Warriors of Culture ranks 813 of 3152 in E-commerce category. It’s why the Romans essentially copied Hellenic culture. On my order of a 4xl Winter Soldier one in blue one grey and one grey large Winter Soldier and the American Patriot which was supposed to be a 4xl as well but listed as a small at confirmation. People who think because the Spartans claim to be supertough that automatically means they are, or people who enjoy reading about certain cultures so they get biased in their favor. For solar decades the Iron Warriors Legion was the battering ram of the Great Crusade, a maul used to tear down every impregnable fortress or unassailable citadel that dared to stand in the path of the Emperor's will. “War, survival and conquest were ingrained in Roman consciousness since its humble beginnings (as opposed to Athenians who favored better political maneuvers),”. Check it out at: www.warriorculturegear.com $3.99. Please update specifically the status of subscription customers products. Won't order again and maybe my fault for not understanding their process,but for an online company they are way under staffed and this will hurt their business.Be sure to understand how they operate and how long you may wait for orders. So, without further ado, let us check out the fifteen of the most disciplined, ferocious yet tactically evolved warrior cultures who had nigh perfected the ‘art of war’ or rather the art of dealing with war. They just had a habit of attacking each other. And lastly, as for – ” I ask that you remain civil and be respectful and don’t presume ulterior motives to those who hold an opposing viewpoint.” I half-hope that you are joshing, since these are the quotes you used previously in arguments (with two different people) –, “It is absolute nonsense to suggest it was just Alexander’s abilities as a general and not the warrior culture he was commanding.”, “I don’t know what to tell you, you’re simply wrong to suggest this wasn’t a warrior culture.”, “Your explanation is nonsensical given the fact you included Rome here.”. Something the Roman Empire fell prey too as well. There are a lot of warrior behaviour like cultures not present, this is simply a list, make yourself one if you think you know better. But we were also dictated by the geographical constraints, and decided to include cultures from most parts of the world. In such a case, the Spartans edge out the other Greeks (and I wanted to choose one ‘culture’ from each location, though Macedon has always been my ‘personal’ favorite). Personal Shopper. Circa 2334 BC, the Akkadians carved up the first known all-Mesopotamian empire, thereby momentously uniting the speakers of both Sumerian and Akkadian. You have yet address subscriptions on your weekly videos PLEASE UPDATE OR CANCELATION AND REFUND MY $320 I HAVE PAID SO FAR. haha and stop stealing iranians and arabs history just because you don’t have any untill mongols that is. But it was certainly more about Alexander’s generalship – as evident from the not-so-great successes of his Diadochi successors who inherited the phalanx. Scythians were not Iranian. The beginnings of the Athenian state was far before that. Become who you were born to be and look amazing as you do it in our The Punisher compression rashguard shirt. Superhero MMA shirts. The Fit King specializes in superhero shirts for the gym and home. The Punisher also comes outfitted with a variety of tactical gear, including pouches, grenades, a heavy machine gun, and a freshly-fired pistol. The dramatic overtone of the sentence does symbolically underline the terror and ruthless destruction brought on by this Asiatic nomadic horde upon the very heartland of Europe. To that end, the institutions of the state and even Sparta’s education systems were organized to create soldiers first, statesmen later. It was a combination of Alexander’s genius and the best army the classical world had seen and would not be surpassed until the Roman army came into existence. www.realthanks.com. Blog article. And his successors WERE successful. Although my own personal opinion is they were actually the Assyrians but without any evidence I guess it’s a mystery we will never solve. They claim to have a printing & shipping listed posted. Review #1924433 is a subjective opinion of poster. 99 $14.99 $14.99. I have repeatedly attempted to reach out to the company for a specific update, to no avail. FREE Shipping on orders over $25 shipped by … This pretty much summarizes the ‘urge’ of fighting which was prevalent in most episodes of German inter-tribal conflicts. Marvel Rash Guards and DC Rashguards great for bodybuilding, weightlifting, Spartan Races, Tough Mudders, Martial Arts, or Swimming and Running. Many historians have pointed out that the idea of limitless ‘hordes’ of Huns might also be fallacious, since the Huns themselves comprised of only a few ten-thousand horsemen. This feature is currently under development. A biblical prophet sums up the baleful effect of the ferocious ‘horse lords’ –. Aug 19, 2018 - Explore Richard's board "PUNISHER SKULL", followed by 103 people on Pinterest. I ordered a shirt because this is a Veteran owned company. However, the oft used image of the ‘barbarous’ Huns rampaging through civilized nations is actually a misleading notion – since the Huns themselves were a sort of a ‘super-entity’ of variant tribes who had been neighbors to sophisticated agrarian societies for centuries. *Note – The list not only reflects their successes in battles or wars, but it also pertains to how they perceived the scope of war or conflict. What’s up Warrior Legion! Pissed Consumer © 2021 All The grand result was a standing army with ruthless discipline, order, uniformity and a penchant for using advanced siege weaponry like gargantuan mobile towers and boisterous siege engines. And, I will say it again, except for Alexander’s achievements, the Diadochis (after him) were NOT what I would like to label as warrior cultures. In fact, many authors believe that the Scythians had a lasting influence on the their neighbors so much so that even after 1,000 years of their passing, the land in which they dwelt and dominated (present-day northern areas of Black Sea) was known as Greater Scythia. The shirts come in Black with the Extortion 17 Memorial design on the front and the Warfighter Foundation logo on … View All Gear. Not everyone uses, or trust Facebook. Culture Warrior is a book by former Fox News Channel political commentator Bill O'Reilly, published in the fall of 2006. Otherwise it’s quite rude. Your explanation is nonsensical given the fact you included Rome here. The algorithm parameters are: users' rating, number of resolved issues, number of company's responses etc. American Patriot-Thomas Jefferson-Tree Of Liberty. The Mongols had exceptional tactics, and their most famous leader Genghis Khan is considered by many to be one of the greatest strategists of all time. As for their renowned warlike nature, the Scythian horde (in its nascent stage) boldly managed to invade Assyria and even reached the borders of Egypt during 650 BC. But please try to keep it civil. Review #2261101 is a subjective opinion of poster. In essence, the Assyrian rulers had to maintain an effective military out of necessity that could launch offensive campaigns against enemies surrounding their precariously positioned kingdom. Gear is one of the most important elements in WoW to strengthen your Protection Warrior, providing massive amounts of stats as well as armor, procs, and set bonuses. Fernando I think you missed a lot of what I wrote here. A good example would be the Battle of Cannae, when Rome lost 48,200 soldiers in a single day (according to Livy, it was 80 percent of the army). In essence, the (trained) warrior society of Macedonians started from Philip and ended with Alexander – a relatively brief period which pales in comparison to the warrior system of Spartans (irrespective of their successes in battles). To that end, the Spartan society was more geared towards warfare and conflict situations, as opposed to the other Hellenes. This review is from a real person who provided valid contact information and hasn't been caught misusing, spamming or abusing our website.
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