Regardless of the administration, the United States has long reiterated a consistent set of interests in the Middle East that have guided U.S. policy in the region. As Europe geared up for World War II, however, the term Middle East began to be used by the British military to refer to both regions. What cloud computing is not about is your hard drive. ThoughtCo, Aug. 26, 2020, Today, it still refers to China, Japan and other countries on the eastern rim of Asia, but its use has declined steadily in the latter twentieth century. The Middle East For Dummies Cheat Sheet By Craig S. Davis The Middle East is a fascinating region with complex cultures, religions, and relationships. Politically, a country as far east as Pakistan is increasingly included in the Middle East because of Pakistan's close ties and involvements in Afghanistan. The phrase “Middle East” was first used in 1876 as a synonym for “Mesopotamia,” which literally meant “between rivers” in Ancient Greek, specifically between the Tigris and Euphrates in modern-day Iraq. Tristam, Pierre. “Definitely” vs. “Definitively”: Be Certain You Know The Difference. Tristam, Pierre. 40 maps that explain the Middle East 40 maps that explain the Middle East by Max Fisher on March 26, 2015. Middle East, the lands around the southern and eastern shores of the Mediterranean Sea, encompassing at least the Arabian Peninsula and, by some definitions, Iran, North Africa, and sometimes beyond. Disagreements persist, however, about the exact geographical definition of the region. An uncountable number of places appear to have had their middle easts from gardens to regions, including the United States. For most of its modern history, the Middle East has been besieged by international conflicts. Nineteenth-century British strategists coined the term during the heyday of the British Empire to refer to the territories between India and what is now Turkey. The "Middle East" as a term can be as contentious as the region it identifies. If you want to understand part of why the Middle East is such a volatile region today, a good place to start finding answers is the partitioning of the region between 1918 and 1920. So what is the Middle East? Today we consider the Middle East to span from Morocco to the Arabian Peninsula and Iran. While it is common to hear people describe the Middle East as a complex and obscure ... partnerships, and conflicts. These developments, more than the other factors of economics and culture, shaped the geographical definition of what we call the “Middle East.” The term Middle East refers to the region at the crossroads of North Africa, southwest Asia, and southeastern Europe, but political science scholars and practitioners do not always agree on the definition. The Middle East and North Africa (MENA) includes approximately 19 countries, according to World Atlas. What Does It Mean To Ask Someone To Be Your “Valentine”? (accessed February 15, 2021). First recorded in 1616, the phrase “Far East” came into common usage in the 1800s because of British colonial expansion to eastern Asia. The Middle East is used to describe a region of countries that is located in West Asia and extends into Africa. Download the Report The Middle East has long been one of the most unstable regions in the world, and there are no present prospects for change in the near future. Some Arabic dialects are spoken throughout the region with Modern Standard Arabic being the official language in several countries. Some have suggested that the term “Middle East” is problematic because it is, undeniably, a Western term reflecting a Western perspective. From London. What Does “Amen” Mean At The End Of A Prayer? (2020, August 26). The Agenda Europe;Europe. In New York City, two of the boroughs, Brooklyn and Queens, are actually the western edges of Long Island. William F. Wechsler, director of Middle East programs at the Atlantic Council, ... said in an emailed statement that the plan was unlikely to have a major impact in the short term. So, what about those three confusing phrases: Far East, Middle East, and Near East? Home Depot draws fire after co-founder backs Trump. Economically, the Middle East is known for its vast oil reserves. It is made up of 17 different countries. Defining the Arab World and the Middle East, Middle East Countries with Nuclear Weapons, Leaders of the Middle East: A Photo Gallery, Middle East Gems of the Ancient and Modern World, U.S. Policy in the Middle East: 1945 to 2008, 10 Most Indispensable Books on the Middle East, Official Listing of Countries by World Region, Impacts of the Iraq War on the Middle East, The Difference Between 'Iranian' and 'Persian'. Because it was half-way between the United Kingdom and India, the Far East. Oddly, in Asia, what we call the “Middle East” is called “Western Asia.” If you look at a map, that makes sense. “Sparkling Water” vs. “Seltzer” vs. “Club Soda”: What’s The Difference? It is also known as the home of three major world religions: Christianity, Islam, and Judaism. It reflected a new willingness, born of the Renaissance, to recognize Islam as a religious system with a founder, like Christ… This instability is the result of ongoing conflicts and tensions, and a variety of political tensions and divisions. Because of its economic, religious, and geographical location, the Middle East has been at the center of many world issues and political affairs. If you’re interested in this area of the world, you’ll want to know the heads of state in the region, acronyms people use in the Middle East, and some basic Islamic terms, because many — although by no means most — … Learn about a language that does not have words for “left” and “right” here. Conversely, the word “west” comes from the word for “evening” from the Sanskrit word “avah” meaning “to go down.” These words are all relational and dictate the space around the speaker. The word “east” is derived from the Sanskrit word “usās” meaning “dawn” or “morning.” From the perspective of Europe and Asia, this makes sense because the sun rises in the east. The typical English definitions of East do not include Russia, the largest country east of Europe. The American perspective lumped the region into one basket, giving more credence to the general term "Middle East.". Pierre Tristam is an award-winning writer who covers Middle East, foreign affairs, immigration, and civil liberties. This instability is the result of ongoing conflicts and tensions, and a variety of political tensions and divisions. It's not a precise geographical area like Europe or Africa. It is an interesting term – middle of what? When you store data on or run programs from the hard drive, that's called local storage and computing. The Middle East is rich in petroleum. "What Is the Middle East?" The present-day borders of the Middle East were steadily implemented as European powers gained control of provinces of the Ottoman Empire, such as Egypt, and north and West Africa. What do you think about this geographic terminology? Similarly, the ways we describe geographic regions are often influenced by political or religious affiliation. The Allies defeated the Ottoman Empire in WWI, and needed to decide what would happen to areas previously under Ottoman control. It's not even an agreed-upon term by the countries that constitute it. The phrase “Middle East” was first used in 1876 as a synonym for “ Mesopotamia,” which literally meant “between rivers” in Ancient Greek, specifically between the Tigris and Euphrates in modern-day Iraq. How Did The Color Pink Become Associated With Valentine’s Day? Everything you need is physically close to you, which means accessing your data is fast and easy, for that one computer, or others on the local network. The Middle East is an incredibly large swatch of the earth including millions of people who speak different languages, pray differently, and have very colorful worldviews. Retrieved from By using ThoughtCo, you accept our. The region has vast oil, petroleum, and natural gas reserves. The Middle East is a transcontinental region in Afro-Eurasia which generally includes Western Asia (except for Transcaucasia), all of Egypt (mostly in North Africa), and Turkey (partly in Southeast Europe). This is one of the easiest ejections a ref will ever make. Learn about it here.). This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Long-Term Effects of the Crusades on the Middle East Eventually, it was Europe's rebirth and expansion that finally created a Crusader effect in the Middle East. Since the early nineteenth century, European powers have competed to colonise the Middle East’s territories in an attempt to control its natural resource and geostrategic location. The Middle East is at the center of everything, and is home to many ethnic groups which don't always get along. The broader concept of the "Greater Middle East" (aka the Middle East and North Africa or the MENAP) also includes the Maghreb, Sudan, Djibouti, Somalia, the Comoros, Afghanistan, Paki… Historical evidence indicates that Arabic originated in the region and was primarily spoken by nomadic communities. Why "Middle"? The Middle East is rich with history. These distinctions can contradict each other, though. The “Middle East” is a term describing a region, or a geographical area sharing certain characteristics as opposed to areas like West Asia or North Africa, which define a relatively clear geographical location by reference to broadly accepted continental borders. Find out here. Today, the region of the Near East is imprecise and overlaps with the Middle East. It's not a political or economic alliance like the European Union. But it did not refer to the modern ideological use of Islam, which had not yet come into being. The "Middle East" as a term can be as contentious as the region it identifies. The term's origins are seeped in controversy for having originally been a European imposition of geographic perspective according to European spheres of influence. However, because they are part of “New York City” in terms of a municipality, it would be absurd to refer to them as “Long Island.”. As Europe asserted itself during the 15th through 19th centuries, it forced the Islamic world into a secondary position, sparking envy and reactionary conservatism in some sectors of the formerly more progressive Middle East. Our words for geography reveal where we are. ThoughtCo. So where is the Middle East? Some (like Far East) were born during British colonization, but “Near East” and “Middle East” are more modern than that. The term was used to describe all British colonies east of India. Oddly, in linguistic terms, the world seems to stop just east of Japan. Share . The most conservative definition limits the Middle East to the countries bound by Egypt to the West, the Arab Peninsula to the South, and at most Iran to the East. (Why is America called America? It is also known as the home of three major world religions: Christianity, Islam, and Judaism. It typically refers to southwest Asia, particularly Turkey, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Israel, Jordan, Saudi Arabia and other nations of the Arabian Peninsula. For example, in early 2011, the political revolutions known collectively as the “Arab Spring” pointed out the contradictions between the “Middle East” and the “Arab World,” which are sometimes used synonymously by journalists but actually refer to different geographies, nations, and cultural groups. East from where? Overall, it is estimated that more than 62 percent of all proven oil reserves are found in the Middle East … "What Is the Middle East?" The term “Middle East” came into common use in the early twentieth century, but remains loosely defined. It is not as commonly used as “Middle East.”. Over time, it has come to describe the region stretching from Egypt and Sudan in Africa to Turkey in the north to Iran. Piggy backing off an earlier US Politics thread.....Have never understood the middle east "issue". Some of the nations where Arabic is most widely spoken include Iraq, Egypt, and Saudi Arabia. It's not even an agreed-upon term by the countries that constitute it. 09 ... Space exploration is picking up speed again with projects to travel to the Moon and more long-term … Rather, it was a synonym for the religion of the Muslims, which was then known in French as mahométisme, the religion professed and taught by the Prophet Muhammad. This usage dated to the early seventeenth century. The Middle East is a fascinating region with complex cultures, religions, and relationships. Libya, for instance, is not in the Middle East, but it is in the Arab World. Islamic State (IS) is a radical Sunni Islamist militant group that has seized large swathes of territory in eastern Syria and across northern and western Iraq. Tristam, Pierre. Nineteenth-century British strategists coined the term during the heyday of the British Empire to refer to the territories between India and what is now Turkey. Today, even Arabs and other people in the Middle East accept the term as a geographical point of reference. Updated January 28, 2019. What could be simpler than the Middle East? Redefine your inbox with updates. What Effect Did the Crusades Have on the Middle East? Middle East soon became the dominant term. The moon is a 'time capsule' that could explain the origins of Earth. This is an excerpt from Regional Security in the Middle East: Sectors, Variables and Issues.Get your free copy here. In the Middle East, the natural environment is best described as semiarid. A well-known Egyptian blogger who writes under the pseudonym The Big Pharaoh put together this … It might have been the Western powers that shaped and controlled “most aspects of power and policy across the Arab world, whether due to imperial self-interest (…) or pro-Israeli biases” (Khouri, 2011). While the term is now widespread both inside and outside the region, it is in fact relatively new. British Colonialism, Middle EastHistorians date the beginning of British imperialism in the Middle East to 1798, the year Napoléon invaded Egypt. Many militant groups from Palestine and other areas of the Middle East have therefore sprung up in recent years as well as past decades, performing acts of what the West and Israel describe as terrorism and what the groups themselves justify as freedom fighting (though achieving freedom through terrorist actions could arguably still be called terrorist organizations, despite claimed motives). A more expansive view of the Middle East, or the Greater Middle East, would stretch the region to Mauritania in West Africa and all the countries of North Africa that are members of the Arab League; eastward, it would go as far as Pakistan. What Is So Romantic About The Romance Languages? Similarly, the former south and southwestern republics of the Soviet Union--Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Armenia, Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan--can also be included in a more expansive view of the Middle East because of the republics' cultural, historical, ethnic and especially religious cross-overs with countries at the core of the Middle East. Language can dictate how we perceive the world around us. The "Middle East" is not a term Middle Easterners gave themselves, but a British term borne of a colonial, European perspective. William F. Wechsler, director of Middle East programs at the Atlantic Council, ... said in an emailed statement that the plan was unlikely to have a major impact in the short term. Copied. One of the most commonly spoken languages in the Middle East is Arabic which is native to the region. The term gained common usage after it was popularized by Valentine Chirol, a turn-of-the-century correspondent for the London times in Tehran. The proven oil reserves of Saudi Arabia alone are known to be 25 percent of the world's total; those of Iraq, Iran, and Kuwait constitute another 25 percent. The term middle east as a noun and adjective was common in the 19th century in nearly every context except diplomacy and archaeology. Do you use contradictory distinctions? Arabic spread throughout the Middle East as a result of intermarriag… Economically, the Middle East is known for its vast oil reserves. Why Roman Numerals Are The Super Bowl’s Signature, 8 Better Ways To Give Praise Instead Of Saying “Good Job”. For a time, the "Near East" was the term used for the Levant--Egypt, Lebanon, Palestine, Syria, Jordan--while "Middle East" applied to Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan and Iran. It's not a precise geographical area like Europe or Africa. First used in 1856, the term “Near East” was defined specifically against the Far East and referred to the region in Asia that’s west of India. The Middle East has many different ethnic groups sprawled across its countries, including Arabs, Bengalis, Egyptians, Filipinos, Jews, Hindus, Greeks, Sri Lankans, Sikhs and Pakistanis, just to name a few. The term Middle East refers to the region at the crossroads of North Africa, southwest Asia, and southeastern Europe, but political science scholars and practitioners do not always agree on the definition. How did the Red Sea, Yellow Sea and Black Sea get their names? the same European perspective that described Eastern Asia as \"the Far East Even though the Arab Spring was a historic moment in the politics of the Middle East, short- and long-term changes and impacts in the structure remain unpredictable. The Encyclopedia of the Modern Middle East includes the Mediterranean islands of Malta and Cyprus in its definition of the Middle East. What we say about places also shapes what we think about them. What Is the Middle East? The Middle East has long been one of the most unstable regions in the world, and there are no present prospects for change in the near future. Osman I, a leader of the Turkish tribes in Anatolia, founded the Ottoman Empire around 1299. Concerned that France would block British access to the eastern Mediterranean and thereby threaten critical trade routes to India, the British navy collaborated with Ottoman authorities to evict French troops from Egypt. Israel is small country in the Middle East, about the size of New Jersey, located on the eastern shores of the Mediterranean Sea and bordered by Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon and Syria. The Middle East is the common term for a region consisting of countries in southwest Asia and, usually, at least part of North Africa. Population patterns, modes of subsistence, and cultural systems have their basis in the early adaptation of the human population to its natural environment and its constraints. He has been writing for more than 20 years. By most accounts, the earliest reference to the "Middle East" occurs in a 1902 edition of the British journal National Review, in an article by Alfred Thayer Mahan entitled "The Persian Gulf and International Relations."

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