Heavy Attack for capital ship -10%, Armor for carrier +50% The command to play as Netherlands is: tag HOL. All the countries of hearts of iron 4 in alphabetical order The Indonesian colonies can no longer be sacrificed to the Japanese by retreating all the colonial troops to the homeland because Indonesia is now a puppet and if they capitulate those forces are gone. In keeping the Guilder from devaluating, no funds are left to aid the ailing Dutch economy, let alone improve the poor state of national defenses. And is meant to act as an easy way to generate flags for your custom nation(s) - ensuring files are exported in the correct format and sizes. In that order. Console Commands: To Annex = annex (countrytag) => annex AFG To change country (during singleplayer) = tag (countrytag) => tag AFG To allow all diplomatic choices = nocb Every new country (with civil war or new focus) WILL GET ID: "D№". Democracy. Forming a compact defensive line around the province of Holland instead, using the rivers and landscape to its maximum advantage, will significantly improve their chances. Console commands require referring to countries by tag, and they're sometimes also used as fan jargon. These numbers represent the available resources, depending on trade law a certain amount may be traded away. Description. Once the main infantry force is done, territorials should be built in vast numbers. This is just after Patch 1.3, and conquering Netherlands no longer gives you the Dutch Indies, meaning there is … The Netherlands suffers from an acute lack of manpower due to lax conscription laws. A spreadsheet with additional history and detail can be found here forum:1446256. A short general description of the events available is preferred. Find below a searchable list of all HOI4 country tags, for use with console commands such … HOI4 County Tags come in handy when you are using console commands in Hearts of Iron 4. Subject of Netherlands. The Dutch will be the supreme naval power, and holding almost any length of coast should be well within their ability, but you will have to try and minimise frontage with other countries, as they risk simply being unable to field enough divisions to fill every province. Visibility for naval vessel -10% It was always popular but with Battle for the Bosporus it jumped up overall 60%. The cheat to … With this strategy, you can field a 750 000 man army and stop the German attack right at the border instead of sacrificing 2/3 of the country. A defensive war or a "war on pacifism" would be needed to truly rid the country of this sentiment. This tool has no save functionality, apart from the exporting of files. HP for carrier +10% Depending on occupation policy in non-core area a certain amount will be lost. Each is controlled by a player or by AI and pursues its own national focus tree during a game as well as choosing various political Ideas, engaging in Diplomacy, Construction, Research, Production, and the command of its military units. If you disagree with its deletion, please explain why at Category talk:Candidates for deletion or improve the page and remove the {{delete}} tag.. The Dutch will be lacking in both manpower and industrial capacity. However, universal suffrage was not attained until 1917. If you spot a mistake then you are welcome to fix it. Due to the peculiarities of global economics, the Great Depression has hit in the Netherlands much later than elsewhere, The Dutch decision to maintain the Gold Standard, while other nations abandoned it rather quickly, has further exacerbated the "crisis years" in the Netherlands tremendously. The country tag for Netherlands in EU4 is:. Militarily, the Netherlands has a shortage of manpower. The industrial capacity should be reserved for the land force and a small nation as the Netherlands won't be able to make a big difference anyway. Country tag (HoI4) Czechoslovakia (HoI4) D Denmark (HoI4) Dutch East Indies (HoI4) E El Salvador (HoI4) Estonia (HoI4) F Finland (HoI4) Category:Flags; France (HoI4) ... Netherlands (HoI4) Norway (HoI4) P Category:Poland; Poland (HoI4) Portugal (HoI4) R Republican Spain (HoI4) Romania (Hearts of Iron III) Romania (HoI4) S Countries cannot lose their major status while at war. As the Netherlands, liberate the continental Netherlands after relocating the government to the East Indies. New military factories should be placed in Holland, Suriname, Guyana, or even Indonesia. Either after the Benelux has been united, or when the Reich starts justifying against it (whichever comes first), the Netherlands should petition to join the Axis. France - Colonel Edition ... New focus trees for Communist China, Nationalist China, the Chinese Warlords, and the imperial puppet state of Manchukuo. The command to kill the ruler of Spain is: kill SPA. The country tag for Netherlands is: HOL. NED. When those areas are secured, the Dutch have a choice between Africa and India as main areas for your land troops to operate in. Given the extreme imbalance between your production and recruitable population, it may well be worth taking Desperate Defence. HOI4 Console Commands Country Tags Netherlands Netherlands Country Tag. The Netherlands no longer trade with their enemies. Previous. I actually saw all possible combinations: the correct one; Netherlands and SH on the wrong flagpoles, two Dutch flags and even two SH flags. You can also demand control over the East Indian forces if you so desire. Democratic nations are very limited in means to become fascist, and the Netherlands should become fascist as soon as possible in order to make optimal use of this strategy. While preserving European neutrality, declaring the struggle against Belgium an internal conflict, the Netherlands faced all the fiercer challenges in their colonies. Answer some quick questions about HOI4 Cheats and be entered into a giveaway to win Razer gaming gear! A policy of strict Neutrality has kept the Dutch out of wars with any of its neighbours for nearly 150 years, and, above all, has kept them out of the Great War. When I try to tag AAA ingame, no such country exists. The starting navy is actually half-decent, but not a global power, so one should focus on either bothering Germany with it, or protecting the colonies against Japan. You are probably going to run out of manpower pretty soon, it might be a good idea to disband your starting troops and replace them with Indonesian colonial divisions though you will have to transport your reinforcements from the other side of the planet. If not released as a puppet, the country will follow a predefined ideology as in the table. France Italy Netherlands Kingdom of Romania United Kingdom, China Japan Manchukuo Mengkukuo Shanxi, Albania Austria Belgium Bulgaria Czechoslovakia Denmark Estonia Finland German Reich Greece Hungary Ireland Latvia Lithuania Luxembourg Norway Poland Portugal Nationalist Spain Republican Spain Soviet Union Sweden Switzerland Turkey Yugoslavia, Dominion of Canada Costa Rica Cuba Dominican Republic El Salvador Guatemala Haiti Honduras Mexico Nicaragua Panama United States, Argentina Bolivia Chile Ecuador Paraguay Peru Uruguay Venezuela, Afghanistan Bhutan British Malaya British Raj Communist China Guangxi Clique Iran Iraq Mongolia Nepal Oman Philippines Saudi Arabia Siam Sinkiang Tannu Tuva Tibet Xibei San Ma Yemen Yunnan, /Hearts of Iron IV/common/on_actions/06_bftb_on_actions.txt, /Hearts of Iron IV/common/decisions/IRQ.txt, Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka, https://hoi4.paradoxwikis.com/index.php?title=Countries&oldid=43106, Articles with potentially outdated sections. HERO!!! As the Netherlands, do not cave to the Germans, continue the Zuiderzee works, and do not lose control of any of your continental European states until 1945. Being a conservative democratic country, the Netherlands has a (+20) relationship with other conservative Democratic countries, such as neighboring Belgium and  South Africa, and a (+10) relation with all other democratic nations. Fixed Japan's collapse resurrecting a dead Russia in Transamur. France starts outside of the Allies at the start of 1936, but has options to join later. Historically, the Dutch nation attempted to stay Neutral in the upcoming conflict, but Germany had decided to invade the Netherlands on the 10th of May 1940, in order to bypass the French Maginot line. If France has not extended the Maginot line, then an operation to seize Paris can be undertaken. The Netherlands has the following political parties: In the 1939 start date, the popularity of all political parties is the same as the 1936 start date. Note: Any statistics relative to releasable countries is given on the hypothetical scenario of them owning all of their core lands in 1936. The entire industry should be focusing on basic infantry equipment, artillery and some small anti-tank. Currently headed by Wilhelmina, Queen of the Netherlands and a member of the House of Orange-Nassau. Apart from that, their main aims will be to have one general-level (24 division) command of good infantry units and to build up a decent naval force. The HOI4 country tag for Dutch East Indies is INS. This is a community maintained wiki. The eastern part of the Netherlands will be sacrificed to the Germans, because the open plains are practically undefendable. Greece and Bulgaria also more than doubled in popularity. France Italy Netherlands Kingdom of Romania United Kingdom, China Japan Manchukuo Mengkukuo Shanxi, Albania Austria Belgium Bulgaria Czechoslovakia Denmark Estonia Finland German Reich Greece Hungary Ireland Latvia Lithuania Luxembourg Norway Poland Portugal Nationalist Spain Republican Spain Soviet Union Sweden Switzerland Turkey Yugoslavia, Dominion of Canada Costa Rica Cuba Dominican Republic El Salvador Guatemala Haiti Honduras Mexico Nicaragua Panama United States, Argentina Bolivia Chile Ecuador Paraguay Peru Uruguay Venezuela, Afghanistan Bhutan British Malaya British Raj Communist China Guangxi Clique Iran Iraq Mongolia Nepal Oman Philippines Saudi Arabia Siam Sinkiang Tannu Tuva Tibet Xibei San Ma Yemen Yunnan. Note: Any countries created after the game starts, either by civil war or collaboration goverment by a foreign power, will be given a tag D## (with the ## ascending based on the number of new nations already created). Major powers refer to ones with the highest number of factories, within the top 7 or 70% of the average of the top 7, updated monthly. You should be getting a large amount of civilian factories from your booming trade in such goods as aluminium and rubber, which you hold almost the entire world market of; these will help you build up a massive industrial base in record time for the endgame. Their major contribution now, however, will be chipping away at the Allied naval forces, and as a resource mine for the Axis. Although it was less reliant on literal fortress building, and more on flooding all the land surrounding Holland. Armor and Heavy Attack for capital ship +10%, Has Completed focus Expand the Artillerieinrichtingen, Has Completed focus Expand Curacao Oil Refineries. For example, if Germany gets into a civil war via the Oppose Hitler focus, the German Junta will get the GER tag and the facists will get the D01 tag. The country tag for Netherlands is: HOL. France 6. (If you're really lucky though, Japan didn't even bother to invade Indonesia at all, which happens at times.) The Dutch airforce is both small and outdated. [1], witch Iraq can nationalise at any time by decision, but witch the AI never does.[2]. A war against the Sultanate Ateh, joined by various local princes, erupted on Sumatra in 1873 and could only be ended in 1904. But to use these console cheats that affect entire countries, you’ll need to know the country tag. That way there won't be any resistance in those lands during the real event. Netherlands's ideology is Democracy. The Cape Province, Ceylon, and the Gold Coast had been lost to Great Britain. You indirectly control plenty of rubber and other resources from Indonesia, but you can't do anything with it since both your industry and your manpower is too small. As the Netherlands, ensure the United Kingdom has no capital ships (carriers, battleships, battlecruisers, or heavy cruisers). kill CAS. It rules a relatively big colonial empire with colonies in South America, the Caribbean and Asia ( Dutch East Indies). Siding with the Allies is the historical and most 'sensible' approach for the Netherlands given the political situation, but makes them a nice, soft and juicy target for both Germany and Japan. Italy 3. Conquer Belgium and Luxembourg as Netherlands, https://hoi4.paradoxwikis.com/index.php?title=Netherlands&oldid=43188, Countries with unique National Focus trees, Articles with potentially outdated sections, Articles with potentially outdated tables. Historically, ever since the power of the monarch had been curbed by the revision of the constitution in 1848, the Netherlands has been a democracy. The Netherlands is a minor nation in Western Europe. Just not in the territory that will fall to the nazis. The Dutch navy is relatively big, with the main contingent in Indonesia to defend the waters there. This is a community maintained wiki. A Country released as a puppet will have 60% of the overlord's party and 13.33% of every other party. So add some more infantry, some artillery, maybe even a bit of armour to the duplicated template. The Netherlands does not have claims or cores on foreign soil. This was actually the war plan for the Netherlands in WWII, Fortress Holland was a real thing. The nation had long been practising a policy of neutrality, but with the upcoming German threat it has decided to remilitarize the nation, although far too late. Hello everyone, and welcome back to a new dev diary for Man the Guns and the 1.6 “Ironclad” update! HOI4 Tags Germany = GER United Kingdom = ENG Soviet Union = SOV France = FRA Italy = ITA United States = USA Japan = ♥♥♥ Sweden = SWE Norway = NOR Finland = FIN Denmark = DEN Iceland = ICE Lithuania = LIT Estonia = EST Latvia = LAT Romania = ROM Yugoslavia = YUG Serbia = SER Greece = GRE Albania = ALB Bulgaria = BUL Hungary = HUN Croatia = CRO Slovakia = SLO Poland = … At the neutral Netherlands was the closest safe haven for refugees from the Western Front, the Dutch have been but all too close a spectator to the horrors of the Great War. The Dutch army in 1936 consists of 8 divisions each consisting of 6,905 men out of 9,000 design strength. Assisting Japan against China could also help a lot. The nation had long been practising a policy of neutrality, but with the upcoming German threat it has decided to re-militarize the nation, although far too late. Faction leaders are also considered major countries. Japan 4. Netherlands - 1.5% Portugal - 1.5% Mexico - 1.4% Czechoslovakia - 1.2% I think it's really cool to see Turkey this high. This page was last edited on 19 January 2021, at 20:59. If one has the forces for it, the former-Belgian Congo can be used to cut Africa in half, possibly leading to a happy liberation of the poor, oppressed Boers in South Africa. Both of these conquests should be finished before WW2 kicks off so that there is less risk from faction meddling in. If you spot a mistake then you are welcome to fix it. **Note With battle of the Battle for the Bosporus DLC, the game starts with Iraq (IRQ) granting all of its oil to the United Kingdom (ENG). The Dutch government in recent years has been marred by weakness. Due to the crippling manpower limitations, it may be best to train up all divisions as colonial brigades and then convert the main 24 divisions to your primary infantry template after manpower has been improved through conscription laws and the Fascist branch of your generic National Focus tree. Instead, it has resolved to put its faith in the League of Nations, and otherwise adopts an aloof attitude to world events. Like its neighbors, the Netherlands fell to the Germans and continued as a Government in Exile in London, while the queen and her familiy went to Canada. Each country belongs to one of four political Ideologies, which can change over a game, though there are in most cases no ways to increase the Non-Aligned ideology without modding. Note: A tag is a three-letter code for a country that doesn't vary with localization or with changes in ideology, unlike a name (GER is always the same country, even though it's called the  German Reich when fascist and Germany when democratic). Using light cruisers and battlecruisers is the optimal setup for this, preferably together with the Fleet in Being doctrines. Netherlands has 5 states within (at the start of the game). Though still suffering from an amazingly low manpowerpool, thanks to the 0.02 multiplier on non-core territory, they will have disproportionately large industrial capacity. One should be staying close enough to land to make carriers redundant. This is just after Patch 1.3, and conquering Netherlands no longer gives you the Dutch Indies, meaning there is … The key to victory is isolating pockets of Republican Spain and crushing them one after the other (which is what happened historically). HOL - Netherlands HON - Honduras HUN - Hungary. The crisis can be reduced by investing in public works, and will become largely irrelevant if we capitulate and lose control of the crisis-stricken mainland. By that time, industrial capacity will become less and less of a problem, but manpower will remain a major problem because of the small size of the Netherlands. Ideology. In a war, a faction will only surrender when all its participating major countries capitulate. hoi4 netherlands tag. Indonesia normally starts out just as easy as the other two, but to secure it properly an invasion of Australia and New Zealand will be necessary. Begin Survey No Thanks. Country must be Democratic or Non-Aligned, Current ruling party is Communist and Has completed focus Decolonization, Has Completed focus The Only Man in the Dutch Government, Has completed focus Legacy of the "De Zeven Provincien Mutiny", Has capitulated and (Country must be Democratic or Non-Aligned), Has completed focus Unity through Democracy, Speed for naval vessel +10%

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