Artisan Requirement: Gunsmith Just saying in case you want to use it for a session in adventure league. Thanks again for the info. Click to access weightspercubicfoot.pdf because I think that silver should cost more than steel. Adamantine Weapon . Part: Lower rail Many dwarves use silver in various alloy formulae of their own devising or that have been handed down through clans for generations. Part: Upper rail ( Log Out /  3rd and 4th edition had rules for creating and prices for magic items. 50 coins weigh 1 pound (regardless of the type of coin). Your attack rolls with the weapon have a -1 bonus, and the weapon is supressed. However, if you find a source with better values please let me know. Cost per Hour 70 Adamantine Chainmail: 75 12 800 694-901 2x [Adamantine Rings], 1x [Shimmerweave Cloth], 1x [Shimmerweave Thread] Note there are no prices for magic items in the PHB or DMG. Thus, adamantine weapons and ammunition have a +1 enhancement bonus on attack rolls , and the armor check penalty of adamantine armor is lessened by 1 compared to ordinary armor of its type. You may launch properly fashioned grenades as an action up to 90 ft. away after readying your grenade launcher as a bonus action. Downsides: — Cost: 500 gp I have never participated in Adventures League in any way but I do recognize that it is a great way for many to play in games where they may otherwise not have a game available. The dragon's weapon attacks are adamantine. Adamantine  is black,  but  has  a  clear  green  sheen  in  candlelight – a  sheen  that sharpens  to  purple-white  under  the  light  given  off  by  most  magical  radiances  and  by  will-o-wisps. Cost: — Artisan Requirement: Gunsmith Downsides: — Refer to this post: Their magical strength and sharpness faded if brought into contact with direct sunlight. Downsides: — The weapon's rail has been outfitted with a laser light device that makes target alignment far easier at the cost of stealth. The weapon's normal range increases by 15 ft., and its maximum range increases by 60 ft. However, who is to say that the definition of ferrous couldn’t be expanded to include metals that contain adamant? Downsides: — Yet, nowhere can i find rules for enchantment for 5e. You may use this weapon to make a melee attack against a target within 5ft. Cost: 75 gp I have been interested in expanding the playing field for players making their own weapons, and armor, and such. I might price Mithral armor as if it were a rare magical item – DMG Page 130. Artisan Requirement: Gunsmith Adamantine is an extremely hard, black metal. When you succeed on an attack, you deal an additional amount of damage equal to the number your attack roll surpassed their AC. Cost: 100 gp Its damage type becomes your choice of slashing, piercing, or bludgeoning damage. At any rate, feel free to change any of this for your own campaign. Mawine weapons cannot damage these materials at all (and, by extension, cannot harm iron golems or similar creatures). If you already have this information on any of these metals please share. Prerequisite: Firearm Your weapon is reduced and decreased in numerous ways to make it more of a dueling tool rather than an out-right weapon. Cost: — I have spent a lot of time trying to find any reference to an energone metal in D&D. At 15th level, you have learned the secrets of forging adamantine and mithral weapons and armor. Artisan Requirement: Gunsmith Reloading must be done individually as an action, bonus action, or reaction. Prerequisite: Rifle Unprocessed adamantine, termed adamantby some sages, is hard but brittle, and unsuitable for use as a weapon. Artisan Requirement: Gunsmith Cost: — This remaster massively expands the original Weapons Remastered by another author, which can be found here.Both exist to diversify weapons' use and function in combat. do you have any on hand or can show me any? Iron is a silver-white malleable metal that readily rusts in moist air, occurs native in meteorites and combined in most igneous rocks. Thus, adamantine weapons and ammunition have a +1 enhancement bonus on attack rolls, and the armor check penalty of adamantine armor is lessened by 1 compared to ordinary armor of its type. The adamantine version of a suit of armor, or a melee weapon or of ten pieces of ammunition costs 500 gp more than the normal version, whether the weapon or ammunition is made of the metal or coated with it. The edges of your blade have been adorned with teeth or a wave-like structure. The following modifications can only be added to modern weapons. [5e] My DM charged me around 3000 gold for some adamantine plate as it was from a very specialist dwarven smith in one of their big cities and needed an entire week to have it made to measure. Double weapons have separate magical bonuses for their different heads. Part: Stock Prerequisite: Firearm Cost: — If it was you, posting as Anonymous, that asked the original question regarding energone, why would you ask your question on this post on METALS? I’m just curious on your sources for the Adamantine and Mithral? The weapon's rail has been outfitted with a small flashlight. [citation needed] Adamantine was often used by drow elves of the Underdark, and their adamantine weapons were usually swords that were magically enhanced. Artisan Requirement: Gunsmith The weapon's upper rail has been outfitted with a larger lens with a holographic dot, enabling greater magnification. I am glad you like it. If the weapon has the Thrown property, its ranges increase by 30 ft. Artisan Requirement: Gunsmith They are most commonly acquired through the completion of tasks, refined from [Adamant Ore] and [].They can also be found as loot from chests and skill nodes and in [Professions Booster Pack]. Downsides: Weapon loses this modification after attacking 5 times, 7 days, or the weapon is intentionally dulled as an action anything official more recent. weapons.” so I’ll put its weight at half that of iron or steel. Prerequisite: Weapon that deals slashing or piercing damage Then I apologize for the rant. You may ready or unready the shotgun as a bonus action. Part: Lower, left, or right rail You may use this weapon to make a melee attack against a target within 5ft. Iron weapons count as magical for the purpose of overcoming resistance and immunity to nonmagical attacks and damage. The weapon's stock has had its material cut down to make the weapon more maneuverable at the cost of accuracy. o i thought that was the thing you were seching for sorry ill try to find something else, im not so sure there is a metal called energone. Part: Stock Pure adamantine is exceedingly rare and expensive, so weapons using adamantine are always made of an adamantine alloy. Weapons may possibly be bought with any modification, but generally, pcs should have to seek out an appropriate artisan in order to have them modify their weapons. Electrum is an alloy, so assuming it’s ~50:50 then it is 900 lb/cu ft. I’d guess that Adamantine weighs the same as Bronze, while mithral the same as aluminium. RA Salvatore’s newest book introduces (I think it’s new) a new metal called ‘Icaridon’. Downsides: — Known as truemetal to the dwarves, this silvery-blue, shining metal is derived from soft, glittering, silvery-black ore found in rare veins and pockets all over, from the depths of the Underdark to surface rocks. Weapons fashioned from adamantine have a natural ability to bypass hardness when sundering weapons or attacking objects, ignoring hardness less than 20. Artisan Requirement: Gunsmith I had assumed your inquiry was serious. Downsides: — Part: Stock Artisan Requirement: Gunsmith You are absolutely right. Artisan Requirement: Blacksmith For an additional 500 gp to the crafting cost, you may craft a weapon or armor set from one of these materials. Holy or unholy water should not be stored for any length of time in copper vessels, because the metal will neutralize either in a few months, changing them to normal water. Refer to this post, it might help put you in the right mindset: Whenever an adamantine weapon or piece of ammunition hits an object, the hit is a critical hit. The grenade launcher has the loading property. So, according to Xanathar, an adamantine weapon costs 500gp more than the non-adamantine version. Adamant is rarely found in nature, but when it is, it is always be in large spherical pockets in hardened volcanic flows. Prerequisite: What kinds of weapons this modification works for Cost: — Artisan Requirement: Gunsmith Artisan Requirement: Gunsmith They probably came from an earlier version (before fifth edition). Not sure on spelling, listening to an audio book. The weapon's lower rail has been outfitted with a vertical grip to increase accuracy and maneuverability. Cost: — Part: Muzzle Despite being undoubtedly expensive and requiring great skill to craft, and often wield, they offer an edge to any skilled combatant. Table: Common Melee Weapons; d% Weapon Weapon Cost 1; Add to enhancement bonus on Table: Weapons to determine total market price. The weapon's has had a comfortable stock attached to its rear that reduces maneuverability. Your weapon's normal range decreases by 15 ft., and its attack rolls gain a +3 bonus. I will still not allow PCs to create magic items and I would rule that the art of enchanting items was lost long ago. Prerequisite: Firearm Part: Sight It also studies how substances (and how they are changed into other substances) are related to magic and astrology. From the 3.5 SRD “An item made from mithral weighs half as much as the same item made from other metals. otherwise, this chart will help me greatly. Iron weapons cost 25% more than their listed price in the core Fifth Edition rules. Downsides: — I am sorry but I still can’t find the energon metal you are talking about. Downsides: Any downsides added to this weapon due to the modification. Cost: — Prerequisite: Contrast this to 3.5, where it cost twice as much gold to enhance a weapon as it did to enhance an armor. That is one problem with anonymous posts. Artisan Requirement: Gunsmith Artisan Requirement: Gunsmith It can be crafted by task. Mithral is the lightest and most supple of metals hard enough to be used in the making of armor; it is extremely valuable. If you see bright light through this sight, you are blinded until the beginning of your next turn. Your attack rolls with the weapon have a +1 bonus. Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Part: Upper rail The Lord of Blades moves up to his speed without provoking opportunity attacks, then makes one attack with his adamantine sixblade. The weapon's barrel is outfitted with a device that reduces visual muzzle flash and sound. It has a glossy black appearance, and has the unique property that reflections seen in it glow with rainbow edges. This modification can be taken multiple times. The reason, as a DM, I like having only found magic items is that it gives me a lot more control over what magic items are available. Adamantine weapons were useful for damaging the weapons and armor of opponents. Artisan Requirement: Blacksmith It is not a game breaking change in any case. Cost: 50 gp So 50cp = 5sp. Cost: 100 gp Melee weapons and ammunition made of or coated with adamantine are unusually effective when used to break objects. ; This is part of the 5e System Reference Document.It is covered by the Open Game License v1.0a, rather than the GNU Free Documentation License 1.3.To distinguish it, these items will have this notice. Prerequisite: Firearm Downsides: — Artisan Requirement: Gunsmith In 5e the lore about combining mithril and steel to create adamantine is considered to be false and non-canon. This light gray metal with very slight bluish tinge is strong, difficult to melt, and resistant to most chemicals. Your weapon is modified to change in what way it damages a foe. The weapon's barrel is outfitted with a device that reduces visual muzzle flash and sound at a minor cost of bullet velocity. Very Awesome information. An alloy of copper and zinc. Artisan Requirement: Blacksmith Thank you for your help in clearing up this topic. Prerequisite: Firearm Feel free to make adjustments if needed to fit your particular campaign. Check out the original, Armor Modifications. Downsides: Requires a Strength score of 15 to use. A +1 weapon in 5e is an uncommon item, while a +1 armor is rare. Prerequisite: Firearm Gold has the important ability to hold multiple enchantments, even conflicting ones, and keep them from affecting each other or the stability of the gold-adorned item. Part: Muzzle Downsides: — Prerequisite: Non-revolver firearm Artisan Requirement: Gunsmith This can be added multiple times, increasing the required Strength score by +2. Divide the values by 12 to get the weight of a 1’x1’x1″ piece of the material. Adamantine Chainmail is a shirt for Devoted Clerics, Great Weapon Fighters, Guardian Fighters and Oathbound Paladins. There are rules in the DMG for DMs to adjucate magic item creation. (For example, by sheathing it in copper or adding a longer handle plated in copper, or similar means.) the science checks out, and it stands to reason that those components would exist somewhere given that rubies exist. I would argue that in the D&D multiverse adamant is a metallic ore that has many properties in common with iron. Adamantine weighs as much as steel. of copper goes for 5sp. I was on vacation. If the weapon doesn't have the Light or Finesse property, it gains the Heavy property. Excellent and glad to help. Cost: — You may only have 1 modification per firearm part. Downsides: — I am glad it helped. The mixture of all of these elements comes heavily into play when you are buying a new weapon or constructing a brand new individual. Prerequisite: Rifle In the PHB for 5e, the trade value of 1 lb. Part: Barrel Mithral is harder to put a value on. A mawine weapon costs +5,000 gp. Your attacks do not have disadvantage while prone, and if you have not moved since the start of your previous turn, your attacks have a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls. This uses your Strength modifier for attack and damage rolls made with this attack, and counts as a simple weapon for the sake of determining proficiency. Part: Muzzle It is true that all of the components are available, but the PCs do not have the knowledge required to create it. Downsides: — I even managed to do it without mentioning what a bloody stupid system the non-metric measurements are (oops!). Part: Muzzle If the weapon has the Light property, it gains the Finesse property. The weapon's damage roll gains a +1 bonus. My rule is that the adamantine version of a suit of armor, or a melee weapon or of ten pieces of ammunition costs 500 gp more than the normal version, whether the weapon or ammunition is made of the metal or coated with it. Innate Spellcasting. The weapon's magazine has had its capacity increased. This uses your Strength modifier for attack and damage rolls made with this attack, and counts as a simple weapon for the sake of determining proficiency. The weapon's has had a comfortable stock attached to its rear that reduces maneuverability. This well-known pure metal has a distinctive pinkish sheen. The weapon's rail has been outfitted with a laser light device that's low wattage makes it almost invisible to anyone except yourself. Prerequisite: Firearm Downsides: — This second sight can not have a sight modification. The draw of the weapon has been increased through strengthened limbs and a tenser string., really interested to learn what other minerals and ores are available across the planes. Your attack and damage rolls with the weapon have a +1 bonus. Cost: — The weapon's upper rail has been outfitted with a large scope. It is the role of the DM to determine what is and is not available to the players. Prerequisite: Firearm Lead is a heavy, grey, soft, malleable, metal. Prerequisite: Weapon with the light property Part: Sight The weapon deals an additional +2 bludgeoning damage. Some monsters that have immunity or resistance to nonmagical weapons are susceptible to silver weapons, so cautious adventurers invest extra coin to plate their weapons with silver. The per pound price of Mithral doesn’t matter much, because it is so light. Despite its high value, it is relatively common and is favored for use in ornamentation in the making of magical items, often being used as an inlay in graven runes or inscriptions, where meld magics can keep it from being damaged or falling out through rough handling. This will help. This well-known pure metal is the softest of workable metallic substances, and one of the best conductors among them. also, saying it has both silver and electrum is redundant as electrum is a silver/gold alloy. Your attack and damage rolls with the weapon have a +2 bonus. Adamantine isn’t ferrous, as it does not contain iron. Prerequisite: Cost: — Your attack rolls with the weapon have a -1 bonus, and the weapon is supressed. This is the pure metal form of the hard, jet-black ferro magnetic ore known as adamantite, from which the famous alloy adamantine is made. Downsides: — Most of the following information is from “VoLo’s Guide to All Things Magical”. The adamantine version of a melee weapon or of ten pieces of ammunition costs 500 gp more than the normal version, whether the weapon or ammunition is made of the metal or coated with it. While looking down your sight, you can see in darkness as if it were bright light. Want your own special armor? Your class grants proficiency in certain weapons, reflecting both the class’s focus and the tools you are most likely to use. It has so many properties in common with iron in this regard that it is considered another ferrous metal. [citation needed] The g… 5e Weapons for D&D. A soft, silvery-white metal that is often combined with other metals or used as a layer to protect various metals. They only get the items I want them to have. Part: Muzzle Artisan Requirement: Gunsmith I have looked for years for something translatable into D&D. ( Log Out /  Prerequisite: Firearm Sorry for fuming. Prerequisite: Firearm If randomly determined, the … Thanks Ronny for the posting this helps detailing my campaign – fleshing out resources for my host village with a highly skilled Master Blacksmith – was researching medieval access to steel – since in DnD it seems steel is highly common, so I figure my village would import most of it. Your blade has been honed to an edge, for a time. I’m sorry but I can’t recall where I got those numbers. Artisan Requirement: Blacksmith The weapon's normal range increases by 10 ft., and its maximum range increases by 30 ft. I had assumed the latter was even lighter, but it’s closer to titanium than aluminium. Useful info on Adamantine and mithral. Prerequisite: Firearm It is soft and easily worked, widely known. Prerequisite: Firearm Downsides: — Change ), You are commenting using your Google account. Downsides: — Downsides: — The weapon's lower rail has been outfitted with a slanted grip to increase accuracy and maneuverability. Prerequisite: Weapon made of metal In its finished form, adamantine metal reflects a clear green sheen under candlelight, and purple-white under magical light. Prerequisite: Artisan Requirement: Blacksmith From The Dragon #17, August 1978, Adamanite is aprox. My rule is that the adamantine version of a suit of armor, or a melee weapon or of ten pieces of ammunition costs 500 gp more than the normal version, whether the weapon or ammunition is made of the metal or coated with it. As far as I can tell, energone was never a metal in the D&D universe. A red-ish brown metal. I like only finding magic items, but in a high magic campaign I would allow magic shops where old magic items could be purchased. Prerequisite: Firearm Downsides: The weapon's weight is doubled Artisan Requirement: Blacksmith Cost: — Part: Upper rail Artisan Requirement: Gunsmith I’m trying to put a crafting spreadsheet together and the prices just seem far to high? Downsides: — Change ), You are commenting using your Facebook account. look at the website the folowing;energon eberron wiki fandom. Artisan Requirement: Gunsmith Part: Lower rail Thank you for letting me know. Thanks for pointing that out. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. Today I realized that I need to add information about how much each of these metals weigh. Downsides: — There is, of course, a simple solution to this. Cost: — As an example, I do not allow gunpowder in my games. Your attack rolls with the weapon have a +1 bonus. I do appreciate everyone’s interest but it would help if everyone would take a second to make a simple google search before posting a question. Artisan Requirement: Blacksmith An alloy of copper and tin. Mithral, Celestial (3pp) Source: 101 Special Materials and Power Components (3pp) HP/inch: 30; Hardness: 15; Cost: weapons +3000 gp, add magic enhancement +3,000 gp A google search for “energon eberron wiki fandom” takes me to this site: Downsides: —. You shed bright light in a 30 ft. cone, and dim light for another 30 ft. Prerequisite: Firearm Now you could make the argument that adamantine weapons/armor are only lined with it, but mithral armor is supposed to be mithral. But it say you can coat your weapon with Adamantine it cost 500gp your weapon now act as if you Critically hit. of you, dealing 1d6 piercing damage. However, the creature can't discern color in darkness, only shades of gray. Adamantine, when smelted, was ultra-hard but this was a costly procedure. Most of the following information is from “, D&D 5E – Weights of Materials | Dungeon Master Assistance,,,,, D&D 5E - Character Sheet and Instructions, D&D 5E – Non-standard weapon/armor materials, D&D 5E – Character Sheet with Dice Rolling, D&D Character Generator (First Character), D&D Encounter Builder (Kobold Fight Club). That doesn’t mean that you can’t have house rules for creating magic items if you want that in your game. Adamantine is tricky to make, and must be forged and worked at very high temperatures by smiths who know exactly what they are doing and who have access to special oils to slake and temper the hot metal in. Note that Mithral is not typically used for weapons. The cost per pound of Adamantine doesn’t matter much for armor because it is only reinforced with it. Prerequisite: Firearm Cost: — Artisan Requirement: Gunsmith Double weapons have separate magical bonuses for their different heads. If the weapon has the Light or Finesse property, it loses it. Cost: — The weapon's muzzle has been outfitted with a sharp edge meant for piercing physical barriers or soft targets. Thank you very much. also if you need to give your characters a cool magic item you could check out the book of vile darkness in the dungeon masters guide. Artisan Requirement: Gunsmith Part: Lower rail Downsides: — If this is not the site you mean, please post a link to the site you are referring to. Artisan Requirement: Gunsmith If the weapon has the Thrown or is ammunition property, its ranges are halved. The weapon's barrel is outfitted with a device that redistributes barrel gasses to reduce barrel destabilization. If the weapon has the Heavy property, it loses it. Cost: 250 gp It is ferromagnetic like steel, and vulnerable to a rust monster's grasp. Weapon 2x normal cost ½ Double Weapon 1.5x normal cost Magical Enhancements +2000 gp All Items '- 30 hp per inch, hardness 10. Cost: The cost of the modification itself per weapon or 10 pieces of ammunition when you provide the weapon Your weapon's normal range increases by 15 ft., and its attack rolls gain a -1 penalty. Silvered weapons The weapon's entire barrel has been transformed into a monolithic supressor. Adamantine is black, but has a clear green sheen in candlelight a sheen that sharpens to purple-white under the light given off by most magical radiances and by will-o-wisps. I guess that I need to make it clear that nothing on this site is endorsed by Adventures League, or by Wizards of the Coast for that matter.. Downsides: — A set of adamantine armor or a shield was nearly impenetrable to normal weapons. It makes no logical sense for the specialty armor to cost less than the regular version. The adamantine version of a melee weapon costs 500 gp more than the normal version, whether the weapon is made of the metal or coated with it.

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