Scientific Name: Vauquelinia californica Common Name: Arizona Rosewood Plant Characteristics. The dark brown wood streaked with red, and is hard and very heavy, a beautiful 'rosewood.' As for burning it in your fireplace, that doesn't sound like a good idea. Strong sweet fragrance. The slender, deep green leaves look very similar to Oleander, making this native shrub a non-toxic alternative that… Compiled by: Jeff Schalau, Associate Agent, ANR, University of Arizona Cooperative Extension, Yavapai County; Dusty Eiker, Horticulturalist, Mountain West Landscape Resources and; and in partnership with the Arizona Department of Water Resources. Discover Life's page about the biology, natural history, ecology, identification and distribution of Vauquelinia californica - Arizona rosewood -- Discover Life Good luck. The Plants Database includes the following 3 subspecies of Vauquelinia californica . But irritation is not necessarily benign. The rosewood tree is considered tropical, growing best in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zone 11, which includes areas that enjoy warm climates such as Hawaii. Does very well in Washington County. However, there are also plants that seem to LOVE Arizona; they grow easily and maybe grow too well. A strong upright bush with glossy, rich green leaves. Native Introduced Native and Introduced. See the articles Wood Allergies and Toxicity and Wood Dust Safety for more information. It has dense white blossoms in early Spring. Vauquelinia californica, commonly known as Arizona rosewood, is an evergreen species of shrub or tree, in the rose family, Rosaceae.. Stay at Rosewood properties worldwide, including boutique luxury 5-star hotels and resorts in the US, Caribbean, Mexico, Europe, Middle East and Asia. Click below on a thumbnail map or name for subspecies profiles. It grows in desert-upland transition zones and in chaparral and oak-juniper areas. Genus named after Louis Nicolas Vauquelin (1765-1827), French chemist and botanist. It makes a lovely screen or informal hedge without needing much maintenance or supplemental water. Velvet mesquite/ Prosopis spp and hybrids. Exceedingly few plant species have such a wide distribution.” Foothills palo verde / Parkinsonia microphylla. It is extreme durable and handsome and it maintains its shape well. D. Sissoo is a large, crooked tree with long, leathery leaves and whitish or pink flowers. Therapeutic properties The therapeutic properties of rosewood oil are anti-depressant, mildly analgesic, antiseptic, aphrodisiac, bactericidal, cephalic, deodorant, insecticide and stimulant. It grows in zones 9-13. From these flowers ford woody seed pods that survive from the summer till the winter. Gold metal was voted Allergen of the Year in 2001 by the American Contact Dermatitis Society; gold contact allergies affect mostly women. Allergies/Toxicity: While there are no official studies available for Desert Ironwood, anecdotal reports suggest that the sawdust can be irritating to the skin and respiratory system. Cascalote/Caesalpinia cacalaco. Don’t quit on the ... let’s just remind ourselves one last time about the toxicity of the plant. Clusters of small white flowers appear in spring. Arizona rosewood/Vauquelinia californica. Works well in tight spaces and around patios. A mom in Arizona was wiped out now while attempting to stop her ex from kidnapping the youngster. All parts are known to be toxic. Dalbergia Sissoo. Dodonea viscosa, hopseed bush, can also make a nice substitute. 10. 4 The University of Arizona Cooperative Extension Issued in furtherance of Cooperative Extension work, acts of May 8 and June 30, 1914, in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Agriculture, James A. Christenson, Director, Cooperative Extension, College of Agriculture & Life Sciences, The University of Arizona. Gold toxicity can be ameliorated with chelation therapy with an agent such as dimercaprol. Woods like walnut and rosewood emit pleasant odors with low levels of dust, which most woodworkers equate with being one of the benefits of working with woods. Then, when you decide to get rid of them, it’s hard to make them go away. The rosewood tree has the most beautiful red, rose-scented wood. 1. It is a native plant that is similar in nature to oleander, but actually should get somewhat larger, which it sounds like you want. ASDM: “In the Sonoran Desert region, Hopbush occurs from central Arizona to Sonora and Baja California, from 2000 to 5000 feet (600-1500 m) elevation, always at the upper margin of the desert and often in acidic soils. Perfect blooms whose coloring is a blend of striking orange, bronze and rich gold. Natural History: The Arizona rosewood is native to the Sonoran desert of the United States and Mexico, typically found in elevations between 2,500 and 5,000 feet (1). Toxic Woods Back to Wood Library As anyone who has gotten a rash from working a particular wood can attest, some woods just "don't agree" with people.Many wood species are only slightly toxic, and then only to people who happen to be allergic to them, while other woods are deadly to anyone who comes into close contact with them. Allergies/Toxicity: Although Sissoo is usually considered to be less allergenic than other rosewoods in the Dalbergia genus, ... which has historically been the primary rosewood species of northern India.This wood is strong and tough. Growing in zone 9b, mid May, early Summer, in full bloom. Arizona rosewood Vauquelinia corymbosa slimleaf rosewood Legal Status. Rosewood has become so extremely desired for projects and oils that it's facing possible extinction. The Dalbergia sissoo, commonly known as Sissoo or Indian Rosewood. The same species occurs in warm regions worldwide, even Australia. Arizona Rosewood (Vauquelinia californica) by Xenomorf Dec 23, 2005 11:15 PM. Needs good drainage. However, the natural substances in these woods that cause the scents are also potentially toxic with greater dosage exposure and concentration. Food. Despite this, gold is a relatively non-potent contact allergen, in comparison with metals like nickel. It occurs in five states and territories within the Sonoran Desert region: southwestern Arizona, southeastern California, eastern Baja California, Baja California Sur, and Sonora, Mexico. Related Links. Arizona rosewood is also highly sensitive (severe foliar chlorosis) to ground applied pre-emergent herbicides like Princep TM. 2. Rosewood oil is non-toxic, non-irritant and non-sensitizing oil and is generally regarded as safe. Plant Name. Martie was loading her 10-month-old boy, Abel, right into a minivan whenever a man later recognized as 30 … It's a sturdy and resistant wood that offers many positive qualities to instrument and furniture makers. Arizona Rosewood (Vauquelinia californica) is a vigorous, dense, upright, evergreen shrub that is an excellent alternative to Nerium Oleanders in all landscape designs. On top of being toxic, leaves of some varieties are hallucinogenic. 3. Be wary of Arizona plants that can take over your yard. Many common plants are toxic, and keepers must make sure that their herbivorous chelonians are kept away from them. More than 700 plants have been identified as producing physiologically active or Wetland Status. Duration: Perennial, Evergreen Growth Habit: Tree, Shrub Arizona Native Status: Native Habitat: Desert (upper elevation), Upland. Dalbergia sissoo, known commonly as North Indian rosewood, is a fast-growing, hardy deciduous rosewood tree native to the Indian subcontinent and southern Iran. Interpreting Wetland Status. The rosewood tree, scientifically known as Tipuana tipu , or the tipu tree, is a medium-size tree and grows to a roughly 20 to 30 feet at its highest.The tree blooms with small flowers in shades of bright yellow or apricot. Arizona rosewood, Vauquelinia californica, is an excellent alternative, albeit a slow grower. It will take reflected heat or sun and is incredibly drought-tolerant. Arizona Rosewood Vauquelinia californica - A small tree or shrub that will reach up to twenty feet high. Most drought tolerant. In general, Arizona rosewood performs better in Tucson than Phoenix because the former is at higher elevation and is slightly cooler overall. Embark on a journey with Rosewood Hotels & Resorts, the world’s finest array of luxury hotels and resorts inspired by elegant wanderlust. Cultivation Notes: V. californica is a moderate to slow-growing, hardy evergreen, that can survive temperatures as low as 10 o F. A Sense of Place®. Arizona Rosewood Vauquelinia californica DESCRIPTION: Arizona Rosewood is a large evergreen shrub with dense foliage. A simple step to take to minimize the risks to your turtles and tortoises is to learn the names of all the plants in your home and yard so that you can prevent any untoward contact with poisonous plants. – Arizona rosewood Subordinate Taxa. Rosewood, any of several ornamental timbers, products of various tropical trees native to Brazil, Honduras, Jamaica, Africa, and India.The most important commercially are the Honduras rosewood, Dalbergia stevensoni, and the Brazilian rosewood, principally D. nigra, a leguminous tree up to 125 feet (38 metres) called cabiúna, and jacaranda in Brazil. Vauquelinia californica, despite … Blooming in zone 9b, mid May, early Summer, quarter-inch flowers. Arizona - With all the colors of a sunset seen while driving across Arizona. Brittany Martie, 30, what food was in a personal residence in Phoenix on Tuesday evening once the abduction happened, the Peoria Police Department stated inside a recent news release. Though they tend to be small at the nursery, Arizona rosewood can be pruned and shaped into a hedge or small tree. Shrub exhibits reddish-brown bark and lance shaped leaves. It is very hardy and a low water user. Plants are appropriate for North Central Arizona, elevation: 3,000 – 4,500 feet. More Accounts and Images; Integrated Taxonomic Information System (VAUQU) Wildlife. Blooming in zone 9b, mid May, early Summer, quarter-inch flowers. It produces white flowers in clusters at the tips of the branches. While it is a distant botanical rela-tive of the Rose, its takes it common name from the heart wood of branches that can range from red to shades of brown. It grows at a moderate rate to 20 feet tall and less wide. Ironwood barely reaches into adjacent Mohave desertscrub, coastal thornscrub south of Guaymas, Sonora, and foothills thornscrub east of Hermosillo, Sonora. Browse pictures and read growth / cultivation information about Arizona Rosewood (Vauquelinia californica) supplied by member gardeners in the PlantFiles database at Dave's Garden. FACT SHEET: POISONOUS PLANTS WHILE PLANTS ADD A TOUCH OF COLOR AND FRAGRANCE to our daily lives, they also inject an element of danger into the lives of our pets. Vauquelinia californica ssp. You might also consider planting Arizona Rosewood. The Arizona rosewood is one of the toughest evergreen shrubs around.
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