Referring to Sir Waterhouse’s refusal to allow journalists to name names, over a dozen years after the public tribunal, Newport West MP Paul Flynn confronted then Home Secretary Theresa May in the House of Commons in November 2012: I believe there was a cover-up and that powerful people were responsible for ensuring that allegations were not aired in public as they should have been. They didn’t bring in a doctor. During the 1990s, recall from an earlier chapter that Ian got burned for his part in the “cash for questions” scandal where he used his lobbyist clout readily accessing MPs for cash payments from Harrods owner Mohamed al-Fayed,[138] whose son was murdered with Princess Diana in 1997. Jenxyz, er, did you miss my discussion of African-American secret societies in the post? Consequently, I do not recommend the establishment of a further public or private inquiry.[235]. Again, the propaganda war’s out to own your brain, believing that hearing enough of their lies, eventually they’ll wear your brain down and succeed. 19th century healthcare is depicted in Tolstoy’s story, “The Death of Ivan Ilyich.” That’s a fictional version of dying at home from cancer. Right? I always liked that chestnut in jurisprudence. They gave us a blank thousand-mile stare, and went on talking about how sad it is that there aren’t any traditional American rituals. [38] Nick Davies, This reality has been demonstrated in each and every scandal countless times. Former Minister says Thatcher Aide was Paedophile who Preyed on Boys’ Home,”, October 29, 2012, The pedo-loving cabal are such curmudgeons. When Nick Booth simply requested that Judge Waterhouse establish whether any participants in the inquiry were Freemasons, it was summarily turned down. , Phil, next week’s blog post will be on the Jupiter-Saturn conjunction, so stay tuned…. Also soaring rates of child abuse on the dark web are confirmed with the October 2019 bust of the world’s largest child sex abuse website operating out of South Korea, resulting in over 300 arrests in 38 countries. What we were like-minded about was that we were proud to call one another brother, usually because of lessons vividly learned in the ritual. 47 & 49 Palmeira Avenue (Management) Limited,”,–49-PALMEIRA-AVENUE-MANAGEMENT-LIMITED/companies-house-data. I was in a college fraternity. (free access). Bottom line, law enforcement did nothing with that information because pedo-power politics rule the day – then and now. [6] Both the sheer magnitude of the disturbingly egregious abuse as well as its implications of a much wider VIP pedophile trafficking web in operation across the nation involving a most powerful elite, as always, had to be covered up at all cost. Your Kittenship, nah, Heracles had the right idea — flush ’em all. My grandparents homesteaded in the 1920s up in North Dakota, on a farm with no electricity or running water, and about a 50-50 split between subsistence and commercial production. [56] Polly Curtis, “Speculation, Lurid Sex Claims and William Hague’s very Public Outpouring,” The Guardian, September 1, 2010, They form a united network of effective political resistance groups to a united Ireland, or have done so in the past. Many readers have already listed some of mine: The Boy Scouts, though not secret, with its complicated rank and achievement structures. Scotlyn, every secret society ends up with government informers. In any case I plan to email this article out to our members and have a discussion. [128] Only their fully intact pensions moved forward as they all remained free, masonic brothers protected to the end. That should be an option, and in fact I think a lot of the conflicts would die down if people had the option to refuse treatment. Has this ever been a year! The American Revolution was planned and organized by one secret society, and its opening moves on the rebel side were carried out by another. There’s a misperception that money laundering is a victimless white-collar crime that’s probably just looking at tax avoidance – and it’s not. It is true that modern institutional medicine is beyond the reach of individual lodges. Can I fix it for you?’ He kept on looking at me and smiling and laughing. People learn everything from one another. @Patricia Thank you and keep me posted if you find that article. Could you drop a suggestion to someone involved? Amongst the child sodomizers are Britain’s top politicians, businessmen, police, judges, social workers and childcare workers – 650 named perpetrators identified by about 1,200 of their victims lasting three decades from the early 1960s to early 1990s. The authorities passed law after law restricting or banning their activities. Those few most highly initiated could serve as “visiting angels of Death”. Avery, the Carbonari (the broader organization of which the Charbonnerie were the French branch) had a remarkable impact on 19th century politics. Do those make you think of figures in dimly lit rooms, plotting in secret? On more than one occasion, Sir Jimmy would roll up in his chauffeured limousine with his fellow pervert older brother Johnny. [316] Mat Hastings, “Child Abuse is not a National Plague,” Financial Times/, November 9, 2012, (It wasn’t random; one of the other lodges in that order suffered entryism from the extremist right, enough so that the lodge had to be shut down by the state Grand Lodge, and I’m pretty sure that the point of the informer was to find out if other lodges were in the same condition.) I’d never have thought it of you. I still read the news, though, and a few years ago, there was a case like this. Brian Johnson Thomas had known about the McAlpine rumors and believed there was a connection with John Allen, so he laid out four photos of similar looking, middle aged men and immediately Paul picked the McAlpine pic, and felt certain it was him. There really are limitless possibilities when communities with similar values find a way to work together. Reading E P Thompson’s history, which goes into an enormous amount of detail on the workings of those secret societies which were formed to give people space to speak their minds on political matters, during the period that interested him, such as this one, there appears to be a third consideration, as to “reasons to keep your society secret” – in addition to the two you mention (freeloaders and entryists). A comment on medical care, if I may. [224] Steven George, Heartless Too: 24 Wasted Years (York, UK: York Publishing, 2014), If you join Master Gardeners, you are expected to be a shill for the local Extension Service, which is an arm of the Corporate-sponsored University. Leander was witness to the meeting Adrian had with John Allen the week before the fire, and the very day of the fire Allen was due back “to settle the matter.” But to John Allen, “settling the matter” a week later really meant “settling the score” with his would-be blackmailers, by literally eliminating them in the fire he’d no doubt arranged. Irena, I take it you’re unfamiliar with the concept of catastrophic-care insurance. Man, anything to avoid the hospitals is a good thing IMHO. What a timely post! Poor pitiful Lord McAlpine went into overdrive speaking to The Telegraph to “spread false defeat to gain public sympathy”: It gets into [you], it makes you angry. It’s criminal entities using financial institutions here and nationally to move criminal funds around our country and our financial system overseas and it has a massive impact on everyday life; whether that’s child exploitation, serious and organised crime, drug importation – it all involves money laundering.[358]. McAlpine authored a book published in 1998 called The New Machiavelli: The Art of Politics in Business. He ended up in some county level court cases but I’ve yet to pull those papers since the county balked about pulling them from the archive last year (and they’ve been closed since March ugh). There is an instruction manual for motorcycle gangs called “How to start and run your own motorcycle gang : a psycho-social primer”, but the only library copy I’ve found is in the library of a school of Economics in the Czech Republic. This one “Ain’t the Way to Die” concerns end of life directives (and the lack there-of!) Calls for Belfast’s Kincora to be Included in UK Child Abuse Inquiry,” Irish Mirror, July 8, 2014, [182] Pete Sawyer, “Mystery Arson,”, March 1, 1997, Ah, the joys of the internet…. There was movement between Holland and this country, and Dolphin Square was part of the setup.[130]. Only the tenth such public tribunal in British history and first to investigate child sexual abuse, holding the power to subpoena witnesses and requisition documents, the North Wales Tribunal was supposed to be transparent and open to public scrutiny. Because Angus and Simon’s publication was exposing the Luciferian Westminster pedophile ring like no other, the life of both their magazine and its two muckraking brothers was abruptly snuffed out way before their natural time. Regardless, frequent visiting abusers of MP/lordship status to North Wales care homes, located outside their political constituencies and duties should serve as a red flag notice that they were not where they properly belonged. If each of the 1600 or so subscribers to this blog kicked in just $1 per week, it would be a nice supplement to the book royalties. [305] This conspicuous, flagrant omission from the North Wales Tribunal obviously permitted all the more powerful VIP child rapists a free ride while ensuring that the organized nationwide pedo-network run by the British government never gets exposed. [352] Pat Flanagan, “International Missing Children’s Day: Eight Million Kids Disappear Around the World Every Year,” Irish Mirror, May 25, 2014, [367] John Harwood, “5 Reasons why Income Inequality has Become a Major Political Issue,” CNBC, June 5, 2019, Finally, this scandal also graphically demonstrates not only the standard cover-up through lost or destroyed evidence and countless whitewashed inquiries denying existence of a highly organized pedo-web, but also more than any other, the ruling elite’s aggressive pushback with guilty-as-sin perps winning high profile libel lawsuits to wrongfully collect significant financial damages in compensation, piling on gross injustice after gross injustice. [115] The pedo-network was fully operational and nationwide by the 1970s and has been thriving ever since because too many perverts infiltrated all reaches of child care, from social services to NHS to law enforcement, the justice system, to local council as well as national governance, often masked by a secret, invisible presence – the masonic brotherhood. Youngelephant, indeed it does: “…and be silent” is part of the basic formula of power. The exact same dynamic occurred in North Wales. [241] “Gerald Elias CBE QC Chair,”, [274] Martin Shipton, Each area has their own lodge. Around the world, healthcare has become a right of many countries. It seems there are two types of “secret” societies: one where the rituals are secret, but membership is not (Masons can tell you they are Masons), and one where membership is secret also. Oliver Farrar erected the original portion of the house, essentially a large kitchen and a small adjacent bedroom. Through his niece’s company in Copenhagen, Denmark, John Allen smuggled child pornographic films and photos throughout Europe. After all the head robber barons can be counted on the fingers of your hands whilst the populations they enslave run into billions.[360]. Phutatorius, I know about as much about Skull & Bones as anyone outside it can. “I know you’re in there.”  What else is in there with them—well, we’ll get to that, or some of that, in future posts. But only because we’ll have said good-bye to open heart surgery and all the rest. I’d hate to see such a thing happen to this hall. Neptunesdolphins, what makes a secret society secret is that its members have things — passwords, symbols, rituals — they’ve promised not to talk about to people who aren’t members. Stayed to the end and said, “That was nice!”. Dishonorable behavior! The cynic in me sees the ‘diversity’ push in IT as a way to break up those ‘secret societies’ which makes perfect sense from a corporate point of view as you can accrue quite significant power if you’re the only one who understands how to keep an important system up and running. The same can be said for the North Wales police, with both institutions so intertwined, they still have much to hide, particularly in their shared history of pedophilia involvement and cover-up. [151] David Hencke, “Operation Pallial: Bringing too long Awaited Justice for Child Sexual Abuse Survivors after 30 Years,”, October 23, 2016, The redactors in 2013 didn’t want the public to know that homosexual child rapists hijacked gay rights in the 1970s and 80s to the detriment of both children and “ordinary, decent gay men?” Sadly, today’s reality hasn’t changed much, slick pedophilia normalizers are still masquerading under the coattails of a co-opted LGBT rights agenda.[17]. If you don’t know about the Sicilian Vespers, that would give you the feeling of what can be accomplished by a secret society that gets mad. [17] Brad Polumbo, “Why is LGBT Media Normalizing Quasi-Pedophilia?” Washington Examiner, August 15, 2019, Your Kittenship, I have it on good authority that they value their privacy. Again, secret societies[292] are the interconnecting thread of global pedophocracy.[293]. Of course this is exactly what Scalawag had already confirmed a full twenty years earlier. Yes, those are all important factors. Thank you for a highly informative post, answering handily those vague questions about Mooses, Elks, etc, that, having seen them mentioned, I had never made the effort to follow up. @Onething, If citizens of the world only realized how widespread child sexual abuse has become, be it on a local level ranging from familial incest[353] to familiar trusted social and professional sources within our neighborhood and community – family friends, neighbors, baby sitters, childcare workers, teachers, coaches, scout leaders, doctors, nurses and social workers,[354] to the macro-level of covert operative criminal agents acting within our own governmental institutions and its army of private contractors representing the sophisticated organized crime machine that’s behind the massive global child sex trafficking,[355] largely coordinated and concealed by intelligence services and controlled by Luciferian overlords from Illuminati bloodline dynasties responsible for this human plague,[356] perhaps this shamefully shocking human condition would drastically be reduced. The decision was not exactly popular: I’d say the Knights are often great at the local level, but the national organization has been more concerned with numbers and influence than with tradition for some time. I suppose 4-H and Master Gardeners (of which I’m one, but I find it falls short Woodcraft itself was rather different from the Boy Scouts, not least in that in a Woodcraft tribe, the kids ran things under the supervision of the adults, instead of having the Scoutmaster and the other adults telling the kids what to do. The religion of progress will get a serious gut check in the next few years, as the economy falters, and cash flows into tax receipts, discretionary income, and other mechanisms that prop up what we consider “modern life” go the way of the dodo. Today’s meeting has been brought to you by the numbers 3, 5, and 7, and the letter ‘G’.”. Afraid she might expose his years of sex crimes, MP Pink secured her long-term placement at Broadmoor in the 1970s when Jimmy Savile ran the entertainments department, prior to the nutcase taking over the asylum in the 1980s. Those deemed enough of a threat, simply die young. We knew of people visiting this flat [like the perverted Savile brothers]. [4] Sadistic, perverted staff would often take victims home for the weekend for further abuse during their off work hours. I have come to think that the false idea that men and women are essentially the same is a love preventive, esp for women. [51] The Jenkins family girls were used to playing subservient roles to men in power. The Trilateral Commission and the like. On the other hand, a bit off-topic, but what do you think about the following events that happened recently? That didn’t happen to me, but it was common knowledge. Just like the unemployed arsonist Trevor who was alleged to have killed five people on a prank, mysteriously he wound up with a sudden unknown windfall that landed in his bank account of up to £30,000 just before the fire.[184]. She was very reluctant as this blue blood world was very alien to her. You don’t get very far, before you start hitting mentions of secret societies. One of the many benefits that secret societies provided to civil society as a whole was training in leadership and governance. Had it been just me and my family, the company would have simply up my premium and be done with the problem. In fact, much the opposite, for this flagrant conflict of interest, the Queen’s Counsel Elias was personally granted knighthood for his valuable service in defense of the realm. [95] “Sir Maurice Drake – Obituary,” The Telegraph, April 9, 2014, The Masons, the Odd Fellows, and many other lodges banned alcohol inside their lodge buildings, so brothers would attend the lodge meeting and then head elsewhere for liquid refreshment. In any case, Baron Hague of Richmond has to be feeling pretty relaxed in retirement at his hometown estate, revving up his creative juices for writing his revisionist history of the world. Because of this column I went in search of Australia’s fraternal history. [304] But keep in mind, Wales State Secretary Hague ensured the inquiry’s limited remit could only focus on gathering victim testimony of crimes taking place inside the walls of their institutional home governed by the UK care system, not addressing any abuse resulting from victims trafficked to near or far hotels or private homes. By virtue of the fact that when masons take their blood sworn oaths to protect fellow masons no matter what, in the courts it automatically places higher loyalty to other members over loyalty to serve justice. They were both positive in their identification.

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