Love is the astrolabe of God's mysteries. This meeting had a deep impact on the eighteen-year-old Rumi and later on became the inspiration for his works. Death may result from several pathologies that deviate from benign laughter. [2][35], Greater Balkh was at that time a major centre of Persian culture[24][34][36] and Sufism had developed there for several centuries. Is the Qur'an in the language of Pahlavi (Persian). Note: Rumi's shrine is now known as the "Mevlâna Museum" in Turkey. Hadi Sabzavari, one of Iran's most important 19th-century philosophers, makes the following connection between the Masnavi and Islam, in the introduction to his philosophical commentary on the book: It is a commentary on the versified exegesis [of the Qur’ān] and its occult mystery, since all of it [all of the Mathnawī] is, as you will see, an elucidation of the clear verses [of the Qur’ān], a clarification of prophetic utterances, a glimmer of the light of the luminous Qur’ān, and burning embers irradiating their rays from its shining lamp. On Death in a War or by Violence (40) On Hope (36) On One's Own Death (80) On Pity (29) On Suicide (4) On the Death of a Child (70) On the Death of a Friend (28) On the Death of a Parent (42) On the Death of a Sibling (11) On the Death of a Spouse or Lover (73) On the Death of an Animal (4) On the Death of Someone Admired (17) Rumi (Jalāl ad-Dīn Muhammad Rūmī; Mevlana) born (30 September 1207 – 17 December 1273) in Khwarezmian Empire. And I must (also) jump from the river of (the state of) the angel, On Love: 11) “Let the beauty of what you love be what you do.” – Rumi. Rumi's public life then began: he became an Islamic Jurist, issuing fatwas and giving sermons in the mosques of Konya. [57], Georgian princess and Seljuq queen Gurju Khatun was a close friend of Rumi. [56] Rumi's body was interred beside that of his father, and a splendid shrine, the Yeşil Türbe (Green Tomb, قبه الخضراء; today the Mevlâna Museum), was erected over his place of burial. Here, Bahāʾ al-Dīn Walad taught at one of the numerous madrasahs (religious schools); after his death in 1231 he was succeeded in this capacity by his son. [28][29], He is most commonly called Rumi in English. Rumi found another companion in Salaḥ ud-Din-e Zarkub, a goldsmith. On the first page of the Masnavi, Rumi states: "Hadha kitâbu 'l- mathnawîy wa huwa uSûlu uSûli uSûli 'd-dîn wa kashshâfu 'l-qur'ân." [37] Rumi expresses his appreciation: "Attar was the spirit, Sanai his eyes twain, And in time thereafter, Came we in their train"[38] and mentions in another poem: "Attar has traversed the seven cities of Love, We are still at the turn of one street". Whenever sorrow comes, be kind to it. [58] The 13th century Mevlâna Mausoleum, with its mosque, dance hall, schools and living quarters for dervishes, remains a destination of pilgrimage to this day, and is probably the most popular pilgrimage site to be regularly visited by adherents of every major religion. Bosworth, E. van Donzel and W.P. A selection of American author Deepak Chopra's editing of the translations by Fereydoun Kia of Rumi's love poems has been performed by Hollywood personalities such as Madonna, Goldie Hawn, Philip Glass and Demi Moore. For Rumi, music helped devotees to focus their whole being on the divine and to do this so intensely that the soul was both destroyed and resurrected. ‘A Grave’s Only a Curtain’: Reading Rumi on His Death Anniverary. Rumi quotes on dreams and life. The decisive moment in Rūmī’s life occurred on November 30, 1244, when in the streets of Konya he met the wandering dervish—holy man—Shams al-Dīn (Sun of Religion) of Tabrīz, whom he may have first encountered in Syria. The centre for the Mevlevi was in Konya. بار دیگر از ملک پران شوم According to tradition, Rumi was himself a notable musician who played the robāb, although his favourite instrument was the ney or reed flute. Here are some of the best quotes and poems from the famed 13th-Century Sufi mystic, Maulana Jalaluddin Rumi, on life, love, death, friendship and more. Rumi's love for, and his bereavement at the death of, Shams found their expression in an outpouring of lyric poems, Divan-e Shams-e Tabrizi. Recordings of Rumi poems have made it to the USA's Billboard's Top 20 list. Truly, to Him is our return. Dr A Q Khan. Rumi quotes are well known for its wisdom, for being deep meaningful, thought-provoking and powerful. At the next charge (forward) I will die to human nature, A year later, Burhān al-Dīn Muḥaqqiq, one of Bahāʾ al-Dīn’s former disciples, arrived in Konya and acquainted Jalāl al-Dīn more deeply with some mystical theories that had developed in Iran. The seeker then returns from this spiritual journey, with greater maturity, to love and to be of service to the whole of creation without discrimination with regard to beliefs, races, classes and nations. You've come to the right place. The popular hagiographical assertions that have claimed the family's descent from the Caliph Abu Bakr does not hold on closer examination and is rejected by modern scholars. Former Professor of Indo-Muslim Culture, Harvard University. Franklin Lewis: "On the question of Rumi's multilingualism (pp. It is undeniable that Rumi was a Muslim scholar and took Islam seriously. Articles from Britannica Encyclopedias for elementary and high school students. He was laid to rest beside his father, and over his remains a shrine was erected. Our Thoughts: Pursue your passions. In Afghanistan, Rumi is known as Mawlānā, in Turkey as Mevlâna, and in Iran as Molavī. For months the two mystics lived closely together, and Rūmī neglected his disciples and family so that his scandalized entourage forced Shams to leave the town in February 1246. With the foundation of the modern, secular Republic of Turkey, Mustafa Kemal Atatürk removed religion from the sphere of public policy and restricted it exclusively to that of personal morals, behaviour and faith. A voice said to him, "What will you give in return?" In 1225, Rumi married Gowhar Khatun in Karaman. Updates? The prose works are divided into The Discourses, The Letters, and the Seven Sermons. How about holy cities? His poems—ghazals (about 30,000 verses) and a large number of robāʿīyāt (“quatrains”)—reflect the different stages of his love, until, as his son writes, “he found Shams in himself, radiant like the moon.” The complete identification of lover and beloved is expressed by his inserting the name of Shams instead of his own pen name at the end of most of his lyrical poems. [80] In regards to this, Rumi states: "The Light of Muhammad does not abandon a Zoroastrian or Jew in the world. 47:19). The profession of the family for several generations was that of Islamic preachers of the relatively liberal Hanafi Maturidi school, and this family tradition was continued by Rumi (see his Fihi Ma Fih and Seven Sermons) and Sultan Walad (see Ma'rif Waladi for examples of his everyday sermons and lectures). They finally settled in Karaman for seven years; Rumi's mother and brother both died there. [113] Also in that year, Iran held a Rumi Week from 26 October to 2 November. [114] Iranian musician Shahram Nazeri was awarded the Légion d'honneur and Iran's House of Music Award in 2007 for his renowned works on Rumi masterpieces.

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