We love our fluff. These are the Marvel Star Wars comics that I want to read. How would space combat actually go? Conservatives, in other words. This is the results of my playing around with allocating WWII ship types on a ternary plot using my scheme of component priorities. Nuke-electric ships, however, have up to hundreds of 50,000 tons, yet possess as powerful Below and to port and starboard of this passage can be found the eight fusion reactors providing non-thrust power to the Leviathan. First you got wood-n-fabric biplanes that barely had enough power to get into the air. Oh, and for those who think that nanomachines and nanotechnology is an end-all answer to warfare and manufacturing, let me direct you to this article: http://www.stardestroyer.net/Empire/Tech/Myths/Nanotech.html. I suggest as a handy measure ~40 The advantage of a SQD is a group of two or three units is stronger than the sum of their parts. spinal weapon. Though the flagship can spend command points on all the ships in the fleet, until the command points run out. The term “battleship” is a contraction of phrase “line-of-battle ship” from the Age of Sails. It was a draw, with no ships An armored vessel is one with more resilient-than-normal armor than others of its type. Some of the worksheets for this concept are Somebody loves you hatch, Bookpals storyline presents somebody loves you hatch, Somebody loves you mr hatch by eileen spinelli, Study guide, Table of contents, Activityguide by kathleenpelley, Heartfelt causes and effects, Storyline online presents the rainbow fish the rainbow. Given the firepower and capabilities possible with one space warship, imagine what a fleet of thousands of such warships (or more) could do against a planet. wrong). In a power system, a load curve or load profile is a chart illustrating the variation in demand/electrical load over a specific time. The rocket engines are gimbaled on short arms around the waist of the torus, where they can impart spin, forward, or angular momentum, or thrust reversal. Now, I accept the United States Navy’s wider operating environment is different in many respects from the Rebel Alliance/the Resistance. It could remain at sea for 2-3 weeks, tops. The central ship, or ships, carry maintainance & operations crews for the unmmaned weapons platforms, an enormous C4I electronics suite (communications/command/control/computers/intelligence), and a relitively small number of specialized troops for the secondary missions. Furthermore, the report cites And it’s also true that some of the writers applying the Communication between decks is provided by a pair of elevators/shafts running between decks 1 to 4, and a staircase providing access to deck 0, along with various maintenance ladderways and such (especially in engineering). Discussion Questions. Originally fielded by the UK in the early 20th Century, battlecruisers were designed to combat and destroyer slower, older armored cruisers through heavy gunfire. In effect, a ship with a “good power curve” has surplus power and will be more effective in combat. And it would be more advanced, higher-performance technology. Ships that could survive standing within the line were thus referred to as “ships of the line (of battle)” or “line-of-battle ships.” Other ships existed that were not ships of the line, and they usually had other tactics to employ and jobs to fulfill. Furthermore, using the battle riders to defend The tabletop boardgame game Godsfire was created by Lynn Willis. These systems all fight for space Not having anything better, they cobble together a carrier and attach a bunch of OPVs to it. However, the greater speed from burning a chemical, nuclear, or antimatter rocket in a single maneuver is likely a better tactical option. Now, for the final word, let’s say the United Earth Space Force defeats the Martian rebels in orbit. Long range acceleration would again be limited to around 1 g or less due to the humans, mentioned above. This is for a boardgame, after all. If the first situation is the limiting factor, then the classical laserstar will be used. The next step up is a large dedicated repairs craft. Shipping magnates including John Fredriksen, John Theodoracopoulos, Aristotle Onassis, Stavros Niarchos, Stavros George Livanos, the Goulandris brothers, and the Andreadis, Tsavliris, Achille Lauro, Grimaldi and Bottiglieri families were known to have started their fleets by buying Liberty ships. 100kg for control, 162kg for heat exchanger, 100kg for LH2, 60kg 300W RTG, 24kg for thrusters, 2kg tanks, 98kg propellant for 500m/s deltaV. expend all their delta-V in the fight, trusting that (if they win) the 15.8kW is absorbed from the laser. 'Battleship' is fairly clear in peoples' minds, so a battleship in space is an easy mental gearshift for them. If you have a stationary asset in LEO that you want to attack, you could put your battleship arbitrarily far away and attack it at will. consider not how they would shoot at each other, but what underlying This would be the attraction of nuclear weapons in space: not the explosion, which would affect just about nothing, but the burst of energetic particles and the ensuing electromagnetic storm. limited obvious bearing on war in vacuum. Gravity acceleration and four light-year pseudo-speed. Sides and rear are covered by three wide-angle sensors in scanning mode. Sustained "dogfighting" or AV:T style shoot-pivot-scoot engagements The attenuation length of cosmic rays at ground level is a bit over 100g/cm2, so 1 kJ/m2 produces a dose of about 1 gray; however, the radiation involved has a RBE of around 2, so it's about 2 Sv. Explore classroom activities, puzzles, teacher resources and … And a new class of ship, the "sea fighter" will take the fight close inshore, to deny the enemy the ability operate in shallow waters. The point is: when Traveller players start talking about the relative merits of various ships, they are not just making stuff up out of their imagination. such compromises. Armored: This is very self-explanatory and I don’t think I have to spend many words on it. We can assume there is little-to-no commonality in major components across Rebel Starfighters (even the Empire consolidated its TIE eye-ball across the Fighter and Interceptor variants). The big transports need a few words, as these classes of spacecraft will have been well established prior to the war and really are the backbone of not only the UNSF, but of all space travel in Conjunction. As mentioned in Section 2, there is no reason to place humans in battle aboard either of the first two types of craft. using high-frequency pulses of directed radiation or particles rather than ordinary radios), the simplest solution is if it instead slows down to a lesser Mach number first. unreturnable fire from the cruiser. of the PCs.). meson screen, and a high agility; with Their tactical value is unclear, since the are really just small spacecraft themselves. Take another ride on the wayback machine, to around 1400 — or 400 BC — and the battleships and cruisers blur together. But suppose we get out there, go terraform Mars, and the Martian colonists actually revolt. If an objective or mission calls for the presence of Unfortunately, battlecruisers were generally inferior to battleships, and in the Battle of Jutland this was perfectly exemplified as both navies lost battlecruisers but no battleships; the light armor of the battlecruisers made them easier targets for heavy guns. No proper naval craft or armed merchantmen existed except on the drawing board—for the in terms of mass that could otherwise For purposes of the game he wanted three different combat unit designs, each one hyper-optimized for one particular strategic doctrine. Adam D. Ruppe had this analysis. (Secure backups for the cogence core and the substrate also exist buried in the middle of the propulsion bus section.). Specialized amphibious ships were developed as the mission of projecting power ashore through troops grew more important. They might also be largely modular, more like trains than ships. In order to be considered a true carrier the vessel’s main role needs to be the transport and deployment of smaller craft (or troops; as far as I’m concerned not all carriers are extremely large and I would classify troopships and assault ships as small carriers). endurance of the fighters. A special thank you to all of you who are reading this.....it means the world to me that you would take the time to care about me and to see what is going on in my life. Mr Bloom watched curiously, kindly the lithe black form. carry with them a retinue of servants, associates, and what-not, all of This means battle riders called into a battle underway will be jumping into a known situation instead of possibly being fatally surprised. Dispersal—of computing, personnel, offensive systems, commo nodes, sensors—is going to play a much larger role than anything for which we have a maritime analog. The Last Jedi promises something not seen before – a Star Wars equivalent of a strategic heavy bomber. Good. With lasers destroying artillery shells becoming possible even now, the point defenses of distant-future space warships are not to be underestimated. Greater strategic depth is achieved by establishing bases among the Near Earth Asteroids, since they provide both the needed light elements to sustain life and industry in space, and also provide time and distance to protect deployed elements of the Space Navy from rival forces on Earth and in space. Of course, this would be used as a major force; not as a routine patrol ship. He thought the fuel scooping ability of the MacArthur was a good idea. Somebody Loves You Mr Hatch - Displaying top 8 worksheets found for this concept.. However, the number available might well be strictly limited, forcing the builder to start from scratch. Mass 7.9 tons. We have the fighter-plane engagements of Star Wars, the subdued, two-dimensional naval combat in Star Trek, the Newtonian planes of Battlestar Galactica, the staggeringly furious energy exchanges of the combat wasps in Peter Hamilton’s books, and the use of antimatter rocket engines themselves as weapons in other sci-fi. Oddly enough, all three of these avenues initially lead to fighter-type craft, despite their long-term problems. Director Rian Johnson said The Last Jedi will use Twelve O’Clock High as a ‘touchstone’ for its combat scenes, and the B/SF-17 name is a nice callback to the B-17 Flying Fortresses that featured in the 1949 film. As a frigate, the Drake-class is built around its main gun, which occupies the axis of the ship and thus the center of the deck. It uses a monolithic cone of DLC. When oared warships grew sturdy enough to be Victor’s ship was designed to function adequately as an atmosphere Are the electric lasers solid state devices, But while we’re talking about focused energy weapons, lets just go with a tool that we already use to cut sheet metal on Earth: lasers. be added. Aircraft carriers, and ships designed to counter the air threat (the Atlanta and Iowa classes) appeared. battleship. battle riders are, contrary to current Tail-lift shuttles. carried by a warship is determined not You chuck big ol’ spears, aerodynamically shaped so they stay on target and don’t burn up in the atmosphere, onto ground targets and watch gravitational potential energy turn into kinetic energy and excavate you a brand-new crater. Robotic systems are cheap compared to the cost of spacecraft, they don't require heavy and expensive life support, and no letters saying 'We deeply regret' need to be sent to their families. This is due to their extremely obvious design; a very large, flat deck suitable for landing and deploying aircraft. Now, when talking about targeting the ground with a particle beam, it's worth noting that cosmic rays not only attenuate on hitting atmosphere, they scatter. For those kinetistars that use rail/coilguns as their main armament, the purpose and general design of the vessel will be the same as that of a laserstar, with obvious changes due to the nature of the main armament. Tyr and the Marquis’ ship had a combined firepower perhaps equal chemfuel engines for a brief fast burn or two. The real-world explanation for why we’ve yet to see a heavy bomber is the same as the story-telling reason – small ships in Star Wars can take the guided munitions where they need to go. People can relate to a 'battleship' or 'carrier' in a way that a 'system control ship' or 'parasite (craft) tender' do not relate. orbit lift, but if suitably equipped and fully refueled in orbit Practices such as plagiarism are completely prohibited and are completely rate in the organization. Alternatively, comparable firepower to the preceding might also be obtained with another weapons system like a laser array instead. This is not to say that no smaller vessels would exist. The beam is unaffected by weather and sufficiently penetrates the mass shielding of the atmosphere, despite it being 10 metric tons per square meter. You can use this option as many times as you see fit. However, sci-fi lexicon also seems to borrow the term from the concept of amphibious assaults. If it closes to 100km, it takes 115532mm. placed shots, The mother ship cannot A missile just has to do one burn to the target. The Hohmann patrol has a problem in that if a problem occurs in front of the ship, they really can't do much but chase after offending ship. Typically, though not always, their hull-mounted armaments are light; carriers usually rely on the large numbers of fighters they carry (when operating solo) or their fleet for defense and attack of other ships. Cruiser roles in the late 20th Century included anti-air defense, shore bombing, and commerce raiding, depending on the navy. This should ensure the availability of communications modules, which can be attached to the vessel. Failing to take out any targets leads to a 24803mm penetration flyby. But if the rest of the navy is beaten, the capital ships can still operate. A good Corvettes could also be used for taking out larger vessels already crippled by other ships, almost making them akin to scavengers. Power curves, yeah, uh-huh, created by a non-scientist, probably not D.C. Fontana, but by a script editor or Roddenberry. Without having seen The Force Awakens yet, we can expect to see a major shakeup of the power balance in the Galactic Civil War after a sustained 30-year conflict (which will take at least two more films to resolve). The radioisotopes emitting the most initial radiation are those with the largest fraction of their atoms decaying per unit time. Superdreadnoughts, while sometimes referring to particularly large dreadnought classes, more typically refer to ships falling in the dreadnought type by mass, while using much of their internal volume for specialized systems: typical examples would include the command superdreadnought, the information-warfare superdreadnought, the anti-RKV superdreadnought, and so forth. Depending on the political situation, command ships might be far larger than then battle vessels. This was a speedy, agile warship with quick guns designed to chew up torpedo boats. We will never resell your papers to anyone and you will buy an essay that has never been presented in another university. whatever its size, has so far proven Specific The U.N. Customs Authority had immediately announced that, should a ship refuse a board-and-search For the same reason that we have Space Shuttle launch delays, we’ll be able to tell exactly what trajectories our enemies could take between planets: the launch window. Mars looks at what had happened and decides that they don't want Earth meddling in their affairs. Because there are so many possibilities, It's something to think about. To create a spaceship, one or more units are connected, and a nuclear thermal rocket (NTR) is attached. They are the purest of all naval vessels in function, existing simply to counteract each other in the battlespace of major fleet actions, or to own the volume of space they can dominate if not opposed; the ultimate argument of star navies. Generation companies use this information to plan how much power they will need to generate at any given time. As I mentioned earlier, frigates and corvettes really are very similar in their designs and roles; frigates just tend to be larger (and thus more expensive to build) and had more firepower, so they could engage in direct combat more effectively. The ship could NOT change in one turn to state A0/D67/M33 because there is no single arrow connecting the two. Because of the nature of lasers, it is significantly more efficient to make use of a single large laser mirror then to use two mirrors of the same total area. In that case, a quickly-lethal 0.01 TJ to 1 TJ shot can be up to about 1.1-km to 11-km in diameter. The biggest potential challenge with this is arrangement is that all elements of a fleet will either waste part of their performance, or have to be of the same mass. They called it "power curves". fact that it has a jump drive, for which complete missiles. Solar-orbit Weapons would obviously be added, along with their associated control equipment. Since their low speed and weak defenses render them vulnerable “glass cannons”, they are typically operated as part of a task force including close-in point-defense cruisers, and only brought up once opposing fleets and mobile defenses have been cleared away; however, in their specialty role of cracking hardened fixed bases, they’re unequalled. Finn Christopher Hudson was a major character on Glee.. Without gravity, these issues are not quite as severe, but they still appear. Whew. development from radar technology, you could also use them for And you no doubt have patrol/inspection craft, manned and fairly small, to put boots in the airlock when called for. vote for embargo. However, scaling it up in size reduces the power per volume and power per area so it won’t melt when activated. Unlike PDFs, an AG can land in a planet region that contains hostile units. For instance, the Nimitz Class nuclear aircraft carrier USS Nimitz is practically identical to the Nimitz Class nuclear aircraft carrier USS Carl Vinson. Since the Camazotz is twice as long it ...", "I know exponents, you moron. For every planet in the game there is a specific planet map. time at its objective and then return home if necessary will have a The compromise was not Avionics represent 2% of dry mass, excluding armor. analysis of the relative merits of battle built. (ed. Incidentally. Assuming our ship is 200M long, that means the radiator wing is 5 kilometers long. So while that corvette may be a cruiser as far as the alien race is concerned, what’s important is that the species that built it considers it a corvette. Control center resembles fighter jet cockpit and masses 1050kg. You can't really target a region smaller than about 100 meters radius (31,000 m2). friendly forces by shooting down incoming missiles. Such men can The ITC study contradicts this Mr. Spock tries to identify the make and model of the ship by scanning its quote "power utilization curve" unquote, but fails. The fuel pellets, comprising most of the craft's mass, occupy the main cavity of the torus, surrounding the vulnerable crew like so many tons of gravel. In the Age of Sail “cruiser” was a term used to describe ships which underwent “cruising missions;” that is independent scouting, raiding, and commerce protection missions. Battle Fleet Main Units include Dreadnoughts, Battleships, Battlecruisers, Heavy Cruisers, Light Cruisers, Escort Cruisers, Anti-aircraft ships, Destroyer Leaders, Destroyers, Submarines, Submarine Minelayers, Minelayers, Aircraft Carriers, and Aircraft. This role doesn't really apply in space. In the light of these unusual features, and of its emergence after the case of Sarine v. Galactic Volumetric Registry, the true purpose of the corvette becomes clear. I think some of this is unavoidable. it had in the eighteenth, because both sides had to agree to over an extended period of time? He would have Still more so for a battleship. What this says is a ship in state A50/D0/M0 can jump to state A0/D100/M0 in just one turn. While most of the strip's "actors" are pronounced drug-free by the lab tests, Bill the Cat is revealed to have 139 ounces of Brazilian cocaine in his body, yet is recommended only for probation due to being "not expendable." and boarding returned. a large cruiser is generally sufficient Some of the tankage is retained to hold the reaction mass for the NTR; for logistical reasons the preferred reaction mass would be LOX from lunar sources. For perspective, car engines of today are sometimes hundreds of kW of mechanical power per ton (i.e. For example, take a IIC. (This is, as far as I know, one of the things that distinguishes a CG {guided missile cruiser} from a DDG {guided missile destroyer} - they're built on nearly identical hulls, but the CG has less firepower and more "keep track of what's going on" gear.). Even though the earliest interplanetary exploration, in the late 20th century CE, made extensive use of automated, crewless spacecraft, these seldom appear as Combat Spacecraft. If this looks like it could be a maintenance nightmare, let me reassure you — yes, yes it is. Paul Montgomery Crabaugh reported Shipping magnates including, (military ships max out at 5 light-years a day), (as it says above, the cruiser devotes about twice as much space to armaments), (The protagonists have three ships: the destroyer R.N.S Victor, the small gun-boat Hand of Tyr and the gunboat Patrick Henry.). Deploying air and ground versions of robotic recon drones could help give further targeting information. which have been borne out in practice. Thus it is argued that a 70,000-ton He … Frigate captains rarely want to, though. The sensors might or might not be readily available. mount the same spinal weapon as Other exceptions to the naming rule were SS Stage Door Canteen, named for the USO club in New York, and SS U.S.O., named after the organization itself. The analogy is traditional and 'natural,' and even in the rocketpunk era it easily turned back occasional efforts to model the Space Force after the Air Force. As a general rule I would be bold enough to claim that star cruisers are equivalent to battlecruisers, and named as such because space. The T-70 will have to soldier on, but I predict the Resistance will come into Episodes VIII and IX with a brand new Starfighter type to face this re-surging conflict. of starship design. Each time a Carrier Strike Group goes to sea, it attempts to bring sufficient spares and workforce for the term of its voyage, but is otherwise reliant on C-2 Greyhound carrier on-board delivery aircraft; or port visits, which themselves are connected to a logistical pipeline supported by shore-based aircraft. It is held in a balloon 42m tall and 78.5m wide. During 1 duty cycle we produce 800 GJ of waste heat from the weapon. Say that an enemy war force (of whatever composition) is on orbit from Mars to Ceres, and Earth wants to send a force to intercept it. and more acceleration, all reducing its lower orbits with its laser firepower and long endurance. Even though some regions produce the wrong kind of military unit and other cannot produce military units at all. Thus, the larger a spacecraft becomes, the lower and lower its acceleration inevitably becomes. This requires 34201.4 tons of water. 1. Which leads us to the second major effect on Traveller spacecraft combat. The Galactic Cruiser Leif Ericson was originally a plastic model that came out in 1968. But Earth was rapidly losing points on the Moon. There were few Settlement spacecraft harassed while entering or leaving Deep-space ships, chemfuel. Not to mention all the expensive Lanthanum required for a jump drive. When it comes time to attack a Death Star, crews fly one or two-person ships because the ‘hero’s journey’ of the Star Wars plot can more easily narrow its focus on the individual. Our mother ship would be a pair of fat discs, each duplicating the other's repair functions in case one is damaged. However, even at 1g constant acceleration (which would probably not be used due to fuel concerns anyway), an Earth to Mars trip could be measured in mere days. Now, a little more on what I mean by frigate. None of them designed from the ground up to be combat vehicles. Consider 10% of the mass of a 100,000-ton warship being a beam weapon, with the maximum energy it could fire per shot or in a second being somewhere between 0.01 TJ and 1 TJ. In such conditions, the faster ship will be the one also with bigger and better weapons; engine performance will tie directly to range and breath of energy and field weapons. If it is used in a fusion reactor it means the smallest tramp freighter in Traveller in one jump burns 20 tons of hydrogen producing 380,000 megawatt-years of power, or about 160% of the energy the US produces in a single year. leisurely catches up to it again, and again, until the target is out deployed with the main battle fleets, A patrol mission implies that the craft will have a crew, and probably some sort of boarding team. rider on a mission is to send a mother Internal water tank mass is 1% of water mass. As with just about any military force, the role of the craft would be tailored to the tactical operations required, so the Space Force would probably include several sizes of craft. A destroyer has 300 Gravity The role they fulfill is exactly like a battleship or battlecruiser; complete dominance and superiority. What do we do to hit them on the ground? Note that all of this has only addressed the origins of space forces from scratch on colonies. They typically have outrageous accelerations measured in hundreds of gs, so they are probably handwavium reactionless drives which also have handwavium anti-acceleration to prevent the crew from being squished into raspberry jam. and that all decisions had a time limit, so players were working under Both trailers for the film have shown the ‘Resistance Bomber’, a ship which appears significantly larger than your 12.48-metre-long T-70 X-Wing; but probably a touch smaller than the 126-metre-long Corellian Corvette. Second, he assumes a future need to be able to "surge" orbital military hardware at times. been by temperament, even if his job did not necessitate it. Only two operational Liberty ships, SS John W. Brown and SS Jeremiah O'Brien, remain. Thus, in broad (and sketchy) outline we have a picture of space forces that has little in common with traditional naval fleets. After entering the hostile system the battle riders detach and leap into battle with the hostile local system defense boats (or even better, with the hostile combat starships). It uses the classic belly-lander arrangement because it’s considered possible to land a frigate planetside, or at least small-planet-side, or operate in atmosphere. I typically see it as 27.5% maneuver, 27.5% defense, 27.5% offense, 15% strategic endurance and 2.5% command & control. In practice, the argument goes, when you’re in the furball – well, million-degree drive plasma provides a poor approach vector even for a kinetic weapon, and when you’re not – well, just watch where you point your kilt, okay?). Since the total mass of all the battle craft is about equal to that of the unencumbered mother ship, the big ship can maneuver itself much more easily when the kids get off mama's back. While not as efficient as liquid Hydrogen, LOX is easily available from regolith, can be boosted at low expense from the moon, can be stored for long periods of time in orbit (since it is a "soft cryogen"), and also doubles as an emergency source of breathing oxygen for the crew. So, its angular velocity is three times that of the acceleration of the battleship. His thrust must provide the centripetal acceleration, so we can use that as our starting point. It is about 10x the mass, from my impression, of the largest type (DiGleria?) Destroyers were originally designed as, and named, torpedo boat destroyers, but at some point became referred to simply as destroyers when their roles expanded. The tender ships carrying conventional weapons will probably also be automated. (Armies in SPAAACE !!!) In one of the game player magazines devoted to the game, somebody tried to adapt the Trek concept of Power Utilization Curves to the game. We were able to discuss animal rights, animal abuse, protesting, relationships and bonding between animals and humans alike. We'll give it reactor-powered rockets, fed with pellets of solid fuel which is exhausted as vapor. Division = same as a Flotilla except operating as part of a Fleet. Aircraft carriers, like destroyers, are very modern classifications. data as you take damage and make repairs. delta-V of the nuke-electric craft seems to make them serve a role

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