Join the dangers and driving. The except for america. Like with any persuasive essay, there are three important elements to consider: your audience, your purpose, and the benefits of your position. Was that one text worth this pain? Majority of such drivers think that driving while texting is a unique skill that can only be traced among few individuals. Some studies show that nearly two to three thirds use cell phones while driving (Cultural Change Is Needed to Stop Teens from Texting While Driving). Another easy, yet, lifesaving substitute to texting and driving is simply putting the phone in an area where the driver knows they would have difficulty reaching while using the car.…, Not only can the driver cause an accident but he/she can also injure the person in their passenger seat, or someone close to them. These essays could be of various types like argumentative, expository or critical. Anything can happen when the driver looks down to grab their phone. From simple essay plans, through to full dissertations, you can guarantee we have a service perfectly matched to your needs. There are many websites you can visit to get information, such as the CDC, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, and the Texting and Driving Safety website. Because everyone knows texting while driving is dangerous, it’ll probably be a persuasive essay. Drivers can ensure they don’t end up destroying malls and causing 20-car pileups with one simple solution—not texting and driving. 4 Pages 1117 Words March 2015. Example: Anyone who is caught texting while driving should have to pay, at minimum, a $250 fine. Every thirty minutes someone gets killed because of those who drive while intoxicated. Free【 Essay on Texting While Driving 】- use this essays as a template to follow while writing your own paper. Learn the new georgia prohibits all adults and many say that texting while driving. Texting while driving can cause otherwise smart individuals to become so distracted that they drive their cars into malls and put hundreds of people in danger. The attention paid to the road while driving is very important. If texting while driving is so dangerous, people should consider all its negative consequences before engaging in it. You weren’t paying attention to how to write essays most effectively and, instead, just wrote whatever came naturally. You’re cruising through your writing class just fine. Tougher laws may be alluring as a deterrent to this behavior, but according to the data in this study, 96 % of respondents knew it was against the law but continued to text and drive anyway (Quisenberry). View our services. Check out these example texting while driving essays for inspiration: The Negative Effects of Texting While Driving, An Introduction to the Issue of Texting and Driving, A Report on Road Accidents Caused by the Use of Cell Phones While Driving, The Negative Effects of the Use of Cellular Phones While Driving, (Note: The above essays vary by format, but they’ll serve as good fodder for finding the angle you want to take in your own texting while driving essay.). Along with her BS in marketing from Florida State University and MA in museum studies from Johns Hopkins University, she has spent the past 7 years learning how best to reach and teach people using the power of words. Injuries are also a big common thing when it comes to accidents caused by texting and driving. However, this also includes texting back a friend while driving. Not only were the families of the victims deeply affected by this travesty, but as well as the young twenty-two year old man as well.  The Dangers of Texting While Driving Over the past few years, texting while driving has become a major issue for many Americans across the country. They’ll make sure it flows well and make any needed suggestions for changes to ensure it doesn’t end up a mess like this: Psst... 98% of Kibin users report better grades! 2017 mortality statistics and driving. This habit of texting while driving has been perceived by majority o… Texting while driving is said to be as dangerous as drunk driving. Texting while driving is said to be as dangerous as drunk driving. In rare cases, it might be an argumentative essay in which you have to choose a side for or against texting while driving. You have been paralyzed from the waist down. Like any other paper, this essay has its own structure. Though this powerful service has many benefits, it has also created several important negative issues as well. Think about why people text while they drive, and then offer some alternatives that are still suitable solutions to their needs. It’s time for those on the road to put down their cellphones while they are behind the wheel. You need to show you mean business with this statement, so be clear. I say “almost” because the final thing to check is how recent the statistics are. At Issue. If you finish and want another set of eyes to look it over, send your essay to one of the Kibin editors. More than 100 000 essay samples Get a 100% Unique paper from best writers. Texting while driving is one danger many do not realize until something drastic happens. Write an essay on teacher in english case study on hotel industry. Well, good! The invention and subsequent use of the text message has redefined the way in which an entire generation communicates with each other. The main thing to keep in mind when choosing your sources is whether they’re credible. "Texting While Driving Is as Dangerous as Drunk Driving." It is the responsibility of all drivers to understand the power they have behind the wheel and that they can easily take a human life or destroy someone else’s property. Texting and driving is a growing trend, so statistics from 2013 are already outdated. I believe that cell phones can be addictive because they can be a distraction, people get on their phone instead of their family and/or lover, and people are on their phone while driving. I quiet agree with my opponents that driving while intoxicated is an important issue, but I still insist that texting while driving is more dangerous.…. That means you must convince your reader not to text and drive. The use of cell phones while driving can cause harm to individuals, as well as themselves, because they are not paying attention, their reaction time is decreased and they are unable to correctly operate a vehicle. Maybe you even do it yourself. Some passengers are hesitant to say anything, especially if the driver intimidates him or her.

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