No. Reports is taken to this sort of standardization to ensure that all respondents reply to the same set of questions. Copyright © 2021. Research Methodology Methods and Techniques by C.R. In a big inquiry, the significance of the survey is felt very much to analyze the main theme of the information through the questionnaire. The following type of questions should generally be avoided as opening questions in a questionnaire; Questions that put too great a strain on the memory or intellect of the respondent. It is free from the bias of the interviewer; answers are in respondents’ own words. Should be con-create and should conform as much as possible to the respondent’s way of thinking. Again in the questionnaire the researcher is not present in the field. Which of the following is TRUE? Brief and Limited Questionnaire: The number of questions in a schedule should be brief and limited as possible. Harun Ar Rashid, User Education | Methods of User Education | Levels of User Education, Information Need | Types, Levels & Components of Information Need | Information need based on sense making approach, Difference between Traditional and Digital Library. The respondents have to answer the questions on their own. This preview shows page 2 - 5 out of 6 pages. When  the population  is divided  into mutually exclusive sets, and  then  a simple random. Chapter 11: Designing the Questionnaire 12. For instance, if one question deals with the price usually paid for coffee and the next with the reason for preferring that particular brand, the answer to this latter question may be couched largely in terms of price differences. The response  rate of a survey  is the proportion  of all people who  were selected  but did, A telephone  interview  is usually inexpensive method  of data collection, but it is also less. Click again to collapse.PART A: PRINCIPLES AND PLANNING FOR RESEARCH1. Harun Ar Rashid | May 9, 2020 | Research Methodology | 0 |. Limit the possible choices. This helps the respondents feel comfortable. Information Retrieval | Elements or Components of Infor... Research | Objectives of Research | Types of Research | Characteristics of Research, Sampling Design | Types of Sampling Design | Advantages of Probability Sampling | Disadvantages of Probability Sampling. A questionnaire consists of a number of questions printed or typed in a definite order a form or set of forms. a. Spelling and grammatical errors. a) The questionnaire and questions should be kept as short as possible. ADVERTISEMENTS: (d) Questions involving calculations should be avoided. So here the respondent does not get a chance to clarify his doubt. should convey only one thought at a time. It is a highly specialized job and following points should be borne in mind: 1. true. “A questionnaire is a research instrument consisting of a series for the purpose of gathering information from respondents” (Wikipedia), “A questionnaire is a list of a research or survey questions asked to respondents and designed to extract specific information” (Business Dictionary), “A questionnaire is a structured form, either written or printed, consists of a formalized set of questions designed to collect information or some subject or subjects form one or more respondents” (Business Jargons). The question-sequence must be clearly and smoothly-moving, meaning thereby that the relation of one question to another should be readily apparent to the respondent, with questions that are easiest to answer being put in the beginning. Answer: A . Look at research as a blank canvas. There is also the possibility of ambiguous replies. The following type of questions should generally be avoided as opening questions in a questionnaire; Following the opening questions, we should have questions that are really vital to the research problem and a connection thread should run through successive questions. Brief and Limited Questionnaire: The number of questions in a schedule should be brief and limited as possible. Damaged skin Yes. All of the above should be avoided. In designing a questionnaire, demographic and open-ended questions must be avoided. 2. d. A clear and simple writing style. d. A clear and simple writing style. Only relevant questions to the problem under investigation should be added. Which type of questions should be avoided on a questionnaire? Which of the following statements is correct in questionnaire design? Low rate of return of the duly filled in questionnaires; bias due to no-response is often indeterminate. c) Leading questions must be avoided. Take the quiz to test your understanding of the key concepts covered in the chapter. Questions of a personal character. The questionnaire should deal with an important or significant topic to create interest among respondents. Researchers can also pretest the following: flow, order, skip … 26. “Wouldn’t you  agree that foreign  cars are better than  American  cars?” is an example  of. Quite often questionnaire is considered as the heart of a survey operation. Smaller questionnaires that do not appear crowded are better at securing cooperation than larger ones.   Privacy ANSWER: T 16. This method is likely to be the slowest of all. The questionnaire should be kept as short as possible, and the questions themselves should also be kept short. The questions should not be complex. There are certain negative points which should be avoided as far as possible. The temptation to hurry over them, using just a convenience sample, should be avoided. There is a low cast even when the universe is large and is widely spread geographically. No. One is about plans and one is about performance. Question: UCHOS Question 38 Which Of The Following Is Most Accurate Regarding The Pretest Of The Questionnaire? (e) If to be sent by post, a request letter along with humble instructions should be written in the beginning. b. The questionnaire should not be too long. 4. Artificial fingernails Yes. d) All of the above are correct statements. Which of the following must be avoided in designing a questionnaire a, 3 out of 3 people found this document helpful. It should be designed to collect information that can be used subsequently as data for analysis. It should be as short as possible but should be comprehensive. Following these six basic rules will certainly help you develop a more reliable and valid questionnaire. Which of the following should be avoided in writing a report? 3. Questions that put too great a strain on the memory or intellect of the respondent. b) A mixture of dichotomous, multiple-choice, and open-ended questions may be used. b. Questionnaire design should be started by considering the objectives of the survey and the required output, and then devising a list of questions to accurately obtain this information. The more data you gather, the clearer the painting becomes. It should be attractive. Tell your respondents how the questionnaire should be answered. sample is drawn  from each set, this is called: Which of the following  is an example of nonsampling  errors? These tips however, are just the basics as there is a significant number of issues to be considered that contribute to a well-designed questionnaire. Proceed with the experiment because you can address the issues during your statistical analysis . The first few questions are particularly important because they are likely to influence the attitude of the respondent and in seeking his desired co-operation. Which of the following statements is not true concerning surveys? Other things to be aware of… 5.1 Multiple questions should be avoided: For example, the following should actually be two different questions. Hence it should be very carefully constructed. A well-designed questionnaire should make it easy for respondents to give the necessary information and for the interviewer to record the answer, and it should be arranged so that sound analysis and interpretation are possible. A clear structure. Questions should also be impartial in order not to give a biased picture of the true state of affairs. 1. Simple and Clear: The questions should be simple, clear and precise. 2. In the case where the experimental groups and the control groups are not equivalent, which of the following should not be used to address this issue? For example, instead of asking if they’d buy a new pink button down shirt with a unique collar, ask if they like to wear the color pink or if they like the type of collar you’re considering. Respondents, who are not easily approachable, can also be reached conveniently. Structured questionnaires may also be fixed alternative questions in which represents the informants that are limited to the stated alternatives. According to the text, a conversational style should be avoided when writing interviewer-administered questionnaires. Try testing yourself before you read the chapter to see where your strengths and weaknesses are, then test yourself again once you’ve read the chapter to see how well you’ve understood.Tip: Click on each link to expand and view the content. Personal questions should be avoided. The questions are presented with exactly the same wording and in the same order to all respondents. Five Predicable & Tree of Porphyry of Library Classification, Objectives & Functions of Notation | Qualities of Notation. All this information gives marketers the capability to create new strategies and to follow trends in your audience.Analyzing data and building reports can be used to generate predictions and even create benchmarks for follow-up questions or questionnaires. In most cases, the following months should be avoided when mailing questionnaires: November, December, January which type of question should be avoided on a questionnaire? e) None of these. Allow them to contact you for any concerns or clarifications. It is a highly specialized job and following points should be borne in mind: 1. We have already covered what you should include in a good questionnaire, and now we will list of of the things to be avoided so as to improve the quality of your questions. It can be used only when respondents are educated and cooperating. ANSWER: F 17. Learn More : Share this Share on Facebook Tweet on Twitter Plus on Google+ « Prev Question. Putting two questions in one question also should be avoided. iii. It may be helpful to record field notes onto highly structured forms created prior to the beginning of the study. ii. ADVERTISEMENTS: 2. a. short items b. contingency questions c. ambiguous questions No. questionnaire to ensure that your questionnaire works. While preparing the questionnaire following points should keep in mind : 1. Then on the basis of the results obtained pretest (testing before final use) operations from the use of unstructured questionnaires, one can construct a structured questionnaire for use in the main study. It is also beneficial to pretest the questionnaire with specialists in question construction, who may be able to pick up potential difficulties which might not be revealed in a pretest with respondents. The researcher should consider not numbering the questions sequentially. Double negatives in questions should be avoided. Question Sequence: In order to make the questionnaire effective and to ensure quickly to the replies received, a researcher should pay attention to the sequence of the questions in preparing the questionnaire. This fact requires us to a study the three main aspects of a questionnaire which are being; i. Succinct. a. surveys are high on reliability b. surveys are low on reliability c. surveys are high on generalizability d. surveys are low on validity 27. Question formulation and wording: With regard to this aspect of the questionnaire, the researcher should note that each question must be very clear for any sort of misunderstanding can do irreparable harm to a survey. There are following types of questionnaires: Computer questionnaire. To what extent does your Line Manager keep you informed about new plans and business performance. Self-administered  questionnaires  usually  have  a  high  response  rate  and  may  have  a. relatively high number  of correct responses. Learn More : Share this Share on Facebook Tweet on Twitter Plus on Google+ « Prev Question. Posted by Md. It would keep the interview brief and to the point and be so arranged that the respondent(s) remain interested throughout the interview. Structured questionnaires are those questionnaires in which there are definite and predetermined questions. The opening questions should be such as to arouse human interest. 21 Related Question Answers Found What are the different types of questionnaires? How to Publish a Research Paper in Reputed Journals? Large samples can be made use of and thus the results can be made more deplorable and reliable. 2. c. A clear storyline. c. The first pretest should uncover any problems with question wording or question sequence. Interesting. It is difficult to know whether willing respondents are truly representative. a. Spelling and grammatical errors. Which of the following  must be avoided  in designing  a questionnaire? General Form: So far as the general form of a questionnaire is concerned, it can either be structured or unstructured questionnaire. Only relevant questions to the problem under investigation should be added. If it is not properly set up, then the survey is bound to fail. Difficulty: Moderate) Page: 303 157. Course Hero is not sponsored or endorsed by any college or university. 7. personal and  has a lower expected  response rate. A 95 percent confidence interval for average wage rates in a random sample of 40 workers is developed. To draft a questionnaire, we have to take following steps: 1. The respondents can answer quickly, correctly and clearly. Questions should be constructive with a view to their forming a logical part of a well thought out tabulation plan. Your pretests should also include any questions you borrowed from other similar surveys, even if they have already been pretested, because meaning can be affected by the particular context of your survey. Use simple language. All Rights Reserved in Library & Information Management | ❤️ Designed by Md. The researcher should feel free to use open-ended questions in order to broaden response. Questions related to personal wealth etc. Instead, questionnaires should be used to collect more general information - qualitative or quantitative data - regarding features and preferences. The following are characteristics of good questionnaires: It should consist of a well-written list of questions. It should seek only that data which cannot be obtained from other sources. The number of questions should be as minimum as possible. Various unknown abbreviations, multi meaning words should be avoided by the researcher, because these may be known to the researcher but respondent may not understand it. Respondents may come from different backgrounds, it’s important to keep your questions as relatable as possible. Simple and Clear: The questions should be simple, clear and precise. Kothari.   Terms. Respondents have adequate time to give well thought out answers. Regular use of a hand cream Yes. The series of questions should move from general to specific. When designing a questionnaire, it is equally important to know what should be avoided. Structured questionnaires are sample to administer and relatively inexpensive to analyze and unstructured questionnaires may be used effectively. the questions should be phrased in such a way that the respondent understands the objective of the question. 8.5 DEVELOPMENT OF A QUESTIONNAIRE There are nine steps involve d in the development of a que stionnaire- In general, all questions should meet the following standards; Concerning the form of questions, we can talk about two principal forms, viz multiple-choice question and the open-end question. Every question should seek to obtain only one specific information It should avoid annoying or embarrassing questions. * To be completed by the data manager. One thing that seems to promote respondent cooperation is physically numbering the questions on a questionnaire. Answer: A. Which of the following best represents what your author has to say about guidelines for developing a questionnaire in a foreign language? Which of the following should be avoided, as associated with increased likelihood of colonisation of hands with harmful germs? Hypothetical questions should be avoided in questionnaires. Reliable. Wearing jewellery Yes. Questionnaires offer actionable data. Through the questionnaire method of data collection is quite popular, particularly in the case of big inquires. A clear structure. b. A valid questionnaire should ask what it intends to ask, i.e. No. The merits claimed on behalf of this method are as follows; The main demerits of this system can be listed here; At last, we can say that it is always advisable to conduct the survey for testing the questionnaires. Answer: (e) ???? a. A proper sequence of questions reduces considerably the chances of individual questions being understood. Form the above definitions we can say that a questionnaire is a list of questions which basically consists of the demand of survey in specific fields. Copyright © 2019-2021. Research Methodology-Sampling Design by Chinmay Rout. d. Should be simple i.e. When designing self-administered questionnaires: Skip patterns should be avoided as they could confuse the respondent. (c) It should be assured to the informant that answers will be kept top secret. Which of the following  statements is correct in questionnaire design? Thank you very much for your time! The control over the questionnaire may be lost once it is sent. Which of the following should be avoided in writing a report? false Collecting demographic information that can be used in direct mail campaigns is mentioned in the text as a specific objective of a questionnaire. It is being adopted by private individuals, research workers, private and public organizations, and even by governments. For questions where answers are readily provided, avoid making a long list. Course Hero, Inc. The simplest method  of collecting data is by direct observation. c. A clear storyline. We strongly recommend you carry out a “pre-test” with a

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