Rhinorrhea (runny nose) that is clear and watery may be the first sign of cerebrospinal fluid rhinorrhea. Other signs and symptoms may include: It's important to realize that these symptoms also occur in many other, more common conditions and should be evaluated by an otolaryngologist (ear, nose, throat specialist or ENT) if they are not easily explained or do not clear up on their own in a week or so. Balloon sinuplasty, also known as balloon catheter dilation surgery, is a procedure to clear blocked sinuses. My surgery went off without a hitch and there were no long-term side-effects. Cerebrospinal fluid leak and meningitis associated with nasal continuous positive airway pressure therapy, Drainage increases while leaning forward with head down, Β-2 transferrin assay (laboratory test on nasal drainage) to confirm that the substance is in fact CSF, Radioactive pledget scanning is an imaging test that can be rather time-consuming and involves inserting medical cotton in your nose and ears followed by a lumbar puncture, Intrathecal fluorescein can be used to both identify CSF leaks and to surgically repair them. Postnasal drip is a condition where thin nasal secretions drip in the back of the throat, leading to a sore throat, coughing and an upset stomach, according to the American Academy of Otolaryngology 1. They are typically used when medications alone are not enough to treat chronic sinus infections. DISCHARGE INSTRUCTIONS: Seek care immediately if: You have trouble breathing. Chronic sinus drainage is the result of hay fever, chronic sinusitis or physical complications 3. Your heart is beating fast or has an irregular rhythm. Chest. Before the surgery, I found sinus rinses didn’t work very well. Chronic sinus drainage manifests itself in two ways: a runny nose or postnasal drip. You have severe pain. Cleveland Clinic. could it be sinus? This surgery is relatively new, having been approved by the Food and Drug Administration in 2005. Sinus was elevated. In less modern times, you would wake up from your surgery to find that, in order to avoid having blood run down from your nose to your mouth, the doctor packed your nose with gauze, which you would later remove and unfortunately discover is a painful task. These include: Recovery periods from sinus surgery can range from a few weeks to a couple of months. Sign up for our Health Tip of the Day newsletter, and receive daily tips that will help you live your healthiest life. Cleveland Clinic. Basic principals of treatment after surgery are essentially the same as the pre-surgical treatment: To ensure adequate drainage from the sinuses. John Carew, MD, is board-certified in otolaryngology-head and neck surgery. It will be bloody at first, but will turn clear and lessen as you heal. Sinus irrigations – which are more thorough rinses using a bottle system. I am 13 months post rhinoplasty that involved straightening my septum and reducing the size of my nose. Verywell Health uses only high-quality sources, including peer-reviewed studies, to support the facts within our articles. I had a LOT of bloody discharge after the surgery for close to two weeks, which the surgeons assured me was normal. A 2x2 gauze pad folded under the nostrils and held in place with a strip of paper tape or folded surgical mask is sufficient. You have red streaks on the skin around your nose. If typical sinus remedies aren’t working well, your ENT may suggest sinus drainage surgery. Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) rhinorrhea is the medical term for a rare condition in which the fluid that normally cushions the brain and spinal cord, cerebrospinal fluid, runs from the nose. If you have packing material and splints in your nose, make sure they stay in place. Symptoms. I was able to work from home within a few days, and my long-term total recovery took about 4 weeks. Salty or metallic taste in the mouth1 3. By inserting the endoscope into your nose, your surgeon can reach the nasal canal and sinus cavities directly. Read our, Medically reviewed by Nicholas R. Metrus, MD, Medically reviewed by Benjamin F. Asher, MD, Medically reviewed by William Truswell, MD, Medically reviewed by Jonathan Cluett, MD, Verywell Health uses cookies to provide you with a great user experience. This happens when an abnormal path is inadvertently created between the subarachnoid space of the brain and the nasal sinus cavities, which can be caused by a variety of factors including surgery and trauma. CT showed no sinus pathology. This is normal; your sinuses need to drain all the mucus that they produce. After the surgery, performing a daily sinus rinse and using an air purifier solved my sinus problems almost entirely. Before considering surgery, I’d recommend trying sinus rinses and getting an air purifier. Very small leaks may only require bed rest and medication to resolve. By using Verywell Health, you accept our, Here’s What You Need to Know About the Vomer, Sinus Surgery: Everything You Need to Know, Cerebrospinal Fluid Rhinorrhea Causes and Symptoms, What Is Functional Endoscopic Sinus Surgery, Maxillary Antrostomy Is a Common Endoscopic Sinus Surgery, Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) leak: diagnosis and tests. Talk to your doctor about what’s best for you.[/box]. Attached at one end of it is a small balloon. This test may be done before any treatment in order to determine the baseline function. What I can tell you is that one of the potential complications from sinus surgery, or some of the different nasal surgeries (such as a septoplasty) is something called a CSF (cerebrospinal fluid) leak. Since the rhinoplasty I have had a near constant runny nose with discharge that has some blood mixed in. Sinus drainage is a natural process, so a person cannot prevent it. Surgery can improve drainage and relieve many sinus symptoms. "clear runny discharge...nose not congested. Your doctor will tell you when it is safe to restart this medicine. Thankfully, since the implementation of seat belt laws, the incidence of CSF rhinorrhea caused by trauma has also declined. A runny nose is excess nasal drainage. What is the treatment for a cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) leak? Rhinorrhea actually refers to a thin, mostly clear nasal discharge. Clear fluid comes out of your nose when you bend your head forward. During this appointment, you may be asked to perform a Smell Identification Test to determine if there is olfactory (smell) dysfunction. Signs and symptoms. Sinus surgery is a procedure that removes diseased tissue within the sinus cavities. The procedure may be necessary for people with recurrent sinusitis (sinus infection), sinus deformity, or abnormal growths in the sinuses for whom non-surgical treatments have failed. I never had any sinus or other nasal issues pre surgery. What is the treatment for a cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) leak? What causes post nasal discharge after sinus surgery? Rest in bed with your head elevated on two pillows and try ice packs on the nose and cheeks. Saline nasal irrigations. Postoperative Care Instructions: Nasal Saline Spray: Nasal saline mist spray can be used The type of surgery required will depend on the cause of your condition (surgery or trauma). The surgical success rate is good, however, complications may occur with any surgical procedure, especially those involving general anesthesia. While cerebrospinal fluid rhinorrhea is a rare condition, the complications (e.g. (Your sinuses create and drain up to a quart of mucus per day!) Headaches and toothaches are not unusual, and usually improve after removal of the stents in the nose. It’s important to understand the differences between each before deciding what’s best for you. Mucus coats the inside of the sinus cavity and traps infectious agents like bacteria, and then it … A chronically runny nose may be caused by sinus infections or allergies. It may be a thin clear fluid, thick mucus or something in between. Bloody Nose. Be sure to seek medical help as soon as you recognize the symptoms. Your surgeon can then remove correct whatever is obstructing your sinuses. Physicians typically suggest sinus surgery when there is an anatomical obstruction to your sinuses, like nasal polyps, cysts, or a deviated septum. The discharge is colorless and he has no symptoms of sinusitis, no sneezing or congestion. Your surgeon will likely prescribe antibiotics to fight infection as well as a care regiment that may include sinus rinses. 3. The surgeons (ENT and Neuro) say the surgery went very well and they did not see or suspect a CSF leak. Immediately after surgery, you will have drainage from your nose. Due to the damage of skull bone the CSF leaks through the nose. PACKING: Nasal […] The abnormal space that allows CSF to leak can be caused by: The exact incidence of CSF rhinorrhea is unknown but some studies have suggested that the rate of CSF rhinorrhea complications from sinus surgery is rare, only 0.5%. A clear drainage from the nose after a rhinoplasty is called rhinitis and is very common. There are several different types of procedures, including endoscopic surgery, open sinus surgery , and balloon sinusplasty. I have a foul odor on the same side of my nose as the sinus lift after surgery. If you're having trouble with sinus problems, you've come to the right place! Thank you, {{form.email}}, for signing up. After surgery, your nose will still be draining residual blood. The cold virus triggers inflammation in the lining of the nose. • hour at first, but this should reduce after the Your nose may be packed with a sponge or gauzefor the first day after surgery. However, in most cases, to cure cerebrospinal fluid rhinorrhea, surgery will be necessary. Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) leak: diagnosis and tests. The procedure involves using an endoscope (see below) to insert a balloon in the sinus cavity. Sinus drainage is constantly happening in your body. Traumatic CSF leaks from the nose can result after head injury and fracture of the base of the skull or as a complication after some surgeries. You should discuss the risk versus benefits of having the surgery with your doctor and follow any instructions they give you regarding fasting the day before and day of your surgery and any instructions on how you should take care of yourself after the procedure. You may notice a small amount of bright red bleeding which is normal and may continue through the first week. Depending on your situation, your doctor may also choose to perform an endoscopy. This involves using a tiny fiberoptic scope to visualize any abnormalities to the superior nasal cavity and cribriform plate. Do not be alarmed, because this is normal. It has been a week ... be the antibiotics. Sinusitis usually occurs after an upper respiratory tract infection, such as a cold. Runny nose after rhinoplasty - Could the surgery have caused this issue? Sinus surgery procedures are performed to widen the openings inside the nose that drain the sinuses. New York City, NY:Thieme Medical Publishers, Inc. Kuzniar TJ, Gruber B, Mutlu GM. If you had surgery, you should go to the surgeon that performed your procedure. If you are having the symptoms listed above, you should seek an evaluation by an otolaryngologist. He notes it is getting less but still not gone away. Following your surgeon’s post-op care instructions carefully is critical to ensuring a positive long-term outcome for your sinus drainage surgery. Its also commonly referred to as the smart sinus procedure. However, if you have not had nasal sinus surgery, you should obtain any CT scans or other radiographic images of your sinuses that you may have had in the past and take them to an ENT specialist for evaluation. Details of the surgery: Healthy patient being a former smoker 10 years ago. The extra fluid that’s produced can drain from your nose, down the back of your throat (postnasal drip), or both. The nose responds by producing discharge to try and clear the infection. The Caldwell-Luc operation aims to remove growths and improve sinus drainage. The surgery significantly improved my sinus drainage, but it didn’t solve my problems altogether. It creates a pathway between the nose and the cavity beneath the … Drainage will slow down after the first several days. Risks and complications of sinus surgery include unresolved infections, bleeding, and chronic nasal drainage. Without being able to ask you specifically what surgery you had, or other questions about what brings on the clear discharge, it will be difficult to give you any specifics to your situation. I suddenly started sneezing today (I was careful to sneeze through my mouth) but the mucus discharge has turned mostly clear (it … I had a Septoplasty, Turbinate Reduction and Endoscopic Sinus Surgery 5 days ago and until today I was confident my recovery was going normally. The first night after surgery, elevate your head with extra pillows or sleep in a recliner. It is unrealistic to expect that surgery will cure sinusitis, as the same processes which occurred prior to surgery will continue afterwards. In sinusitis, these channels become blocked because the sinus linings are inflamed (swollen). Here are some suggestions for taking care of your nose and sinuses after surgery: Keep your head elevated to help reduce bleeding and swelling after your operation. This is because the nasal airways are narrow, and even a small amount of swelling of the lining of the nose can cause a blocked nose. There is probably no reason to expect that this is anything other than normal drainage. It is common for the nose to be blocked for three weeks before the nasal airway begins to improve. 2005 Sep 1;128(3):1882-4. The surgeon then inflates the balloon rapidly in order to dislodge obstructions that prevent sinus. A gauze dressing will be placed on your upper lip to absorb this drainage. Clear drainage after sinus surgery . meningitis) can be serious and should not be taken lightly. Cerebrospinal fluid leak and meningitis associated with nasal continuous positive airway pressure therapy. Other testing that may be ordered by your doctor includes: If you have cerebrospinal fluid rhinorrhea, it is important for you to receive appropriate treatment to prevent meningitis (a sometimes very serious infection) or pneumocephalus (air in the cranial cavity). Nasal congestion It is important to realize that these symptoms also occur in many other, more common, conditions and should be eva… Premium Questions. A CSF leak is extremely uncommon but can occur. Your nose or the roof of your mouth is pale or starting to turn black. DRESSING: Light red to clear drainage from the nose is normal for 3-5 days following surgery. It smells like something rotten. There are two alternatives. Functional endoscopic sinus surgery (FESS) is a minimally invasive technique used to clear blockages in the sinuses and make breathing easier. It takes about 3-5 days to recover from surgery. Often, a clear runny nose can also be accompanied by other … Drainage will change to brown to clear mucous with old blood. what to take. The mucus produced by your sinuses usually drains into your nose through small channels. Steroid Nasal Sprays: If you were taking nasal steroid sprays prior to surgery you should avoid using these for at least 2 weeks after sinus surgery to allow the lining of the nose and sinuses to heal. He reports his nose running occasionally 2 or 3 times a day for short durations. Ⓒ 2021 About, Inc. (Dotdash) — All rights reserved. While there are dozens of specific kinds sinus drainage surgery, they typically fall into three categories: While the amount of risk varies surgery to surgery, all types of sinus drainage surgery typically share the same types of risks. Most sinus surgeries are performed as an outpatient so you can go home the day of surgery. While nasal mucus can have a variety … Drainage increases while leaning forward with head down 4. In order to keep your nose moist and prevent crusting you should use saline (salt water) to rinse your nose and sinuses. [box type=”info”]My Sinus Surgery – A few years ago, I underwent a balloon sinuplasty to treat my chronic sinus infections. The sinuses drain down the back of the throat and into the stomach. There are several different types of sinus surgery, many of which have low risks and high success rates. The doctor puts a thin tube into your nose. The drainage may run out of your nose, down the back of your throat or both. Often the nose is clear immediately after the operation, but gradually blocks up over the next few hours. If these don’t work by themselves, they may work well in conjunction with surgery. Nasal crusting after sinus surgery can slow the healing process. Kristin Hayes, RN, is a registered nurse specializing in ear, nose, and throat disorders for both adults and children. The most common symptom of CSF leak is drainage of clear and watery fluid through one or both sides of the nose. Lack of smell (anosmia)1 5. Headache 2. Handbook of Otolaryngology – Head and Neck Surgery. If you have the symptoms listed above, you should not delay an evaluation since CSF rhinorrhea can lead to serious complications. The terms "rhinorrhea" and "rhinitis" are often used to refer to a runny nose. ENT surgeons uses nasal endoscopes in most types sinus drainage surgery. He is an adjunct assistant professor at Mount Sinai Medical Center and NYU Medical Center. Your surgeon should be informed as he understands the extent of your surgery and how close he was to the cribiform plate. The outside gauze dressing may be removed or changed when soiled or saturated. MD. Rhinorrhea (runny nose) that is clear and watery may be the first sign of cerebrospinal fluid rhinorrhea.1 Other signs and symptoms may include: 1. They then guide the balloon to the blocked area inside your nose and inflates it. 2011. Goldenberg D, Goldstein BJ. Each time a … The dislodged tissue is then sucked out of the sinus cavity with an endoscope. Get a guided, two-week sinus cleanse with tips and secrets from an ENT. The technique may be limited to working inside the nose with a nasal endoscope, allowing your surgeon to clear blockages and obstructions with little damage to the surrounding tissue. Since CSF rhinorrhea caused by trauma has also declined been a week... be the antibiotics times day. Are not unusual, and chronic nasal drainage sinus linings are inflamed swollen! 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