One thing to keep in mind is that salt licks are not recommended for. Plants that are poisonous and you never want to feed them to your guinea pig are nearly all plants that come from bulbs… They are also related to good gut health, may protect your brain, and are suitable for bone health. Your guinea pig might whisper to you that apples are his favourite fruit. They are among the top choices that doctors and nutritional specialists recommend for you because of how healthy blueberries are. Furthermore, oranges exhibit protective properties against arthritis, asthma, and diabetes. No, orange juice is not recommended for guinea pigs. Rich in vitamins A, B complex, C, D, folate, and calcium. The key to having a healthy guinea pig is achieved by focusing on providing it with a balanced diet that can provide everything its little body requires. Make sure to gradually introduce foods to them instead of trying out a bunch at once to prevent diarrhea from happening. Ensuring you provide your guinea pig with whole peaches instead of unprocessed ones. Other benefits of this fruit include: Ensuring you provide your guinea pig with whole peaches instead of unprocessed ones, they improve heart health, aid digestion, and reduce allergies (which guinea pigs can get respiratory infections and allergies.) Can we, for example, feed guinea pigs tomatoes? Being extremely nutritious, apples provide a wide variety of benefits to your animal. Our advice is to indulge your guinea pig with occasional orange-based snacks that will really help improve their health. If you are proud to be the owner of a guinea pig, you know who I am referring to. Can guinea pigs eat peaches? You must understand that too much sugar is not good for your guinea pig. Other benefits to kiwi are: Guinea pigs benefit from papayas greatly because papayas help with any toothache they may have throughout their lives, as well as boosting the digestive health of your fur baby. This article is purely informative, at Shelterapet we do not have the right to prescribe veterinary treatments or make any type of diagnosis. With that being said, you may know a ton of vegetables for them to consume but may not quite know what type of fruits are safe for your little furballs to eat. So, do you know what [...], Who doesn't love these cute little furballs we call guinea pigs? Make sure to provide constant supervision while they are roaming around an enclosed room. They are also related to good gut health, may protect your brain, and are suitable for bone health. Known to be another excellent source of vitamin C, strawberries originated from Europe in the 18th century. Switch to the light mode that's kinder on your eyes at day time. While guinea pigs can eat a wide variety of vegetables and some plants and fruits to maintain a healthy lifestyle there are going to are those plants that you never want to feed them. Many owners have certainly asked [...], Guinea pigs are so small and fluffy, cute, and lovable! There are many great fruit options for guinea pigs, such as oranges, pears, peaches, apples, kiwi, and cucumbers. You will soon find out that it is their favorite thing to do and the quickest way to win their hearts. Your pig’s teeth are continually growing and providing many chews, such as sticks, balls, toys, blocks, or other treats made specifically for guinea pigs. Switch to the dark mode that's kinder on your eyes at night time. Guinea pigs can eat Asian pears. Apples, for example, are known to be among the healthiest foods in [...], Can guinea pigs eat oranges? Since guinea pigs like to be spoiled with various tasty treats, you have to ask yourself: “can guinea pigs eat peaches”? Good or Harmful. Any kid would love to have this playmate and we can sure see why! It is well known that guinea pigs are quite sensitive and cannot consume all types of food. It is a nutrient-dense food that provides vitamins A and C. CHECK IT OUT. Good or Harmful, Can guinea pigs eat pineapple? We encourage you to take your pet to the vet in case of any kind of discomfort. Another rich in antioxidant fruit, blueberries, are very beneficial to your guinea pigs’ health. Just don’t overdo it on fruit. This fruit is the modest cousin of the apple and has very similar properties. As briefly mentioned above, provide more vegetables than fruit, but it is okay to give them fruit daily, but, Being extremely nutritious, apples provide a wide variety of benefits to your animal. Cause constipation, bloating, or gassiness. Not only that, but this fruit is good for the heart and is linked to low-risk diabetes, which guinea pigs rarely have. Depending on where you live you likely have access to a range of different veggies in your house and might be wondering which … The downside is that with these animals we have to be very careful about what to feed them. With pellets, you have to be careful about giving, but guinea pigs are okay with eating hay all day. On top of oranges containing vitamin C, they also provide. Consequently, we recommend that you limit portions of oranges and feed them to the pet only occasionally as a treat to keep the pet’s sugar intake under control. Can Guinea Pigs See In The Dark? Small slices of oranges once or twice a week should be fine. Passionate about animals, Amanda draws her expertise from her training as an educator, canine behaviorist as well as her extensive experience with animal owners. As we are talking about, the fruit is essential in a guinea pig’s diet, but overall, they WILL need to be provided more vegetables than fruit due to higher amounts of natural sugars. I, Another rich in antioxidant fruit, blueberries, are very beneficial to your guinea pigs’ health. A happy pet is a healthy pet, so if you want to preserve your pet’s health, make dietary changes slowly and gradually. As briefly mentioned above, provide more vegetables than fruit, but it is okay to give them fruit daily, but a cup per guinea pig a day is more than plenty to keep them going. It is yet another food that promotes gut health and has high amounts of fiber in the skin. They are known to be very beneficial for heart health and help to maintain blood sugar levels. Despite many people’s beliefs, cucumbers are a fruit, not a vegetable because it allows a flowering plant to reproduce and hold seeds, which most vegetables do not. When introducing a new ingredient to your pet’s diet, it is important to gradually get used to it with tiny portions, while carefully supervising the pet’s reactions to the new food. Regulates body temperature and alkaline levels. Much attention must be paid to their care to avoid any health problems. However, a wide range of these are high in sugar and therefore need to be served sparingly. The preferred basic diet for guinea pigs is unlimited amounts of Timothy or other low-calcium hay, supplemented with smaller amounts of a commercial, high-fiber, Timothy-hay based guinea pig pellets. Orange peels contain high levels of vitamin C as well, so providing small amounts of this ingredient is a good idea. I love animals and can’t wait to help you with your journey of discovering your first or helping you care for a house full. And best of all, your furry pet will be absolutely grateful for the delicious treat, that’s for sure! My goal with this site is to help someone find a great pet to start with, or help you find answers to questions about your current pet. Like we have toxic foods to avoid for ourselves, many foods can be harmful to guinea pigs, and we should make it a point not to give. Subscribe my Newsletter for new blog posts, tips & new photos. Realistically, we can go on and on about blueberries, but if you would like to know more information, there is plenty of. Not only that, but papayas have cancer-fighting properties and are effective in treating Coccidiosis, which is intestinal worms. You have many fruits to choose from, too: strawberries, oranges, raspberries, blueberries, watermelon, papaya and mango are all rich in vitamin C. Guinea pigs love the taste of these fruits, too. Apples are. Although you want to get into the nitty-gritty, the first and foremost thing to look at is what they can eat. Read on to find out more about this topic. Pears are initially from China and Asia. Known to be another excellent source of vitamin C, strawberries originated from Europe in the 18th century. -Oranges are okay, but only a small slice every 3 days because it's highly acidic and can give your guinea pig mouth sores.-Strawberries are a fruit they can eat. Before serving oranges to your pet, it is important to wash the fruit thoroughly with plenty of water. Now let us dig into what kind of fruit they can consume and the benefits each one has, shall we? These flavorful fruits contain high levels of healthy fiber that help lower cholesterol levels and regulate blood sugar. The rest of guinea pig’s diet should a variety of fresh greens, some fruits and veggies, lots of fresh clean water, herbs, and edible flowers. This applies to any fruit. Switch to the light mode that's kinder on your eyes at day time. The richness of vitamin C makes oranges great for boosting your pet’s immunity and provides protection from the damaging effects of free radicals. But here is a list of foods to steer clear of: In summary, make sure you are providing your cavy with a cup full of fresh produce every day, avoiding the foods mentioned above, and what other nourishments can be provided for them will ensure a long and happy life for your guinea pig! It contains a lot of sugar. Being herbivores, vegetables make up a large part portion of a guinea pigs diet, alongside high quality hay, pellets and other fresh food including fruit. Oranges are a good source of vitamin C for your guinea pigs, but like most fruits they also contain natural sugar. While fresh fruits and vegetables are great additions to your furry pet’s diet since they are full of vitamins and minerals. This fruit is one of the best antioxidant fruits. If abrupt changes are made to the diet, then your pet may be overwhelmed and suffer from indigestion, stomach pain, and diarrhea. (which guinea pigs can get respiratory infections and allergies.) (adsbygoogle=window.adsbygoogle||[]).push({}); Guinea pigs are fluffy, loving, and are always chewing on something. They are known to be very beneficial for heart health and help to maintain blood sugar levels. Realistically, we can go on and on about blueberries, but if you would like to know more information, there is plenty of research available out there. Required fields are marked *. However, each ingredient should be given in moderation and the same principle applies to oranges as well. But like most fruit, because it contains sugar, limit it to a couple times a week. Apples are a great source of fiber from their skin, water, antioxidants, and other nutrients. This savory fruit is one of the most delicious of the cold season, and best of all, it’s full of vitamin C. But, can you share it with your favorite furry animal? It is also easy to digest, anti-inflammatory and lowers the risk of diabetes. If you notice severe reactions, we advise you to inform your veterinarian for professional treatment. Atemoya: yes: The atemoya is a hybrid between the cherimoya fruit and the sugar apple. By using this form you agree with the storage and handling of your data by this website. Indeed, guinea pigs can eat oranges without a doubt. He can enjoy a small piece daily, sliced off the core, although he cannot eat the seeds. More: 10 Important Tips for Caring for Guinea Pigs Good or Harmful, Can guinea pigs eat pears? They are low in calories but highly nutritious by reducing DNA damage, protecting cholesterol levels, lowers blood pressure, and may prevent heart disease. So, next time you buy some oranges, just save a few pieces for your guinea pig. “Guinea pigs can’t make their own vitamin C, so it must be in their diet [through fruits like] strawberries,” says Dr. Williams. Your email address will not be published. And let’s face it, who doesn’t love to spoil their pets? Asparagus: Yes: Guinea pigs can eat asparagus. They are low in calories but highly nutritious by reducing DNA damage, protecting cholesterol levels, lowers blood pressure, and may prevent heart disease. Good or Harmful, Negatives about feeding guinea pigs with oranges, Introduce oranges into your guinea pig’s diet. Guinea Pig Eating Apple. It is uncommon for domestic cavies to get asthma, but kiwi can help treat it. You should also remove the seeds, as they can pose a choking hazard and can pose a risk to your pet. (Vision At night), How To Tame a Guinea Pig (Step by Step Guide). Who doesn't love guinea pigs? I look forward to providing you with the proper tips, products, and helpful information so you can make the best decisions for you and our small friends! Your guinea pig will appreciate how this citrus fruit provides it with the much-needed amount of vitamin C. It’s also a great way to keep your little furball busy. The recommended vegetables provide vitamins and minerals necessary to a guinea pig’s health. If you are concerned about the core and seeds of guinea pigs to eat, know that they are all perfectly safe for them, but if you can somehow manage to find unwaxed apples, that will be much better for them, and ourselves, in the long run. “[Fruit] is also high in sugar, so use in moderation,” says Dr. Williams. It’s also possible to feed your furry pet with orange peels, as long as you don’t give too much. If you are the proud owner of a guinea pig, you already surely know how much company they can be. I’m Ken. Thinking of tasty new treats, many guinea pig owners may wonder – can guinea pigs eat oranges? Some of my favorites are, hamsters, Bichon Frise puppies, and Cockatiels. *. CHECK IT OUT. While oranges are an excellent source of vitamin C and essential minerals, large quantities can have harmful effects. Now that we have the basics out of the way, there are plenty of fruit options you can give to your fur animal. Whether it be a fruit or vegetable, the most important thing to take in today is providing our pigs with healthy snacks, meaning their lives will be better off for it. There are many substances a domestic cavy should not eat for numerous amount of reasons, such as: With that being said, never offer your guinea pig grass, flowers, or plants from outside or inside of the home, as they may contain pesticides or other hazardous chemicals from the soil. Oranges are recommended because they are rich in vitamin C. Serving your furry pets small amounts of oranges from time to time will strengthen their little body with a large amount of vitamin C. Oranges also protect your pet from regular diseases of which guinea pigs suffer like arthritis and immobility. He will also enjoy a strawberry or a bit of orange occasionally, although too much citrus fruit is hard on him. The most important thing to keep in mind is that domestic cavies need a lot of vitamin C in their food to stay away from a deficiency, called scurvy, so make sure it contains a lot of this particular vitamin to avoid this issue. Guinea pigs can benefit from eating oranges, with the primary substance being vitamin C. Guinea pigs need 10 to 30 mg a day unless they are deficient in it, which in that case, they will need 50 mg every day. As you can see, there are many benefits to apples, and the best part is that getting a 3-pound bag is only a few dollars and will last you much more than just a few days for your pig. Pears are initially from China and Asia. After you have carefully extracted the seeds, cut the fruit into small pieces to make it easier to chew. As nasty as it is, guinea pigs eating their feces is normal. Good or Harmful, Cat Breeds That Get Along With Other Cats, Can Dogs Eat pork cracklings? They are among the top choices that doctors and nutritional specialists recommend for you because of how healthy blueberries are. As you can see, there are many benefits to apples, and the best part is that getting a 3-pound bag is only a few dollars and will last you much more than just a few days for your pig. Providing hay at all times helps your guinea pig get fiber and has a low to moderate calorie content. These fruits are at the low end of the middle range when it comes to sugar content. These cute, cute and sensitive little furballs are great pets to have. Pelleted food can provide a little snack too, but aim for less than about 1/8 cup daily for an adult cavy. If you're worried about whether or not [...], Many people love pears since they are delicious and healthy fruit, but can guinea pigs eat pears? A happy pet is a healthy pet. In doing this, it will keep them both well-fed and provide enough nutrients for their bodies. A specialist in dog and cat behavior, Amanda continues to learn about our four-legged companions by studying veterinary reference books but also university research sites (UCD, Utrecht, Cambridge, Cornell, etc..), Your email address will not be published. It is highly recommended for someone with cancer, which guinea pigs can get at an older age. Most of us know that guinea pigs are herbivores, which means they love eating fruits and vegetables, and lots of it! Plants they eat may not wholly break down the first time they go through their system, so they eat their cecotropes to upkeep their diet better. Oranges have an epic measure of vitamin C in it which is a fundamental piece of a guinea pigs diet. Studies have shown that providing papaya powder was effective against this issue in 25 broiler chickens. Pay attention to any changes in behavior and excrement. The most important thing to keep in mind is that domestic cavies need a lot of vitamin C in their food to stay away from a deficiency, called scurvy, so make sure it contains a lot of this particular vitamin to avoid this issue. Make sure there are no harmful ingredients to your animal’s goodies, like many dog treats. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Obsessed with small pets. Now that we have the basics out of the way, there are plenty of fruit options you can give to your fur animal. Make sure to wash any fresh produce off thoroughly before giving it to them. Let's stay updated! Your furry pet can definitely enjoy the great health benefits that oranges provide. It is essential to note this because some pet owners may believe that guinea pigs can only have the basics and avoid health issues, like obesity, diarrhea, kidney, heart, and liver diseases. They like to spend time with their owners and [...], Wondering if guinea pigs can eat pineapple is a valid concern. Also, it is better not to exceed the established citrus limit as they can lead to stomach upset. Switch to the dark mode that's kinder on your eyes at night time. Knowing this information, cucumbers are very hydrating, aid weight loss, and promote hair growth. There are many great fruit options for guinea pigs, such as oranges, pears, peaches, apples, kiwi, and cucumbers. It also provides extra hydration, is a good source of fiber, prevents anemia, and excellent heart health. This is a question we are going to focus our attention on in this article. Having a wide variety of foods to eat can keep your guinea pig happy and occupied, too. (read more). This particular fruit is rich in many vitamins and minerals as well. Another downside to oranges is their acidic nature which can cause stomach pain or indigestion in your pet. On top of oranges containing vitamin C, they also provide potassium, folate, thiamine, or vitamin B1. Feeding your little pet large portions of oranges will only cause stomach problems, indigestion, and diarrhea. In addition, they are rich in vitamin A, B1, and important minerals including potassium, calcium, and copper. This particular fruit is rich in many vitamins and minerals as well. In conclusion, oranges are excellent natural delicacies for the guinea pig. This fruit is the modest cousin of the apple and has very similar properties. They contain vitamin B9, antioxidants, manganese, and potassium. One of the downsides associated with an orange diet for guinea pigs is their high sugar content. But it is also true that there are certain types of fruits and vegetables that are allowed to be part of their diet. These are specifically designed to provide a high-vitamin C diet and other nutrients, such as fiber, protein, and fats. It is highly recommended for someone with cancer, which guinea pigs can get at an older age. Good or Harmful, Can guinea pigs eat apples? Good or Harmful, Can guinea pigs eat tomatoes?

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