The NBME shelf exams were originally scaled to a mean of 70 and a standard deviation of 8. This is a hard shelf and very broad. Case Files: Only took the major points from each chapter. Flashcards. November 22, 2016. Family Medicine is infamous for being really difficult. At the end, I’ll also review resources I used to prepare for the Family Medicine NBME shelf exam. STUDY. Shelf exams are where med students in their MS3 taking clinical rotations get examined and assessed of their mastery and practical application of medical knowledge within the actual clinical setting.. It helps to have this later on in the year; if that’s not possible, just do your best with OnlineMedEd videos and learn USPSTF guidelines. For the family medicine rotation, however, I found the text to be quite good. Created by. Test. Attempt to finish the text in the first 2-2.5 weeks of the rotation. jinalibby. In this episode, I continue our comprehensive review series for the NBME Family Medicine Shelf Exam with a focus on GI. Match. NBME Family Medicine Shelf Exam Review Questions and Practice Tests 1600 challenging Family Medicine Shelf Board Review Questions targeted for use during clerkship rotations. NBME Family Medicine Shelf Exam Prep and Readiness. the Family Medicine NBME has two reported scores, one for the Core (C) exam and one for the Core + Chronic Care + Musculoskeletal exam (CCM). The higher of these two scores is used to determine the student grade. How do you interpret a shelf exam score? Our Family Medicine practice questions are written by faculty from top 5 programs, and also sourced from leading publishers. If after IM, then don't need to do as many questions and can just do ExamGuru. The actual average in a given year has tended to creep up and is usually somewhere in the low-to-mid 70s. The NBME is a lot harder if you are taking it before Internal Medicine. Family medicine is a broad specialty that encompasses so many different areas. PLAY. Keep in mind, this is not recalculated every year.The actual average in a given year has tended to creep up and is usually somewhere in the low-to-mid 70s. Learn. Family Medicine shelf NBME. The Shelf Exams are a series of subject-specific standardized tests that are administered after the completion of certain clerkship rotations during the third year of medical school. Clerkship Periods 1-2 Periods 3-4 Periods 5-6 Family Medicine is a module that is required by nearly every program that participates in NBME testing. It was nice to have a textbook (e.g., to read about patients before the next day and know what to ask for the next day), but I doubt it helped much for the shelf. More episodes to come in the very near future. This podcast represents a HY discussion of topics pertinent to the esophagus, stomach, duodenum, and pancreas. Write. Family Medicine Overview & NBME Shelf Exam. It is officially licensed by the same body that administers the United States Medical Licensing Exam (USMLE), the National Board of Medical Examiners (NBME). The liver and biliary tree were discussed in Series 3. Feel free to email me at with questions, or leave a comment below! Spell. Again if you’re looking for something simple, to the point, and relatively short, Case Files is a great addition. Keep in mind, this is not recalculated every year. Family Medicine NBME Subject Exam The Family Medicine Shelf exam differs from other Clerkship exams in that it is difficult to suggest one resource that covers everything that may be on the exam. Gravity. During the later years of Medical School, clinical clerkship exams (or shelf exams) are given by the NBME to ascertain readiness. This post is an overview of a typical day during my Family Medicine rotation. OME: Followed the family medicine outline found here as an initial overview.